Top 10 Failed McDonald’s Products

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McDonald's always likes to keep on top of our food eating habits and they constantly come up with new products to keep the customers happy however while many of their products work to great effect some really don't and become infamous as a stain on the fast-food world with that in mind here are the top 10 failed McDonald's products make Africa we kick things off with one of their biggest disasters ever unlike other entries on this list the reason the McCaffrey Kafei l-- wasn't because of the food itself beef served with cheese and salad and then wrapped in a pita sandwich actually sounds pretty good and normally this item would be a great addition to the mcdonald's menus however the reason the McCaffrey Kafei 'ls so badly was mainly because of the name and the marketing campaign that is a dumb stupid dumb idea given the fact that poverty and famine were at their height in Africa at the time people didn't like the idea of stuffing their faces with a sandwich named after a starving continent the backlash was so bad that not only did McDonald's pull this item from their menus and apologize for it they actually added donation boxes for famine relief in most of their restaurants unfortunately McDonald's didn't learn their lesson and to help with the promotion of the 2008 Olympics they rereleased the item to do the exact same thing again switching the pita bread for a more traditional bun they renamed it the McCaffrey qey with a C instead of a K as you can imagine people were still unhappy with McDonald's choice of the name and advertising campaign and the item was pulled once again just when I think you couldn't possibly be any dumber well McDonald's ever learn hotdog when it comes to fast food items there are a few products which are staples that we simply can't do without like burgers fries fried chicken pizzas and San which is however there is one item that is hugely popular with many of us but a lot of fast food chains avoid serving them as much as possible and that is the humble hot dog while hotdogs are consumed by millions all around the world McDonald's never put hotdogs on their menus in the early days you would think that hotdogs would be a perfect fit you can prepare them quickly store them safely and they are cheap the reason for the lack of hot dogs on the McDonald's menu was all down to Ray Kroc the fast-food legend didn't like hot dogs at all he thought they were unhygenic and didn't fit the McDonald's image even though many people pushed for it doing eventually after Ray Kroc had passed away McDonald's did release a hot dog and regardless of the seemingly low risk the hotdogs didn't do well at all despite the popularity of hot dogs and the fact that McDonald's can sell them cheaply the mick hotdogs didn't take off McDonald's kept trying to make us fall in love with their hotdogs re releasing them every now and again but to no avail apparently the McDonald's loving public would rather stick to their burgers arch deluxe what I want to do it my way classy and sophisticated one of the more appealing things about fast-food restaurants is that they are very family friendly however despite McDonald's being incredibly successful for families and young children they decided to try and up their image by creating a menu just for adults no kids allowed the jewel and their adult crown was the arch Deluxe burger this burger was designed with only adults in mind and it used grown-up and sophisticated flavors the arch deluxe was a quarter pounder with peppered bacon lettuce tomato cheese onions ketchup and a secret sauce the burger itself wasn't too different from what had come before but the real downfall of the arch deluxe was the marketing campaign the commercials actually showed kids making yucky faces at the new arch deluxe burger they even had Ronald McDonald turning his hands to more adult games such as golf the whole campaign was a complete disaster as everyone was turned off the result was one of the most expensive mistakes in McDonald's history and actually caused the company to take a long hard look at themselves and make some big staff changes make ratan croquette let's put another shrimp on the barbie designed more for the Japanese market than for the US the mick rattan croquette consisted of deep fried macaroni shrimp and mashed potato shrimp and potatoes shrimp burger sandwich which was then served on a bed of cabbage and stuffed into a bun the combination of ingredients alone is enough to put anyone off the mick rattan croquette and in fact the number one complaint about this product was the taste as many people didn't like the idea of potato macaroni and bread together the texture alone screams mushy the other reason was that the marketing from the mick rattan croquette didn't really set the world on fire and no one rushed to their local McDonald's to try this new item however given the failure of this product it surprisingly does still pop up from time to time and some Japanese McDonald's mcdlt during the 1980s McDonald's thought they had a problem houston we have a problem they thought that sometimes people didn't like all the ingredients in their burgers do you want these I hate olives McDonald's thought they could fix this problem and improve sales by having people build their own burgers and gave us the mcdlt the idea with this burger was at the warm sections of the burger such as the meat patty were kept separate from the cold sections the boost ha cool stays crisp the salad the sauce and the cheese not only could you build your own burger and leave out the bits you didn't want but it was also meant to keep the separate parts fresher for longer I like to keep it fresh I like to live it up I like to mix it up the idea didn't really catch on as people didn't really want to assemble their own fast food meal but the main reason the mcdlt didn't work was due to the packaging as the world was moving towards a more environmentally conscious society people had issues with the giant Styrofoam containers McDonald's was using to serve their mcdlt because of this mcdonald's struggled to promote this product and it was eventually pulled from their menus McLobster the sandwich itself consisted of lobster meat and lettuce shoved into a hot dog bun which may sound fancy for a fast food chain but it didn't look very appealing I'm very sick from lobster one of the main reasons people were turned off by the