Top 10 Deer Hunting Tips

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welcome back everybody this is Eric and Chad here with Iraq veteran 8888 today we're going to do a top 10 video we're going to talk about some deer hunting tips you know we're getting here on deer season I know a lot of folks are going to be getting into the woods and trying to take a shot at Bambi and we're wanting to try to pass along a little bit of information and knowledge that we've gathered over the years we're in by no means experts on deer hunting but you know we have shot quite a few deer over the years and we'd like to pass along some tips that we feel will be helpful to some of you as you're starting to get out into the deer woods a bit the deer woods a deer would sort of yours so we're going to go down the list this is a top 10 so we've got a few we're going to elaborate on guys this doesn't cover all of them there's tons of little things that you can do you could consider some of these hacks you can consider some of them just general tips but guys none of these are meant to substitute all of the basics I mean guys wear an orange and like yeah unload the gun when you cross the fence and don't try to climb a deer stand with a loaded gun I mean stuff like that that that's the basics but you're going a little bit further than that well one of my favorite resources for learning the basics like when I was young and he was still lobs Jim Forney you know buck masters the whole Bubba series yeah it's its silliest thing it's all satire basically but there's a lot of seriousness in there if anybody doesn't know about honey you want to get good laugh and learn at the same time the Bubba series is awesome yeah check out Jim Barney yeah they you know I really do I really do miss that man well that's that's that's earnest right that's yeah yeah Oris Arnie's be or all right anyway without further ado we're gonna go down the list here so these are in no particular order but we're gonna go on down here alright so number one is don't don't go crazy on gear to get started what do people do wrong there oh well they they see all the advertisements in buck masters or whatever hunting magazine they're looking at like man I gotta go get me all that stuff and they want to put like an 80 pound pack to go hunting yeah and I was like uh you're not exactly trekking you know elk through some National Forest out west or anything like that for days on end and need all that you're going you know like 15 miles down the road maybe you're gonna walk in the woods about 100 yards and you're gonna sit in a tree stand for a few hours yeah yeah you know you don't need all that gear I think the big thing about God you know not going crazy on here the reason I wrote that bullet point down it's because a lot of people think they got to go and buy like a really fancy expensive rifle and they got to buy all the Drake gear and all the fancy name-brand camo and they got to keep up with all their buddies at the hunting camp and having all the fancy new camo with the scent block and all this mess guys don't think that you have to get all of that to get started deer hunting okay put on some warm clothes you know and and control your scent and get out there and you you can hunt with any type of rifle that is of good quality and of a reasonable caliber in terms of you know stopping power and everything like that and as long as it's a safe gun to use you're good you don't have to spend a ton of money to get started deer hunting so that that's I think a very important yeah I mean like literally you can go as far as camo goes if you just want to get up in the woods and go hunting is right go to the Navy store and just pick you up and also to be used or something on those lines so yeah they work fine okay I'm dollar BT Utah yeah I mean the colors are just fine or even some people if they hunt like a little like half blind or something like that you can literally wear blue jeans up there and just literally get a B to you top and then cover your face and wear a hat yeah good you go you got a deal number to learn how to scale your area and don't walk through bedding areas so this is getting a little bit more into the strategy of pursuing deer things that you should and shouldn't do this is not really a gear related thing but I mean let's face it you know there's a difference between what we're gonna cover this bullet point later but there's a difference between harvesting and hunting and when you're engaged in the activity of hunting especially if it's if you are managing a given piece of property like say you own a few hundred acres or you lease a thousand acres you are managing that property and part of knowing the strategy for going for the deer in your area is to note to scout the area look for sheds look for rubbings on trees look for rubbings in the ground where they're they're rooting around for stuff on the ground look for tracks try to establish those patterns and then also once you find like where the bedding areas on the property or where their their preferred modes of travel like you know which direction they're coming in to like get water on the property where they're going to eat what times of the day all of those those patterns are established don't walk through their bedding areas a lot of people make the mistake of oh I think dear bedding down here and they want to go and look through it stay away from the bedding areas because