Top 10 Best Orangutan Jungle School Videos 🤩 Smithsonian Channel

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Orangutans learn from example. So their caregiver shows them how it's done. (bright music) (coconut hitting wood) Mumut a little male, catches on immediately. (coconut hitting wood) While Valentino has a more interpretive approach. (coconut hitting wood) Borneo's jungles flood every year in the rainy season. So being able to navigate over water is a crucial skill. (bright upbeat music) Orangutans aren't built to swim as their dense bodies sink rather than float. (upbeat music) But crossing a rope bridge is a walk in the park for these arboreal apes. (upbeat music) (rope creaking) Even Kesi with her missing hand isn't fazed by the obstacle course. (rope creaking) (wood clunking) She's become much braver since her arrival to Bangamat Island (water rustling) but she still prefers eating alone. (orangutans squeaking) She can't sit in her usual spot under the platform here so she improvises. (water rustling) As she munches away on her favorite turnips, something catches her attention. (intense music) (water rustling) She moves in for a closer look, (dramatic music) (water rustling) but there were no ropes to get her there. (water rustling) At first, she walks on submerged trees to keep her head above water. (dramatic music) (water rustling) But then, (bright upbeat music) she actually swims. (water rustling) This is very unusual. (bright upbeat music) (water rustling) Drowning is a major cause of orangutan deaths, but orangutans who grow up in rehab appear to be more curious than those in the wild. (leaves rustling) Kesi's motivation for this risky choice is of course food. (leaves rustling) (intense music) What she spied were termites. (dramatic music) (birds chirping) On the Rangoon River, the release team heads toward the quieter side of Bangamat Island where females Kesi, Eyu, and Ruthy hang out. (dramatic music) (water rustling) Thai circus girl, Sob, is first up for release. (boat engine whirring) The team's arrival puts Kesi on edge. (birds chirping) She joins Eyu in the safety of the trees. (metal cage clunking) (dramatic music) (metal cage clunking) Sob, doesn't wait around though. (dramatic music) (birds chirping) Despite the loving care she's received at Nyaru Menteng, nothing beats climbing a tree for the first time. (inspirational music) (dramatic music) Jerry's getting impatient. (metal cage clunking) (intense music) (metal cage clunking) (Jerry growling) (metal cage clunking) He is not a fan of the cage. (teknisis shouting) (intense music) He's not finished yet. (teknisis shouting) Valent is still trapped in his cage. (intense music) (metal cage clunking) The team has to stop this. (cage clunking) A teknisi flanks the angry male. (teknisis shouting) (intense music) The destruction buys enough time to release Paul Valent. (teknisis chatting) And then, as suddenly as it began, (teknisis chatting) (intense music) the storm is over. (birds chirping) The teknisi offered Jerry a sweet peace treaty. It's time to leave. (teknisis chatting) (intense music) And Jerry takes one more charge at the team to send them on their way. (water rustling) (intense music) It looks like there's a new boss on this corner of Bangamat Island. (intense music) (bright upbeat music) At the water park, everyone wants to have fun, (water rustling) (Beni squeaking) including Beni. (Beni squeaking) (bright upbeat music) When the lunch bell rings, (bright upbeat music) and bananas are on offer, Beni comes in like a wrecking ball. (rope creaking) (Beni squeaking) But the babysitters are still under strict instructions not to let Beni have any bananas. (Beni squeaking) (soft bright music) Everyone gets a treat (babysitter speaking in foreign language) except Beni. - [Babysitter] Beni. (orangutans squeaking) Resorting to banana peel is pretty low. (bright upbeat music) (orangutans squeaking) Lanting remembers his fruit kebab lessons, (bright upbeat music) but it seems he's got the wrong end of the stick. (bright upbeat music) Beni's desperate for fruit. (water rustling) (Beni squeaking) He begs Penti. (orangutans squeaking) Burrows from the basket. - [Babysitter] Beni. And steals from Reren. (water rustling) (Beni squeaking) Bad move. (water rustling) (bright upbeat music) (water rustling) (Beni squeaking) Poor Beni. (water splashes) (upbeat music) Deep in remote jungle, an unusual day is about to unfold for the pupils of the Borneo Orangutan's Survival Foundation's Jungle School. (bright upbeat music) Orphans are assigned to different groups here according to their skill levels. And each group has its own forest classroom. (bright upbeat music) But every so often, there's a mix at top day where the youngsters get to visit someone else's classroom and explore different areas of the forest. (orangutans squeaking) It's also an excellent opportunity for them to broaden the socialization which is such an important aspect of the curriculum here. (orangutans squeaking) Today is extra exciting for Valentino and his classmates in forest school two. (bright upbeat music) They're visiting group three whose classroom has turned into a water park. (orangutans squeaking) (water rustling) It's early in Borneo's rainy season now, and overnight, rain has flooded the stream. (water rustling) In the wild, torrential rain can submerge the jungle into a lake within hours. (water rustling) Orangutans generally don't swim but the students have to learn how to forage during a flood. (water rustling) Yutris is one of the first to explore the delights of what you can do with water. (water rustling) (Yutris sipping water) Svenja, one of the group three kids has figured out how to blow bubbles. (water rustling) Beni copies, watched closely by Shiro. (water rustling) (bright music) Lala has another game for her bubbles. (Lala popping water bubbles) (water rustling) Valentino appears a little out of his comfort zone, not really wanting to get