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hi guys mr of waffles here there are a lot of weapons available to be used in cold war zombies and each one has its own pros and cons its strengths and its weaknesses and so today what i figured i would do is run through the top 10 best pack-a-punch guns that you can use in the mode in order to make sure that you when you're playing the game are being as effective as possible against the zombies at the given round that you're on and also not wasting things like your points unnecessarily and stuff like that too i'm gonna be cramming in as many tips in this as i can so buckle up if you could drop a like on the video that'd be amazing and also just from the jump i want to let you guys know that i'm gonna be talking about this from the perspective of someone that's upgraded all his perks and like maxed out all his skill trees so i'll have like max tearing of fire and max tear deadshot and all that stuff while i'm talking about this stuff just so that it's a nice even comparison for you guys so with that out of the way we can kick things off with number 10 the knife now this thing is fantastic don't get me wrong the fact that it's number 10 on the list does not make it bad by any means it's going to do around 35.2k damage when it's max upgraded which is over the zombie's health cap of 30k and that means that at any round the knife is gonna one-hit zombies but you are obviously limited to the fact that knife being the zombie takes a little time and if you accidentally lunge in instead of just doing one of your slashes across in order to stay away from the zombies then you're gonna be in pretty close proximity to them and they're probably gonna be able to swipe at you and maybe bring your armor down and things like that however even with that limitation it's still crazy powerful and it's really useful against elites as well so let's say you're fighting a mangler and you knife it in the arm it will always die in one hit the knife will do millions of damage a high round in order to take the manga down for you so it's powerful it's just that you're obviously limited by the speed of that knifing animation cold war is also a little different to previous games when knifing would get you the most possible points per kill nowadays it doesn't matter if you get a knife kill or a head shot you're still gonna get the max points from that so it's definitely very effective at low rounds when there's fewer zombies and you can guarantee yourself those max points per kill but it isn't the only option that you have in order to maximize your points now when you care less about points in your game and more just about raw firepower you might want to consider number nine on our list the m79 now whether knife is a precise weapon this is much more kind of brute force and massive splash damage in order to achieve your goal of taking those zombies down it's really useful for insta kills and if you're doing a ring of fire strike it's also incredibly effective there too however that does mean that at lower rounds this thing's a little bit less viable because you would probably rather be getting your head shots at around to ensure that you're getting your points and then later in your game switch to something like this in order to clear all those hordes as fast as possible so you've got to make sure that you're using this thing at the time that is appropriate for the weapon itself but if you get it out of the box at a reasonably like mid to high round and it's a high rarity or you get it for example from the bunny easter egg or the coffin easter egg at high or max rarity that can be an incredible excuse to just go to town with this thing and trash all of your opposition maybe you're not too keen on splash damage though or maybe the strat that you're running doesn't allow for that well number eight on our list the magnum is incredibly powerful and actually has one of the highest dps's in the game and as such makes a great addition to your arsenal now you might think okay if it's got one of the highest dps's why isn't it one of the highest on this list and the reason is that the magnum is a kind of tale of two halves you've got the pros the strengths which are the the actual damage that each bullet does is incredibly high it can one-shot zombies even at the health cap and beyond it can take down elite pretty quickly as well because of that high base damage it's just real strong but in order to maximize that dps and reach the levels of the highest in the game you need to run it akimbo and the issue there is the the accuracy really lets the weapon down and means that your dps is kind of diminished so you have your theoretical max damage but then your actual effective damage is lower this means that it's not the best declaring full hordes but if you're laying a lot of damage into one singular target or just a few zombies this thing is a great option it's like a sniper but a more mobile version of it which obviously doesn't have a massive zoom scope on it the gun is also massively improved if you have the right attachments on it basically your reload is a little on the slow side unless you've got a speed mag on and you're going to want to obviously get those pack punches going with it as well so bear that in mind if the magnum is your weapon of choice one pro tip for you guys is before you unlock all those attachments if you just stand next to an ammo crate you can buy ammo instead of having to reload it real slowly and it'll just mean that you chew through some of those easy to kill zombies a bit faster and get towards that attachment a bit quicker i know i'm stupidly impatient but hey it's just an idea now number seven on our list is the last launcher that i'm going to be talking about i know i mentioned the m79 