Top 10 C# Best Practices (plus bonuses)

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in this video we're going to discuss my top 10 best practices for c-sharp developers now these are things that I do on a consistent basis to make my code better now I've got a lot more than 10 best practices but I think that if you master these 10 you'll set yourself up for success on the other hand if you ignore these best practices you will almost assuredly get into trouble in fact when students approach with a broken application the most likely cause for their issue has to do with not filing one of these best practices before it started though I want you know to stick around till the end when I built this list I actually identified two more best practices they're very important they are a bit different though so I've added them on as bonus best practices so let's jump right in with best practice number one name things well here I have the new product window which will actually create both the product and the solution you get this by us hitting the new project button here now in here by default the name of the project is console application eight and the solution name is console application eight those are horrible names and the reason why is because you don't understand what that really does so for example what's the difference between console application eight and console application six you just don't know and so instead we need a name this something more intelligent so I start with the project name let's call this console UI now what does that project name tell us what it tells us this is the console part of the application and that it's a user interface now does it tell us what that user interface does not really we know it's a console we don't know what it does so for example it's not the guestbook console user interface but in this case we're doing a demo and so we don't have a real specific purpose for our application so I can call that console UI in fact console UI can be a fine name for it if you like good naming is hard to do but I encourage you to take the time to really think what's your piece or whatever you're going to be developing is going to do in this case it's our project and so what's our project gonna do and start thinking that through and develop a name out of that that makes sense next is our solution name and a solution name really should not match our project name one of the most basic reasons why you shouldn't do that is because then you don't know what's the solution versus what's the project two different things shouldn't have the same name I know Microsoft defaulted this way I I wish they wouldn't but because they do we have to make sure that we pay attention and change the solution name in this case and I call this solution c-sharp best practices and also notice my naming convention I'm using what's called Pascal keys here which means that every word gets a capital letter so c-sharp best and practices so CSB P that's a great naming convention that most people seem to use in the industry and it's also encouraged with Microsoft and what we do we use Pascal casing for our project names our solution names our class names our file names and most other things the only thing we don't use pascal casing for is our variables and our parameters and we'll look at that a minute and there are of course other little exceptions but we talked about in general now the other end note here is I did not say c-sharp and put the the hash tag of pound sign here like that and that is identifies one more thing you should do in naming and that is you shouldn't include special characters or spaces in some instances they will allow you to put spaces in there and not throw an error but just avoid it because it will cause some headaches down the road that you just weren't so no spaces no special characters avoid numbers if at all possible try and use words instead there are cases where numbers are appropriate I wouldn't lead with numbers and try to avoid numbers in general so that's solution naming and project naming I'll hit OK and now notice that Microsoft uses these same naming conventions with a capital first letter for each of their class names their namespace names and their method names will see more naming as we go I'll point out as we do some naming but that's pretty much wraps up the naming but before we go I want to add one more project to our solution and this time to a class library again I will name it well in this case I actually named it library at the end and the reason why is because it's a class library and so my personal convention this is not one that is necessarily best practice but it's it a good idea at least think through my personal convention is to add library on the end of every class library and here's the reason for that if I go into console UI and add a reference to this helper library the project's solution helper library I will only check this box here to add that reference if the name includes library you see it doesn't say in here anywhere this is a class library it just says here's one of the projects in your solution so if I were to do is in Reverse the wrong way and add a reference in my class library to my console application which is something you shouldn't do but if I were to do that it says console UI now that UI tells me it's a user interface I don't add references to user interfaces therefore the wrong place and I had canceled so if I'm in the right place for references in the console you I had a reference it says library I know it's just a double check to make sure that I know this is a class library the other thing I note is when I created that class library it automatically create a class for me called class one now I really dislike that Microsoft does this we don't need to have a default class in here especially not one named class one whenever you see a one at the end of a name your first instinct should be to make sure you get it out of your application so in this case instead of trying to rename this I just delete it and the reason why is because if there's ever a problem with which way I rename it I don't want to end up with a file name called class one even if the class itself is something different or any other weird issues therefore whenever I create a class library I delete class one and that's the basics for naming my second best practice is to add one class per file let's look at what I mean over here in the helper library if I right click and say add class let's add the person class I like a public now this file here person dot CS holds the person class but what if I wanted to add another class let's say the ghast class I could say public class guest putting the guest class here is possible this is fine as far as c-sharp goes it's valid code but if you look over here on their right where