Top 10 cheapest countries to study abroad | No Tuition fee | No IELTS

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studying abroad is not only for rich but also for middle class family but the problem is students just doesn't know which other countries to Target other than the big countries like UK Australia US Canada and New Zealand so today I have a special guest who will be talking about not one two or three but top 10 cheapest countries which you should be targeting to study abroad because either they have no tuition fee or very minimal tuition fee but before I start if you want to stud in any of this listed country make sure you fill the Google form from the links provided in my video description and my team will reach out to you so without any further delay let me invite my special guest wakawaka hi Dr wakawaka welcome once again to my channel your knowledge buddy thank you very much for inviting me it's always a pleasure so Dr wakawaka if you don't mind can you please introduce yourself to my audience well for those who don't know me I've been here a few times uh my name is everyone calls me waka waka doctor for obvious reasons I'm a medical doctor who enjoys traveling I've been to more than 70 countries now actually 78 at the last count and I'm a medical doctor on one hand um and I help people move abroad through job opportunities permanent residency route scholarship opportunities on all my social media platforms and that's the reason why I've invited you because I know you had been talking about different things on your social Channel especially about students moving abroad so my audience when they plan to study abroad they only Target the top countries like UK USA Australia Canada New Zealand so from your knowledge I want to know what are the other countries that my audience should be targeting other than this countries fantastic question and this would involve us you know going to town and talking so much about several countries but before I go into that I want to lay out a few principles that I think people should be aware of before you ever decide to move abroad you have to ask yourself why am I moving abroad why do I want to move abroad do you want to move abroad because you want a better education do you want to move abroad solely because you want more money I moved abroad because of money do you want to move abroad because you're thinking of the future of your kids do you want to move abroad because you want a stronger passport this questions you have to answer there are several factors you also have to consider how much money do you have in your bank account how much are you willing to spend do you want to move with your family or you want to go alone do you want a place where you're able to work while you study these things you have to consider what did you graduate with do you want a country that would accept you irrespective of the fact that you had a second class lower or a third class or a pass you know that would give you that opportunity and so these factors would decide or determine what country you move to now I'm going to mention at least 10 countries you can move to where tuition is cheaper than the UK US Canada Australia um and it's going to cost you zero cost or almost zero okay and considering the fact that the UK has even stopped dependence from coming now so maybe your thoughts are going to change a little bit I'm going to start with the first one which is Iceland Iceland is my first one and admissions are going to open in December I think December 4th that's when admissions will open and Iceland is particularly interesting it's going to run from December to uh the 4th of April December to April and tuition is free you're not paying tuition at all the only thing you have to pay is $500 for service charge and application fees and um you can work while you study for 20 hours um on the website of the schools they will tell you that you need to have a second class upper degree to qualify or be admitted but I'm going to tell you from experience that you should apply because I I know someone who had a second class lower degree and he applied to Iceland this year and he got him so let let it not stop you if you believe that you want to go to Iceland go for it uh the only other thing is depending on how um how well you did in in your academics your transcripts you might not require ilts so ilts is is is compulsory mandatory but if you if you did well um based on your transcripts they can wave it for you um they can ask you to just sort of provide a letter of English proficiency and that would usually suffice uh the proof of funds for Iceland is usually between 9 to 10,000 that's what you need as proof of funds um and Iceland I love very much so that's number one are dependants allowed to come on study Visa so dependants cannot come with you immediately but they come with you after 6 months so once you're in Iceland after 6 months you can bring your dependence with you to Iceland number two is Germany Germany is still free of charge uh but like I always tell people the best time to apply is now and the second best time to apply is now and the reason for saying that is that policies are changing all the time there are universities in Germany that are now introducing tuition okay and they're saying maybe in 202 for maybe in 2025 um you might have to start paying tuition but Germany has more than 350 universities vocational schools um public universities technical schools that you can apply to and they are free NOS required you can move with your family to Germany immediately higher National diplomas are accepted second class lower degrees are accepted the only drawback with Germany is that during your Visa process you need to have what is called a blocked account a blocked account means that the school will need you to open an account in Germany and transfer the equivalent of 10 to 12,000 into that bank account it is still your money but they want to be able to see it and be sure that you can take