TOP 10 Disneyland GHOSTS (The Truth!)

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it's the spookiest time of the year mid-april and what better way to celebrate the birds chirping and the flowers blooming then to talk about the most unnerving the scariest characters in all of the Disney park both real and imagined the spirits the ghosts the haunts from audio animatronics that were created in 1969 for a swinging wake to the allegedly all too real spirits you may find sitting next to you the next time you board one of Disney's classic attractions get your six month old trick-or-treat candy ready turn down the lights and light a magic candle because now is the time when ghosts are present practicing their Terror with ghoulish Delight maybe trying to sneak in one more ride on Space Mountain before park close that's actually more likely this is the be all end-all factually correct list of the top 10 ghosts at the Disney parks George is the alleged Specter that haunts the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction in Adventureland at the Magic Kingdom in the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando Florida in the United States of America in North America in the Western Hemisphere on the planet Earth in the solar system The Story Goes as follows when Walt Disney World opened in 1971 it featured many popular attractions from Disneyland over in Anaheim including the Haunted Mansion the jungle cruise and the monorail but one attraction was absent namely that of Pirates of the Caribbean one of the last attractions Walt Disney himself worked on before his tragic passing in 1966. the demand was so high for an East Coast pirates that eventually Disney did decide to build one in Adventureland but as a result of its quick Construction in order to meet guest demand the ride itself was made shorter and lacking in a few places and of course a side effect of building an attraction so quickly and it being the 70s the safety of the construction crew was often tossed to the waste side and while working on a little bit of welding on a tower after the ship battle scene a construction worker named George tragically lost his footing and fell to his death and ever since the ride opened in 1973 cast members have noticed that things would often go awry if they didn't say good morning to George when opening the attraction and good night when closing it even some maintenance workers would report hearing sounds seeing strange apparitions of a man and feeling a sense of unease and even vertigo while working in the area near the tower where he fell one guest even managed to snap this photo of them while they were riding through the ship battle sequence with the fog everywhere due to the cannon blasts you can sort of make out a face in between them maybe it could be George posing for an unforgettable ride photo or maybe it was just a trick of the light I'll let you decide just remember though if you want everything to go smoothly on your next Journey aboard the Pirates of the Caribbean make sure to wish George a good morning or a good evening or you may be in for one shocking terrifying and Unforgettable ride one of the scariest attractions at the Disneyland Resort that's not the swinging gondolas on the Pixar pal round is of course the Haunted Mansion yet another classic attraction that Walt Disney himself worked on toward the end of his life and it seems he may have liked this attraction so much that he stuck around a little while after he was gone no we're not talking about the ghost host or the hatbox ghost or the Beating Heart bride we are talking about one allegedly real spirit leaving the Haunted Mansion as shown in this video taken in the mid-2000s you can see what appears to be a glowing spectral figure walking down and out of the queue of the Haunted Mansion out into the rivers of America oh now this footage was long poured over by experts analysts and fans alike and nobody could really find one concrete explanation to debunk it or to prove it maybe it was a double exposure of a guest walking around during the day well no if it was a double exposure why did the camera only capture one guest and not the entire groups and mobs of guests that would travel through New Orleans Square during the day okay then maybe it was fan made no that doesn't really work either if the footage were fan made how did they get the angles from the security cameras I suppose it might have been possible getting up on top of Tarzan's treehouse with a really strong camera but even that seems a bit too far-fetched with the multiple angles that were shown only two explanations remained one this was a genuine Spirit walking the grounds of Disneyland after hours or two someone on the inside had made the video but as it turned out all we had to do for the secret to be revealed was weight because in 2020 something happened everywhere [Music] lots of hug and bear gives you lots of hugs and lots of love and lots of fun no matter where you are all he wants is a little love and he'll be your friend forever [Music] from hugging toys in 2010 in order to help build hype for the new movie Toy Story 3 coming soon at that point to Cinemas Disney hired filmmaker Chris Cantwell to make a vintage 80s commercial featuring the villain from Toy Story 3 Lotso Cantwell hid the ad online amongst a bunch of other vintage commercials on this YouTube channel right here Mr crazy commercials the description for the video reads as follows I totally had one of these growing up I don't even know what happened to it my mom probably put it in the attic I don't like going in