Top 10 Easy Beginner Aquarium Plants

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hey how's it going over on welcome back to keep it simple so in today's video we're going to be talking about the 10 best beginner plants for your aquarium so this video is gonna be aimed at beginners but some of you guys who have been keeping fish for a while might be interested this is gonna be a list of the 10 things that I would recommend for beginners to keep if they want to delve into the whole entire planted aquarium world so I'd recommend anyone keeping a freshwater aquarium to consider keeping plants this is because plants do a really really good job of using up nutrients that are toxic to fish in an aquarium and they use them to grow and it's going to help cycle out your aquarium and pretty much act as like a natural kind of filter for all those bad chemicals another thing that they do is they provide surface area for heaps of beneficial bacteria and stuff to grow and overall I think it just looks better to have natural plants in an aquarium so in today's video I'm gonna give you guys that list basically I'm gonna rank this list from 10 being like my worst beginner plant they're all kind of like equally as good and in number one being my favorite and best beginner plant so I'm actually stay around to the end of the video for the YouTube algorithm it really does help me out and also because I'm gonna get to see all of the 10 plants and without any further ado let's get started ok so at number 10 on my list is gonna be water sprite so water sprite is a funny little plant this is a plant that is pretty much impossible to kill it's a plant that you can float on the top of your aquarium it's also a plant that you can put in the substrate and you can plant it and all grow perfectly fine so it gives off these kind of like ferny styles of looks it's like a big bushy plant you don't need to have any co2 in your aquarium you don't need to have any fertilizers in your aquarium and in fact I just use this as a floating plant in a lot of my aquariums so I use this in a lot of gray light tanks I use it to soak up a lot of those bad chemicals that we don't want in the aquarium and it helps deal with algae and all kind of stuff so if you guys want to see what I use water sprite for that'll be like a video up here basically I use it to treat a lot of algae problems in my aquarium it's a really really good plant for people who want to breathe live bears because it's got heaps little spaces for the fryer to go and hide and overall it's one of my favorite beginner plants to recommend to people because it's super easy to grow it grows fast you can literally grow this off of like little leaf cuttings and stuff like that it's just crazy so definitely a really good plant to consider if you guys are looking for something that's gonna float also something that you can put in the substrate okay and at number nine is gonna be something a little bit funny and you're probably not gonna see this on the lists on YouTube so this is gonna be something that I've kind of accidentally stumbled upon and have a lot of success with and literally put no effort into doing any of this and this is gonna be my crow sauce so micro swords are like little tiny plants that carpet I bought a tub of this stuff like I don't know six months ago I put literally just can't put a couple sprigs around this aquarium and if you look at the bottom of this aquarium it's absolutely covered in it this stuff is so so cool so it creates a beautiful display without having to have any extra lighting or anything like that I'm literally running this aquarium off with an ebay light and a sponge filled up that's how simple we're getting on this channel it's stupid literally I just let it sit in there and it grew into the gravel sand kind of substrate and it's just been so prosperous so got heaps of Guppies in this aquarium Guppies go into the grass and like have their babies and then all the babies can hide in there and it's been really really cool I've actually like fallen in love with this plant it doesn't have any problems with growth and stuff like that it's super easy to grow it's gonna send runners off and capital in your aquarium and it creates like a beautiful display so normally the other plants that you have to do to create a carpet like this you need like co2 injections and stuff like that and highlighting in this plant you don't need any of that so I definitely recommend a little bit more like higher lighting I wouldn't recommend putting them in like no light I don't think they'll do that well and also they look better when they have a bit more light on them so if you get away with a little cheap ebay light and have a lot of success growing this plan okay and so plant number eight on my list is gonna be bail scenario this is kind of like a little bit of an oddball plant I kind of say this is a really really cool plant this is basically a really long kind of grassy plant it's gonna grow the same way as a Microsoft you can't really grow it like a carpet of this stuff because it grows too tall and basically if you look behind me there's like a bunch of stringy plants in this aquarium and those big stringy plants of the battle scenarios so it's like kinda like a sea grass kind of look basically you just plant a couple sprigs of this in your aquarium it's super easy to grow kind of like one of those beginner plants a lot of people can't kill it and basically what it's going to do it's going to set itself in it might start melting away at first often this plant will melt off your sleeves but then it's just gonna set in and it's just gonna start going crazy so it sends runners off everywhere I've literally got this huge runner happening right here I'm gonna have to pull it out because there's just too much of this stuff growing I like to use this one as like a around kind of plants so I like to line the back of an aquarium with it let it grow up and create like instead of having like a painted back or like a stuck on back I just like to have a plant back so it's cheaper and in my opinion it's easier to manage and it looks really really cool so another really good beginner plant is Vala scenario okay and at number seven is going to be bacopa so makoto was actually my first ever aquarium plant along with the plant that i'm going to talk about at the end of this video so