does the guest class reside you can't really find it now you can argue well but this makes sense for me because but here is what I would encourage for a best just don't do this instead create a new class file for every class so now you have a public class guest once an egg apology a public class guest in the guest file now just by looking at the file structure we know that the person class resides in the person file and the guest class resides in the guest file this also illustrates one of our naming best practices again notice that I call this guest a singular and person that's also singular that is because this class represents one instance of a person so for example if this class had a first name and a last name value that was storing per person each instance would represent one person so Tim quarry would be one instance of that class whereas Joe Smith would be a separate instance of that class therefore the class name is singular so we have good naming conventions and we have one class per file let's move on to best practice number three use properties not public variables let's take a look at our person class we have open here if we want this class to store data and when I expose that data to the outside world we want to create a property now I use this snippet prop brop and tab twice to create an auto property this is the proper way to create a variable type object that will present data outside this class so for example if we're in the program CS project and we were just say person let's add the using statement there so person first user equals new person first user dot first name equals Tim we're now using that property now if you wanted to you could say public string last name that is a public variable if you want back we're at program dot CS and said first user dot last name notice first of all that the first name has a little wrench next to it whereas last name has that little blue square next to it because these two are different the first name is a property the last name is a public variable now you can use these in a similar manner and some instances you couldn't tell a difference between a two in how you use them however this is not a good practice do not use public variables the entire explanation of why is the bad thing is outside scope of this video however I can tell you there are instances where you'll run into where you can't use a public variable the way you want to instead you need to create a public property so now first name and last name are both public properties and also takes care of the basics of our person class all right best practice number four methods should do one thing the key there is they should do one thing and one thing only let's go back to our example and move over to program CS and let's scope out what this program should actually do it's going to wipe out our test data from our previous example let's cope how this program is supposed to do it's going to start by capturing a number of users let's go of people's capture a number of people's names and then and loop through and say hide them so it's first going to capture a bunch of names and then next it's going to loop through each name and say hide them really simple stuff but that's the overall goal of this program and in fact let's put these comments let's move these up here instead and we'll also fix that formatting now it is a sample application so it's not going to do a whole lot of real-world stuff but instead it's just a demo to show we could do with it now the temptation here is to put all the code inside static void main in fact let's just kind of demo that so first let's create a list of person I'll call it people and again back to our naming for a minute this is a variable it's a private variable and so I name it using camel case and camel case says that the first letter the first word is lowercase but every word after that the first letter is capitalized so for example if I had two words here say people who I like that would be how would be written now since it's only one word it's all lowercase also note that it's plural people as in more than one and the reason for this is because this variable is a list of type person zero or more people next let's add a couple of sample records now typically this is where you actually capture the people's information but we're going to beginning stages of building this application and so you want to have sample data in there try things out so let's just go ahead and create some sample data so people dot add new person and we'll just copy that row a couple times and there we go we've had three people to our list next we'll create our for each loop and we're going to say let's just do a console.writeline that says hello person that first name space person dot last name and so it's going to happen with that is we're going to first create the list of people add the people to the list and then loop through each person to list and say hello and their full name of course just completeness consul don't rely on the end so that the application can pause and let's see what's on the screen and let's again this is the bad way of doing things to the poor example but let's go ahead and demonstrate what this would look like so hit start and it says hello Tim Corrie hello Sue Storm and hello Jill Jones but I said this is the Badly of doing things the poor way of doing things and why is that well again our best practice is that methods should do one thing and one thing only well this static void main right here is a method what's its job well right now it's job is to create a list and people the list loop three person say hello to each person and then pause the operation that seems like more than one job so let's refactor this in order to make it a little easier to work with and also so that this static void main only has one job and that job will be to quarterback the application you see the console application static void main is where we start and where you finish meaning the application starts by calling static void main one static void main is done the application closes so its job is just run the application and so what we're going to do is take out any tasks or pieces that don't align with that just running the application let's start here with this list of person let's actually take this out of here and put it above and we'll actually be specific here and say private so this is a private list of person called people but it lives at this level it lives the same level as static void main only to make a static as well so now we have our list outside of static void main declared so that any method can call this people list and use a people list well what methods need to call that well let's create a new method for these three rows right here let's call this private static void meaning we only want people to