Top 10 BTS “Tangled” Facts | From Script to Screen

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Tangled it's got amazing writing beautiful animation and arguably the funniest non-speaking horse in chameleon sidekick duo in all of Animation what more could you want here are my top 10 favorite things about the making of This iconic movie I'm Brooke and this is from script to screen brought to you by retro penguin number one the hot man meeting ever since I first heard about this little meeting it has not left my head because frankly the idea of it is hilarious the directors of the film Nathan green and Byron Howard were trying to figure out the character design of Flynn Ryder he's swashbuckling Rogue handsome but how swashbuckling Rogue and handsome should he be well what better way to find out than by filling up a room full of women and having them hash it out so of course they gathered up all of the female employees in the studio and asked for their opinions on what made a man good looking they came prepared with photos of attractive male celebrities such as Johnny Depp hug Jackman Brad Pit David Beckham and Jean Kelly the directors apparently had a bit of a rough time being in the room because to quote them they came in and put the pictures up all over the walls and then they proceeded to tear apart the hottest men in Hollywood and we not the hottest men in Hollywood he added they were like this guy has a nice chin but this guy has blue eyes don't give Flynn blue eyes poor dudes but hey I think the meeting paid off CU Flynn Ryder is pure animated Perfection here comes the smolder speaking of animated Perfection did you know that the film we know and love as Tangled almost wasn't one of the original concepts for the movie made it out to be a liveaction story that was almost a reverse of Disney's 2007 movie Enchanted Tangled was almost titled Rapunzel unbraided and the plot was Loosely as follows there was an evil witch who hated fairy tale Happy Endings and plotted to end them meanwhile in modern-day San Francisco Claire and Vince are two vastly opposite teenagers who cannot stand one another Claire is a short-haired fashion obsessed teen who was concerned with her looks Vince is a stocky and crude pizza delivery boy falling on Hard Times the two of them get on each other 's nerves which gets the attention of the evil witch in The Fairy Tale realm she takes Rapunzel and her prince B and transforms them into a squirrel and a dog respectively while CLA and Vince find themselves filling their roles CLA and Vince eventually team up with Rapunzel and B to defeat the Witch and return to their respective places in time oh show of hands who's glad we didn't go that route number three did you know that to this day Tangled Still Remains Disney's most expensive animated film costing a whopping $260 million to produce that gets close to the top of the list of the most expensive movies ever made for reference some of these movies include Star Wars the Force awakens Avatar the way of water and Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End those are some big movies now tangle did end up making around $592 million in worldwide box office revenue so it more than made up for the cost but what about the time spent production for Tangled as we know it took about 6 years the reason for this would come down to the combination of handdrawn animation and computer Graphics this brings us to number four or the animation style Tangled is Disney's first CGI fairy tale film adaptation according to Glen Kean who pitched the original concept for the film he intended for the movie to look and feel like a traditional handdrawn film but in 3D he held a meeting where he brought in 50 Disney animators all with different strengths and styles to discuss the techniques used in each style and how to in his words bring the warmth and intuitive feel of the handdrawn to CGI according to Glenn he credits animator Kyle strawz for bringing the painter likee feel to the film as an experiment for the animation style Kyle apparently built the house from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in CGI but painted it so that it appeared flat yet had Dimension and kept all the Charisma and tone of the original 2D paint style it's really incredible to learn about this intention and then watch Tangled back and see that effort so effectively executed but it's not the only thing that contributed to the extensive production time number five Rapunzel's hair the hair good Lord the hair it took Kelly Ward a senior software engineer at Walt Disney Animation Studios pretty much the full six years to figure out the magic key to animating Rapunzel's hair according to Kelly because of the height of the tower Rapunzel's hair is about 70 ft long and if you could hold in real life it would be between 60 and 80 lb obviously hair with these measurements would not move very fluidly or easily in the real world and in the world of Animation hair proves to be a difficult thing to wrestle with regardless so Kelly and the team had to develop tricks in their programming using over 100,000 strands to help the hair respond correctly to light cooperate easily with the character while also having a realistic look weight to it honestly I'm impressed number six mother gothel's lore if you ask me Mother Gothel is potentially one of the most manipulative and devious Disney villains along with frolo from The Hunchback of notredam managing to be simultaneously horrible and iconic is a task only mother gothal could conquer so what else is there to know about her we all know that she is a greedy old lady since the entire purpose of kidnapping Rapunzel and locking her in a tower was to keep herself Young and Beautiful forever but do we know how old she actually is well if we notice mother gothel's dress we can see that it comes from the Renaissance Era and since Tangled takes place around the late 1700s we can deduce that she has been around for over 400 years I mean couldn't be me but that's dedication this being said it may seem as though when she dies near the end of the film that this is because she falls from the tower window this is not actually the cause but rather the magic from Rapunzel's hair is draining from her so quickly and she is aging and deteriorating