that is where those animals feel secure on your property and the last thing you want to do is remove the element of security from the situation you want them to feel secure on your property because if your property is holding big deer they're gonna stay on your property because they have no reason to leave if they have shelter food water security you're good you want to make sure that keep that security something to on on property that might have livestock you know you've got cows or goats or anything like that you know you'll have a lot of like cow cows you know like basically just livestock pads that lead down to water and lead around to different feeding areas things like that different parts of the pasture and all that I know it's tempting don't walk those two go to your stand and stuff okay because the deer and other game animals they travel them too and you don't want to leave your scent almost pads and everything like that now having an area that you travel through just through the woods something like that where you can observe those trails that's fine but you don't want to walk those trails as easy as it is to do I mean that's just something that we've always done where we hunt we just never walt the cow trails I just try to stay about 30 or 40 feet adjacent to the trails it's okay to know where they're at and kind of follow them but just don't walk in them yep for sure alright and play the wind game alright this is number three you know play the wind and guys I know that's that's really like overstated in a lot of circles when it comes to hunting but you know know the direction that the wind is blowing that day that you're gonna hunt and know the direction that you need to get into your stand if you're going to make a stand get into your deer stand and you got the windier back and everything like that it doesn't matter how sneaky you are if the deer are bedded down downwind from you mm-hmm there they're gonna catch some sin and they're gonna probably gonna call bull crap on you so the thing is play your days right yeah you know read the wind know what winds doing and as long as the winds in your favor then hunt on the days were the winds in your favor for sure something to the guys that hunt with like climbing stands you know they've got a definite advantage because before season starts they could go and scout different areas around their hunting Lynx or wherever and they can find trees to get into in different locations in order to play the wind game so if the winds blowing west east this day or north to north to south or whatever they're gonna go here if it's blowing the opposite direction they're gonna go over here on this side and they find you know that's the whole thing of scouting is you find the areas where the deer traveling through and things like that and that gives you a really good option but guys with lighter stands you know you find those areas like that but you set up permanent make mobile semi permanent structures basically and they're already there all you have to do is take yourself in the woods but you have to pick and choose your battles that's right now for sure so definitely there are definite advantages to climbing stands versus a fixed and yeah and and the wind has a lot to do with that - alright so understand number four is understanding the limitations of your skills all right this can be mental physical a lot of different limitations but probably the most common limitation that people fail to to adhere to is like limitations and shooting skills I mean some people will take shots they know they shouldn't make or where they might take a shot through like heavy brush or something like that but they probably shouldn't take so you you owe it as a hunter to your game to give it a clean death you know to provide a humane kill to that animal and that also comes down to your skill you know if a deer is three or four hundred yards away well guess what if you're if you're familiar with shooting that type of distance and you have your load and everything doped out just right and you know that your bullet will deliver the goods at that distance then by all means take the shot but if you've got a Sears and Roebuck three to nine scope on a no on a little thirty thirty thirty with a duplex reticle with a duplex reticle is zero for fifty yards you probably don't need to take that shot so understanding your limitations if you can make the shot make the shot but don't take the shot unless you know you can make you know - that would kind of coincide with having the right gear for right hunting situation I mean where we hunt most of the time we're not gonna take a shot over 80 to 100 yards max right okay because we're down in the woods by creek beds things like that and longest that you can see is 80 yards and 30 30 or something on those lines it's perfect for that even an iron sided gun sure you know I mean the first gun I ever you know hunter width was a little sport horizon field right here with iron sights on it you know no big deal and but if you're gonna take a three or four hundred yard shot you know you might want to consider like a short action Magnum caliber something like that for those longer range shots if that's most of what you're doing so definitely in caliber considerations and rifle considerations gear things like that well that that brings us to bullet point number five which is choose the correct bullet and gun combat indeed you kind of