top 10 books for stock market beginners ( Step by Step Books )

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hey guys simon bryson here and as you guys know if you want to become an investor then you got to learn from the best and usually the best might not even be alive anymore or for example the best might be busy and might not give you the time of day but in reality you can find a ton of information in the books they actually read to actually lead you on that same path so today i'm going to give you guys 10 investing books that every single investor has to read if they want to become a successful investor and by the way guys ever since i was a kid teenager also an adult now the answer is i always look for shortcuts and how to get to places and people say hey you know what tommy there are no shortcuts it just takes hard work but reality that's false that's not true the shortcuts in life come from basically reading books when you read a book basically you get all the information it took years for that person to figure out you get it condensed in one book and that wing that right there is a shortcut books are the shortcuts so that's why i'm giving you guys 10 shortcuts to go out there and achieve financial freedom and also become investors at the same time that's the whole idea here books are shortcuts okay it's not the hard work exhaustion the simple work get information from someone that did all the hard work that's the core idea now if you guys are new here i post videos every single day so you should also subscribe to the most notified on top by also destroying the like button now disclaimer here guys if you read all these books but don't practice it it won't do you any good information without practice is trash it doesn't do you any good whatsoever on top of that some of these books will actually prevent you from going out there and being a stock picker because in reality that might not be was actually best for you so keep that in mind while going through this entire list and figuring exactly what you actually want to read and also every single book was organized from which but you should refer to which book you can actually go ahead and read last everything is organized that way is beginner friendly and the more you read the more educated you actually become now the very first book is called the little book about common sense investing by john c bogle now this book i actually didn't want to read initially but in reality it was one of the best books i ever read because basically i didn't like the common sense thing okay i was like what do you mean common sense okay but this book is by far one of the best investment books out there now in this book the whole idea is hey what are the two main types of investors and which one do you actually want to be here are the pros and cons now be honest with yourself and say hey do i want to be this one or do i want to be that one now the two types are based thing hey investors who want to go out there and beat the market and b and investors just want to get the average of the market and that way they don't have to do a ton of work b obviously is a lot more passive a is for example speculators value investors on top of that especially actively managed funds okay now the idea is this if you guys if you're a speculator you're gambling and if you're invested into an actively managed fund well they have a lot of taxes and also a ton of fees and in reality most of them are not beating the market and in reality that is not the best thing to do however if you do value investing like warren buffett well the truth is that you have to sit down and read every single day between five to six hours worth of financial statements to figure out exactly what investments you're actually going to go ahead and make next that work is tedious it is hard work it is not that fun at all but in reality if you want to become a value investor you have to learn how to value a business compared to its market price and then go ahead and invest and hold on for the long term that's the core idea however if you want to be more passive and don't want to do all that work well this book tells you hey go ahead and invest into low-cost index funds that way you get the average of the market but it does not take you that much work at all and all you have to do is just sit and passively invest money and in the end you will have a ton of money 500 bucks invested in 30 years should be like around 1 to 2 million okay that is the core idea and it only takes you like around one to two hours of setup but then after that all the work is done so now this book is all about hey which investor do you want to be and by the way john c bogle is the founder in some way of vanguard so he's not like just anyone no he's he's the guy okay he's the guy you want to learn from now book two is a random walk down wall street by burton now this book right here guys is very controversial in the financial um community or whatever right because this guy he's not that nice with the way he says things he's very honest um very flamboyant and says it how it is now by the end of this book this guy's basically exposing the entire industry stock analysts stock pickers everyone out there that says hey i know what i'm doing but in reality they don't know what they're doing so buying this book you'll be able to go ahead and spot all the scams that you basically want to avoid when it comes to the stock market for example hey i'm a day trader i make money in reality eighty percent lose money and the people that make a lot of money are basically making money by selling you ideas on how to basically make money they're not making a lot of money out there also people that say hey i know how to analyze a stock chart okay no no you don't okay the odds of you actually doing that are very very low and again it's random it's not as clever as you think it is and on top of that cryptocurrency and all this currency stuff in reality he goes back in history to show you exactly how those type of currencies actually turn out and why they started out in the first place