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hi guys and welcome back today I'm back in my bathroom but I'm not doing another tour based on all the feedback and questions we had after we did that video we decided we needed to do another video on bathrooms but make it our top 10 tips on designing bathrooms so we're going to be delving into our portfolio all of our clients projects and sharing with you guys the best ideas that we've come up with things that you can use in your own home so I hope you enjoy it [Music] you know I always like to make this channel as useful and helpful as possible I wanted to share with you my top 10 design tips on how to make your bathroom as luxurious as practical and beautiful as possible tip number one is all about storage now if you don't have sufficient storage and the right kind of storage your bathroom is never going to look luxurious you need to have somewhere to put all of those items away no matter how big or small your bathroom is so my main tip is if you're designing your bathroom from scratch put in extra storage around your vanity area because that is where you're going to store all of your products if you look at this project here you can see we've got lots of different types of storage so actually the mirrors above the vanity unit those are discrete hidden cupboards so they have a little tiny handle and you can pull those mirrors forward and behind there there's a shaving Point there's lots of different shelves and that's great storage for small products like moisturizers toothbrushes toothpaste then under the sinks we have a combination of some cupboards and some drawers the cupboard is actually a hidden bin which is my favorite design element that we've done in this bathroom because there's never a good place to put a bin and it's really hard to find good ones then the drawers for me are the best kind of storage for storing towels slightly bigger products maybe face towels items that you need to use on a daily basis but you definitely don't want out on show and then you can see in the middle we've done an open Niche and I think that's so nice for displaying rolled towels here we have our cos monogram towels which look so Chic but the Monograms all lined up and I've also allowed a lot of storage space on the vanity unit and I've done that by doing an under mounted Basin that means that the Basin doesn't sit on top of the stone like it does in my bathroom rather the sink is mounted under the stain and that gives you maximum surface area and I'd really recommend this option if you have a slightly smaller bathroom and you don't have much surface area around your sink it gives you a lot more opportunity to display some products soaps maybe candles you can see here we even have a mirror from our Mac Martin collection and we have a beautiful Orchid as well tip number two is all about lighting lighting is so key in any room but no room more so than in a bathroom because it needs to be able to do lots of different things you want great task lighting for when you want to be able to see your appearance if you're putting makeup on and then you want to have a nice mood lighting if you're having a bath and you want to relax so what I would say to you is to do multiple sources of lighting if you look at this project here it's so nice to have your Niche illuminated so if you make a niche in your shower or your bath add a little LED strip in there and it just really nicely highlights your products and makes a great design feature we also have some spotlights on the floor shining up in the bath which creates some nice drama at night and illuminates one of the most impressive features of this bathroom which is the bath itself then we also have a copper ceiling and that's where you can see the small Gap in the ceiling and that gives you some indirect nice soft glow with the LED strip there and then lastly we have some spotlights that shine down one of them Illuminating the beautiful piece of art that's from our framental collection that one's called branches and the breeze and I'll link that in the description box and the other one's positioned in the center of the book match marble and really highlighting the beautiful pattern in that marble this second bathroom that I wanted to share with you was just a small guest layer and the lighting in here works really hard in adding depth and interest into this room and also making it feel a lot bigger so firstly if you look above the vanity above the sink area you can see the wall steps back a little bit and what this does is it gives a little channel of Space that you can run an LED strip in and that highlights the wool nicely and creates this illusion of more space more light there's no natural light in this room whatsoever so it's almost given the illusion of like a window then we also have lights in the niche shelves again they highlight all the accessories really beautifully draw attention to them and lastly we have a beautiful wall light that's more of a feature on the wall rather than about the type of light that it gives it's adding interest into the room I can show you an example of another vanity in another gasoline that we've done where you can see that impact that it has of having the LED strip underneath the vanity how it really draws your eye there and makes the light all feel balanced now if you're watching this video and you're thinking great I don't have the opportunity to change my bathroom I might not have the budget or maybe you're living in a rental don't worry not All Is Lost you can still make your bathroom feel more luxurious and that is through the art of styling and accessorizing in all of our bathrooms we always use some key accessories that really Elevate the space the first most important one is towels now I do have a collection with Coast linen and we tend to use it in all of our projects because for me the quality and the price is such a good combination and then I love the fact that you can monogram them again it's personalizing it bringing in some color and some interest the second one that I really highly recommend is using art in your bathroom even if it's just a small piece of art perhaps a framed photograph or some art