call this that are inside this same class program this is we do for all of our methods instead of a console application void means it returns nothing and we'll call it set up sample theta and this goes back again to our naming we keep coming back to the naming best practice notice I call this setup sample data now what do you think the method called set up sample data does well it sets up sample data in this case these are the three sample records we'll put them there and now up here we can call set up sample data next let's get rid of this loop here so let's create a private static void I'll call this greet all the people again why you think this does well it's going to greet each person so we'll take this for each and put it down here and then up here you will say greet all the people so now our static void main is just the quarterback it calls methods until it's done calling methods and then it says okay paused let you see things and we're done so that's its job the setup sample data method has one job setup sample data the greet all the people method has one job loop through the people and greet them now this is a simplistic example but notice how easy it is to read what static void main does set up sample create the people done and then look at each method and see how simple each of these are they're very very simplistic because they have one job and they do it well when you break things down as it may seem simple it may seem silly but the reality is it makes for much easier to read code which makes it much easier to debug also note that right now I'm using sample data well I won't be using sample data all the time in the future I will capture user information so instead of deleting this code or commenting it out I just comment out this method and now it's no longer being called I can call a new methods called ask for people information or something like that but then if I want to test this application maybe I found a bug and I don't want to go through and add all the data in order to populate it in order to then try out the bug all thing to do is come back here and say let's use a sample data again it makes it very easy to switch from debug mode into a production mode just comment or uncomment a method and you have or don't have your sample data and this example really leads into the next couple of best practices so let's look at best practice number six that's practice number six is keep it simple and what I mean by that is you really shouldn't write complex code in fact if you find code that's really really complex and you think man is really cool pause for a minute think it through is there an easier simpler way of accomplishing the same task so for example in this code here I could have had all the code inside static void main like I used to that was a little more complex because you had to read all those lines of code to figure out what's happening in the application whereas now it's very simple to know what each piece does let's look down here as well down here I'm using a four each well if for each is a very very simple statement it says for each person in the people list that's pretty understandable whereas you could say for I equals 0 I is less than people dot count an i plus plus and then do a console.writeline say hello people I first name space people I last name like so this right here and this right here are really the same thing the difference is that this one down here is a lot more complex I'm creating a new variable I'm counting on making sure it's less than the count because the count is zero based and so if you have three items in the array it's 0 1 2 therefore if the count is 3 then really we have to go less than 3 because the 1 says 3 isn't actually 3 it's a 4th one give the complexity okay try to figure out which place here in the array all this kind of stuff is complex there's an easier way of doing this that's simpler it's also easier to read what's even worse is when people get these great ideas on how to make this for loop even cooler for example saying things like I is people dot count minus 1 and where I is greater than or equal to 0 instead of I plus plus is I'm is - guess what that would work too it actually count through the array backwards or through the list backwards but guess what that's even more complex we don't want to do that if at all possible let's stick with the very simplistic and easy to use for each so there's there's simplicity in making small methods that do one thing and it's also simplicity in what you choose to use or not use and I get this question a lot from new beginners in software development they asked me questions that are really questions that only a a senior level developer should even be thinking about a simple example might be they ask me about abstract classes and they might say well how do I use an abstract class and generally my advice is why are you even asking because typically if you're asking about abstract class it's because you read about it or learned about it in some type of type of tutorial but you have no clue why it's even useful and it is good to learn about these things and learn their usefulness but that really isn't something you need to do until after you've mastered a lot more topics my advice is master the basics because the reality is the basics are what you're going to need to use most of the time the complexity that somebody's larger or broader topics bring in like abstract classes or virtual interfaces the complexity they bring in often doesn't help you and sometimes it really hurts the readability to understandability of what's going on in your code so for the sake of the next person who's going to read your code try and keep it as simple as possible it makes it much easier to understand and much easier to debug the next best practice is number seven be consistent this is one that often gets misunderstood the first part of consistency is doing things the same way you always do them for example down here I have a for each and I said var person in people I could have said person person and people either one works so if I was going to do another for each loop I wouldn't say person like so now obviously I wouldn't have to 4-h loops right after each other to do the same thing but notice how this one uses var and this one uses person that's an inconsistency if I'm going to do it one way I'm going to do that same way each time the same is true for how I name things for example helper library well if I am going to add new class library I will call it something library I won't call it something code file because I establish that I always name my class libraries with an extension of library so that's the first part of consistency and programming especially in c-sharp is all about attention to detail so that's one of those details that really help in the