Top 10 Best Personal Development Advice Jim Rohn

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let's talk now about what to do with the dollar especially for teenagers and for kids this is really important because this is one of the best places to start when you're like 15 years old mid-teens this is a great place what to do with a dollar now here's the tendency on attitude because attitude determines so much of our lives what difference does it make if a child has a dollar when you ask what should he do with it it's only a child and it's only a daughter but see here's where it all begins your financial journey begins with what you do with the first dollar it's where it begins now sure you can do the wrong things and finally correct that get on a better path but it all begins on what you do with your resources jot this phrase down that's one of the best for the weekend here's the two challenges of life number one the development of our full potential that's challenge number one challenge number two is the wise use of all our resources that sums up life in general the development of all of our potential than the wise use of all our resources one of our resources is time and we talked about that now we're going to talk about the wise resource called money and let me share with you now a little plan because when I met chef and he asked me about my financial condition he said how much money have you saved and invested the last six years and I said zero he said not a good number here's what I told him if I had more money I'd have a better plan now jot this down because here's what he said if you had a better plan you would have more money next key phrase it's not the amount that counts it's the plan that counts so let's start with something now as seemingly as small as $1 what should you do with it here's what we teach teenagers especially you should never spend more than 70 cents never spend more than 70 cents of each dollar you earn or each dollar that comes your way buy gift or buy labor now you got to have some plan what to do with your dollar I've developed this little plan simply for suggestion and then you've got to do the rest to revise it and do whatever you want to with it but here's what I teach never spend more than 70 cents you got to pick something some number this is the best one I could figure out now we've got another 10 cents and another 10 cents and another 10 cents which is the 30 plus the 70 which is the full dollar so we spend nothing more than 70 cents now what do we do with the other 30 here are some of the most important information 10 cents is for charity or for church or whatever worthy projects you think you might engage in here's one of the best things to teach kids generosity because first we're gonna teach abundance to provide more than you could use for yourself the be fruitful philosophy means to produce more than you need so you have more than necessity you have some to share some churches teach a 10% to tithe they call it which is fine the key is to either administer this 10 cents yourself or to give it to some institution a church or whatever and let them spread it around let them put it where it's needed now if you're gonna give to some charity or church you must let them take you on the tour and show you where it goes okay if you part with the money let them give you the tour here's where the 10% goes if you're gonna tie because now that gives you great joy to give timbres because you say hey here's what it's doing here's what it's doing here's and before it's going through yours who gets it okay now the next ten cents is called the use of capital here's what capital in capitalism is so jot this down capital is any value you set aside capital is any value you set aside to be invested in an enterprise that brings value to the marketplace hoping to make a profit that's what capital and capitalism is I can say it in one sentence capital is any value you set aside to be invested in an enterprise that brings value to the marketplace hoping to make a profit now the capital is the value you set aside taking capital and investing it in an enterprise and bringing the value to the marketplace we call capitalism capital and capitalism now who can understand this first of all the farmers understand it here's what seed corn is its capital its seed corn means the seed that you set aside to be planted in the ground take care of in the summer hoping to have a profit and a harvest in the fall so the farmer sets aside his seed corn question would he let his family eat it no this seed is not to be eaten it's to be invested in the ground to take a risk cared for in the summer harvested and multiplied in the fall that's it now the same is true of some of your money if you set aside and I suggest part of your capital should be set aside for an enterprise to show a profit and we can teach kids the early fundamentals of capitalism now once the kid has a dollar profit now what should he do with the dollar this is the formula that I've come up with what to do is that dollar don't spend more than 70 cents 10 cents for church or charity 10 cents to invest back into your business of the Sunday you can buy more than 1 bottle and get it a little cheaper so that when you sell it you make a little more money now here's the other 10 cents it's 10 cents that you invest and let someone else use it this is called active capital where you actually engage in the enterprise that makes a profit now another 10 cents is for passive capital where you let someone use this 10 cents out of every dollar you put it in a bank that pays interest they use it and they pay you for the use of this money that's called passive capital so we've got active capital and passive capital maybe you invest this in a stock eventually if you have enough money and the stock pays your dividends and also there may be an increase in the value of the stock so this is the little formula I come up with 70 10 10 and 10 it's very simple and kids can figure it out kids can understand it enterprises that kids can be involved in starting early now when you first start if you're an adult now you may be in such bad shape financially that you couldn't do the 70 10 10 and 10 if you're in real bad shape you may have to do the 97 1 1 and 1 because it may take this to pay your bills if you haven't had a good plan up until now but jot this down now it's not the amount that counts it's the plan that counts so let's say you were in such poor financial shape you had to start 97 one for charity 1 percent another 1 percent for active capital another 1% for passive now here's the key to get these numbers starting up and get this number starting down if you will actually do this you can't believe how exciting it is to watch the numbers change remember what Shope said if you will change what everything will change for you if you start to change I'm telling you these numbers will start to change and the first thing you know these numbers keep going up up up up up until finally you can get to the 70 10 10 and 10 when I was 25 years old my mentor mr. chef said show me your current financial plan for the future of course I didn't have one he said with this would be a good time to lay out a good financial plan for the future what to do with your money and I came up finally with the seventy 10 10 and 10 don't spend more than 70% of your income 10% for church of charity $0.10 active capital buy and sell see if you can make a profit and 10% for passive capital let somebody else use your money pay you interest dividends stock increase whatever it's a pretty good plan 70 10 10 and 10 a lady in Mexico the other day said I heard your plan ten years ago I followed it she said I'm now a millionaire I own two different properties because you also said don't buy the second car until you've bought the second house it's not cars that make you rich it's real estate that makes you rich she said I'm now about to buy the third house so I'm now giving myself the luxury of buying the third car simple little ideas