more or less covered that but you know choose the correct tool for the job a hunting rifle when when outfitted as a hunting rifle is basically just a tool it is a tool that kills deer and knowing the knowing your limitations for where you're hunting you know you don't need to take a thousand-yard benchrest rifle alpha try to hunt deer behind a yard I'm gonna take my six millimeter Braille gun out that weighs 30 pounds I'm gonna set that sucker up I can't tell you how many people I've run into and especially working at moss and everything like that they bring some like you know 300 Weatherby Magnum or 300 Winchester Magnum rifle in there and they want us to mount a scope on it and they're worried about it then the scope is like some like 4 4 to 16 or some crap like that like the lowest magnification setting on the optics like for POW no I think they want to go hunt a hundred-yard oh no no no for power is nothing you 4:12 is alright but I mean I see guys that have like eight power minimum variable power optics come in they're like yeah this my hunt rifle like where are you hunting what well eight to twenty four eight if if you're taking long shots or you're you're hunting game that requires you to be able to take those shots then absolutely that's what we're saying in George's understanding that the correct combo of caliber to gun you know like this little uh this this rifle right here this one little Kimber eighty-four M's it's an intermediate action 308 it's nice and lightweight it's got just a simple little loophole two to seven on it which is just a great optic that you can dial down really low power for a nice you know medium to long short-range shots I can dial it up to seven and you know in this gun is perfect for like couple of hundred yards you know what I mean and this will my wife's deer gun that's nice and lightweight the the big benefit to a low-power variable power optic is you take it down with two or three power and you can scan wide areas and when you find a target of opportunity you can dial it in to get a closer look count antlers count points or whatever you know verify whether it's doe or a spike yeah you can you know dial it up and you can see the things that you need to see before you take that accurate shot yeah so so choosing the correct bullet and gun combo also comes down to being able to uh properly identify your potential quarry which is very important you know if you're if you're maxed out on Buck tags the last thing you want to do is accidentally kill a spike and guess what you just technically broke the law because you harvested a spike alright so that's something to consider and then obviously caliber choice is kind of rolled into that too there's a whole debate over causal choice but guys use a centerfire caliber of at least 25 caliber a better you know no someplace there's a lot of deer with 22 caliber guns not long rifle but like two to three caliber bolt-actions I've killed a lot of deer with them with neck shots and things like that but really you know something like a like a 35 Remington or 30 30 32 special something like that I mean 270s all sixes I mean guys you use a deer caliber proper don't skimp on the caliber like choose a good deer hunting cow not only that but like Eric said bullet selection use a good quality hollow-point soft point some sort of expanding round that's gonna double or more its caliber its original caliber you know so you get a good knockdown power everything good transfer of energy I don't use you know cheap FMJ ammo although it would likely do the job just fine don't hunt deer with full metal just not really designed for that so that's not anyways alright so moving on to number six trail cameras are you friend now I know earlier we said don't go crazy to get started trail cameras are one of those things that after you've established some patterns you've done some scouting say you've planted some food plots which that's a whole in other videos to talk about food plots but we're not going to get into that now but say that you've gotten to a point where the land you're hunting on you've managed it to the point where you you have an idea of where you think these deer are going to show up to feed or maybe they're showing up to you know travel through a given path to get from a bedding area to a feeding area and you want to monitor that activity trail cameras are an indispensable tool for monitoring the activity of the deer on your property and a very nonchalant and and and very hands-off way some trail cameras actually will send pictures to your phone so it allows you to monitor the the situation that's going on with your deer herd without actually having to go into the woods and disturb the area to retrieve cards and stuff so the prices on trail cameras go all the way down by sixty dollar trail cameras or look all the way up to you know they can cost I think like a grand for like some of the top you know top dogs you know depend on what you get so don't be afraid to use trail cameras before you deploy them and before you spend money on them make sure you you have an idea of where the animals are traveling on the property you know there's nothing worse than spending money on gear and you put a camera out and you feel like you're about to see these crazy pictures like you see on my knees 14-point deer and I'll see some raccoon you see something raccoons comfortable yeah or some crows exactly so understand the limitations