Top 10 Diamond Producing Countries in Africa 2020

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top ten diamond producing countries in Africa hello this forest welcome back to another informative video and thanks for watching in today's video we shall be looking at the top 10 diamond producing countries in Africa diamond wants to say our girl's best friend and is very much cherished worldwide most of the world's natural gem quality diamonds are mined in countries where citizens do not purchase a lot of diamond jewelry the leading consumers of diamond jewelry include the United States India China the European Union Japan Hong Kong and the Middle East with the United States consuming up to 40% alone none of the lightest consuming areas are important producers of natural gem quality diamonds the ten largest diamonds mined in the world by measurable reserves contain more than 1 billion carats of recoverable diamonds Russia is home to half of the world's biggest diamond mines while Africa is home to about 40% of the world's diamond reserve if you are new here welcome be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss any of our D uploads of the top 10 diamond producing countries in the world seven are African several have billion-dollar diamond industries selling diamonds on international market at some of the highest dollar per carat prices in the world diamonds are a vital source of foreign exchange for cash-strapped African countries and thus here are the top 10 diamond producing countries in Africa as of the time of recording this video number 10 Guinea two hundred ninety two thousand seven hundred seven carats officially the Republic of Guinea Guinea is a West coastal country in West Africa Guinea has population of 2.4 million people over an area of 240,000 857 square kilometers Guinea has large reserves of damage with 40 to 40 million cards of proven reserves as well as 500 million cards of probable reserves the deposits are mainly located in the binoculars the final area in the east of the country Guinea produced 160,000 carats of diamonds in 2014 almost half the 200000 current found in 2011 between 2006 and 2012 Guinea twice exceeded estimated production this boom in output force the government to strengthen international controls on demo exports Guinea is an active member of the Kimberley Process an international initiative of certification four of them was designed promotes transparency in the sector number nine Tanzania there are 180 5652 carrots officially the United Republic of Tanzania Tanzania is a country in East Africa within the African Great Lakes region known for its vast wilderness diamonds in Tanzania are found mainly in the Williamson diamond mine which is located south of the town monza in northwestern Xenia Petra diamonds through its subsidiary Williamson diamonds Limited hold 75% of the ownership rights over the mine while there are many 25% are owned by the government of Tanzania the 146 hectares mine was open since 1940 and it is one of the largest mines in its kind in 2015 now commonly produced two hundred two thousand two hundred sixty five carat and plan to increases production to 250 thousand carats per annum in 2017 according to Petra lemons the Williamson mine contains large diamond resources for approximately at a point 1 million carats in 2019 the production of diamond reached zero point four million current making Tanzania the eighth highest diamond producer in Africa number eight serially own similar unfort 1568 carats serially on the eighth largest diamond producing country in Africa by volume the country increases its diamond production by 19% in the first half of 2016 according to Sierra Leone newspaper our local diamond production in the first six months of 2016 was 259 thousand and eighty carats valued at 101 point nine million dollars compared to 290 thousand three hundred eighty carats valued at sixteen million dollars produced in the first six months of 2015 the country ended up producing five hundred thousand cards in 2015 gold for 154 million two hundred fifty three thousand one hundred twenty nine the price per carat fell off for forty dollars compared to 2015 serially on currently uses about seven at fort 1500cc carats of diamond per year diamond exports are still the country's largest contributor to its cross domestic national product the major player in the diamond industry in Syria loon is highly limited a subsidiary of opium mining company some of the diamond exports also come from artisanal or small scale - number seven lesotho 1.3 million carats officially the kingdom of Lesotho Lesotho is an unclaimed country within the border of South Africa this author is just over 30,000 square kilometers in size and has a population of around 2 million people in the Malati Mountains 3,000 meters diamond deposits were discovered in the late 1950s the nameless of the de Soto diamonds is a reason for to petition around the world mistletoe is blessed with colorful tattoo diamonds which are nitrogen free and highly sought the mainly sort of mine is Lanting which is the highest dollar per carat kimberlite diamond mine in the world some of the largest diamonds ever discovered we found here with some stones is submitted at six hundred carats uncut in the early eighties the Letson mines were closed due to low production in terms of volume but with an explosion in diamond prices and changing technology it was reopened diamonds contribute 10% of the country's GDP and we sought to open for new mines into its 16 lecornu produce found on 50000 cards the year and for the gem quality diamonds of lead single covered with a lightest rough diamonds in the world number six Namibia 3 million carats Namibia officially the Republic of Namibia is a country in southern Africa diamond mining started in Namibia in 1908 after a railroad worker found a small diamond in the Desert Sun that discovery triggered a diamond rush an extensive alluvial diamond mining activity then emelian diamond industry is valued at over 1 billion dollars and it's diamonds are valued at around $600 per carat meaning it has the highest value per carat diamonds in the world most of the Mebius diamonds come from the ocean significant resources going to mining these diamonds they are mostly collected by bow and barges that howl material from the seabed most of the diamond mining activity Namibia is