and she said I followed the seventy ten ten and ten taught it to other people they're following it and getting great results one thing I didn't know when I was growing up and found at age 25 that you could work both on your living and your fortune at the same time if you had a good plan don't just work on your living work on your fortune work on becoming financially independent financial independence is the ability to live from the income of your personally invested resources and the day you can finally do that oh it's exciting about that is that now you can work for joy and not for necessity and strangely enough you probably work a lot harder for joy than you do for necessity I have a unique friend he started an enterprising by the time he had it up and running about two and a half three years he didn't have to work anymore the rest of his life so now he's financially independent but then he created a vast fortune you know that next 20 years of his life simply because he was working for joy and not for necessity so get to that position as quick as you can so I'm now teaching work both on your living and your fortune the reason for earning a living is to make a fortune not necessarily from your living but from what you earn invested wisely talk to a lady of the day she said Mr Rohn I'm in real estate I said wonderful how many properties do you own she said no no I sell real estate I said well let me ask you one more time how many properties do you own finally got the message across I said the reason for selling real estate is to earn the money to buy real estate if you sell real estate you make a living if you buy real estate you make a fortune she said I got the message so don't buy the second car until you've bought the second home you time is precious life is not just the passing of time life is not just the passing of time life is a collection of experiences their frequency and their intensity life is not just watching the clock tick away life is a collection of experiences their intensity their frequency when my friend mark died at age 44 someone says that's young to die but what if he lived four lifetimes in one might not be too young whatever the span of your life turns out to be here's what you want to fill it up with experiences and the intensity of those experiences but now let's talk about the management of time now shut this down approaches to the management of time here's the first one ignore the subject I mean that's good advice don't let anything overly bug you because you remember now you don't have to do anything Sam I got to get a handle on my time the answer's no you don't if you want to let it all go you can let it all go I mean this is good advice somebody says you ought uot uot jot this down ignore all the you arts or you should only if they're giving general information we should it's better to say if you're teaching we should not you should we should then you let me listen in without it being too confrontational if everyone did this see that'd be great and then you give a person a chance to choose to do it or not to do it but when you start the you ought you are now see if I don't now see we've got some tension and maybe some problems so you arts seem to always create problems because this is personal dignity and you don't want to destroy somes dignity by doing all the aughts and they feel reluctant to do it now we've got problems so if you want to just ignore this subject on time management now here's the next one step down to something easier the guys in sales and he says oh I want to own the company finally owns the company now he's got no time to play golf he said when I was in sales I was making big money playing golf three days away heck with this own in something heck with managing my life was never my own after I started to manage I'm going back to sales see this is the key if you're getting too pressed you might consider stepping down to something with a little easier time pressure little girl says to her mother daddy comes home brings his briefcase and Pat's me on the head and says hello disappears and works on these papers how come my daddy doesn't play with me and her mother said look your daddy loves you very much but he's so busy at work he can't get it all done he has to bring it home he loves you but that's why he can't play with you and the little girl said why don't they just put him in a slower group so chop this down now if you don't have time for your kids you might consider joining a slower group remember when I said some things I went for cost me too much so reconsider next key to time management that's work longer and harder but see there's a limit to that I almost lost my health the first year I went so crazy about personal development and achievement I just went bonkers you know I told you I was skinny but the end of that first year I was a walking shadow and then it suddenly occurred to me what if I got rich and too ill to spend it I mean that was a shocker so I started developing a little more reasonable because I said if 12 hours won't do it I'll work 14 if that won't do it I'll work 18 I mean how many hours it takes and sure enough it cost me too much so see working longer and harder for some might be appropriate you know if you're just sitting around not doing that much this might be good work longer and harder but you can only work so hard here's the key not to work harder but smarter when you've worked as hard as you can doing the best you can in terms of physical output in the time reasonable time now here's the ultimate in the management of time and that is you simply become more skillful when I first got into sales you know I was around people that could get you know nine out of ten eight out of ten and when I first started I could only get one out of ten but here's what I did I worked around the clock around the clock so that I would make up in numbers what I lacked in skill that's good in sales you got to jot that down when you're new you make up in numbers what you lack in skill now when you become more skillful the numbers can go down because now you're persuasive ability and all of that is now so high that you don't need to put as many numbers out but at first if you want to compete or if you want to really get good you've got to put in the numbers but if you get more from yourself develop more of yourself now the time management becomes an easier task now here's the next thing either you run the project or it runs you I found out when you start something at first you're in charge all of a sudden a year later it's in charge some of the companies I started I'm telling you I'm in control a couple of years later I'm out of control at first I've got it on the run two years later it's got me on the run haven't got enough time I'm dizzy with trying to get it all done so here's part of the key and that's to get in charge it's easy to start something first thing you know you're out of control it's in control the enterprise you get started now runs you ragged because I did that when I had the whole 13 offices and the big entourage I'm telling you it was like short nights and long days and just sort of the never ceasing demand for time and activity which was fine at that time in my life it was fine and created a lot of good results and laid some good foundation for a lot of future careers that came from those unique times there's a pretty long list of people who were inspired by it and educated by it and participated in that program I had going but then I reach ange the format to sort of rearrange my own life personally which is paid off for me now I have a heavy workload but if you finally get to the place where you have most everything done for you I still farm in Idaho but I'm what's known as a gentleman farmer a gentleman farmer gives orders and other people do the work it's different than being a farmer doing the work yourself I know that because I was raised on the farm country where I still have my farm but now I have the luxury of participants who look after my agriculture