process and the reason why is the best practice is because that way it's much easier to visually spot an issue if something is different that normally is you can look at that and see why is this different and may identify a problem but the other part of consistency is conforming to it ever standard you are working with so for example if you're working in a company where you're working on an existing application you may love my idea of this library being the end name of any class library but if your company already has three class libraries and each of them ends in code bin that you can't you shouldn't name your class library with a ending of library you should name it with the ending of code bin now sure that's not what I recommend if you're starting out fresh but if you're working an existing system you need to pattern your code off of the set standard for the rest of the code so as consistency first in how you do things doing it the same way every time but then part of that consistency is doing the things the same way that the rest of your team does and so sometimes you actually do things in a way that's quote/unquote worse then what you know you could do and that's actually better and it sounds wrong but really fitting in with a current code base is more important than forcing your way or your style in the new parts now that being said I do say that if you can enact change it's a good thing so for example if you can say hey I've looked at our coding standards and these things bother me or these things should be I think should be different if the whole team gets on board with that that's something you can work to evolve your codebase to take into account but don't just blindly make your own choices and say well I'm following best practices because you're not so be consistent but be consistent inside your organization or your code group now as next best practice is going to ruffle some feathers number eight is use curly braces for if statements and what I mean by that well let's let's take this example here actually I cut this out for now and I'm going to say if person dot first-name equals Tim I'll paste it back in and say instead of hello Tim quarry I'm going to say hello mr. Corey I could say else just use the regular hello first space last name so hello is through store more load Jill Jones now notice that I don't have any curly braces after my if or my else this is accepted practice in a lot of areas the idea is that if you don't have curly braces the next line and only the next line is attached to that item so for example this line right here is attached to the if whereas this line is attached to the else so if person dot first-name equals Tim we're going to say hello mr. Corey otherwise we're going to say hello Sue Storm or hello Jill Jones now here's the problem with this and this is where it really bugs me especially when you're first starting out but even later if you decide you know what I want to say something else - Tim wears a Hello mr. Corey and then the next line we're going to say how you doing typically you think well I'm going to say how are you doing now you may notice that the indentation is weird and you say well I'll just go ahead and tab that the eat if you don't doesn't really matter notice is red squiggly here it actually tells me expected a closing curly brace and if I were to run this I have build errors and let's what those errors are curly brace except expected well even if it put one there that's not like a help me because it still says I've got something else expected because I just closed the for each and that's not right so what's the problem here well the problem is that this is no longer associated with the if statement it will always run in fact if we didn't have this else statement here we'd have no error and let's run this hello mr. Cory how are you doing how are you doing how you doing I have three how are you doing I have three people why is that well because if the person's first name is Tim I say hello mr. Cory at first line but this next line isn't associated with the if statement it runs every time therefore I ask everyone how doing including Tim Sue and Jill if I had curly braces it'd be very easy to understand that I'm only asking Tim how am i checking to him and if it is Tim that I ask I say how are you doing so I do that I only get hello much to Cory how are you doing once because the other two Sue and Jill don't get asked how they're doing with curry races is very easy to understand what the scope is of that particular statement now you may say well I only have one line and that's true but maybe tomorrow you want to add that second that second line in and I know this there's some controversy I know some people really love having that one-liner with no curly braces in there my thing is this it doesn't hurt anything now I know it's a little less typing to do it the one-liner way but here's a thought use a snippet I have tab twice look what happened it gave me not only my parens but also my curly braces in fact if I were to say person dot first name double equals Tim and I hit enter now my cursor is even between those curly braces and so I didn't have to type without anyways so my encouragement to you is to use the curly braces for every if statement don't try and shortcut it and do the one-liners again these aren't requirements these are best practices in fact these are my best practices it's definitely an opinion our next best practice is number nine concatenating strings with dollar sign so what I mean by this well I've already demoed it once here and what this does is it takes the this part of the string hello mr. in space and then it adds in using these curly braces it adds in a piece of c-sharp code so all of this gets joined into one string because I put a dollar sign in front of the double quotes a different way of doing this let's do this right above I could have said double quotes hello mr. space and double quotes plus person dot last name and that is functionally equivalent as far as the outcome at least with this the difference is the memory consumption that this takes versus this this right here is an efficient process this right here is a very inefficient process whenever you're talking about adding strings together my encouragement is if it's all in one line so for example if you were going to say string test equals hello space plus person dot first name plus space plus person dot last name plus excellent exclamation point like that if you're doing some of this we are building a string in all in one line or in a couple lines and then you are splitting that back out or using that my encouragement is instead to do the dollar sign methodology so string better test equals dollar sign deep we'll hit double quotes then you semicolon just to complete that line then come back and say hello