TOP 10 | BEST WINNERS of The Voice Kids (part 1)
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Channel: Best of The Voice Kids
Views: 12,116,048
Rating: 4.8717051 out of 5
Keywords: best of the voice kids, The Voice, The Voice Kids, Blind Auditions, Audition, performance, cute, amazing, best of, La Voz Kids, Best winners, winners, Jane Constance, The Prayer, Andrea Bocelli, Celine Dion, Traffic Lights, lena, Turning Tables, Adele, Hurt, Christina Aguilera, Seasons of Love, Musical, Rent, Year of Summer, Niels Geusebroek, WildStyles, Stone Cold, Demi Lovato, Daneliya Tulyeshova, Rise Up, Andra Day, Jar of Hearts, Christina Perri, Creep, Radiohead
Id: US9XQH-8hyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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