look after my home building my daughter looks after all of my accounts and my residences in my real estate and I have good partners in business that's extra luxury where you can do your specialty and other people working make it valuable you [Music] while emotions provide the fuel that launches your journey of life change it's your philosophy of life that provides the foundation of that journey Jim Rohn had to make several philosophical changes himself when he began to walk the new road at age 25 these same philosophies can also make a big difference in your life now I want to pass it along to you some of the philosophies that changed my life forever here's the first one prophets are better than wages once I understood that I got rich prophets are better than wages nobody taught me that in high school I went to college for a year and a half and never heard it I'm 25 and broke I'm not destitute I'm broke too much month at the end of the money is broke and I finally hear this philosophy prophets are better than wages now here's the phrase that goes with it wages make you a living which is fine prophets make you a fortune which is super fine and you can live both fine and super fine you've now got the mechanism and the ways means to do that profits are better than wages guess what I taught this in Moscow when I was teaching capitalism you know the Communists had it all wrong they thought that capitalism was you know a big company that oppresses its workers I mean it was absolutely ridiculous they had mentally lost it when they came up with this ridiculous philosophy communism taught capital belongs to the state not the people and we taught all these years what capital belongs in the hands of the people not the state that's why of course kids should pay taxes because they can be capitalists and all capitalists should pay taxes I mean you know how long does it take so profits are bit it's capitalism better than communism communism said people are too dumb and stupid to know what to do with capital so you must take capital away from all the dumb stupid people and give it to the all-wise all-knowing state and let the state run everything I mean that was communism and they devastated every country they touched I've been to East Germany it's taking a trillion dollars just to clean up East Germany they've already spent five hundred billion they got five hundred billion more to go I mean every country they touched and I've been in all of them they devastated them all with their devastating philosophy we teach capital belongs in the hands of the people that's where the ingenuity is to bring goods and services to the marketplace but once I understood this now it was so incredible profits are better than wages now when I first was recruited you can you imagine what that's like then to get up in the morning to go to work on your fortune not to go to work to pay the rent which is okay work to make a fortune can you imagine what life is going to be like now here was my first goal when I started and that was part-time I wanted to equal on my profits part-time what I was earning on my full-time job this is called the magic of part-time it is so thrilling for people to start working the business part-time because now you can work on profits and it doesn't take very long if you'll really concentrate on those 10 12 15 hours a week it won't be long if you really do it right and learn some of the skills I'm gonna talk about it won't be long until you can be earning as much part-time working on your fortune as you are full-time working on your job I did that in less than six months now I've got an incredible invitation I found a way part time to work on my fortune and I'm making as much money at that as I am on my full-time job would you like to hear my story it was incredible now here was my second goal to make twice as much money part-time working on my fortune as I was working full-time on my job and I reached that in less than a year making twice as much money part-time working on my fortune as I was full time working on my job now I've got an incredible invitation that won't quit I found a way through a unique opportunity to work part time on my fortune and I'm now earning twice as much money as I am working full-time on my job would you like to hear my story do you imagine anybody would say no I don't care to hear your story Oh everybody I said that too said Wow yes what are you doing I said I'm glad you asked let me tell you now when I started making twice as much money part time was full time here's my dilemma I didn't want to go full time and why not go full time and the reason was because I didn't want to give up my electrifying story right it was so powerful nobody could resist the invitation to at least take a look I didn't want to give it up and I hung on for I don't know how long until it was you know almost insane and then finally finally reluctantly I gave up my full-time job but now you can imagine the thrill and excitement of going to work full-time on my fortune it was incredible here's the next thing philosophy that helped change my life it's not what happens that determines your life future it's not what happens that determines your life future it's what you do about what happens all of us are in like a little sailboat and it's not the blowing of the wind that determines your destination it's the set of the sail so jot this phrase down that's one of the best to understand kids need to understand it the same wind blows on us all the wind of disaster the wind of opportunity the wind of change the wind when it's upside down the wind when it's favorable and unfavorable the same wind blows on us all the economic wind the social wind the political wind the same wind blows on everybody the difference in where you arrive in one year three years five years the difference in arrival is not the blowing of the wind but the set of the same and that's what learning is all about to set a better sale this year than last year to set a better sale the first six years of my economic life I wound up broke second six years I wound up rich you say well the Democrats must have finally gotten power no no no it was not a political change here's what changed the second six years of my economic life it was my philosophy that changed the set of the sale of better thinking correcting the errors of the past and picking up new disciplines for the future that's all I had to do at the end of the first six correct the errors of the past and then pick up some new disciplines for the future and my total life changed the second six years was totally different than the first six of my working life and guess who can do that anybody now you can keep on the same path for the next couple of years as you have the past two but if you wish to if you wish to and maybe everything's okay for you and you don't need to but if you need to make some changes I'm telling you can start doing it today so that the next two years will be drastically different than the last two and anybody who wishes to do that can and you can do it between ages 40 and 43 you can do it between ages 13 and 15 you can do it between ages 60 and 62 any two years any five years that you wish to drastically change from the previous five you can do it if you wish to you know this isn't written this is not a law here's what it's called opportunity but if you don't know you can change if you don't know you can drastically change your income change your future change your health change your marriage change everything if you don't know that some people didn't go year after year after year after year not making much change simply because they didn't get to the class they never read the book they never went to the seminar they never made the discovery they didn't seek for the knowledge of how could I make my life better and if you just rock along I'm telling you it's okay anybody can live any way they choose but I'm here to tell all of you that if you wish to it's possible to make the next three years totally different than the