Top 10 Dark Theories About Nickelodeon Shows

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these grim fan theories might make you change the channel welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 dark theories about Nickelodeon shows up I know it's just a parent's tournament weekend is for kids and their parents you and Grandma are great and everything but you're not actually my parents before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we're looking at the bleakest fan theories that have been conceived about Nickelodeon's original cartoons or live-action shows number 10 post-apocalyptic avatar avatar last airbender avatar aang saved the earth kingdom from destruction but was he too late to stop the apocalypse one theory suggests an apocalyptic event occurred before his birth the proof of this disaster lies with avatar Wan despite living almost 10,000 years before Aang their settings and weapons look relatively similar for comparison avatar Korra was surrounded by steampunk technology around 70 years after Aang saved the world an apocalyptic event could explain the lack of progress between Wan and Aang's eras and the series hybrid animals with all the adult themes this franchise has explored an apocalypse is a depressing possibility number 9 Danny fentons coma Danny Phantom the opening of Danny Phantom shows us that Danny Fenton got his ghostly powers from an accident with one of his parents machines it was a great molecules got all rearranged according to one theory the device did more damage than we thought instead of developing superpowers Danny fell into a coma after the accident the ghosts he fights represent aspects of his personality for example his arch enemy Vlad plasmus symbolizes Danny's resentment towards his parents for the accident I could dream you is renounce your idiot father and speaking of his parents their fights against Danny's ghostly form represent their debate on whether they should pull the plug on their comatose son where is he where's our son [Music] I am your boy is this boy Danny's catchphrases I'm going ghost I'm going ghost [Music] number eight Steve's drug problem Blue's Clues in the bright and imaginative world of Blue's Clues the whimsical Steve is friends with inanimate objects like mr. salt mrs. pepper the mailbox and if this theory is correct hallucinogenic drugs in each episode of the show Steve jumps into paintings and chats with household items side table drawer I just love Blue's Clues here it is the theory states that both activities are just a result of his intense drug hallucinations furthermore the children's voices that we hear in the background represent either a child or a young relative that Steve is constantly neglecting due to his substance abuse so we gotta find right because that's the first if this theory is true then Steve's exit from the show could mean he entered rehab number seven followed Sponge Bob edition SpongeBob SquarePants there are some spongebob fans who believe that the main characters flaws are meant to represent the seven deadly sins but others think there's a more scientific explanation for their bad habits for doing absolutely nothing longer than anyone else the nuclear testing theory says that Sponge Bob and his friends were regular marine creatures until they were mutated by radiation from atomic experiments fans noted that SpongeBob's hometown of Bikini Bottom sounds like Bikini Atoll an actual location where the u.s. tested nuclear weapons in addition explosive clips of mushroom clouds have appeared several times on the show [Music] perhaps things aren't as innocent as they seem near that pineapple under the sea number six Arnold's true parents Hey Arnold before the 2017 movie explored the mystery of what happened to Arnold's parents fans came up with their own solution the theory suggests that Arnold's grandparents were his true parents I mean by bringing me our Grandma and Grandpa pairing since you don't have enough after his birth they told him that his parents for explorers to hide the truth furthermore Arnold's famous football-shaped head was actually a birth defect the one that fits most closely is known as hydrocephalus a condition that causes fluid to build up in the brain since the risk of birth defects can increase among older couples Arnold's grandparents may have blamed themselves and couldn't bear to Tom about his true parentage tell me the real story this time grandpa I don't want to hear what really happened to my parents oh yeah hey Arnold yes number five cannibal crabs Sponge Bob Squarepants Mr Krabs's arch-rival plankton has always wanted to know what makes the crabby patties taste so good the answer may be cannibalism according to the theory the legendary burger is made from actual crabs we've both lost our luster so that's what I taste like before you see that's a load of barnacles consider this there's a noticeable lack of crabs in bikini bottom you know we say the Krusty Krab is menu items like the kelp fries are likely made with the same ingredients present in their title I need a triple Krabby supreme on a kelp fund and with extra sea pickle it and burn it to a crisp okay and the restaurant itself even resembles a large lobster trap if mr. Krabs is as money-hungry as he seems turning his own kind into delicious food makes scary business sense I warned you number four crazy Steve's kidnapping plot iCarly drake and josh featured miranda cosgrove and Jerry Trainor as associates Megan Parker and crazy Steve respectively after that show ended they were cast as sibling Spencer in carly shay on iCarly one theory suggests this was more than coincidental casting why does it upset you yes that's why before the events of iCarly crazy Steve murdered Megan Parker's family he then forced her to move to Seattle and change their identities so they could pass the siblings just call a dude I am a dude a real dude dude Carly's web show is her attempt to reach out to people who might recognize and rescue her this kidnapping theory would explain why crazy Steve was in a mental hospital in icarly spin-off Sam and cat number three Angelica sees dead babies Rugrats this morbid theory suggests that most of the Rugrats are dead Angelica supposedly has mental issues that caused her to hallucinate her baby friends in reality the imagined babies were based on tragic stories she overheard her cousin Tommy was stillborn Angelica imagined Phil and will as twins because their mother had to terminate her pregnancy before her child's gender was revealed the easily frightened Chuckie died in an accident and his stepsister Kimmy was taken away by Child Protective Services the only real baby is dill because the troubled Angelica can't talk to him like she does with her imagined friends number two mr. Crocker is hunting Timmy The Fairly OddParents mr. Crocker may be more obsessed with Timmy than his fairies throughout the fairly oddparents Crocker constantly suspects that his young student will get him access to fairy godparents but one theory claims that the fairies are a metaphor for Timmy's innocence and wishes for the future Crocker wants to steal both by sexually abusing his student in some versions of this theory Timmy's fairies represent the antidepressants he takes to cope with his teachers endless pursuit neglectful parents and abusive babysitter although he pretends that his wishes can be granted the reality is that he's stuck in a cycle of misery before we ruin your childhood with our top pick here are a few honorable mentions - it was crazy and suddenly a hit it it wasn't supposed to happen he wasn't supposed to care but as the feeling blasted through his heart he knew nothing could ever be the same you know stoop kid never lets anybody near his stoop yeah I heard he punched the guy just for touching his stoop number one mr. dink is a child predator dug on the first day eleven year old Doug moved to a new house his neighbor mr. dink brought him next door to watch a video well my family starving and I really hated me well of course you it's just a little film we show all our new residents called Washington crowd while it's portrayed as a friendly gesture theorists believe that this was the first sign that the middle-aged man was a child predator throughout the series mr. dink spends plenty of time with Doug at one point he even becomes Doug's Scoutmaster that was so beautiful eventually Dinks inappropriate closeness allegedly drove his preteen neighbor to experiment with drugs that caused vivid daydreams so every time we see a character like whalemen on screen it's actually Doug taking a trip away from the sinister mr. dink make sure to watch out for mr. Dinks friend Colchester do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 475,061
Rating: 4.7635999 out of 5
Keywords: dark theories nickelodeon, fan theories nickelodeon, tv fan theories, weird fan theories, SpongeBob SquarePants, Danny Phantom, Hey Arnold, Rugrats, Blue’s Clues, nickelodeon shows, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list
Id: 5CBswtiwGkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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