that you've made yourself it's a great way to personalize your space and add some more visual interest pieces of art that I've used in my projects include Prince of coral or the real Coral like in my bathroom I've also used sculpture it's such a great way to make your space feel more luxurious then of course candles are a key element and diffusers not only are they going to make your space look more beautiful and they're a great item to do some styling with but they're going to make it smell better and it's another way to light your bathroom if you don't have good lighting design in there you can just have a nice relaxing bath and some candles and it will really set the maid I came up with a marble tray for our clothes collection because I felt like it was such a key accessory that you could use in so many rooms but it's particularly effective in a bathroom or a gas Lube where you can store hand towels in it or products or even if you want to put a candle in it is a great way to just introduce a small bit of luxurious material without necessarily having to go and put marble all over your walls now I spoke about adding Furniture into your bathroom already when I was giving it to around my bathroom I think this is such a great way for making a Space not only feel more luxurious but also more inviting and more comfortable I always love to use a small table if possible and it can be a really small table that just fits next to your bath and it allows you to put a candle on there and maybe a beautiful vars or accessory and I also love using armchairs I think it's a great way to make the space more sociable in this project again you can see next to the bath we have an armchair with a little side table and obviously this is quite a big space you might not be able to do this in all bathrooms but any type of upholstery even if it was a small bench would be a great way of making the space feel more inviting and adding another level of styling in my son's bathroom he doesn't have room for a full-on chair and but quite often I would find myself bending over the bath sort of talking to him and playing with him and I would get back ache whereas I actually bought this tiny little wooden stool and it tucks next to the bath and it acts as like a little table but you can also sit on it and that kind of thing would work well on a small bathroom too okay so I couldn't forget the top tip the biggest mistake I made in my own bathroom which was to use too much glass in my shower enclosure so you've seen what it looks like when it's rung I wanted to show an example of a shower enclosure done right we've obviously learned a lot as a design studio since I designed my own bathroom 11 years ago but this is a very big bathroom but what you can see I've done here is I've done a nib wool that's collided marble so the only bit of Glass on here is the door and that is going to cut down on your cleaning time significantly there's nothing worse than looking at Water splashes on glass and it's really high maintenance to keep clean so not only do you want to think about what your bathroom looks like when you're designing it but also what does it look like when you're living in it how is it practical is it going to look good in 10 years time if you're designing an ensuite bathroom I always love to tie in the color scheme of the bathroom with the attached bedroom it makes it feel like a mega Suite it makes it feel really considered and there's lots of different ways you can do this you can see in this first project that I'm sharing with you now that we did this through the stone color Choice there was a combination of slab marble on the sink top and that's in a marble that we call Armani gray and then on the walls we had another dark marble which is actually tiles from Mandarin Stone and we mixed up in here to keep costs down and I'm going to talk a little bit more about that later but the the selection of material in here was because the bedroom was very dark it was a masculine bachelor's bedroom and it worked really well to link that color into the bathroom not every bathroom has to be light and bright it totally depends on the kind of vibe that you want to create but you don't have to do that through the marble choice if you want to keep your main hard finishes neutral that's quite a wise decision because it's a big investment to spend on your bathroom so you can also do that through for example the vanity color Choice as I've done in this project where we had the vanity doors spray painted blue and that was really nice because it tied in with the kids bedroom that it was attached to and it felt a little bit more playful or you can also do it with the choice of paint color on the walls like we've done in this project there's a really subtle mint green paint on the walls which ties in with the color scheme to the attached bedroom next door and lastly you can even tie it in through your art choices there's lots of different ways but I think it's nice to make the two spaces feel connected my next tip is about Taps now I always say this that anything you touch in your house anything that you have to use on a daily basis should be good quality but this is the ultimate space where you should not try and save money go for the best quality Taps that you can afford because if you don't get good quality Taps and they break in five years time it's such a false economy you won't have to open up the wall replace them the labor as well as replacing the actual fixtures is going to cost a lot of money my go-to brands that I love for tabs the ultimate for me is Jesse I love it I'm going to share with you some examples now of different projects where we've used some of theirs I love the antique brass color and one of my favorite Taps is the Eleganza which I think is so nice they've also just come out with a new model called banty bainty it came out in 2020 so that's Italian 2020. um and it has a really beautiful reader design and we're using that and specifying it in quite a lot of projects moment so we've specified that for our project in Bahrain we've also specified it for a complete renovation of a London Family Home and but other brands that I also love is Waterworks and I'm going