last week and all you have to do is just a few things so we got that one now it's not the blowing of the wind that determines your income it's not the blowing of the wind that determines your fortune it's the set of the same and that's why we gathered here today maybe I've got some ideas that'll help you with a couple of little things about setting the sale of your thinking that might drag Stickley give you multiplied more benefit the next three years than you've gotten in the last three so it's not what happens what happens happens to everybody Chevron years ago brought me in to talk to management they said mr. Owen you travel around the world and you're fairly knowledgeable what do you think the next ten years are going to be like I said gentlemen I can tell you I do know the right people though they all lean forward and listen carefully and it's the gentleman the next ten years are gonna be about like the last ten the next season after fall is what I promise you that's not gonna change after day comes and I promise you that's not gonna change here's how the last 6,000 years reads if you want to make a note of Jim Rowan's vision of history the last 6,000 years here's how it reads opportunity mixed with difficulty it's gonna read like that looks like for the next 6,000 years opportunity mixed with difficult and now sometimes there seems to be more opportunity than difficulty and then sometimes there seems to be more difficulty than opportunity but the mix isn't gonna change after expansion comes recession but after recession comes expansion not to think so see is naive and once you've got just a little of this stuff settled then you know exactly what to do you know exactly what to anticipate so you can be ready now here's the next one here's what it says for things to change you have to change I was hoping the government would change and taxes would change and economics would change and my boss would change and be more generous I wished for everything to change and my teacher said no mr. Owen for things to change for you you have to change don't wish it was easier wish you were better once I understood this this altered the course of my life don't wish it was easier wish you were better and here's the big one don't wish for less problems wish for more skills you don't need less problems you simply need more skills don't wish for less challenge wish for more wisdom accept the challenge because you can't grow without a challenge you can't get rich without a challenge you can't fly without gravity you have to understand the challenge but that's the key is to now develop wisdom to overcome the challenge don't wish for less challenge with more wisdom and then here's one more philosophy to help change my life forever you can do the most remarkable things no matter what happens humans can do the most remarkable things no matter what happens philosophies that change my life okay let's talk now financial independence let me first give you my definition of financial independence number one the ability to live from the income of your personal resources this should be every person who lives in a free country especially a capitalistic country this should be everyone's goal to someday be able to live from the income of your personal resources now how many resources you need right depends on how you want to live but if you wish to live modestly it doesn't take all that many resources over a fairly brief period of time to have enough resources to live modestly if you wish to live more lavishly of course you need to accumulate more resources but that's my view of financial independence so that you can live from the income of your resources now here's what else that does now you can choose the work you do now you can choose to work or not work now you can work not because you have to do but because you want to when we talk to kids about financial independence we say do what you have to as quick as you can so you can do what you want to as long as you can next key phrase economics is major everybody should major in economics because it's such a vital part of your life a paycheck is so vital because first of all it provides for you and the family's survival second it provides for the opportunity of success some people feel we shouldn't spend that much time talking about money but we really should someone says well you know money is the root of all evil not true here's what it really says the love of money is the root of all evil and I'm sure everyone here has dispensed with the idea of falling in love with money because that serves no purpose here's what's Noble what money can do the project it can support the relief from debt it can create building a financial wall around your family nothing can get through so economics is major the key of course is what you do with it if you earn a lot you should give a lot key phrase from antiquity here's what it says if you've been given much now much is required if you've been given great responsibility much is required if you've been given much wealth now much is required everyone has to solve this about the money to go for it should you go for the money should you go for success you should earn as much as you possibly can in the reasonable time devoted to economics job business reasonable time devoted to economics job business future enterprise with that enterprise and with that job the key is to earn as much as you possibly can as you balance your life with everything else not at the sacrifice of your friendships not at the sacrifice of values not at the sacrifice of integrity not at the sacrifice of wiping out other values in your life but within balance of everything go as far as you can earn as much as you can share as much as you can drop this question down is it possible in America to multiply your income by 10 kids would be fascinated with this question is it possible to multiply your income by 10 and the answer is of course yes could you repeat that after me yes of course that helps to emphasize it that's called exclamation point and kids with wide eyes will say is that right can you start at the bottom and someday multiply your income by ten the answer is of course of course of course now if you multiplied it by ten can you think of anybody that makes five hundred dollars an hour I'm telling you the Beverly Hills lawyers where I live make at least five hundred dollars an hour now we've multiplied income by ten again would it be possible to multiply your income by ten and then multiplied by ten again now see that's a little weak I'm trying to make you believers to those that believe here's what scripture says all things are possible there isn't anything that's impossible the most incredible things are possible to believers not hopers not hopers believers $500 an hour would it be possible to multiply your income by ten five thousand dollars an hour what do you suppose I get paid I'm telling you it's possible to multiply your income by ten and then by tanin them but then I lecture with Norman Schwarzkopf the old general guess what he gets paid for a speech sixty five thousand dollars for one hour sixty-five thousand not five thousand right sixty-five thousand I had lunch with colon Powell and I was on that speaking panel for one of those multi speaker seminars and I think he got paid like seventy thousand dollars it's a fun lunch was somebody gets paid $75,000 [Music] unbelievable now the person that's on up here right like Bill Gates and you know who knows who else here that makes 68 million dollars in one year we say well it's that legitimate to pay someone 68 million in one year and the answer is of course if they help the company make a billion dollars last year with the company pay them 68 million the answer's yes it's chicken feed it ain't that much key phrase to jot down everything is relative everything is relative what might seem like a lot now I'm telling you some time from now for you won't seem that much you say wow I was a small thinker back then thinking you know four thousand a month was a lot of