of trail cameras and understand when you need to deploy them but understand that they are a very valuable tool and trail cameras if you're landowner alright this is on the other end of the spectrum if you're a landowner and you're worried about people's trespassing on your property trail cameras can also lead to prosecution trespassers thieves you know people have been caught stealing with trail cameras people have been prosecuted with evidence from trail cameras so they are useful for things other than just hunting into if if you've got trail camera set up it basically eliminates speculation you know as far as the deer that are out there and everything the size of and all that if you see rubbing sand stuff on trees it might be a crazy rubbing but it might be a little four point buck there's just going nuts sure no but whatever I mean it gives you the ability to know exactly what's out there I'm just one more tool in the tool bags what we're saying is just understand that they're useful all right so getting on to number seven control scent no cologne or deodorant now guys all these experts when it comes to you know scent scent and everything like that will tell you oh you got to buy this scent lock fancy pants clothing that won't let your scent out you got to use this special deodorant that we make and you got to make the you know you got to use the special shampoo and all this guys you don't have to you don't have to get that crazy but but the the basic understanding and what you need to kind of keep in your mind is that deer use their noses a lot to detect many many things but threats I mean we are a threat to them and and they are completely repulsed by our sin they hate it we stink we smell like rotten garbage to them they hate so the thing is understand that is if you're not playing the wind and you're careless with where the wind's blowing doesn't matter what you smell like they're gonna smell you so all the saint's control in the world and all the deodorant and all the throwing dirt in your bag and wiping dopey on your shoes and all that all of that it's completely useless if you don't play the winds so just understand that yes scent is something to consider but don't make that big of a deal about it if you're being really cautious with the wind one thing that I do just as a tip I have kids so I use drift all the time it's basically an unscented detergent and it literally leaves nothing on the clothes so there's no residue or anything like that it's very minimal ingredients you can buy antiperspirant if you don't want to sweat that doesn't have any scent to it at Walmart you know so you can get things that will lead to containing your scent very easy and they're generic and they're generic and they're cheap and they're effective you know we when I was on with dad when I was a kid we used red fox pee on her boots all the time you know unless stuff stays with your with your boots too yep and I just remember that smell you know you put on is like you know some people think it stinks but I love it reminds me oh yeah all right dasu so so we're getting on to since he's talking about these scents so know which scent attractants work and when to use them okay so that that's a big thing like having some stuff in your tool bag like alright if you want to mess with some like dough and ester scent or you want to mess around with some some buck sense and we show these I means right you want to you have to make sure that that timing is correct I mean if you're trying to bring in a big buck you may want to seize on day one of season using cents alright well then a doe in heat is not really gonna make sense to him because the dough aren't in heat yet so he's like yeah well that crazy dough if the if the dough aren't in the rut yet if they're not if the ruts not on then trying to play that card isn't really gonna work and a smart deer that that's a little older and especially if he's been around long enough could potentially uh you know call bullcrap on you and just now some young buck might be running out there he's like whoa I got me a baby now yeah come on it just depends so understand the understand the bag of tricks and understand when to use them you know it's okay to have I mean a bottle of scent doesn't cost that much money so if you want to invest in a few cents to play around with that's fine one thing that I can also elaborate on with cents the best way to distribute sin is to use the wind and allow the wind to carry the sin and the best way to do that is to take a little bit of fishing string and a cotton ball mm-hmm and saturate the cotton ball with the scent and hang the cotton ball high up in the tree not too high but hang it up about whether their noses are level with where their heads are hang it up and that scent will really help distribute it out really really well versus just pouring it on the ground well they're not their heads aren't always near the ground yeah and yeah the scent will kind of waft away but I've found that it works better to have that scent ball up in the air a little bit where it can really get out there yeah that's the trick that we used to use all the time too and another reason for the height of it is if you're up in a tree stand you know you're ten twelve maybe higher feet above that scent ball so your smell is going to carry above that while you know the scent that you're distributing carries below that so the deer aren't gonna know