Top 10 Bruce Lee Real Fight Nobody Knows

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welcome to Bruce Lee real fight Channel hello everyone welcome to Bruce Lee real fight Channel today we are going to talk about tan Bruce Lee real fight nobody knows many people often ask can Bruce Lee fight for real is he the real deal of faith was it just an actor or a real martial artist some people also said that Bruce Lee never had a real fight so he won't be a good fighter we have done a research and gathered some of the unknown fights of Bruce Lee outside of movies we also gathered the fight Bruce Lee had before he became an actor if you are doubting Bruce Lee's ability to go for a real fight let's just go through this video together and you apply the answers you want real fight number one Bruce Lee versus Sammo hung people who love kung foo Mu Shu or any kinds of martial arts should know who Sam Mohan is Sammo hung was born in 1952 12 years younger than Bruce Lee he is a Hong Kong martial artist and has been a fight choreographer for other popular action actors such as Jackie Chan Donnie Yen Danielle and others Sammo hung talks about a fight between him and Bruce Lee to the media for a couple times he said he was going to kick Bruce Lee when both of them are in fighting stances however Bruce Lee's late is already on his head before he was able to even raise his leg in semo Hong's prime time he can defeat many other martial artists easily in the real fight without doubt Sammo hung is one of the best fighters a great fighter like him admitted that he was defeated by Bruce Lee in just a few seconds before he was able to raise his leg what do you think then isn't Bruce Lee a monster real fight number two Bruce Lee versus tacky Kimura here is a video of tacky Kimura versus Bruce Lee it is very obvious that tacky Kimura is not even up to Bruce Lee standard even though Bruce Lee is flying folder as you can see from the video they were sparring each other but tacky Kimura keeps going down because of Bruce Lee is controlling the fight tacky Kimura was born in 1924 he met Bruce Lee in 1958 at that time tacky Kimura was already 34 years old and Bruce Lee was only 18 years old tacky Kimura was Bruce Lee's top students and also closest friend however not to forgot that he was also a great to panis american martial artist before he met Bruce Lee he became Bruce Lee student because he knows Bruce Lee is way better than him real fight number 3 Bruce Lee vs. Wong Jack man the real fight between Bruce Lee and Wong Jack man is probably one of the most popular fights in kung fu' history ever why both of this master gets into a fight the story goes back to 1964 24 year-old Bruce Lee open up a kung fu school in San Francisco he teaches kung fu to non Chinese as he believes under the sky we are one family this has caused Wong Jack man and Bruce Lee found themselves at opposite ends of the San Francisco martial arts world so Wong Jack man proposed a fight with the ultimatum that [ __ ] Bruce Lee lost the fight he what helps to shut down his school and stop teaching anyone coming through therefore they fought and Bruce Lee warned Bruce Lee's kung-fu school is still there after the fight so what do you think then his sights Bruce Lee's wife Linda Lee Cadwell also talked about the fight in her recent interview he said the fight lasts three minutes Bruce Lee won the fight but he didn't feel happy from there Bruce Lee keeps thinking of a way to win a fight instantly is that the reason why ji kundo exist in Chinese wings do you give up and he said yes and that was the end real fight number four Bruce Lee vs. Muhammad Ali's body got Josh Tillman who is judge Dillman jabs Dillman is a master of will kill Kempo karate he is ranked 10th degree black belt in karate he trained with Muhammad Ali and was once his body got before Dillman is also a member of black belt magazine's Hall of Fame he was named martial arts instructor of the year in 1997 he admitted that he was defeated by Bruce Lee in a real fight in less than three seconds yes three seconds a 10th degree black belt admitted that he was defeated by Bruce Lee what do you think about Bruce Lee's ability in a real fight let's listen to what Josh Stillman say about the fight he had with Bruce Lee Bruce Lee's be able to do that with both legs but you know I went I went in my fighting stance long as my people really didn't kick higher Bruce Lee real fight number five Bruce Lee street fight in Hong Kong Bruce Lee had a lot