money eight thousand a month was really something I remember those days when eight thousand a month was unbelievable and then fifteen thousand a month wow I couldn't believe it how about twenty thousand a month incomprehensible and I flew on by that how about thirty thousand a month I flew on by that unbelievable how about fifty how about eighty thousand a month I remember when I went right on by it was incredible getting paid for the week I remember when it was right 20,000 a week and then 30,000 a week how about $40,000 a week how much property will they let you own as much as you want all you want and all you wish here's the country you live in all you want and all you wish that's about as good as we can make it next here's the philosophy of the rich and the philosophy of the poor first the philosophy of the poor poor people now this is not demeaning now this is simply people of modest means people of modest means tend to spend their money and invest what's left if they have anything left over they might save it or invest it that's the philosophy the poor philosophy to spend your money save what's left here's the philosophy of the rich to invest your money and spend what's left it's the same money it's just a different attitude and a different philosophy either spend your money save what's left or invest your money spend what's left now here certainly is the better philosophy to invest your money and spend what's left I started out aged 25 I'm working hard to make a living and I found out how to start working on my fortune that might not be for everyone but you can turn part of your present income if you think I've got to stick with a job for 30 years and retire if that's your mindset and you want to do that fine but now you must wisely use the resources from that income to make a profit even if you let other people use the money and pay you interest in dividends if at least you do that whether you buy and sell or not but who couldn't if you worked on a job for 40 years why couldn't you buy a piece of property and sell it for more than you paid for it why couldn't you buy a home sell it for more than you paid for it why couldn't you buy a piece of property that needs repair find somebody to repair it and sell it for more than you paid for it why couldn't you do that over the next 40 years as well as work on the job and punch the clock and do your duty and retire as a faithful employee why not work both on your fortune and your living why not if the least you did was to take part of what you've earned as a living and let someone else use it and pay you for the use if you did that over 40 years you would easily be financially independent not from your job but from your investments then if you can find other ways because it's stimulating who was it said it was at Eisenhower someone said find a piece of property and leave it better than you found it just something Claude Olney who put together a program called where there's a will there's an a became highly successful as an infomercial he came to my seminars years and years ago before he put that program together and he said I've got an idea what do you think I said it's a winner sure enough made him Millions he made money on every car he bought because of the incredible way he took care of it and the way he made it shine and gleam so that when he got ready to sell it it was worth more than honey bought it that was one of his projects I'm gonna make money on every car I buy see it just depends on your attitude and your philosophy and the answer is why not amazing to different people with two different attitudes one lets it all go because it doesn't seem to make a difference another one says I make money on whatever I touch whatever I touch gets better it doesn't get dirty it gets better a guy who owned a bunch of apartments said to me most everybody leaves the apartment that they rent worse than they found it I said you've got to be kidding he said no some leave it trashed I said impossible he said no I said what a reputation what I touch turns to trash instead of gets better amazing but what if you had the attitude or the mindset I'm gonna leave wherever I am I'm gonna leave it better than I found it not just what it did for the world because it's a better place if you do that but what it did for your psyche whatever I touch gets cleaner and it gets better and it gets painted gets restored even if I walk away you say well somebody else is gonna enjoy it all that's not the key so be it the key is my philosophy is I leave everything better than I found you [Music] to complete your life-changing recipe there are a few other critical ingredients that can make the difference a remarkable attitudinal quality and two heartfelt questions I think one is curiosity wanting to know and of course that starts early but it's a good thing to keep going all of your life to be curious about what's happening curious about human beings curious about the setup curious about human behavior be curious about yourself would be curious about government politics society banking money army-navy taxes you know what makes things work what makes a city work what makes a government work I remember years ago someone mentioned Russia might conquer China I said if you conquer China what the heck would you do with it trying to comprehend how the world works trying to comprehend how when I remember going to Manhattan for the first time I was so awestruck this huge city and one thing came to my mind was how does this city work how does everything get in how does everything get out and how does everybody get fed and when you have a salad the lettuce is fresh and I thought how does this happen you know it's just it's a it's a miracle how the city works it's a miracle how the country works how does an economy work right so that it stays on a steady course it's amazing but if you keep that kind of curiosity going and then simply be curious about your relationships with other people yourself sitting at the conference table be curious about how you could get into the inner circle where they talk about incredible things that affect you know business Commerce Society in the world and I think that's probably number ones curiosity I think probably what served Tony Robbins who attended my seminars all those years ago the attitude was an incredible insatiable appetite for learning and I think if you've got that that's it you know that's part of curiosity you just want to know so reading the books was no problem going to the library was no problem you know going to class and taking notes was no problem then I think the third one was to immediately start putting some of it into action not to wait till you know at all but to do what you know and let the rest be unfolded and revealed the illustration is on a foggy night if you can only see 100 feet if you walk that 100 feet now you can see another 100 feet you know take it a bit at a time but for those components that really start some one on the road to success I think that's it curiosity appetite for learning and willingness to put it all into activity right away then probably willingness to take constructive criticism not put down the criticism you know it's okay but here's another way to consider if you just added this I'm telling you it make you twice as powerful somebody says wow I'll consider that so there's unique ways to say it and then there's you know the blundering ways to say it but if you can get people to give them credit for what they're already doing add a few more things a bit of refinement that's it people willing to accept that kind of constructive analysis of how they're doing those are some good components I asked two good questions I think that are really vital especially for mature people number one what's got you turned on question number two what's got you turned off to excellent questions Food for Thought years ago shortly after I met Earl chef I finally found out what had me turned off and I got that cured and I got enough reasons to get turned on and from that