in reality it's kind of like a book that shows you the reality of investing and how everything actually works what's real what's not real and how people basically invest in a certain way are just randomly gambling and that's all it is okay i highly recommend this book by the way the author of this book is actually on the board of warframe which is also an investment firm now book three is one up on wall street by peter lynch now peter lynch by far has one of the most entertaining books in finance in my opinion and by the way the guy is an awesome teacher and i actually like the way he teaches a ton now this book teaches you the fundamentals of investing and what to look for when it comes to investing and basically whenever you hear about something in wall street usually it means hey don't invest okay because it's basically way too late for you to actually go ahead and invest because you want to be early and by the way peter lynch has one of the best track records in history to the point where if you invested ten thousand dollars it was actually infidelity for like 13 years in reality he would have turned that money into around 280 000 the guy is legendary and in reality he retired because basing he wants to spend more time with his family which in reality is a great thing so i highly recommend this book and by the way again it's a very good entertaining book and investing which shows you the fundamentals but most importantly it does not dive deep into accounting how to analyze correctly and all that stuff because basically it's just a beginner book it's not supposed to be that it's just a book for beginners to understand exactly what to look for when it comes to investing in the stock market and also what not to look for but it's awesome and i also highly recommend this book right here if you're just getting started that's why it's number three on my list now book four is this one right here and it's actually common stocks and uncommon profits by philip a fisher now this guy right here is the grandfather of investing and by the way in every single book usually you're going to see a quote by warren buffett because basically warren buffett is like the great example of all these teachers of what happens to you if you basically follow the rules of all these grandfathers in a sense right all the master investing that came way before all of us now in this book guys you'll find a checklist of 15 things to look for whenever actually going ahead and buying a stock now the idea is that basically this checklist tells you hey here is what you want to see in this checklist okay here's what you want to see in a stock and if a lot of these things are missing usually means hey don't go ahead and invest and by the way this book again is not a book on accounting or formulas or this complex idea none of that stuff right it's just a checklist on the common way to actually go ahead and invest money and by the way most books of investing are not going to teach you everything about hey here's exactly how you analyze this thing because basically investing is 80 basically just information and analyzing it and then only 20 on formulas and stuff like that but reality it's mostly just a checklist a 15 point checklist and how to figure out if the company is good or if the company is bad and by the way by this point you know basically hey invest into a stock is not like a stock right it's a piece of a company and you have to understand the company itself if it's good great if it's not don't invest in it just because it's basically a lot of hype behind it again philip a fisher is basically one of the grandfathers of investing and a lot of what we have today is because of this guy right here okay so this guy right here is basically top three when it comes to investing so keep that in mind now book five according to warren buffett is basically the best book an investment ever made and how do i get started in investing this is the book that basically went from hey here's all the psychological stuff so now hey here's how you actually work everything here's the formulas here's how everything actually works and what you're actually looking for is a perfect how to start a book to get into investing and that's why warren buffett gives a lot of success to reading this book right here and finding out about benjamin graham now the core idea is this guys in this book you will learn about three main proponents which is basically how the stock market works and how you should treat it on top of that how an investor should actually go ahead and think and also how to go out there and value a company correctly and those three main points are basically the most important points in the entire stock market and by the way warren buffalo says hey the big thing in this book is basically about mr market how mr market is and how you should ignore the volatility of the market volatility is basically having a stock go up and down but that does not equate to risk so keep that in mind by the way when you read this book a lot of things will click or will not click but by this point you'll understand exactly the way warren buffett thinks and where a lot of the ideas basically come from and by the way guys although this book is great and the ideas still hold up until today you have to understand that this came from a guy that was um investing during the great depression meaning it was a lot of liquidations going on and you understand what i'm saying when you basically read this book but the idea is that this way of investing is great but basically a better way is hey you learn this but use this to go out there and buy good companies at fair prices don't buy crappy companies at a discount in the end that will not work out when you have a bunch of money but in the beginning it will make you a ton of money so this book is still very very applicable to today's industry now book six and seven are more simple books that i want to read before you actually start reading the bible of investing which i will tell you in a few minutes here but the idea is that this book right here is on the