to share with you a project now where they have some really cute bronze they almost look like pebbles and I loved how that was a really playful design it worked really well with the wall lights in there whatever brand you go for just make sure that it's a brand that you trust now I mentioned on the tour that I often like to hide the toilet out of you in a bathroom it's a fact of life you have to have a toilet but you don't always want to look at it so there's lots of different ways you can do that you can have it a completely separate Closet in your bathroom like I have in this bathroom but we've also got some other tips that we've used in our clients projects where it's not completely separate but it's just slightly out of view so in this project here you can see we've built a vanity unit and this is something that we do quite a lot and it works really well because what you have is you have the vanity unit it's on a floating wall in the middle of the room and then tucked behind it you're going to have the toilet on one side and the shower on the other and that gets quite a few design problems solved because you have your toilet not immediately on show but you also have your shower tucked out the way and it doesn't need any glass at all so it's really good from a cleaning perspective so here we can see the inside of the toilet area behind the vanity unit and it creates a really nice separate private area for the toilet it's something where you can create a different sort of design here we've done a big strip of Timber with an insert metal Niche it's just another nice design moment it's another nice way of mixing up your space planning in your bathroom and making it workable for different people and you know if someone wants to go to the toilet and you have that kind of relationship where the other person can be brushing their teeth it gives you that opportunity we don't have to be looking each other okay so in a bathroom for me there is nothing better than real marble it's such a beautiful material and it is the ultimate luxury but there are ways to use luxury materials like marble and not have to break the budget so in this guest loo that we designed you can see it's a really dramatic piece of marble it's something that if you used it the whole way around a bathroom I feel like it would probably be too much it's an also incredibly expensive marble so what we did here was we created the Basin itself out of the marble and we did a small column above the Basin also in the marble and then we clad the rest of the walls in a wall covering to help keep costs down you can also combine different types of stone so for example in this bathroom that we looked at earlier I've done a slab marble on the floor and the vanity area but then in the shower I've used real Stone tiles and when you buy tiles of a stone rather than a slab that's a lot more affordable because often they're the off cuts of a Big Slab and that really helps keep costs down these particular Stone tiles were from Mandarin Stone which is a go-to supplier of mine and they've got a really wide selection of different marbles you can't quite get that same effect that you do with book Matched um but here I've done a brick bonded pattern which basically means like a brick wall where it's staggered The Joint lines don't all sort of go up and down in a column and I think that looks really effective and still looks really luxurious in this kid's bathroom again I really wanted to mix up the materials I didn't want to use too much Stone to prevent it from feeling cold so on the baths around and the vanity top I've done a composite stone material like the same material that I used on my own vanity top and then above the bath I've used a mosaic tile which is a really nice design feature it's not the most affordable of materials it's probably similar to slab marble certainly in this country for some reason in America Mosaic seems to be much more affordable and then on the floor I've done a combination of a composite stone border with the Mosaic in the middle and I really liked how that created the illusion of almost like a rug and it was also a practical decision because this is a children's bathroom I wanted to make sure the floor had a great slip rating a mosaic by the very nature of it having all the grout lines is very anti-slippery is that word anti-slippery anti-slip I think is the word I was looking for sorry my brain's still on holiday my final tip is about window treatments if you're lucky enough to have a window in your bathroom you want to be making sure that your neighbors do not see you when you're naked so to do that what I really recommend is having either a sheer roller or Roman blind this is a roller blind so you can see there's no seams in it and what that does is it allows all the natural light to diffuse through during the day and then you want to combine that with an opaque Roman blind and that's going to completely block out anything so if you want to make it dark in there you can but at night time and this is when it's key if you put your lights on in the bathroom and it's dark outside if you don't roll down your Roman blind people will be able to see your outline so I would always go for those two combined guys that's a wrap thank you so much for watching I hope you've enjoyed our top tips for Designing bathrooms so that they're very helpful for you guys if you'd like to have more regular updates from us don't forget we're also on Instagram at Sophie Patton Interiors don't also forget to hit that subscribe button we'll see you very soon [Music]
Channel: Sophie Paterson
Views: 560,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interior design, architecture, home, decor, interior designer, home decor, design ideas, inspiration, Interior design inspiration, home design, bedroom, bathroom, dressing room, hometour, london, georgianhouse, periodproperty, housetour, luxury, cleaning, utility, storage, kitchen, ideas, dining, layout, worktop, Realestate, Property, Kitchen design, Investment, Property investment, Masterclass, Design tips, ASMR, New Year
Id: ItBrboJH7Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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