Top 10 EXTREMELY Valuable Items You May Own (Rare Items You Might Own)

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what's up everyone and welcome back to Nexus it's a modern pipe dream that you'll randomly stumble across something worth millions of dollars in your own home which you can easily part ways with and become rich and start living the easy life a bit like people whose happiness relies on their hope that one day they'll win the lottery and will have to work anymore but how often do dreams like this actually succeed watch this video to find out ten extremely rare and valuable items you may have in your own home if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get new content similar to this every day also make sure to comment down below letting us know which was your favorite and for this video let's see if we can hit the golden like button which is a thousand likes so make sure to drop a like down below number 10 if you are born after 2005 you may not actually know what a VHS tape is because it's a little before that when they were replaced by DVDs which were succeeded by blu-rays and now we have digital downloads in place of all of these but did you know that some old VHS tapes are actually worth a pretty penny the issue with these valuable tapes is that they're from unpopular films that were not mass-produced so in the old Disney movies you have in your attic probably aren't even worth more than a couple of cents even more interesting than that is that most of these films are also horror movies which are also rare because they were banned upon their release the list includes classics nobody has ever heard of like the gallery of horror proclaimed by its posters to be the world's weirdest movie although the original 1981 the Evil Dead is also on this list [Music] number nine it's pretty ironic that misprinted and discontinued coins are often worth more than actual coins themselves some of these rare coins include a second world war penny made of steel which is allegedly worth ten dollars a quarter made of silver printed from 1932 to 1964 which is worth 65 a quarter from Kansas that reads in god we trust' instead of in god we trust' because of a grease smudge messing up the pressing machine worth $100 a half-dollar with Benjamin Franklin on it rather than John F Kennedy worth 125 and finally the priciest a 2004 Wisconsin quarter that could land you up to $300 from the right buyer there's all sorts of rare coins aside from those though like ones made in the UK to commemorate special events like the Olympics meaning it's always useful to keep unusual or discontinued currency number eight who knew that some day Pokemon trading cards from the 2000s would be worth more than putting a smile on a kid's face when they got their favourite one well maybe waiting for them to be worth something is the reason so many people collected them because these days you can get a decent amount of money selling those cards to proper collectors and online auctions lots of the foil cards are worth around $30 going up to 154 gold star cards then if you have the full set up all 18 southern island cards from way back when with the original collectible folder - you can get almost 300 dollars per card but none of those have anything on the most valuable pokemon card the Pikachu illustrator cards from 1998 which can be sold for $100,000 in mint condition and still for half that if they're damaged there are only five in existence number seven anyone who has ever laughed at the parody character Comic Book Guy and The Simpsons will know that to the right people original comic books can be worth tens of thousands of dollars and even more than that in sentimental value to some people the episode where Homer buys a mint-condition copy of spider-man number one and tears out the pages and eats them springs to mind but what are the most valuable comics in the world and how much do they really go for well Action Comics number one Superman's first ever comic is the most valuable comic ever sold and it went for almost 1.4 million dollars some slightly less valuable comics are Detective Comics number 27 the first which featured Batman and went for only 10,000 less than Superman's debut well the first ever Marvel comic Marvel Comics number 1 featured the Human Torch and went for over 1 million less than their biggest rivals number 6 okay so this one is a little more unlikely to happen to any of us than the previous items on this list are but it still happened a one lucky couple who found an old Chinese vase just sitting around in a rickety bookcase and a house in Northwest London in England imagine the surprise of the relatives who inherited the possessions when this porcelain ornament turned out to be an incredibly rare relic from the kyon long dynasty in the 18th century which sold at auction in the autumn of 2010 for a whopping 53 million pounds that's 83 million dollars the identity of the lucky finders has been kept a secret but if the auction house had never put a leaflet through the couple's door then they might never have taken the base to auction at all number 5 the modern economic climate is tricky and because of things getting more and more expensive lots of people resort to going to thrift stores and charity shops to get items cheaply even more than that are the people who resort to selling to these businesses to try and make a little bit of money maybe selling some fancy furniture to buy some cheaper stuff with what's left and make some cash back in the process so what's the most valuable bit of random furniture you can sell well it happens to be oak furniture more than that handmade American oak furniture from the 1900s I couldn't find an exact figure but these pieces are alleged to be worth a lot of money number four this is a bit like the vase again but if something like this has happened twice now it could definitely happen again to one of you watching remember the charity shops I just mentioned well a Goodwill store in Virginia received in this donation bin in recent years a painting this painting just so happened to be an incredibly rare painting from the 1800's by Italian painter Giovanni Battista tortilla and when it was sold it went for 12,000 dollars so it's not exactly the 80 million that the vase was but that's still a sizable amount of money going to good places and people who need it and to think it wouldn't have been noticed at all if it wasn't for one employee suspicions that it was worth something number three when a hit screens in the 1970s Star Wars was a smash hit in a movie phenomenon even today the franchise is still going strong and you can get Disney made licensed Star Wars merchandise from almost every retailer worldwide it probably won't come as any shock that genuine antique Star Wars toys from 40 years ago are worth a lot with one boba fett selling for twenty-six thousand pounds this Boba Fett was only one piece from a French man's collection which turned out to be worth a half a million pounds in the end so the next time someone tells you to keep your action figures in the boxes because they could be worth something one day maybe it would be best to listen number two the rare and genuine Star Wars toy selling for a lot probably didn't surprise anybody but what might do is that along with the real ones Blake Star Wars toys are also worth a small fortune because these weird-looking fakes were not mass-produced to the same extent as the officially licensed merchandise it becomes just as valuable in the modern age one of them sold in Turkey and called as a head man has only three other copies and while doesn't really resemble any Star Wars character it still sold for thirty thousand dollars a bootleg Russian version of an Imperial 8080 commander also sold for six thousand in its original packaging while a full line of weird Hungarian knockoffs from a 1980 store display could go for twenty five thousand funny considering that they weren't worth a thing when they were actually manufactured number one the last one on this list is probably the one that you were all expecting collectible baseball cards these things are worth a fortune and anyone could have one lying around in a dusty corner of their house they've been collected and sold for more than a hundred years and these days professional collectors have collections worth millions and millions of dollars at the top of this list a valuable card you'll find a mint-condition Ted Williams from 1954 worth fifty thousand while the further down you get a 1933 Babe Ruth's worth a hundred and twenty-five thousand a 1914 Joe Jackson worth two hundred and four and the most valuable of all is the 1952 Mickey Mantle which went for five hundred and twenty-five thousand half a million dollars just for a baseball card who knew that was our list of the top ten extremely valuable and rare items you may have if you enjoyed this video don't forget to hit subscribe so you never miss a video in the future and hit the like button too so again if the golden leg of a thousand thanks for watching guys purse [Music]
Channel: Nexus
Views: 3,332,389
Rating: 4.599586 out of 5
Keywords: EXTREMELY Valuable Items, EXTREMELY Valuable Items You May Own, Rare Items You Might Own, top 10, rare items, you may own, items you may own, valuable items you may own, valuable items, rare, expensive, viral, Expensive Items, Items, Million, How To, How to get rich, money, Most Valuable, Top 10 Rare, Top 10 Items, rarest, Top 10 Rarest
Id: bU5qVP5bA_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2017
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