mccoy Paul is one of those plants I actually picked it up inside like a little bag and it was like one of those ones cultured in a lab so I thought it was really cool it's like I'm just gonna get my first live plant our plants is this stuff and it just literally took off like it was crazy so it's a stamp plant it's got lots of little like round leaves and it kind of grows similar to like grow taller and things like that it grows up like a big stem and basically it's gonna send off a lot of little round leaves around it and it looks really cool it's super easy to grow and basically what you can do is you can just chop the top off and you can plant the top into the bottom and get another plan so really really cool plant to grow you're gonna find this it like almost every store and a lot of people use this because it's a really fast growing plant to soak up a lot of nutrients so I wouldn't recommend floating it but it does really really well if you plant it and like deep the substrate but it's not gonna be fussy you can just plant it in any old substrate it's gonna grow roots in and it's just gonna go crazy okay and a number six on my list is gonna be crypts so crypts I'm generally kind of like new to I've only been keeping crypts for about a year and a half ish and the reason was I actually wasn't too keen on the way they looked but giving keeping them now it's completely changed in my mind these guys are very similar to sorts I've got a ton of them in the back here and they're kind of like a mid to fall around kind of like background plant there's a whole range of different kinds of groups you can get so I could be more detailed and say one specific type of crypt and I guess if you guys are looking for that I'm just gonna say the Crypt windows so I've got two keeping them in the back here they're like kind of like a dark green kind of crypt basically what they do is they plant themselves in they have like a little base there and they send just big Leafs out instead of having like a stem or something like that they just send Leafs out of the gravel and sand a super easy plant to grow basically the way those plant spreads is you send off little runners but I've actually noticed what it does is if you take like a bunch of these little plants to plant them what they're going to do is create a lot of little plants inside of that so every now and then you can actually take out the big crypt and it'll have a lot of little crypts and then you can plant out an aquarium that way and that's how I've gotten all my creosote started the chili in a little tub and a poor crimson aquarium over here I've got crypts here and here and here so a really really cool plant is actually you can sell these for a little bit of profit because they're kind of like a more valuable plant they take a little bit longer to grow and they're one of my favorite plants they look really cool and they've added like a different aspect of different scapes and things like that that I can do on my aquariums okay and so plan number five it's gonna be anubius so anubius is another really really interesting style plant this is a plant that grows off of its rhizomes so basically what that means is you plant its stem which is it's like its stems called a rhizome you plant this on like a piece of hard scape so like a rock or a piece of driftwood or something like that you plan to buy like super gluing it on you can tie it on whatever when it does this grows this roots on it attaches to the plant and then it grows that way so it's a very slow growing plant but it has beautiful round leaves a bunch of different types of movies you can get it's one of my favorite plants it's super super Hardy it's so hard to kill it's really easy to grow you don't need to add anything to the aquarium it's just gonna grow itself and it will take a long time to grow but it allows you to aquascape I'll pass to the aquarium where you didn't think you could act let's go so if you have like a big piece of driftwood in your aquarium you want to add something to it and grow plants on that anubius there's gonna be a killer okay and so plan number four is gonna be another rhizome growing plant and this is going to be java fern so java fern is a plant that i've had for a very long time it was actually my first rhizome growing plant and it's an absolutely awesome plant I keep it in this a chrome down here pretty much got it and I think most of Mike planted aquarium basically this will grow it the same way I see anubis you just attach it to a piece of driftwood or a piece of rock whatever it's just gonna grow it on that and the way this plant spreads is different to the anubius the anubius just like attaches and it keeps growing along the piece of hard scape but the way this one's going to reproduce is it's going to send off little seeds on its leaves and it's gonna grow lots of little mini java fern so java ferns can get quite big sometimes you have to color cut them down but now I'd like a different style of design to an aquarium then what the anubius does so basically this it has like more Ripley leaves and it has longer leaves so there's a whole bunch of different types you can get you can get neroli if you can get like the really kind of wavy one it's one of my favourite plants you can make really cool bushes with it by attaching it to driftwood it adds a lot of little hiding spots for guppy fry and stuff like that if you have like big jungles about in corners of your aquarium and I really like the way this plant looks so it's just a really cool plant if you guys look into something that's really easy to grow again it's really really slow growing so it's gonna take a little bit of time for this to settle into an aquarium but once it gets going you can't have so many a little like mini java fern let's drop the java fern lids the safe that sounds so stupid you're gonna have here these little Java phones that you can put around your aquarium so number three it's gonna be another super super easy plant to grow and this is gonna be java moss so not java fern java moss so java moss is really good if you guys are breeders so if you guys want a spawn fish or if you guys want to use this to hide some guppy fry that are in your aquarium and a little live bear babies and stuff like that it's going to be an awesome plant so basically it's just like a moss you're gonna buy it by like a little