of street fights in Hong Kong before his returning to the United States at the age of 18 in Lund Wing Chun from master hitman at the age of 16 because he wanted to win over every fight he had on the street here we have an interview of Bruce Lee's close friend in Hong Kong Steve Lee guarding Steve mentioned in the interview saying he saw Bruce Lee lifted up two men on the street who weighs about 140 pounds each the two men were scared of Bruce Lee strength and ran away Steve Lee cutting is a well-known martial artist and also acted in Hong Kong he has a good reputation and he also a close friends of Bruce Lee the story he told is definitely real real fight number 6 Bruce Lee vs. Joe lovers Joe lovest has won innumerable karate tournaments and was watered the greatest karate fighter of all time and World Heavyweight full-contact karate champion from 1967 to 1968 this heavyweight kickboxing champion Joe lovest studied privately with Bruce Lee in his recent interview before his death he admitted he was a student of Bruce Lee he also mentioned that Bruce Lee weighs about 130 pounds but he punched like a heavyweight fighter he also mentioned that they spar each others during their training well a heavyweight champion like Joe lovey's became Bruce student why what do you think then the only reason we can think of is Bruce Lee defeated him in the sparring real fight number seven Bruce Lee versus skipper Mullins here is one and only video of Bruce Lee versus skipper Millions skipper Mullins is described as the greatest kicker in the history of the u.s. karate since Mullins has won seven World titles and black belt magazine rated him as one of the top fighters in the u.s. in 1967 such a great fighter was TK owned by Bruce Lee in a full-contact match what do you think real fights number eight Bruce Lee Russia's UN wah jeonhwa is a popular Hong Kong stuntman and martial artist he has appeared in over 160 plans and his confu is widely recognized by many grandmasters he said in an interview he was once tried to sneak attack Bruce Lee in the film set but gets defeated by Bruce Lee kicks real fight number 9 Bruce Lee vs. Wong shoulda known perhaps this was the longest fight Bruce Lee ever had according to master Wong soon learn the Hong Kong martial artist who studied ancient kungfu and they did money said he used to have a turf our training session with Bruce Lee in Hong Kong at the time only him and Bruce Lee was in the room and nobody else is allowed to enter the room even their spouse Wang said they were both discussing their fighting styles in the room and will stand up for a real fight when both of them is agree on one thing Wong said Bruce Lee's kicks were fast but Wong speeds are as fast as Bruce Lee real fights number ten Bruce Lee versus Chuck Norris Chuck Norris met Bruce Lee in 1968 when he fought for his world title Chuck won the professional middleweight karate champion title which he held for six consecutive years although Chuck Norris never admitted he had a fight with Bruce Lee we have to put this as one of the real fight Bruce Lee ever had Chuck Norris said in a couple interviews he said he trained with Bruce Lee such as kicking the back punching the sandbags but they never fight each other on the other side Wing Chun Grand Master William Cheung said Bruce Lee defeated Chuck Norris in a secret fight William Cheung is a very reputable Grandmaster of his light age of Wing Chun therefore we don't think he simply said that despite looking at Bruce Lee's speed muscle power flexibility and his austere line compared to Chuck Norris body in 1972 way of Dragon can we say that Chuck Norris is not up to Bruce Trang even at his prime what do you think them one of Bruce Lee's letters Chuck Norris was actually defeated by Bruce at the Cambridge students after seeing ten fights of Bruce Lee what do you think about these fights please leave your command below we would like to hear from every Bruce Lee fans around the world last but not least if you love our videos please share subscribe and bring the notification Bell don't forget to press a light for us thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BruceLeeRealFight
Views: 4,089,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bruce lee, real fight, top 10, martial arts, kung fu, sammo hung, taky kimura, muhammad ali, george dillman, joe lewis, skipper mullins, chuck norris
Id: YM_38Mt61S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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