if you want something even better with higher base damage choose the rpg this may sound like a meme to some of you guys you might be thinking that i'm off my rocker if i'm suggesting launchers are some of the best weapons in the game but genuinely the rpg is like the ray gun's little brother it's incredibly powerful it's gonna nuke entire hordes super easily and if you get this thing gold from the bunny easter egg or the coffin you're gonna have an absolute blast using it as well it is so much fun and we've got to remember as much as we've got to talk about high damage and dps and things like that just enjoying yourself in the game is important too and this one is so good with that said i must admit that it's not the best weapon in the game for taking down elites but it's better than the m79 which was number nine on our list and as such that gives the rpg a little boost and brings us the number seven spot now number six is probably the complete polar opposite of the rpg and interestingly this is also one of the only guns in the game to be a purple tear wall by what is it i hear you ask well it's number six the bullfrog the wall buy for this in firebase z at least can be found in this little bedroom area in the village and it will be accessible once you turn on the power it's purple tears so you are gonna be paying a little bit more skriller in order to actually purchase it but the fact that you then don't need to spend nearly as much in the armor machine upgrading its rarity means that you're gonna be much more powerful much sooner in your game if this is the route that you choose to go down it's essentially a more mobile lmg and if you want something chunkier you can absolutely swap out this number six for the stoner instead but i think the fact that this is on the wall at this rarity and it's super mobile so you don't get chased down nearly as easily as you do with a stoner means that it is better than the stoner in my mind and the crazy fire rate means that it's great for a ring of fires and insta kills of course as well it holds its own in the earlier rounds and does pretty decently in the later rounds too it's not necessarily something that i would use beyond the health cap but getting to the health cap in the first place is obviously a journey in itself and i think this is a fantastic weapon to propel you in that direction i also give this one bonus points for just being fun it's just an enjoyable weapon to use in my mind so yeah give it a try or try number five on our list the m16 this actually is the weapon of choice for many speed runners and if that doesn't already tell you everything you need to know about this weapon then i don't know what will it kills pretty damn fast at a health cap even though it's not like a wonder weapon doing around 6k damage per shot with the best attachments assuming you made it as a loadout weapon it's pretty good at killing elites too and obviously much more precise than something like an akimbo magnum or something like that but it does fall off a little bit at the health cap and if you don't fancy loading in with this gun then you can always pick it up mid game as well off the wall in firebase z just outside of engineering to the right and in d machine in the pond area it's also right up there as one of the highest dps weapons in the game and remember with the pistols that have some of the highest dps in the game their effective dps is a bit lower because of the accuracy penalty that you have from making them a kimbo so their damage goes up from that but the amount of shots that you actually land goes down whereas the m16 being very accurate has a theoretical and effective dps that are basically the same and so i mean this thing's just hella strong essentially the next weapon on our list has been a fan favorite since the very beginning and one of the first videos i made on cold war actually showed this gun off and talked about how overpowered it could be as a loadout weapon i'm gonna be doing more videos like that soon so make sure you're subscribed if you haven't already the weapon is of course number four the gallow why is this so high on the list well it's kind of self-evident you can buy it at blue rarity off the wall in d machine so if you don't have all those crazy loadout attachments for it then that is a fantastic option it is also available in firebase z as a green wall by if you want it it's got really high damage and it's got a great rate of fire as well which is key because with certain other weapons that i might talk about in a minute you need to make sure you're very precise with your shots whereas with this if you get sort of caught in a corner or something you can just spray and pray go to town and you're gonna be able to take out a lot of zombies in a very short amount of time it also has heaps of ammo per mag when it's packer punched and the reload is real fast then as well and you can obviously get great speed loaders and stuff for it too so this thing is basically built for you to just spray and pray to your heart's content it's also super viable against elites in fact in my opinion it's one of the best weapons for taking elites down and it's also really useful for taking down zombies quickly at health cap meaning if you're a health cap and you're kind of running around but you're slowly chipping down zombie health you may find that you're overrun more easily because the zombies that you're trying to shoot don't just get instantly nuked by whatever you're shooting them with whereas when you're using the gallow you won't really have that problem you'll be able to take the zombies down really quickly and it just means that you've kind of always got a bit of a safety net when you're holding it which is really useful when you do start getting to those high rounds i've