space curly brace person that first name pretty race closed space curly brace person dot last name close curly brace and then exclamation point now first of all this is a little easier to read but it's also more efficient than this is now we used to use string dot format we still can but this dollar sign method has really taken over the string dot formats place it's just really easy to do it's really efficient the other part though strings being efficient or inefficient is in loops let's just create a private static void string demo method this is just for demo personal purposes let's say we're going to create a string we call it just ass not a great name but it's good for demo we'll start it off with this empty string and then we have this for loop where we're going to say that let's go to 100,000 so this is obviously a contrived example but in this example we're going to loop through a hundred thousand times and add to string just a simple high hill plus space the end of it will say it's going to say hi hi hi hi hi a hundred thousand times this will be horribly inefficient just to prove this let's just do a console.writeline where we say date time dot now dot - long time string now this is not the most efficient way of timing your methods is just for demonstration purposes but if we were to run this so let's go ahead and put this method up here now actually even comment out my other methods just so we're doing a good test I'll call that let's make sure you have everything taken care of it's going to write out the start time and it's going to write out the end time in between we're going to do this for loop where we append something to s if you rerun this and still thinking there we go it took approximately six seconds now in computer terms that's forever especially since this application is very very simple it doesn't do a whole lot now so you may say well this s equals s plus is private problem instead we could say plus equals and that does something very similar it takes the value of s adds hi to it and stores that that new value back into s it's the same rule same basic thing if we were run this it's still about six seconds so that wasn't the problem so instead if you're going through a loop like this the better practice if it's very very large now if you're going through a loop of five things eight things this prize isn't worth it but if you're not sure or if the loop might get larger use a string builder a string builder now go into all the details of string builder but basically it's a instantiated class and so you say string builder the name equals new string builder and then here instead of doing an hour plus equals you would say SB dot append hi now this is going to take hi and append it to our string our string will look the exact same as this s variable would have looked now the only difference of string builder is when you want to be an actual string you have to say dot two string so if down here I want to say SB dot two string in order to get the string equivalent but we're not printing out we're just storing it let's run this application if you catch that same exact time let's just show off let's do a million so 10 times as many as this method right here 10 times as many it still doesn't show a difference in our start and end time so whereas this method will have taken approximately a minute probably this method still does it within the same second and we keep going adding zeros on here and I'll tell you a while before you see any difference there's a little bit of a difference there with 10 million let's do a hundred million okay so a hundred million it took two seconds that as compared to a hundred thousand taking three times as long so as you can see how you deal with strings and adding strings together is important in the case of just adding a string together for one line use the dollar sign methodology if you're going to do a loop where as a number of strings you add together like this as example instead use a string builder and that will make your application much more efficient and the last of our top 10 best practices for c-sharp is avoid global variables I'm not only going to demo this but basically the idea is that when you first start out you think man I have to have this information everywhere and so you make everything global meaning you allow everyone to see your variable across all different classes and programs because you think well I need to I need for the person cloudlet guest class to see my list of person called people and really the answer is no you don't if the guest class for whatever reason need to see a list that was somewhere else you can pass that list along it will even pass efficiently so if you get tempted to a global variable think of how you can do a different way now there's some times you say well but I have certain setup information for example where my text files are that I store log information in that kind of information needs to be accessible across the entire application well in that kind of case you would use the app config file and store information in here there's two reasons for that one is everywhere has access to this file and two you can change this file at runtime meaning you don't have to recompile your application to change the values here now the bonus here is that this information doesn't live in memory see if you have a lot of global variables you clog up a lot of memory that really isn't necessary you need to adopt the idea of just in time meaning I don't worry about information until just when I need it and then I ask for it I get it I use it I throw it away that's how Microsoft deals with all of our variables for example this variable s right here if I were to be using this and let's just uncommon stew pretend like I am let's take out a few zeros just in case I accidentally run this if I were to use this variable here by the time we get to here that variable is gone Microsoft had said we declare it right here we use it in this for loop but by the time are done for loop we don't use it again therefore I can get rid of it at this point in the code right here line 48 might that's very efficient about that kind of thing so if we create a public variable a global variable that everyone can see the whole application can use Microsoft can't get rid of it therefore it stays in memory and clogs things up now before we go on there are some of you I they're going nuts right now you've probably yell at your screen and saying you missed one I went through the entire top ten list and didn't do number five so let's get back to number five number five is use the public modifier only when necessary and this actually ties into our global variables idea notice here on my methods I have private static void set up sample data private static void string dental method why are these methods