care of yourself while you are in Germany so the idea is when you get to Germany they will start giving it to you every month what I've often advised people is if Germany is your choice you can take a loan and tell the person I'm going to give you back the money after one year or I will give you create a plan 12 month plan I will give you every month when I arrive in Germany and once they give it to you you refund it back to the person that might work for you so Germany is another Choice tuition is totally free number three for me it's Brazil Brazil is also free tuition is free and what Brazil says is look come to Brazil for one year we are going to teach you Portuguese language in one year and then you would learn your degree in Portuguese so you're going to get two advantages you're going to be able to learn a new language and then you're going to be able to learn or earn your degree for free now the good thing why I love uh Brazil is that if you're married this is for married people you can move with your family straight away and if you're married and you give birth in Brazil your child is going to get an immediate Brazilian passport Okay Brazilian passport is top 20 in the world and um you as the parents will get immediate permanent residency and your parents also get Perman residencies so what I mean is if I were married now and I decide to give birth in Brazil my child gets immediate citizenship my wife and I will get permanent residency our parents would also get permanent residency that's amazing and then after three years it's awesome after three years you become citizens in Brazil now the fourth one is Austria Austria is is Affordable it's € 376 per semester um I was able to visit one of the universities here it's called tuvm now they're thinking of changing the price of tuition to 726 per semester starting from next year it's still a consideration some schools have started you know um implementing it but I think people should apply now Austria is 3206 376 EUR per semester higher National diplomas are accepted um no elts requirements and I can confirm to you based on experience that you can move with your family and you can work while you study I've met several Indians here I've met loads of Africans here they're trooping into um Austria at the moment so I think people should take advantage okay so Austria is another one that I'm going to take the admissions usually open next year so if you you're already late by the time you're watching this video you're late you know for the match intake so you have to start planning now for September intake and the process is a little bit cumbersome because you have to verify your documents so you have to go to the Ministry of Education in your country and authenticate your documents for them to say it's original so go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs go to the Ministry of Education in your country let them verify your transcript your passport your bet certificate and your Secondary School certificate once they verify that this is authentic you go to the Austrian Embassy and they will also legalize it they just need to stamp it and once that stamp is done you go to www. studyin austria. and you apply to as many schools as you want some have application fees some don't have application fees apply to as many as you want and you wait they reply very fast in 3 four months you can get your processing done the fifth one I'm going to talk about is the check Republic the Czech Republic is also another country that's not expensive and tuition is usually between €900 to about €1,500 and it's similar it's in the same region I think you can take a train even from Austria to Czech Republic there's NOS requirement no language requirements if you're willing to learn in Austria you stud um in Czech if you're willing to study in Czech language you study for free but if you want to learn in English then you have to pay that tuition of 900 to €1,500 now the very good thing again about Czech Republic is that you can apply for scholarships so they can give you 50% scholarship ship even on that tuition so you would agree that that's an amazing opportunity the next country I want to talk about is Malta it's not free and it's not zero almost zero you know tuition but I'm going to mention it because you have quite a lot of people who would say they want to go to only English-speaking countries you know they want to go to English speaking countries alone they have difficulty with the language I just want an English speaking country but they cannot afford Canada they can afford a Australia they can afford New Zealand they cannot afford the UK and Malta is asides the UK and the Republic of Ireland Malta is the only english- speaking country in Europe I visited Malta for two days before recording this video and I can tell you that admissions are open right now tuition in Malta is between €3,000 if you're doing Bachelors bachelors's runs for three years and your master's degree can be between 3,000 to 7,000 you can work for 20 hours um your family can join you after 6 to 12 months okay depending on how fast you get your P residency card and there's no ilts requirement as well you can pay in installments you can pay in three or four installments depending on your school so multi is a very good choice the next country I'm going to talk about is Belgium Okay Belgium is another country and the reason why I want to talk about Belgium is because Belgium allows you to pay your tuition when you arrive in Belgium so you don't need to worry about I don't have the money now don't worry about that get your admission get your visa fly to Belgium and you can pay the first installment of your tuition when you arrive in Belgium there are schools in Belgium that allow seven installments seven installments from when you arrive in Belgium tuition in Belgium is as low as €1,000 depending on the cost you want to study aage tuition is between 1,000 to 4,000 so you should consider Belgium the only drawback for