there so it's as good as gone so this Lotso commercial was created as a piece of viral marketing for Toy Story 3 by Christopher Cantwell back in 2010 and you may be asking yourself well that's great I like Toy Story 3 the franchise should have ended there but what does this have to do with the Haunted Mansion ghost well it seems Christopher Cantwell was the Haunted Mansion ghost or at least he knows who was now the phrase I mentioned earlier viral marketing is defined as a style of promotion that roll relies on an audience to organically generate and push the message of a product or service usually over social media viral marketing often also goes hand in hand with args or alternate reality games where an audience usually on social media like YouTube or Twitter Works to solve a puzzle to unlock more secrets to solve more puzzles to eventually get to the end and usually watch a movie or play a video game famous examples include the viral marketing campaign before The Blair Witch Project building the whole movie up as a real thing that actually happened and my favorite ARG built to help sort of build hype for the launch of Halo 2 I love bees where at the end of the ad the URL for would briefly flash to and then of course an entire goose chase of solving puzzles and clues both online and in the real world commenced and so this Lotso commercial was created to help people who were kids around in the 80s think back and and think to themselves do I remember this commercial did I actually have a Lotso doll growing up no you didn't you've been marketed to and in a tweet following Chris's coming clean to having made the lots of commercial he admitted something about this old Haunted Mansion ghost video it seems that after all this time after all these years we have been marketed to did it work did you go to Disneyland between 2005 and now if you did it's all Chris cantwell's fault but my friends it doesn't stop there Cantwell came clean to being the masterful Mastermind behind all of the classic Disneyland ghost videos that you know and love Mr one way that was Chris Cantwell fireworks ghost also Chris Cantwell the Tower of Terror ghost yep you guessed it viral marketing they don't even test the ride like that apparently I I wouldn't know and I gotta say this was really well done a very smart way to get people talking about Disneyland because back back in those days if you weren't around the ghosts the Paranormal the spooky stories regarding Disneyland were all the rage not even just Disneyland the all of the Disney parks and what better way to get the young people talking about and visiting Disneyland than to say yeah every corner of the park even the new Corner over at California Adventure is haunted so if you want to do some ghost hunting and see some happy haunts on the ride and some not so happy haunts outside head over to Disneyland but what about George you ask yourself was that just a clever piece of marketing as well as far as I can tell no this campaign was just for Disneyland which is why it's Disneyland Space Mountain Disneyland Sleeping Beauty Castle Tower of Terror not the Walt Disney World one and of course the Haunted Mansion and of course who could forget the Snow White's Grotto ghost I sure can't well you get it Mr One Way Walt's ghost in front of the Haunted Mansion turns out just a stunt man dressed in white with some VFX overlays you have yourself an easy Disneyland ghost so yes it was someone on the inside these are not real spirits of course Chris didn't do the whole thing by himself he gives credit to the entire crew in this tweet go ahead follow all of them because they helped keep this sort of childhood Mystique this sort of millennial mid-2000s Disney spookiness alive The Haunted Mansion video filmed from the top of Pirates of the Caribbean the Space Mountain video they were in there for hours with the house lights on nothing you see here shows proof of the Paranormal at all it just shows proof of some dedication hard work and some good old-fashioned Ingenuity to bring some fun into the whole Disneyland Mythos and I for One Look Back fondly on all of these videos and the stir they caused when they were released now to be clear I don't want you to mistake my debunking I guess Chris's debunking of these old Disneyland ghost videos as me saying ghosts aren't real and the park isn't haunted apparently you can just ask any cast member who's willing to talk about it if they have any ghost stories and odds are if they don't someone they know who also works at the park does sitting up on the second floor of the Golden Horseshoe near Freddy's room right Alex the historian okay Alex the historian actually has a wonderful video uh talking about a number of ghost stories and experiences they've had in the park please be sure sure to go over to Alex's Channel there's a card right there in the corner watch the entire interview it's very very spooky I've heard other hot spots include Walt's apartment obviously the basement of Mickey's House in Toontown now I don't know if he's stuck around after the refurbishment since new Toontown is open now but apparently from time to time you can get some activity down there but aside from a few alleged photos like this one of the haunted mansion that's obviously a boy a spectral Boy The Crying boy ghost from The Haunted Mansion but I get why ghost stories are so prevalent at Disneyland and Walt Disney World they're old for one right Disneyland opened in 1955 in Walt Disney World in 1971. they've been around for a while and of course theme parks especially the Disney parks are places that are