Top 10 Cutest Disney Kids

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there's adorable and then there's Disney adorable no contest with the puter I'm adorable welcome to Ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 cutest Disney kids before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe for more great content for this list we're looking at the cutest of the cute in the Disney realm and that's saying something as long as these little tykes end up human they count here we won't be including the adorable puppies or other baby animals from the mouse house as they have a list of their own oh I don't care do number 10 Hercules Hercules cartoon me me yeah sure as an adult he became the first mega hunk superstar but even as a baby there was something about Hercules with the tiniest curl of a nose and winning smile we just can't get enough of the itty-bitty wonder boy his big sparkling eyes just add to the cute factor and how many infants have a full head of hair that looks like it's made of pure spun gold his appeal isn't all due to his looks though his first meeting with Pegasus is something that gives us all the fields not to mention the way Herc looks so happy even when being flown off by his kidnappers or when he disposes of them that's pretty high on the cute scale number nine Anna and Elsa frozen freak up recap two cuties for the price of one because how could anyone separate these two little beauties the perfect dynamic of an excitable younger sibling and one who needs a little bit of coaxing we could watch these two build snowmen forever fair-haired Elsa and red Tristana are both beautiful little girls with the kind of eyes that people just fall right into but what lands them on the list is the chemistry between them the lab enjoyed the feast to share is a perfect example of what sisterly love is supposed to be about it warms even the iciest of viewers hearts which makes their later for separation that much more painful keep her powers hidden from everyone including honor number eight Moana Moana those eyes we can't resist little mallanna has what seems to be an ideal life living near the shore if this little sweetie pie is interested in everything the island has to offer and gather seashell after seashells we're little giggle is just part of the innocence that makes Moana so appealing and been gearing her fast friendship with the ocean is incredibly captivating and little does she know that she's making a lifelong pal the ocean giving her adorable brunette tresses a makeover and then their goodbye wave skyrocketed this new Disney heroine into our hearts number seven Tiana the Princess and the Frog there's no way in this whole wide world however ever ever I mean never kiss a frog yes little Charlotte's professed willingness to kiss the Frog to become a princess is pretty charming but it pales mixed a little Tiana's willfulness without being overbearing or obnoxious Tiana demonstrates a strong sense of self and a belief in her own abilities quality she's going to need as she grows up I think it's going baby yeah are you sure absolutely party yes so she has a wonderfully expressive face and springy black curls it's Tiana's Emma's Drive that makes her special oh good from a young age she makes a mean gumbo and has lofty aspirations but her parents featured that family is really what's important problems should add in one thing she'll never ever lose sight of what's really important number six Merida brave he's no coming Emma can I please can I say sure the trail of brash mischievous little brothers in brave have their fair share of way cute moment but they have to take second place to their incredible sister with that shock of wild red hair giant bright blue eyes and a smile that lights up her little face Merida is a wee darling happy customer we darling combine that with her in fish person allottee and she's a real winner when she's given her first set of bow and arrows we kind of knew she'd get pretty good with them but her first tries are nothing short of adorable and scoop it hit me when she delves into the forest and meets a willow the wisp which will be see how endlessly inquisitive she is number five Tarzan Tarzan mm-hmm maybe Tarzan should have just stayed a little baby sure when he grows up he shows that he knows how to rock that loincloth but just look at how fetching his pudgy little arms are as a baby and how many babies would be so calm when a gorilla shows up and starts inspecting them little Tarzan doesn't mind being hung upside down and he's perfectly content to spend time making little bubbles once he reaches up to get call his finger to squeeze she's sold but he had the rest of us the minute East knees number four woo Monsters Inc so scary monsters the little girl called boo is considered toxic well if by toxic they mean so cute you just want to scream then she's guilty as charged Wow seriously how can you not love a little girl she's got those big old eyes especially when they water up and she starts crying but we love blue because of how innocent and childlike she is she's trusting and loving and sweet but also very ready to react to unpleasant stimuli she's not scared of you anymore with her adorable little pigtails it's no wonder Kitty and Mike fall for her just like we did [Music] number three chips Beauty and the Beast his mustache tickles mama oh hello he spends most of the movie is a slightly broken teacup but whether he's in his enchanted form or his human form chip steals your heart right away what mother wouldn't want to have a son like chip these mother's little helper without being a mama's boy a sweet kid that has an optimistic outlook even about his enchantment why not he do a trick he's sorry and who can't help but chuckle when his mother and friends are singing about Belle in the beasts relationship and chip just doesn't understand what they're talking about there may be something being that was insanity fool what fair mama can do as a human he's every bit as lovable too which is quite an accomplishment why sure happy asleep in the cupboard number two Rapunzel tangled a healthy baby girl a princess was born with beautiful golden hair Rapunzel may not have had the happiest childhood but her infancy started out well granted being the beloved daughter of a Teen Queen isn't a bad way to begin life but Rapunzel was clearly a good baby she was lively and curious a squirming little bundle of happiness and even as a baby she had a head of gorgeous golden hair even after being kidnapped by which Rapunzel was a precious child obedient kind and full of wonder but can't I could die the outside world is a dangerous place filled with horrible selfish people you must stay here when a thief this is one little girl who never gave up hope despite having every reason to do so each year on her birthday the king and queen released thousands of land community sky and hope that one day they're lost princess would return before we reveal our top pick here are a few honorable mentions are you real a real boy your life you are a real boy oh look at me Happy's baby number one lilo lilo and stitch fish likes tuna I'd be an abomination lilo doesn't have the benefits of royal birth or a fairytale setting she's a realistic little girl being raised by her well-meaning but inexperienced older sister I shouldn't have yelled at you they're sisters it's good job yeah well from now on I like you better than his sisters anymore Tina's an oddball by other kids her age it doesn't help matters that Leo has very definite strong opinions that she's unafraid to voice or express in other ways lilo also has quite the wild imagination but lilo stubborn streak comes from her desire to have a happy family at any cost she hasn't been here that long he's a my dad said ohana means family she makes mistakes but she's unerringly honest determined and loyal roll this up into a package of jet-black hair and an infectious smile and you've got the cutest of them all with a great big heart disciplined yeah just something real good sometimes five times bitch Rick Rick oh oh okay okay that's enough sugar for you do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from is mojo and subscribe for new videos every day [Music] you
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 2,711,136
Rating: 4.7773237 out of 5
Keywords: Disney, Cutest Disney kids, cutest kids, children, cutest animated kids, MsMojo, List, Top 10, Top 5, Facts, Disney Kids, Disneyland, Disney characters, movies, Disney movies, Hercules, Anna, Elsa, Tiana, Moana, Boo, Chip, Rapunzel, Lilo, Beauty and the Beast, Cutest Disney Babies, Disney Babies, Cutest Babies, Baby Moana
Id: Gz1I-h7N63M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2017
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