private well because there's no need for them to be public what's the difference well a public method can be seen by other classes outside of this class right here if I make them private only this class can access them well as no need to set up sample data for this class outside of this class therefore it's private and what I'd encourage is you think a private first mindset the idea that by default you make everything private and then only change things the public when you say yep I need to have access to that outside of this class for example in the person class we have this property first name and it's been called last name well we'd have access to these properties outside of the person class therefore they're public so those are my top 10 best practices for c-sharp developers number one name things well number two use one class per file number three use properties not public variables number four methods should do only one thing number five but when we skipped use public modifiers only when necessary number six keep it simple number seven be consistent number eight use those curly braces for if statements number nine concatenate strings using that dollar sign method and number ten avoid global variables but wait don't forget I've got two more they're really bonus best practices and these two aren't really code related necessarily but I find that they're very very important in our first bonus best is never trust the user I know that sounds pessimistic I know it sounds antagonistic but trust me don't trust them if you ask a user for their age you will expect back a number so if you ask a person for their age and they say 21 you expect the number to 1 but some users and not all of them but there will be a user they will type out twe and T Y space o ne now that's a number and that's their H but it's not a numeric value they've given you back it's a string that represents a numeric value so if you were expecting a number back in you're going to be disappointed this is the type of information that blows up projects if you trust that the users are going to give you good input you will only test your application using good input instead to build your application as though the users are out to get you and try to figure out what they might do that's unexpected and then make sure your application can handle it so that's bonus best practice number one never trust the user and the second bonus best practice is plan before you build whenever I demo a full application where I build out from start to finish a project and I've got one coming up soon for this channel but whenever I do that I spend a lot of time at the very beginning laying out the plan now I know your first instinct is to start coding in fact that's often my first instinct I look at a project and I say ooh I know how to do that or I know how to do most of that or I know how to do this part of that and so I'll go off and start writing code the problem is that you back yourself into a corner if you don't plan before you build I'm a certified project manager it's one of the things that I am and the project management guide the guide that tells project managers how to manage a project in general has this layout for the five major steps of a project and those major steps are initialization and then planning executing monitoring and then wrapping up or closing the project so onto those five major areas the first one is just saying things up or you know getting the initial requirements but then number two is planning under that the project management guide lays out 21 steps that have to happen before you can move to the next phase which is actual execution of the plan so 21 steps have to happen before you execute when you execute there are only seven steps now you see that relationship as private managers we've learned that in planning you make the project easier this is doubly so when it comes to writing code if you just start writing code you will not think through all of the different areas in my start-to-finish projects or demos I go through the five steps of planning before we even start writing code before you open up visual studio we go through the five steps of planning and if you want to see that in more depth I would say subscribe to this channel but also get on my mailing list and you'll link down below in the description to get on a mailing list because on the mailing list you'll get first-hand updates of when new things come out and one the new things that's coming out really soon is my start to finish mini course for YouTube and in that I go through developing application from an idea all the way through to a fully working application and in there we'll go over those five steps to plan out your application these are the same five steps I use in my day job these are the five same steps that I've used for years because they're that important and of all the best practices in this entire video the one that's most important the one that I would encourage you if you take away one thing it's this plan before you build so that's it that's my top ten they're a bonus too and like I said these are only the top ten I have a lot more best practices but these the top ten I look back at all the time so I have a question for you which best practices do you think should we add this list or which ones do you think man that one really helps me out go ahead and leave a comment down below and let me know I love to start a discussion on that also don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and make sure you get on that mailing list and I really push that mailing list not because I want to spam you in fact I really try hard not to send any more emails than is absolutely necessary but what I do is I give out bonuses every once in a while to my subscribers to my email subscribers one of the upcoming bonuses is that when I release that start-to-finish course I'm also going to be giving away or releasing a bonus package along with it and that bonus package will allow you to download the videos it will give you a companion guide and a whole bunch of other fun stuff now that's gonna be a small cost but if you're on my mailing list you'll get a discount so just make sure you keep an eye on that make sure you sign up and also start the dialogue via email if you have questions if you have suggestions for new videos please let me know that's all for this video I hope it was helpful for you and as always I am Tim quarry you [Music]
Channel: IAmTimCorey
Views: 417,570
Rating: 4.834404 out of 5
Keywords: .net, C#, Visual Studio, code, programming, tutorial, best practice, C# best practices, c# training, tim corey
Id: -9b8NRqjUFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 27sec (3447 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2016
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