day until this no one has ever said to me when are you gonna get going when are you gonna get off the couch when are you gonna get started I've never heard dents since I was 25 years old once the fires were lit for me they've never gone out I've gone through my challenges from rich to broke and back to rich and I've been through it all but I've never had someone say you got to get up from here and you got to get going never and I don't really know how to teach it and I really don't know how to explain it all I know is if it ever happens it's one of the great experiences of a lifetime get enough reasons to turn you on and then just keep adding some more so that you never lack for emotional or physical vitality and spiritual strength to just keep going to make your life as good as you can go as far as you can or as much as you can share as much as you can be as much as you can to the people you love and care about live as well as you can if you once develop that thirst and the zest but it's interesting what's got you turned off and what's got you turned on see if you can't cut loose from the stuff that's got you turned off maybe its negative attitude maybe it's poor thinking maybe it's doomsday thinking you know the whole world is going to the dogs anyway why try a good sermon lyrics of a song conversation with somebody of value might help you turn that kind of attitude around like you know it's never gonna happen for me why not can a boy eight nine years old buy a bottle of soap for two dollars and sell it for three and say yes you probably could say then that means everyone has an answer doesn't matter who it is everyone can not everyone will but everyone can and there's no reason why you can't you I got Rick's for the comics 31 here's the best advice I'd give my teenage friends it was easy what can I tell you was hard no it was easy I'm a millionaire by 31 let me tell you how I did it I got three reasons why I got rich by the time I was 31 let me give you those here's number one I lived in America I mean how lucky can you get America is easy that's why everybody wants to come here people haven't plotted and schemed for 50 years saying if I could just get to pull and everything would be okay no the boat people are not desperately trying to get to Vietnam no they're not squeezing through the fence to try to get into Mexico no Neil Diamond says looks like everybody's heading for they're all coming to America why everybody wants to come here by every means possible to get here right because America is easy so if you go home with anything go home with that mr. own reminded us that America is easy he got rich by the time he's 31 America is easy Bangladesh is hard just take that home here's the average yearly income in Bangladesh 120 dollars that would be hard tell me hard versus easy so America's easy Cambodia would be hard the Khmer Rouge killed two million Cambodians to make communism work that's hard America is is India would be hard they got their challenges these days top America's Easy China would be really hard underline really and make a study it's hard america's easy and now in about ninety days you can have that memorized journey that's all you need i got rich from the time I was 31 I lived in America America is easy now here's number two I found an opportunity that's all you got to do in America search for an opportunity take the first one right try it if that isn't it leads to another one door closes another door opens this is what's exciting about America it's a little opportunity a chance to try and then what try again and then what try again never never run out of opportunity to try see if you can't better your life and your health and your future your bank account your income make your fortune here I live that America number one found an opportunity number three number two years number three I found a teacher what a grand and glorious unique thing that was for me at that time in my life I found a teacher willing to teach me and his teaching came in two parts here's what it was very simple number one mr. Owen you have evidently messed up between ages 19 and 25 now I could understand that but he didn't leave me there he said now here's the answers on how to change it all the next six years so that the next six years won't be like the last six what an incredible teacher taught me how to have a whole brand-new six years first six what I miss top second six what I got it right second six years I became a millionaire during that second six years the government was about the same I'm telling you interest rates were about what the same the pay scale was about what the same lord knows my negative realities were the same circumstances were about the same the economy was about the same the unions and their philosophy was about the same what was going on around me was about the same then how come I got Rick's that second six years I was not the same I changed the Pfister own if you can do that can anybody do it yes I invite you on that journey any time you want to you can stay the same so that the next six years to be like the last six take a look at the last six years and I'm telling you the next six years of your life is gonna be like the last six more unless you want to count on this short list that we call not much list most everybody's counting on this not much list what if all of your negative relatives turn positive what would that do for your future in your fortune what not much not much what if prices came down a little what a lot to do it for your future I'm telling you not much if the economy gets a little better what will I do not much now that the Democrats are in power what's that going to do for your future much we got it we could get a good debate going here if the Republicans would have stayed in power what would that have done not much a we could get a good debate going here I'm telling so not much list if you don't make plans of your own guess what you'll probably always fit into someone else's plans guess what someone else may have planned for you [Music] then what's going to make the difference you're gonna have to make the difference you're gonna have to take charge now mr. chef my teacher gave me a promise and I want to give you that promise now here was the promise I got and I bring it to you here's what my teacher said if you will change mr. Ahn he said if you will change everything will change for you you don't have to change the government you don't have to change prices you don't have to change taxes forget all that he said if you will change everything will change for you and the first thing you start changing is what your philosophy you start changing your mind you start changing how you think you start picking up new ideas and information gather new knowledge make better decisions about what's valuable and I'm telling if you'll do that your whole life will change your health will change your relationship with your family will change your ability to cope with challenges and powers will change I'm telling you income promotions all of it will change if you will change it'll all change if you won't change it isn't going to change you can keep your fingers crossed if you want to and hope they'll straighten it out you can wish for the wind not to blow quite as severe but I'm telling you wishing for the wind to change in your favor we call naive at best don't do this any longer wish for a better wind the key is to wish for the wisdom to set a better sail utilize whatever wind blows to take you wherever you want to go that is the philosophy I picked up at age 25 and it revolutionized my whole life and here's what I found I found it was easy I got rich by the time I was 31 and it was easy now here's my definition of easy gotta shut this down my definition of easy meaning something I could do I figure if it's something you can do it's easy now here's a parentheses parentheses I worked hard at it I found something I could do which was easy but I worked hard at it I got up early and stayed up late worked hard that six