currently done by not depth diamond corporation a partnership owned in equal shares by the government of the Republic of Namibia and the De Beers group of companies number five is in probably three point three million carats coming in at number five is in bad way officially the Republic of Zimbabwe and formally Rhodesia this is a landlocked country located in southern Africa between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers bordered by South Africa Botswana Zambia Mozambique it has a population of about 14.5 million people spread the white surface area of 290 thousand 7.57 square kilometres same pathway is one of the top 10 diamond producers in the world bringing in 300 million dollars in 2015 down from 2013 which earned 678 million dollars the Coffman's recently shot down almost oz in published diamond mines saying the companies are random filled to renew their licenses the government hopes to bring them under a new state-run entity called Zimbabwe consolidated diamond corporation in an attempt to keep diamond worth at home number four South Africa nine point nine million carats South Africa officially Republic of South Africa RSA is the southernmost and biggest country in southern Africa with a population of roughly fifty eight point eight million people in 1866 a fifteen year old found a Eureka diamond on the bounds of the Orange River prompting the diamond rush since then bigger diamonds have been found including the Collini and one or star of Africa which is the largest cut diamond in the world it was care from the largest diamond ever found in a seventy four facets South Africa can be considered the birthplace of the modern diamond industry that started in the 1870s when mining began in several diamond pipes near the town of Kimberley before then almost all diamonds were mined from on consolidated sediments mostly by artisanal methods South Africa immediately became the leading hoodoos of gem quality diamonds and held that position onto the in twenties notwithstanding South Africa she made a consistent producer and now mines a few million cards of Jim quality diamonds per year making it to the fourth position of the top 10 diamond producing countries in Africa number three Angola ten point four million carats Angola officially the Republic of Angola is a West Coast country of South Central Africa the Angolan diamond mining industry was estimated to be worth seven point five billion dollars by 2018 the CEO of Angoras national diamond company and the AMA says 90 percent of diamonds are still undiscovered in Angola diamond mining began in Angola of our hundred years ago while it was a Portuguese colony the earliest production was from the conscious made alluvial deposits and those diamonds were exported to Europe by Portuguese merchants today Angola has been one of the world's leading diamond producers on the basis of dollar value and volume for over a decade one mine of particular note is the Lulu mine owned by Luke Harper diamond company it is an alluvial mine that produces some of the world's largest m2 diamonds type 2 diamonds are often colorless because they contain very little nitrogen substituting for carbon in the crystal lattice some types of diamonds from Lulu have an attractive pink color one of the most popular Damon Collins large colorless diamonds and attractive pink diamonds give the Lulu production of high value now a mature Democratic Republic of the Congo sixteen point four million carats officially the Democratic Republic of Congo is a country in central Africa located on both sides of the equal to its neighbours a Gabon Cameroon the Central African Republic the Republic of Congo in the early 20th century the first damaged mines were discovered in the region of bougie Mali in the south the diamonds in Congo are very numerous and the colors range from yellow to brown but they are hard to reach because they are covered by sedimentary layer of modern 30 metres they are diamond deposits in bass Congo band onto a quater castle oriental tango kinshasa Manama north kevo and south cable and oriental province casaya diamond mining and back Wonga kimberlite are the lightest in the world but they do not provide the high quality diamonds it currently produces millions of carats per year hence second-highest diamond producer in Africa number one volt 120 4 million carats but one is currently the highest diamond producing country in Africa and second in the world after Russia officially the Republic of Botswana it is a landlocked country in southern Africa but when I was a top diamond producing the world on to 2014 when Russia outdid them but when I was one of the first areas were booked sampling and indicator mineral mapping will use to characterize and identify diamond pipes across a large and typical to graphic area exploration began in the 1950s and diamond mining began in 1971 by the mid 1980s but were not on the highest yielding mines in the world for over a decade Botswana has been the second leading producer of diamonds on the basis of carat weight and a living produce on the basis of value producing also too often to 4.6 million carats diamonds yearly it holds this position because it's average diamond size is larger than what is produced by Russia and of a general higher quality which one--is joining mine is often referred to as the richest diamond mine in the world the mine has been producing about ten million carats of high quality diamonds per year the mine is owned by company named Deb's 100 a joint venture company between the BS and the government of Botswana has the name depswa now there you have a dispersed those were the top ten diamond producing countries in Africa thanks for watching this video if you wanted to cover any of the top ten topics leave a suggestion in the comments and we will do all to grant your request also if you did enjoy this video do also give it a thumbs up and do not forget to subscribe and share with your friends
Channel: Displore
Views: 73,335
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Keywords: diamond producing countries in africa, top 10 dismond producing countries in africa, diamond production in africa, diamnond countries in africa, best diamond counties in africa, diamond producing counties in the world
Id: 7rB93u_h9_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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