Top 10 Heroic Redemptions of Movie Villains

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well that's certainly one way to win over an audience hey guys it's Phoebe with WatchMojo today we're counting down our picks for the top ten heroic redemptions of movie villains both Moo's brother even for me we're taking a look at the most dramatic and moving villain redemption moments on the big screen warning spoilers ahead let's get to it you look like Mary Poppins is he cool hell yeah he's cool Papa's Oh number 10 red kills preacher and saves Caesar war for the Planet of the Apes red is a major antagonist throughout much of war for the Planet of the Apes having defected to the humans despite their cruel and humiliating treatment of apes promise you really he'd previously cited with Koba against Caesar and his hate for the noble chimpanzee leader continues to drive him however Caesar his words slowly begin to have an effect on him and in the final battle as the humans shoot down the escaping Apes he heroically saved Caesars life by blowing away the human soldier preacher with a grenade launcher he pays with his life but his death isn't in vain his sacrifice allows Caesar to live which in turn saves the entire troop number nine Mad Dog shoots Wong hard-boiled at first Mad Dog seems like just another loyal trade henchman willing to do anything for his boss Johnny Wong however during the movie's epic finale Mad Dog and undercover cop Alan find themselves in a standoff with an innocent group of hospital patients caught in the middle in an act of Honor Mad Dog lowers his weapon along with Alan proving that the henchman has some limits and a heart unfortunately that's when his boss decides to enter and shoot through the patients prompting Mad Dog to angrily turn on him Mad Dog is gunned down but at least he did the right thing in the end number 8 Salim let's la tikka go free Slumdog Millionaire [Music] Punda Salim might be the brother of Slumdog Millionaire protagonist Jamal but he's not nearly as noble he allows Latika to be captured by gangster McMunn which results in her being raised in slavery he then joins the ranks of crime Lord Javed and continues to keep Latika away from Jamal thankfully in the end seeing lattic has feelings for Jamal he regrets his misdeeds and helps lot-ek escape after what I've done he's in turn killed by Javed's men for his betrayal the moody lighting an impressive editing of the scene help make Salim sacrifice all the more powerful [Music] number seven mystique saves Nixon from Magneto and spares Trask x-men Days of Future past Raven please do not make us the enemy today look around you we already are throughout the original x-men trilogy mystique is a remorseless killer but Days of Future past shows that it's never too late to change well as long as you have time travel she sends Bishop back in time no just his consciousness into his younger self his younger body well as Professor X explains in the dystopian 2023 of the original timeline Mystique's assassination of military scientist Boliver Trask in 1973 doomed mutants to persecution however after Wolverine travels back in time to stop her mystique ends up saving President Nixon from Magneto and dropping her vendetta against Trask instead [Music] by doing so she helps to create a new improved time line and by extension a new mystique number six jaws switches Allegiance Moonraker mortality and most Bond movies is pretty black and white bond is the cool suave hero pitted against an egomaniacal world destroying villain maybe I misjudged Stromberg any man who drinks Dom Perignon 52 can't be all bad so it was a breath of fresh air when Moonraker and leader of view to a kill challenged that trope by having a major villain switch sides jaws a brute with steel teeth first appeared to great acclaim in The Spy Who Loved me as a main antagonist his popularity resulted in him returning for Moonraker where he finds love and joins the good guys after he and his love interest dollar targeted for extermination and of course anyone not measuring up to your standards of physical perfection will be exterminated certainly interesting who know that even Bond villains are capable of personal growth jaws you obey me experiment number 5 yondu saves star-lord guardians of the galaxy vol 2 you may have been your father boy buddy run your daddy he's the space pirate with a heart of gold well a heart anyway you said you were gonna eat introduced in the first guardians of the galaxy is Peter Quill's unprincipled father figure yondu turned out to have hidden depths in the sequel as audiences learn after quills father ego sent yondu to collect quill on earth yondu decided to raise the boy instead saving him from the fate of egos other children his affection for quill results in him facing off against not only his mutinous crew but also ego himself just as ego explodes in the finale in swoops yondu to save his adoptive son rescuing quill at the cost of his own life number four batty saves Deckard Blade Runner I've seen Rutger Hauer Roy batty is a complicated villain a nexus 6 replicant baddie has entered earth illegally and it's up to Deckard to retire him on one hand all baddie wants is an extension of his all-too-brief life we're stupid on the other he does some extremely villainous things like killing sebastian and crushing Tyrells skull at the climax of the movie Roy shows his good intentions by saving Deckard before delivering one of the most famous and touching speeches in cinema history it's a beautifully dramatic moment making us question both what makes a hero and a human all those moments will be lost in time like tears and ranked number three Doctor Octopus sinks the reactor spider-man to you one spoke to me about intelligence that it was a gift to be used for the good of mankind spider-man 2 is considered to be one of the greatest superhero movies ever and that's in no small part thanks to touching moments like this throughout much of the movie Octavius attempts to locate tritium for his reactor resorting to methods that include robbing banks kidnapping Mary Jean and delivering Peter to Harry however the climax of the movie sees Octavia is forcing his arms to obey Him and sacrificing himself for the city by sinking the reactor he's right listen [Music] listen to me now while many films employ the repentant villain trope few have done it as successfully and as dramatically as this spider-man 2's climax is full of spectacular action and thoughtful character work making it one for the ages number two Nux blocks the convoy Mad Max fury road this movie which is 99% action somehow manages to find time for a surprising amount of character development Nux begins the movie as one of immortan joe's war boys and wants nothing more than to use max as a blood bag I just need to top up there's no time we take my blood back we take my blood back into the Lance's touch he then begins a journey of redemption by joining up with the war rig clan however his redemption is given the most dramatic haft when he sacrifices himself to block the canyon from Joe's convoy allowing his allies to safely return to the Citadel he finally got to sacrifice himself and for a Cause actually worth dying for we witness eunuchs [Music] Nux definitely started out as like the most annoying and strange character ever but he ended up being kind of a good dude before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable mentions we don't have the tesseract it was destroyed on us god [Music] for Asgard before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you'll have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Darth Vader kills the Emperor Star Wars Episode six Return of the Jedi even the darkest villains can still have good in them Darth Vader's redemption is easily one of the most famous examples of a movie villain coming back to the light and for good reason Skywalker you will die while watching his son suffering at the hands of the Emperor Vader's conscience gets the best of him and he hoists the Emperor over his head before throwing him down the Death Star's reactor shaft the way this scene is shot and edited beautifully showcases Vader's thought process using lighting close-ups and music without a single word of dialogue it's a fantastic scene and has earned its place in cinema history I'll not leave you here I've got to save you already [Music] our number-one entry leaves me with one question is Darth Vader a sweetheart let us know in the comments or tweet me at Phoebe underscore WM and check out this video [Music]
Views: 221,909
Rating: 4.8877978 out of 5
Keywords: movie villain redemptions, movie redemption arcs, movies about redemption, villains who sacrificed themselves, movie villains, villain sacrifices, villains who changed sides, villains who became good guy, villains who saved the hero, heroic villains, villains who became heroes, darth vader kills the emperor, darth vader death scene, yondu saves starlord, red saves caesar, roy bladerunner speech, doctor octopus spider-man, marvel, movies, film, top 10, list, watchmojo, watch mojo
Id: gLnvO4aco48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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