that you're up there it's gonna mask your smell a little bit too if you do have some scent coming out that's right but anyways so moving on to the next one you're gonna put your stands up way before season and if you're a climber you're gonna practice offseason so you know if you're running climbing stand you don't go into the stand the first day of deer season I'm a tree and so all limbs off and do all this and you're making all this racket that's not the time to be scouting you need to scalp during the summer and kind of figure out you know one you're establishing your patterns and you also need to go alright well this is a tree that I'm gonna get in so that's when you practice offseason you get up there you saw the limbs out of the way you make sure everything's good you get in it you look around you got right yeah this is where I'm gonna set up you know you can maybe take a little uh a little a little bit of like orange fluorescent paint or even just a little white bit of spray painting and just at the trunk of the tree just spray paint align a white line or orange line on the bottom of the tree and that way when you're getting in that stand or trying to find your tree early in the morning and the lights real real limited that little bit of white streak right there I'll help you identify the trees that you've chosen so that'll help you find the tree without having to minimize the amount of time that you're spending stinking the place up okay that's something to consider we're making all kinds of crazy rack and then obviously you know you're not gonna put a climbing knot but now not the climbing stance but it's a ladder stand you're not going to install a ladder stand the day before deer season starts okay give it at least a month or two I mean get out there a couple of months Scout your spot which you should be plant you food plots anyway and figuring out kind of where your plots are gonna go and everything like that put your ladder stand up get it where it situated where you want and let it Mellow if you want to camouflage it camouflage it if you want to put burlap or whatever other random stuff on it you do your thing there lot of times but put it up ahead of time a lot of times that stuff doesn't matter wants to do get used to it they're gonna get used to it yeah I mean it's not you could you could probably paint it Orange and they wouldn't care all right I'm not gonna cure let's see another another tip some places have laws against baiting understand your local laws some folks get in trouble over some people have kind of a greater than thou attitude when it comes to whether or not you should bait for deer and the way that I'll elaborate on baiting is the nutrition of a strong healthy buck starts in the womb of the mother and if that mother has all the food that she needs that buck in her womb is going to grow up to be good and healthy and as long as genetics are in place and that buck has good genetics it's gonna grow up to be the healthiest buck that it possibly can so nutrition for a deer is not just our I'm on throughout a bunch of deer corn and all the deer gonna come and eat here baiting okay sure if that's the way you hunt fine but if you truly want to manage your deer herd and make sure that they have the nutrition that they need that also comes to planning food plots in the spring as well as the winter because in the offseason the deer need food too they need to be you know not have as much stress put on them they have the food they need so yeah when when that uh when that mother is eaten you know she's got all the food that her and her fawns need spring all the way through the summer and then going all the way into the winter so if you're truly managing the deer herd on your property you're assuring that they have the food that they need year-round and understand that that's not just bait a food plot is more than just baiting the deer it's feeding the deer so that they can be healthy well not only that so they stay in that area too you know you want to keep the deer there so you entice them to stay by planting food plots having feeders out like where we are we're kind of barely in the northern zone in Georgia so you know northern zone you can't bait for deer but southern zone you can like literally right across the county line you can bait but not here right you know so you you know there's rules for you know having feeders and things like that a certain distance away from your tree stand or where you're hunting from whatever the case is it's got to be out of sight and all this rigmarole but on the off season that stuff is perfectly fine to have out there as long as it's done in a response you can even in certain areas now understand your your local laws and things like that but in certain areas you can even bait all the way up until deer season like ten days prior you can you can bait and it's prayer we find so it just depends on the laws so understand your rules and regulations where you live when it comes to hunting and I guess I'll end that particular bullet point by saying that every hunter should strive to be a lawful hunter who tries to do his best to follow the rules of the land and the laws of the land and to try to be a responsible hunter because it makes us all look better when everybody does the right thing because it's the right thing to do yep you know chances are you're out there in the woods nobody's watching and they may not see you do that