so rapidly that she disintegrates into dust before she even hits the ground it's only the cloak at that point also within the tower there are Clues to Mother gothel's true intentions with Rapunzel these include a spinning wheel in the room like in Sleeping Beauty a pattern of an apple on the bottom post of the stairway like in Snow White and her glowing Green Lantern similar to Maleficent's magic in Sleeping Beauty and with one last call out to another villain the dagger Mother Gothel takes with her when she goes to hunt down Rapunzel is identical to the dagger frolo carries in Hunchback they're looking more and more similar I feel like they really deserve each other on a more light-hearted note I just want to shout out Maximus and Pascal with number seven really quick these two are so hilarious both together and apart pescal and Maximus have even garnered Universal Acclaim from film critics who referred to the characters as scene Stealers British magazine sfx dubbed Maximus the film's breakout star while the age hailed the character as the funniest horse in film history this becomes even more impressive when you consider that neither character actually speaks but rather they make use of impeccably refreshing animation of body language and facial expressions as well as some animal-like sounds these sounds were actually recorded by the seasoned voice actor Frank Welker who is famous for impersonating animals and creatures oh and side note Pascal was almost a squirrel nuts right number eight casting and recording on September 10th 2009 it was announced that actress and singer songwriter Mandy Moore would voice Rapunzel and actor Zachary Levi would provide the voice of Flynn Ryder of course both actors were required to perform scenes and songs for their auditions but did you know that Flynn was initially supposed to be cast from exclusively English actors it seems very in line with his character that Zachary Levi as an American auditioned anyway and impersonated a British accent they loved him enough to Simply say he could just use his natural accent normally I would Pine over the Lost potential of a British Flynn Rider but I have to agree with the producers here that Levi delivered enough charm without it entangled as with most animated films all voice actors had to record their dialogue separately from one another to avoid bleeding into each other's tracks but apparently Mandy and Zachary only met once the entire time and that was to sing their heart fluttering duet I See the Light additionally Mandy and Donna Murphy who voiced mother gothal never met at all during the course of the recording sessions and if that wasn't enough due to their schedules the scenes were filmed in differing orders meaning sometimes they didn't even hear the voice recording of their scene partner at all it's a testament to all of their performances as well as the animators that it really feels like they were all there and feeding off of each other's Energy number nine Easter eggs we all know Disney likes to hide little Easter eggs from their previous movies in their films and Tangled is not an exception here are some fun things to look out for the next time you watch this movie look for Pinocchio in the snuggly duckling Pub he can be found in the upper right corner when shorty swings around like Cupid now I mentioned some of these earlier but Rapunzel painted the staircase in her Tower with symbols from other princess movies like the Apple from Snow White a slipper for Cinderella a rose for Belle and a shell for Ariel there's also the spinning wheel from Sleeping Beauty the Bookshop in the Kingdom showcases several books that pay homage to Disney Animation there are titles of other Disney tales development art salmon from Brother Bear and an open book at the top of the screen that features the pro vog from Sleeping Beauty pretty cool right I know there are more so let me know in the comments if you found them okay the final Point everyone knows that Tangled was based off the brother's Grim tale of Rapunzel but maybe you don't know just how much was changed and I find all of the original Brothers grim tales to be so interesting so I had to share it here in the original fairy tale Flynn Ryder was a nameless Prince and Rapunzel wasn't a princess but a peasant while pregnant her mother saw some rampion growing in the witch's garden and began craving it obsessively Rapunzel's father stole the rampion successfully the first time but the second time he got caught and had to make a deal to give up his firstborn child when the baby arrived the witch appeared and took her away she was named Rapunzel after the plant her mother had desperately hungered for at age 12 the witch locked Rapunzel in a tower and was the only visitor for years until a prince happened by Rapunzel fell for him during his secret visits during which time time she became pregnant when the witch discovered this she chopped Rapunzel's hair off and banished her to a desert where she gave birth to twins the prince arrived at the tower and was pulled up on Rapunzel's hair by the witch she threw him down into a bed of thorns blinding him he then wandered through the desert and eventually was reunited with Rapunzel whose tears restored his sight and they lived happily ever after if you think that one's unhinged you should really check out The Little Mermaid version all right that's all I have for you this episode thank you so much for tuning in what was your favorite thing you learned in this video do you think the hot man meetings paid off this has been from script to screen have an amazing day and I'll see you next week that's a wrap [Music]
Channel: Retro Penguin
Views: 895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tangled, disney tangled, rapunzel, disney rapunzel, rapunzel tangled, Flynn Rider, hot man meeting, Flynn Rider tangled, maximus tangled, pascal tangled, Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi, Mandy Moore tangled, Zachary Levi tangled, rapunzel and flynn, flynn and rapunzel, retro penguin, retro penguin media, top 10 movie facts, top 10, voice acting, animation, brothers Grimm, brothers grimm tales, script to screen
Id: 7kAJxqANzrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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