interpretation of financial statements now this book will teach you exactly how to go out there and read financial statements now tommy that's simple stuff it's just accounting it's just balance sheets cash flow statements income statements really it's not that simple because businesses are not stupid and they take every advantage possible to have them painted picture to something that's not actually correct so this book tells you hey here is what you look for especially with corrupt accounting like the one we actually have today and that's why warren buffett and charlie munger are always complaining about the encounter fundamentals that we actually have today in our system so this book teaches you hey here is what you look for here to analyze and here is what you basically ignore this book will teach you that on top of that this book right here benjamin graham on value investing will teach you the lessons of value investing and also give you a background and benjamin graham and how everything works and by the way again warren buffett is right up here again saying hey i highly recommend you check out um benjamin graham i love benjamin graham okay benjamin graham is basically again the grandfather of investing it's him philip fisher and then after that i'm gonna have to give it to warren buffett okay but those two usually come first on my list now once you're done with that guys okay once you're done with all those books if you still want to invest and it's still cooking for you well here is where the bible of investing comes into play this is called security analysis by benjamin graham and david dodd now this book right here is thick it's a big boy okay and this book contains a ton of examples and how to go out there and analyze businesses now by this point you're no longer a beginner this is when you actually get into the how-to of everything we're basically to take you through example an example an example and how to go out there analyze businesses and by the end of this book well you have to practice right because basically you have a lot of information you were actually going to need but again remember when investing it's important to understand sometimes it's good to actually go ahead and invest into a good company at a fair price you're not always going to get a massive discount but always look for a margin of safety and by the way this book also comes with a cd which i don't know what to do with just yet but it is awesome and i am trying to read it right now but the answer is these two books by far are the most important ones right here okay and also this one right here well in reality it's all three of these if you want to read about investing and just get to the grid of it and the meat of it this right here will lead you there but in reality i don't recommend you dive into it that quickly because basically you need to understand some fundamental ideas of how investment works and then get into that that we understand exactly hey here's where all the ideas basically come from and everything starts to connect now guys those are eight books i recommend you actually go ahead and read but i promise you guys ten and in reality the last nine and ten and eleven i have a bonus for you it's not really about just investing but it is important and that's why i'm actually mentioning it here now number nine is basically the military next door now this book will teach you exactly what a true millionaire looks like and how to stop paying attention to the media and basically hey a millionaire has gold chains has a big car big house in reality that's not true it'll change your perspective and you'll understand exactly why warren buffett lives in the same house or the same car and all that fancy stuff now book 10 is basically sam moulton made in america now sam walton is basically the creator of walmart now this book feels like hey my grandfather is teaching me everything about investing or basically building a business and how everything basically works this book is very very important for investors it teaches you the value of starting a good business and how to treat people very important now number 11 is basically the richest man in babylon and it will teach you everything about personal finance the richest man in babylon and also in a bonus one is the compound effect all about how to compound basic success your income and everything these books around 12 books so far right will teach you everything you need to know about your mentality and also a how-to guide and how to go out there and invest but basically the holy grail is this book but it's not that simple to understand and that's why i have you take a journey to get to this book the big boy okay guys that's the water or big girl if you're into that and guys that is about it okay i'll see you guys next time thanks for watching and on top if i missed the book comment down below let me know and i'll get to work i'll see you guys next time thanks for watching as always if you like to be right here guys well like this video on top of that also subscribe me at the best you notified and if you want to text me or trust me 101 join my patreon link down below or send me a dm on instagram at tommy bryson and before i go if you want to watch a full video on how i invest today basically the average way with index funds here's that video right here clever now i'll just tomorrow thanks for watching and as always peace
Channel: TommyBryson
Views: 27,930
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Keywords: tommybryson, top 10 books for stock market beginners ( Step by Step Books ), investing, stock market, best investing books, investing for beginners, how to invest, trading books, stock market for beginners, stocks, best investing books for beginners, investing 101, investing books, the intelligent investor, how to invest in the stock market, best trading books, stock trading, day trading, swing trading, alux, how to invest in stocks, top 5 books, trading stocks, trading platform
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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