wrong thing that you're not supposed to be doing but you owe it to yourself and all the other hunters to always strive to do the right thing alright the last thing there's a difference between hunting and harvesting in weed we mentioned that a little bit earlier but you know this this is kind of a touchy subject because we're talking like you know you watch these I don't know hunting shows where people go out and it's like oh wow you know there's the babe with the bow and the pretty blonde hair and she's whacking a 14-point buck and it's like every time you tune into the show they're whacking these you know huge deer and you're you know and it creates this almost kind of like holy holy mackerel I need to get out and hunt some deer because everywhere I go I'm gonna hunt deer and kill them like that you have to understand a lot of those shows and a lot of these publications and things have a very over glorified and very almost fantasy like view of how hunting really happens a lot of those places are high fence some of its just sensationalized it's sensationalized a bit so I guess the under the understanding is what makes you a hunter is not your ability to go pay some guy four grand to go kill a 14-point buck on his property where he's gonna put you in a stand and then ten minutes later a trophy deer is gonna walk out because he just spent five years growing that deer and that's why you're paying all that money don't get me wrong guys sometimes you don't have a place to hunt and believe me I've done it I've gone to a place where I paid to hunt hogs or hunt deer because sometimes hunting lands are hard to to get in on and I'm not responsible for the management of that property like I don't get to go in and scout and do the things that a hunter does but the point we want to make with this bullet point is that being a hunter you have to understand your your game you to understand the where's and whys and how's of what your game is doing why they're coming how they're coming what they're doing all of those things are important and that's what makes you a hunter is understanding your game I like I like the European thinking of hunting you know there's a guy that I follow on Instagram his name is Haig banca and he's always posting pictures of going out and hunting like moose or you know deer species whatever and things like that and he's always like camping they have like a little Lodge like a little hunting camp and everything like that they'll be out there for a week it'll be raining or whatever he'll still be out there hanging out stuff and like scouting these animals and falling around looking for signs you know that's like real hunting yeah you know but the high fence stuff I mean sure it's harvesting you know there is a difference you know and it's it's a touch you said look like Eric said I mean if you just go out and you pay to harvest deer well that's awesome you've got a world-record deer or whatever the case is very cool but you know the guy who's been growing deer on his land for you know five six seven years where the case is and then harvesting them off his land you know and scout them around and no one and that's he's the hunter you know that's me really I mean there is a difference but it does I do I do like that the European style of hunting a little bit better than what you know things have become here in Georgia or not Georgia but in the state's here you know the whole since sensationalize hunting shows and all that kind of stuff just kind of given kind of a false air about about things you know and I don't know it's just that's how it goes so alright so we have five bullet points we're gonna go over really quick we're gonna end this video fun we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna poke some fun here and you should just some silly bullet points we came up with and we're gonna go over real quick and we are getting towards the end of the video here alright so poking fun guys don't drink save it for later that's obvious don't don't don't drink when you're hunting okay that's not smart I think it's all look bad okay don't take a woman hunt a woman hunting unless you want to be out there unless you want to be out done look I'm gonna tell you right now you you take your wife and you pointed at a lighter stand you say sit in that stand with a rifle here's a book and sit there until a deer comes by and then shoot it she'll do it she'll sit there and read that entire book women are patient they will get in that stand and they will find that deer they will they'll sit there all day whereby you know comes 11 o'clock we're like alright okay on the other end oh we get impatient but women are patient guys that allow shoot you on the other end of that spectrum kids some kids are mature enough to take hunting others no you get up in the stand you sit there for half an hour bored like shut up yeah got to keep that in mind pick my battles guys shoot more than once a year so some people I can't tell you how many times I've seen people like that you know they're they're not really gun people they just understand that guns are a part of deer hunting so they own a deer rifle and they shoot once a year they go out and they you know sick of pie plate up and shoot three rounds alright we're good and it's like they don't they don't actually take the time to actually learn how to shoot that's my only shoot you know and shoot more than once a year guys if you're gonna if this