got to admit it's another fun one so try it out see if you like it and if not maybe try number three on our list the org which may be a surprise because it's really similar to the m16 but it is used less by the community it actually turns out that it's got a faster fire rate than the m16 but the effective damage range actually goes further we're talking 22 meters for the m16 versus 30 meters on the orc the base damage though is the same as the m16 and this means that you can use it just like you would in m16 but you can still continue to do high damage at greater distances i wanted to put this one a little further up the list because i think it's slept on i think you should give it a go it is also a wall bye for example in firebase z outside the sort of motor pool area here you can pick it up and so overall i think this is a really strong weapon that should not be disregarded give it a try guys i also highly recommend as it turns out number two on the list which is the hour now the howa is really i think like marmite in some ways because a lot of people do prefer the gala which i've put lower on the list the reason for this is something i'll explain but you may find that the gallow is actually more effective for you but let me get into the details so the dps of the hour is actually higher than the dps of the gallows certainly your theoretical dps however if you're inaccurate and you need to be able to spray in order to ensure that you're taking down whatever's in front of you then the gallow may be a better option those of you that are comfortable with your aim though which is probably most of you should be absolutely fine with the hauler and this thing stomps you can get 20 ammo capacity before you need to even reload it's super strong pack-a-punched of course it's the best all-round weapon for killing elites quickly but also mowing down hordes fast as well and it has wall buys now i wouldn't recommend you get the wool by in narc because it's green not so good but it is a blue wall by in this little kind of tunnel walkway thing here on the way to the jug machine in firebase z it's loadout attachments are also fantastic and a little considered point about this compared to the gallow is that the gallow does have a higher rate of fire sure but your alternate ammo types are only going to pop at a certain rate right so for example cryo freeze pops every second and so with the howard you are going to be getting more aat pops per shot than you would with the gallow which technically means that per shot fired you have even more of a dps advantage with the howard over the gallon now speaking of aats there are a few guns in the game that actually just don't care about aats at all they don't need them because they're already so strong and that brings us to number one on our list which is actually a joint number one and we'll kind of expand in the future as more maps release with more wonder weapons i think but it's gonna be the ray k84 and of course the ray gun this one's obvious i'm going to speak about these as if they're one of the same weapon because they're just so damn strong it kills everything fast it's got good wave clear it's got a good ammo count it ticks all of the boxes for an incredibly powerful weapon the ray k obviously doesn't only have its wave clear potential it also can do a lot of damage to single targets using its regular fire and then you can just switch to the alt-fire in order to get that wave clear and if you're on the all fire mode you can then slow down mammals and mimics as well it's incredibly powerful you can build the ray k and firebase z so you can get the dang thing for free you don't need to worry about rng which is just so nice when you've been screwed over a million times trying to get the ray gun in d machine like the fact that you can just build it is awesome and so it's a no-brainer to have these things at the top of the list but it is worth quickly mentioning that with great weapons comes great responsibility and you need to make sure that your secondary weapon is up to the task of filling in the blanks left by the wonder weapon itself and as such for example with the ray k you may want to consider having i don't know a knife as your secondary or probably more likely a howard shotgun with an alternate ammo type to take down whatever mini boss you are facing in the map of your choice it's not all up to that singular wonder weapon to do all of the work for you and so the other guns on this list can all be subbed in for great results but you probably want to avoid using things like the rpg or the m79 as your secondary because you've kind of already got that firepower from your primary with the wonder weapon and so using something else for secondary is a better bet in my mind that wraps up our top 10. this has taken a lot of recording to put together etc so if you guys could subscribe like the video leave a comment some support that would just be amazing for me and it would let me know as well that you want to see more content like this in the future and maybe even some proper in-depth weapon guides that i feel like i've been working on for about six months now i hope you've all enjoyed it i've missed her off waffles i'll see you next time bye for now
Channel: MrRoflWaffles
Views: 584,084
Rating: 4.9031849 out of 5
Keywords: mrroflwaffles, mr roflwaffle, roflwaffle, mr rofl waffles, mr roffle waffles, call of duty, cod, zombies, mrroflwaffles zombies, cold war, cold war zombies, die maschine, die machine, cold war zombies easter egg, firebase z, firebase z easter egg, dlc 1, cold war zombies dlc 1, easter egg guide, pack a punch, best guns, best pack a punched guns, guide, top 10
Id: qdtrHWkHztQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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