table or like a ball of it it's gonna spread across your aquarium I haven't noticed this to be super fast growing compared to like the water sprite and stuff like that but it is a very very cool plant and it's very very easy to grow so basically you can leave this stuff out in the Sun and leave it there for like a year bring it back in still go to some house and it's gonna still grow it's like I'm not joking it still will so this stuff is super easy to grow it's gonna create a lot of hiding spots and the best thing about it is it creates a lot of surface area so you're gonna have heaps of those little beneficial bacteria and stuff like that on it helping you cycle your aquarium and it's also gonna have lots of little tiny things that fry can eat so little critters and empress aureus and things like that that I really really beneficial for it's gonna create like a little constant source of food without you having a feedly aquarium all the time and it's not kind of like an Aquos gaping plant I wouldn't consider it you can tie it to rocks and stuff and we'll grow it on the rocks and you can create cooled supplies like that but it's a bit hard to tame sometimes it can get really really big but it's really good for spawning stuff so I'm using it to spawn neon tetras and it's just a really really good plant for breeding okay and so spot number two on the list is gonna be water wisteria so this along with the bukoba was my first ever aquarium plant and this is an awesome awesome plant it's just so good so basically this is pretty similar to the water sprite it's got fatter leaves and basically it grows the exact same way it's a water sprite so you can float it you can put it in the substrate but the best thing about it is I like the way it looks a little bit more than the water sprite it does it like has stems like water sprite does it doesn't go as well floating water sprite kind of grows a bit better when it's floating this stuff does a lot better when it's planted and substrate basically what you can do is you can get a couple sprigs of it it's really cheap and it's gonna grow like crazy you can put it into your substrate and then you can chop the tops off and plant more and more you can create like a huge bush of this stuff and if you add fertilizers and stuff like that it's just gonna go nuts I really liked it because I had heaps of got me to my aquarium and this big Bush was just housing so many little fries so basically the parents would give birth and then the Frog would just go into this bush and they would never see them until I could come out and then they wouldn't be eaten by the parents so this is a really good plan for you guys who are looking for something that's gonna grow really quick this is basically just gonna suck all the nitrates how do your aquarium and it's one of my favorite plants to add to like guppy aquariums and library aquariums in general okay and so in the number one spot on my list of the best beginner plant is gonna be swords so Amazon swords so basically I actually never thought that I'd add this to the top of my list and after giving this plant for a couple of years is definitely at the top so I was gonna add water wisteria to the top because I thought was way easier to grow but this is gonna be the best beginner plant and this because you literally just add this to your aquarium and it just grows so it's a really cool plant it's not like a super fast growing plant but it's one of the easiest plants and most common plants available in the aquarium hobby basically I've got like Amazon swords in the back here as you can see they're really good background plant and these guys just grow super easy you just add them to your and what they're going to do is over time that you can send out with two runners and then basically you're gonna have lots of little baby Amazon swords so I really like this plant because if you guys can actually grow them and get them to propagate again you can actually sell that and you can get like quite a bit of money yet more expensive as a plant than some of those easy growing plants that you'll find so basically just planting it's gonna set a really really diva system of roots into the substrate and then it's just gonna start to prosper so it's just gonna go nuts and basically it grows the exact same as the crypts do it's one of those plants that just grows into the substrate and can send our huge leaves now I like to use this plant to spawn my angelfish so the angelfish will go onto it and they'll lay their eggs that's just what they like to do it I've never seen them laying on anything except for that maybe a little pieces of driftwood and stuff like that but they really do like that so another thing that I like about this plant is because it has so much surface area it does provide a really really good area for lots of beneficial bacteria to grow and it's one of my favorite plants I just think it looks really good basically there's no aquarium with one of these in it that doesn't look good and for me it just does deserve number one because it's super hard to kill like I haven't killed any of these plants before one thing I'm gonna give you a really quick disclaimer about is when you plant this normally because these plants aren't grown underwater they're grown immersed they're gonna start to melt so they're basically gonna go from living out of the water - in the water and the plants going to adjust so it's gonna melt up a couple of leaves don't worry don't throw it away because it's not dead be worried that this could happen it's normally not your fault the plant starts to like die it's just melting away and then you'll get like some new leaves coming up and then you'll have a really really good plant so that's pretty much the list guys thank you so much for watching this video I really do appreciate it and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: KeepingFishSimple
Views: 303,969
Rating: 4.9332757 out of 5
Keywords: aquarium, fish tank, aquarium fish, fish aquarium, アクアリウム, tropical fish, aquatic plants, freshwater fish, pet fish, aquarium supplies, freshwater aquarium, aquarium channel, aquariumcoop, easy aquarium plants no co2, easy aquarium plants low light, beginner aquarium plants, top 10 beginner aquarium plants
Id: _12kAyQ0KJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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