McLobster was its price because of the lobster content this sandwich was truly overpriced compared to any other sandwich or burger on the Mickey D's menu the other reason for its failure was that it's difficult to keep seafood fresh while maintaining good quality and fast service although the McLobster bombed in most places it is still available in some maritime Canadian McDonald's locations and even in certain parts of Maine usually coinciding with lobster fishing season maybe the McLobster can work in those places but for the rest of us the mick lobster was a big no thank you kula burger that's that Hawaiian burger joint while Ray Kroc was a fast-food legend he also had his bad ideas and failures see we all make mistakes the hula burger was one of the biggest flops to happen to the golden arches chain during the 1960's McDonald's had really started to take over the fast-food world however there was one group of people that McDonald's couldn't seem to accommodate on a certain day of the week and that was the devout Catholic population as Catholics couldn't eat meat on Fridays why don't Catholics eat meat on Fridays McDonald's decided to come up with a meat-free burger in order to please the religious group two products were pitted against each other the hula burger and the fillet of fish while the fillet of fish took off and is still a popular choice today ray crocks hula burger ban the hula burger was essentially a cheeseburger but instead of the meat patty a slice of grilled pineapple was topped with cheese and served in a bun that sounds like a fantastic idea we have no idea why Ray Kroc thought this was a winning idea but it resulted in one of the biggest failures in McDonald's history Nick pizza another popular food that McDonald's tried to add to their menus was pizza on the surface selling pizza should have been a safe bet I like pizza everyone likes pizza after all pizza is a billion dollar industry and even the bad pizza chains seem to make money so surely McDonald's could grab even a small percentage of that business couldn't they well the simple answer is no the best thing to do is just stick with watching now they rolled out the mick pizza with a huge marketing campaign they even redesigned a lot of their restaurants to be able to add pizza ovens and wider drive-through windows to make passing pizzas to customers possible without having to tilt and twist the box I changed who I was for you however all that advertising and mass redesigning was a big waste of time as the mick pizza was a big failure one of the biggest problems with mcdonald's selling pizza was that it just took too long to cook people had gotten used to the speed of which they could get their mcdonald's meal and they just weren't willing to wait for a pizza to be prepared but when it comes down to it the main reason for the mick pizza fail was that when people wanted pizza they tended to go to one of the many pizza chains rather than McDonald's McDonald's is best when they stick to what's made them what they are burgers and fries mix spaghetti it's a spaghetti dinner but we don't make spaghetti not too long ago McDonald's trying to change their image a little and they wanted to encourage people to stay in their restaurants for a longer and have an actual dining experience let's just all try and enjoy our dinner rather than just grabbing their food and leaving with that in mind McDonald's came out with their dinner menus the pasta dishes McDonald's experimented with were lasagna spaghetti with meatballs and fettuccine alfredo the problem the public had with McDonald's introducing a dinner menu to their restaurants was that they had spent decades building up a reputation for great fast food fast food good food quickly no one wanted to eat a slowed down dinner at their local McDonald's the dinner menu failed so badly the whole idea was quickly scrapped and never mentioned again around the world McDonald's is trying to bring out the odd item from the dinner menu but people still aren't that interested in eating pasta or pizzas and a McDonald's maclean deluxe with the addition of many fat free products salads and vegetable options as well as the recent surge in meat free burgers and beyond meat products fast food chains are starting to get the healthy side of eating right however it wasn't too long ago that the idea of a healthy fast food option was strange and even crazy you can't have both of them you have to pick one back in the early 1990s particularly after the huge success of products like diet coke McDonald's tried to get in on the fat-free and sugar-free markets that were gaining steam why does everyone have to go on a diet with the introduction of the McClean deluxe this burger was advertised as over 90% fat-free and as a healthy alternative to more traditional fast food items the burger itself looked like a regular McDonald's burger however in order to make this a virtually fat-free option McDonald's replaced Mo the fat with water go ahead water it down some more this in itself caused the first problem as the burger patties wouldn't hold their shape because there was no fat to bind them together McDonald's solution to this was to inject the patties with carrageenan which is a type of seaweed often used in the food industry as a thickening agent although this did help to mold and hold the burger patties together it did nothing for the taste people were soon turned off from the fat-free mickalene deluxe and it was never seen again luckily McDonald's did learn their lesson from this failure and nowadays they have much better tasting healthy options on their menu for the more health-conscious Mickey D's fans out there tap that screen for more great videos here for the first time then hit that subscribe button and ring that bell to join our notification squad
Channel: BabbleTop
Views: 434,742
Rating: 4.8312144 out of 5
Keywords: top 10 failed mcdonald’s products, failed mcdonald's menu items you won't believe existed, mcdonald’s, mcdonalds, fast food, mcdonald's, mcdonalds menu, mcdonalds food, mcdonald, restaurant, mcafrika, mcafrica, mchotdog, arch deluxe, mcgratin croquette, mcdlt, mclobster, hula burger, mcpizza, mcpasta, mcspaghetti, mclean deluxe, mcdonald's food, discontinued mcdonalds menu items, failed products, failed menu items, mcds, mcdonald’s products, fast food fails, list, top 10, babbletop, babble top
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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