rifle was your tool be good with it learn how to use it it's a tool and and learn how to use your tools properly guys learn how to shoot not all hunting rifles or Fudd guns all right this is a big one this is a gripe right here because you know in case you don't know a foot is a person who thinks the only hunting rifles and things like that should be legal and that all of the autoloading ARS and aks and all of those things have no place in the gun owners arsenal and that nobody should own those types of guns so they're not boarding yeah Lee leaf by sporting guns alone but screw you and your autoloaders guys ARS are awesome hunting rifles yes you can use auto loading rifles for hunting it doesn't have to be an old bolt-action rifle to be able to take a deer no it doesn't mean you're not good at hunting because you own an AR and you want to hunt deer or 300 blackout it's just another tool and the bad guys look don't let those people give you a hard time okay there's room at the table for everybody just because you don't want to hunt with an ar-15 doesn't make you lesser of a hunter or doesn't make you not a man because you don't use a bolt-action rifle guys just you know take it with a grain of the thing is ARS are extremely burst and over the years you know there's been a lot of companies that have come out with like camo dipped guns and things like that that are basically tailored more for hunting applications but they our platform is very versatile I mean that the swap of an upper with an optic on there you've already got zeroed for a harder hitting caliber than five five six for hunting literally drop it on go out to the woods put your other upper back on when you get home there's your home defense rifle you know you can't do that with a bolt gun versatility you're not okay very versatile you know the last bullet point don't buy into the hype over hype the hype don't buy into the hopper do you know and what I mean by that is you know don't let all of these TV shows and magazines and all of these things discourage you from getting out of the woods and hunting you know don't let the Drake ads and all these ads for these fancy hunting clothes and all this stuff you know if you can't afford to buy a $350 jacket and the coolest camo pattern guess what that deer is not there for fashion that deer doesn't care what brand your clothes are all that deer wants to do is live and survive and and some of these people that buy all this fancy gear deer hunting might be a game to them but it's not a game to that animal it's life and death to that animal and you know all these folks that they have this hipster mentality about hunting that you have to buy all the latest and greatest and you've got to do what all the pros are doing on the hunting shows and all that guys don't buy into the hype buy what you can afford keep it simple don't spend a ton of money and get out there and be a hunter get out there and Scout get out there and just be a good hunter I think that some of the some of the magazines and TV shows and all the advertisements out there it's like they want to make you feel like you can buy your you know skills you know but if you buy this or you buy that or you use this product or whatever you're gonna be a better hunter but that's not really the case I mean the only thing that makes you a better hunter is actually getting out there and learning and hunting and the best thing I can recommend for that is go you know if you're if you're a kid or something like that go with your dad who hunts or your grandfather who hunts or a family member who hunts all the time and learn you know keep it simple and don't take all kinds of crap that you don't need going back to one of the earlier points and just go out there and learn that's really the that's really the basis for a good cunning knowledge it's just learning old school is cool school old school in schools that's the way to look at it you know always take advice from the guys have been doing it a long time and you know take what we said with a grain of salt guys but there's our video hopefully you guys learned something maybe we invoked a little bit of thought something you weren't thinking about maybe some of you are doing some of these things and maybe now you'll be a little bit better of a hunter as a result again guys we're not experts but we thought we make this video because we we are right here on deer season and is there anything that you would add to this video go down in the comment section below add any kind of a you know comments you think will be beneficial to the discussion guys be safe get out there have a good time enjoy the sport we're still learning so any tips that you have for us we could definitely is there something we missed let us know guys thank you so much for watching today's video I know it was a little bit long but I think the points hopefully we're well received have yourselves a good day and we'll see you in the woods happy honey [Music]
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Views: 542,427
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Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, top 10 deer hunting tips, top deer hunting tips, top hunting tips, hunting tips, top 10, deer hunting, top 10s, top 10 tips, hunting, deer, whitetail deer, top 10 hunting tips
Id: icyPClmG3h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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