years but what I did was easy meaning it was something I could do you say well mr. Olaf it was so easy how come everybody else around you during that six years how come they didn't get rich here's why it's easy not to how else would you describe it that's it you say no no for all of the rest of them it was hard for them and it was easy for you that's not true you couldn't debate me on that in front of this intelligent audience but here's the challenge let me give it to you in the philosophical phrase I tend to be a little philosophical here it is the things that are easy to do are also easy not to do that's the difference between success and failure [Music] so you've got the choice here today of one of two Easy's easy to or what easy not to I can give you in one sentence how I got rich for the time was 31 here it is in one sentence I did not neglect to do the easy things I could do everyday for six years underline I did not neglect that's the key I found something easy I could do that led to fortune and I did not neglect to do it made your reason for not having everything you want in America major reasons we're not having more of what you want in America more health more money more power more influence more everything major reason why you don't get it simple answer neglect neglect and here's the problem with neglect it starts as an infection and if you don't take care of it it becomes a disease and here's what else is the problem one neglect leads to another neglect to do wise things with your money you probably neglect to do wise things with your time neglect to do wise things with your time you're probably neglect to do wise things with your business one leads to another leads to another pretty soon neglect has you by the throat emptying your purse emptying your heart emptying all of your chances for equities and power and all the good things neglect what if you should be walking around the block every day for your good health and you don't I'm telling you you're on the wrong track you should do it you could do it you don't do it that's called formula for disaster all you've got to do is let that and a few other things accumulate for six years and now you're driving what you don't want to drive wearing what you don't want to wear living where you don't want to live doing what you don't want to do maybe having become what you really didn't want to become I'm telling that's it just neglect along drift along and it's got you by the throat it'll take all your values leave you with just a little bit of dust in a summer wind and it'll soon be gone I hope I said that well that's it that's where I found myself at age 25 until my teacher came along and said mr. Owen up till now you've messed up let's see if we can't clean that up change it all I did change my life not just the money all the rest of the values that came pouring in when I disturbed that it was me it was me so take the easy approach this stuff's easy to figure out getting rich is easy I teach it to teenagers how to be rich by forty thirty five if you're extra bright this stuff is not difficult I love to teach kids enterprise now there's a Bible story that teaches the law of averages it's an interesting story called the parable of the sower the parable of the sower the story of the sower and if you haven't read it for a while that's an interesting very interesting story to read it's a great illustration of the law of averages the parable of the sower the sower in the ancient days was the guy that planted the crops they called him the sower right they got the ground ready I don't know just how they all got it already right but they got the ground ready and this guy called the sower was the planter of the crops and he would take a bag of seed walk across the field and he would write so the seed and plant the crops they called him the sower now the story of the sower is a typical story of life and people and results and what you can expect right and then you let the obvious be your best teacher now when you read the story of the sower you'll come up with some interesting some interesting points first the soul was a wise man and when you read the whole story you'll come to the conclusion the solar was a wise man which is a high advantage you don't want to send a dummy out to plant right we will all starve come fall next point of the story was the solar had excellent seed excellency story says he had the best he didn't settle for something cheap and second this third point to the story he was highly ambitious and when you read the whole story you'll come to the conclusion this man was ambitious which is an admirable quality ambition and then he went to work guy says ah I knew there was a hitch in here somewhere that's where it is probably right the guy goes to work now the story with the sower with the excellent seed highly ambitious opportunity all around him he has the capacities got the seed everything's ready and he starts out to sow to get some results now it's an interesting story about happened to him it's a typical story of life but it's fascinating here's what it says he starts out to sow the seed early in the morning but the first part of the seed that he sews falls by the wayside and the birds get it he's so in this good seed highly ambitious man so in this good seed and the birds are grabbing it he sews the morn the birds grab that he sews the morn the birds grab that now remember this is a typical story of life and people now is that fairly typical see I got to tell you as a leader the birds are gonna get some of the seed you get a hold of John let's say you're in real estate right somebody here is in real estate you get all the challenge John says hey I'm looking for a change I need a new occupation change and I've heard about real estate you say John come on over Friday night we're gonna have this orientation class and we'll show you how to do it might be the new life for you earn the money you want to earn get your life turned around who knows what will happen John says sounds great to me I'll be there on Friday night learn all about I'll probably be one of your best salesmen say okay see you Friday night now come Friday night 7:30 supposed to start John's not there say well maybe the traffic's a little heavy so we wait till quarter date about eight o'clock we come to the conclusion but he's not gonna show question what's happened since this unique conversation that you had with John and you dropped on him this great idea you've got the explanation helped change his life he said he would agree to be there and he's not there what's probably happened between then and Friday night that Birds done got the boy got him and who knows who the heck it might be right maybe it's his brother-in-law right says real estate you're not gonna mix up in that are ya talk to him out of it or he's Plummer so let me tell you about real estate is Palmer now if you get the message back as to what happens see here's where you might get off track there's a couple of things you can do when the birds are grabbing the seat one is you can chase birds sales dirty birds in a way you go after the birds you say where do I get ahold of his brother-in-law straighten him out tear him a new page what does he know about real estate is plumber now see you're off trying to straighten things out rather than accepting it as it is the best study of life is how it is not how you wish it to be not how you wish to rearrange it how to take advantage of how it is some people would rather get even than to get ahead they get off course see if you're off chasing birds you have left the field you're not sowing anymore now your chances go down instead of up there's some things you don't try to cure there's some things you ignore this one said this wise sower did it said he ignored the birds and he kept on sowing how clever there's some things you just got to accept that's the way it is so he keeps on sowing and here's the key if you keep sowing you can sow more than the birds can get but the birds are part of life and don't