Belgium is that ILS is compulsory so you must have your ILS and you need just ilts of six so get an i six yes between 6 and 6.5 get ILS done get all your other documents done and you can make application for Belgium okay I've told you seven installments you don't need to pay your tuition until you arrive in Belgium the next country I want to talk about is Switzerland Switzerland tuition is as low as 900 in fact €600 in Switzerland okay um the drawback with Switzerland is that Switzerland is expensive to live in so if you're not sure that you because the they they have a very high standard of living but the government finds a way to B Balan it so if you get a job in Switzerland you're going to be paid very highly as well so it balances that up it's not as if you're going to be paying so much bills and you're you're not earning that much you're going to be earning as much um and spending as much as well but tuition is very low as low as 500 600 EUR um university of basil for instance is one of the universities they don't need ilts okay um another drawback is that you can only work 15 hours you canot work 20 hours like the other universities you can only work 15 hours because they want you to focus on your academics okay but anybody can apply to Switzerland the next country on my list is Italy now Italy is so amazing because you will not find two people who pay the same tuition in it everybody pays different tuition so you can find someone who pays tuition of 500 and also find someone who pays tuition of 80 and I know this from experience because I have loads of people who have moved to Italy watching my videos now the good thing about Italy is you can move with your family Italy accepts second class law they accept higher National diploma there's no need fors the reason why T is different is because they have a process where you know they charge you the tuition based on your family's socioeconomic status so one of the procedures you have to undergo you can when you apply for admission study in italy. when you apply one of the things you have to go through is to fill a document that explains what your family's income looks like and if your family earns less than $500 per month equivalent you qualify to have your tuition reduced substantially you can pay a tuition as low as1 it could be as low as 150 €200 depending on the school some schools will give you Transportation some schools will feed you once a day some schools would you know give you accommodation so it depends on the school and there are several schools you can apply to in Italy um there's no ilts requirements you can move with your family and Italy is open right now so this is the time to start applying to Italian schools the last on list that I love to talk about is Portugal tuition in Portugal is as low as €900 tuition in Portugal is as low as €900 second class lower is accepted higher National diploma is accepted um you can also move with your family um some people have found it difficult removing their families uh because they're not able to prove that they have enough money to take care of their families and I love Portugal so much because you know I think Portugal is underrated and they've got you know a digital NORAD Visa as well final one I'm going to talk about is Luxembourg Luxembourg okay I'm just going to give you that bonus Luxembourg tuition in Luxembourg is as low as €250 Luxembourg is probably top three richest countries in the world okay and they've got one University well two universities but I'll talk about both of them now they've got one university university of Luxembourg tuition there is €250 and they're usually opened anytime from I think March or April mhm um and the requirements are all the same you can get ilts waivers um you you you know tuition is cheap um but that's not the interesting one for me I mean anybody can apply to that they have a another university called lunex okay which is open all year round so you can apply anytime you want the limitation however is is that lunex is only for people who are interested in Tech Physiotherapy and sports so if you're interested in Tech Physiotherapy and sports look up lunex University in Luxembourg they are open all year round tuition is about 4 to 8,000 EUR so if you can afford that go for it and um yeah so these are the 10 countries that I think I should bring to you right now and I think you should consider if you're looking to move abroad I always tell people that you don't need to move to the UK you don't need to move to Canada you don't need to move to Australia if you cannot afford it you can start small and then move to your dream place I hope this has helped you thank you very much that was not 10 that was 11 because I was making notes when you were talking yeah so it's 11 countries by the way 11 countries yeah Leber was a bonus for my audience so I cannot thank you enough this was such a informative video for everyone in fact I learned so much from this video myself and I'm sure my audience is going to love so thank you very much Dr wakawaka for coming and recording this video and you guys if you're watching this video make sure you comment below if this was informative and if you want me to bring WKA Waka once again to cover any other topic do comment below thank you very much and I'll see you guys next byee thank you
Channel: Your Knowledge Buddy
Views: 28,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easiest countries to immigrate to, easiest country to get citizenship, easiest countries to immigrate, easiest countries to get permanent residency, easiest countries to get citizenship, easiest countries to get citizenship europe, easiest countries to get work visa, easiest countries to move to, easiest countries to take over, 10 easiest countries to immigrate, easiest immigration countries, free visa, free visa apply, free visa country, countries, top 10, top10, best
Id: A1ljUtrY4Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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