often cited as creepy by children and teenagers right it's a small world famous worldwide for being creepy with the song and the dolls why not make up a ghost story of It's a small world to tie into all of the creepiness leave your mark okay even without the ghosts Okay small world is creepy enough they have to cut the doll's hair that's real that's true it's because of the humidity but still but again again this is not me discounting any of the ghost stories that cast members or guests alike have is Small World haunted it could be I kind of doubt it but I haven't worked there I haven't closed it's a small world I haven't been alone with the dolls for hours on end in silence and darkness you never know what someone's going to hear or see and if you go online to Twitter or to Reddit or even just a different websites like there are seemingly endless amounts of stories and every single corner of the park is spooky and haunted in some way the Emporium Big Thunder Mountain the Matterhorn bobsleds Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland and Disney World The Haunted Mansion at Disneyland and Disney World even dinosaur at Disney's Animal Kingdom has a Ghost Story related to it although this one sounds curiously similar to the Mr one-way story from Disneyland but that's beside the point the point is give me your ghost stories I want to make a video on a bunch of Disney World and Disneyland ghost stories I don't care where you were I don't care what you were doing I don't care what attraction it is I want to hear your spooky stories please please be sure to leave them in the comments down below and also just on Twitter anywhere anywhere you can get a hold of me tell me your spooky stories especially especially if you are a cast member and plus to add on to that if you have any photos any alleged photos of your encounter with a spirit at Disneyland not the Hat Box ghost no animatronic ghosts allowed also please share it with me you can find ghost stories for just about any location at the Disney park but photos to go along with them those are a bit harder me personally I can't say I've ever had any paranormal experiences at Disneyland or Walt Disney World you know riding the mansion with nobody in the dune buggies or the boats in front of or behind you I can see how it would get a little spooky and the imagination could go a little wild so whether it's someone who shouldn't have been riding next to you face you saw in the window or maybe some chairs moving on their own I would love to hear in the comments or like I said Twitter anywhere anywhere you can contact me contact me I I will listen and it may even end up in a video but the moral of this story is whether or not you believe in ghosts you always gotta be a little skeptical because while these Disneyland ghost videos are seemingly legit they might have been too good to be true and as we've discovered in this video they were too good to be true they're fake but maybe somewhere in some obscure corner of Disneyland or Epcot Hollywood Studios it doesn't matter some unexplainable things can happen and now my dear viewer it is up to you to spread the word oh wait this is supposed to be a top 10 video well that was a bust welcome everybody to the end card for this video I hope you enjoyed watching it as much as I enjoyed making it I know the the Cantwell tweet was made all the way back in 2020 but I feel like I would just you know that the Disneyland ghost videos are so sort of prevalent on my channel even going back to like my second or third ever video that I just I just wanted to make one coming clean and showing the the facts of the situation great job with Cantwell by the Cantwell did a great job I mean by the way this is the end card if I mess up we're just gonna power through it so thank you all for watching if you enjoyed this video you want more videos like this exploring the darker side of Disney some spookier side some ghost stories hit the like button and if you're new around here you want some more videos like this also instead of hitting the like button well actually in addition I should say to hitting the like button hit the Subscribe button that way you can get notified when new videos hit the feed be sure to follow me on my other social medias at offhand Disney on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock if you want some more offhand Disney content that's not here on YouTube I don't use YouTube shorts although I probably should it might be beneficial but I don't and of course a massive thank you to all of my supporters over at offhandisney they are the ones who help keep this Channel moving forward chugging forward like it were the Disneyland Railroad on a rainy day through the tunnel between the Haunted Mansion and the berm you know you know the one I'm talking about thank you to them they're amazing and they will get their credits at the end of this month if you want to join their ranks also it's just one dollar a month or more depending on what you want to donate and you get access to early videos some rough Cuts audio it's all it differs from week to week but you get Early Access so thank you to all of my patreon supporters and thank you my friend not whether or not you're a patreon supporter for watching this video I will see you all in the next one which should be from in the park throwback night all right it's gonna be fun goodbye foreign
Channel: Offhand Disney
Views: 60,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sgfXMmU0PsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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