press me why I didn't arrange all this I don't know it's just the way it is so he keeps on sewing now the story says this sower keeps on sowing now the seed falls on shallow ground rocky ground where the soil is shallow and it says the little plant starts to grow this time the birds didn't get it but the first hot day these little plants wither and died now that's kind of disappointing isn't it but see that's bound to happen this time you recruit John John says I'll be one of your vest he doesn't show up at the third meeting you say where's John say I don't know somebody said boo [Music] [Laughter] [Music] one of the biggest mistakes people make as they begin a new program of changing any aspect of their lives is moving forward too fast without sufficient forethought it's similar to trying to drive to a destination by getting in your car and speeding away with no map to guide you if you're not careful you'll end up nowhere fast in the next two sessions Jim wants to make sure that you don't make this critical mistake ultimately if we want to change our lives for the better we must give careful consideration to all of our values and assure their preservation as we pursue our goals in other words we must consciously make a life not just a living Jim Rohn learned this critical lesson firsthand some things I went for in the beginning I was so ambitious once I met mr. shelf found some new ideas that were life-changing profits are better than wages it helped me become wealthy work harder on yourself than you do on your job I'd never heard of that before success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person it's not something you pursue Wow those things really revolutionized my life and I got so excited about now becoming successful I knew then I was gonna become wealthy and successful but I think I was a bit over ambitious and things I went for in the beginning cost me too much if I'd have known what it was gonna cost I wouldn't have paid but sometimes you just don't know till after you think oh this is it this is it sure enough when you finally acquire it or reach that position you look back and say wow I spent too much time too much money I let go some values that really are important to me that I forgot about or misjudged what it was going to cost so I think we always have to look into the future and say what do I want and what's that going to cost there's two great words of antiquity everybody should learn here they are ones positive and ones negative and we studied a bit about that yesterday positive negative here's the positive word from antiquity behold that's the positive word behold the possibilities behold the opportunity behold the future and give a design behold and look at the chances you've got behold spring has come behold the day has arrived and the sun is shining and the shadows are fleeing away behold the next person you can meet might be your friend for life behold the next person might be a colleague forever behold that's the positive word behold now here's the negative word beware and now I want to give you a sentence to jot down that's very valuable here's what it is beware of what you become in pursuit of what you want beware all of our lives we have to deal with behold and beware when a kid goes to school let's behold the opportunity and be where the dangers behold and beware so beware of what you become pursuing what you want some things I went for in the very beginning cost me too much I got so obsessed with some things that I found out later the price was too big to pay if I would have known better I never would have paid but sometimes we learn when after laughter so don't become so obsessed with something that you lose your sense of reason or it cost you your friends don't be so obsessed with something that you compromise your virtues and your values the story says Judas got the money you say well that's a success story no no it's true thirty pieces of silver was a sizable sum of money but it was not a success story his name was Judas doesn't that ring a bell it makes all the difference in the world Judas got the money here's something interesting about the story of Judas after he got the money he was unhappy someone says well if you had a fortune in your hand why would you be unhappy and here's the key he was not unhappy with the money he was unhappy with himself here's a key phrase the greatest source of unhappiness is self unhappiness it's not from outside the things that make us unhappy the greatest devastating unhappiness is to be unhappy with yourself now a mild form of unhappiness is constructive the desperate form of unhappiness is d-struct it's like worried we should all worry a little but not let it destroy our lives if you're in New York about to step off the curb in downtown Manhattan the yellow taxis coming best you worry enough to get your feet back up on the curb lest you get yourself wiped out so it's called caution but not undue caution it's called fear and worry but not the worry that kills you not the worry that destroys you it's like hate you know you don't need to hate your job save your hate for the important things like evil like the weeds that attacked your garden like the diabolical ideas that try to entice your children right you don't need to hate everything I hate this I hate that that's the misuse of your hate save it for the things we really must hate but this is so important now to be where Judas was so unhappy he tried to take the money back they said heck with you we got what we wanted you got what you wanted out they threw him out with his money now he becomes so desperate he goes out and hangs himself for what he did he became a traitor so that's the caution now if Judas could speak back to us in any kind of clear language here's what he might say beware of what you become in pursuit of what you own don't sell out it's not worth it the whole balance I think is important all of your life for our kids you know so much learning and so much play and so much education and so much time often you have to just not overload kids with too much time to learn a little change of pace back when I went to school we called it recess right you can't stay at it you know it's like hour after hour you have to take a little break and take some time but it's true as an entrepreneur it's true in a sales career it's true for a minister of a church whatever you're in is to find that balance of working hard so that the job gets done but also taking the time I used to work hard and think wow I should have my family on the beach and then I'd take my family to the beach and at the beach I'm saying why I should be at the office so you just have to learn to say when you're at the office do the office stuff get to the beach you know forget the office for a while and that balance is important it's important that good health right they had this diet but said high carbohydrate is the way to go right sure enough it wasn't now it's all finally turned around and we know a lot more it's called high protein low carbohydrate and all the rest so you just have to keep up with whatever is happening be a student not necessarily a follower you pick up a book on nutrition this one says if you do this you'll live forever you pick up the second book and it says if you do what that first book says you'll die young and then the question is what should I do which book should I follow you say no read them both and then make up your own mind be a student not a follower [Music] [Music] cardiovascular problems and alone in America create over a thousand funerals a day and 70% of it is neglect I'm asking you not to hope they're gonna fix this out here next year so that you'll be healthier I'm asking you to pick up the new disciplines so that you will be healthier drive yourself to do it look by book entry by entry it's all available for you
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Length: 82min 56sec (4976 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2017
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