his feet wet. (Valentino squeaking) (water rustling) But Yutris is in his element. (water rustling) (bright upbeat music) At the new baby house where the youngest orphans now live, everyone seems enthusiastic about the different morning routine. But once the doors open, (metal clunking)_ the bravado vanishes. And many of the nursery babies cling to each other for comfort, as they're still getting used to their new home. (bright upbeat music) This morning, Jelapat's missing his usual hug buddy, Telecan so he's brought his security blanket along. (Jelapat squeaking) (bright upbeat music) (metal clunking) Everyone rides the wheelbarrow buses for another day in the forest. (bright upbeat music) Two miles away at the main Nyaru Menteng compound, the older classes are already filing into the forest for the day's lessons. (bright upbeat music) Hanin holds up her classmates for a bathroom break. (water rustling) Orangutan style. Cinta deals with the roadblock with her signature move. (wood clunks) (orangutan squeaks) (Babysitter speaking in foreign language) The group two students pile onto their platform as babysitter Letta constructs one of the famous fruit kebabs the team uses to encourage the students to forage in the trees. (orangutans squeaking) (bright upbeat music) Class clown Valentino has a love-hate relationship with this lesson. (bright upbeat music) Over the past few months, trying to grab moving fruit has frustrated him enormously. (babysitter speaking in foreign language) (Valentino squeaking) (upbeat music) He makes a token effort today. (Valentio squeaking) But Valentino has no patience for this, and so he goes straight to the source. (babysitter grunts) Over at jungle school, forest groups two and three are taking class together. (water rustling) Today's challenge is to master the two stage process of opening a coconut. First, husking. Then, not cracking, to access the sweet milk and the meat. (bright upbeat music) Four year old Yoko is a group three student and he's got this down. (bright upbeat music) (Yoko husking coconut) His secret is to grip with hands and feet. (bright upbeat music) (Yoko husking coconut) Yoko's skill attracts a spectator. (bright upbeat music) Beni loves coconuts as much as bananas, (Yoko husking coconut) but he usually relies on his babysitter to open them. (bright upbeat music) (Yoko husking coconut) (intense music) Beni reverts back to an old habit. (intense music) He's not really a bully, just a very hungry food thief. (Yoko squeaks) (Yoko slurps coconut milk) (water rustling) Nine year old Rinto turns up from group five to police this coconut conflict. (Yoko sipping coconut milk) (water rustling) Rinto decides Beni should have no coconut at all. (orangutans squeaking) Nope, not getting this one either. (water rustling) Poor Beni. All he's left with is a pile of sodden greens. (comedic music) It's not fair. (water rustling) Yoko still got a coconut. (bright upbeat music) With a surprising burst of energy, Beni goes off to him again. (Yoko squeaking) (bright upbeat music) The commotion attracts the attention of another older female, Reren. (bright upbeat music) Who comes in with the heavy artillery. (bright upbeat music) She wastes no time in punishing Beni. (Beni squeaking in pain) Things are getting out of hand. The delivery of more coconuts ends the brawl. (water rustling) (bright upbeat music) Beni's left with just an empty husk and his low social status. He's not impressed. (Beni splurts water) At forest group three, the daily snack basket is at the center of all the action, But one student hangs back on the fringes. (dramatic music) It's five year old female, Luthy. Luthy was kept as an illegal pet for more than two years. Longer than any other orphan at jungle school. (dramatic music) She's been in forest school for almost a year, but it's taking a long time to adapt to the crowded chaos of class. (babysitter speaking in foreign language) Her babysitters make sure she's not left out but Luthy is an easy target for some of her hungry classmates. (eerie music) Jumbo steals her soybean snack. (branches rustling) She gets a banana instead. (leaves rustling) But Jati pounces. (orangutans squeaking) (branches rustling) (intense music) Luthy has developed a bad habit to cope with this bullying. Everyday, while the babysitters are distracted, she takes off. (comedic music) Every day when she escapes class, she heads for the playground. (comedic music) She gets all the toys to herself. (comedic music) There are even new orange barrels to explore. But there's a catch (comedic music) Official recess is still a few hours away (comedic music) so the usual hidden snacks are missing. (Luthy squeaking) That's okay. (Luthy squeaking) (comedic music) Luthy's got a another plan. (comedic music) It looks like the coast is clear. (metal cage clunking) (bright upbeat music) She knows there's always fruit under the long term holding enclosures. (bright upbeat music) But the real treasure is up above. (bright upbeat music) Inside are older orangutans who were waiting for space on the pre-release islands. But they're used to Luthy turning up everyday. (bright upbeat music) Now, what have we got here? (bright upbeat music) Nope. Huh, that's the ticket. (bright upbeat music) She's got an all you can eat buffet and freedom from pushy classmates. (bright upbeat music) It doesn't get much better than this. (bright upbeat music) (water rustling) At the group one classroom, the babysitters have a plan for the flooded pool, to teach a new lesson in food gathering. (water rustling) Vegetables on stakes are a genius take on the famous fruit kebab. Designed to encourage students to master fun foraging in the wet season. (bright upbeat music) Malika gets it. (dramatic music) (water rustling) Extra support from Letta gives Malika the confidence to try this new step towards her wild future. (inspirational music) (water rustling) (leaves rustling) Now it's Timpah's turn for a lesson. She's always been a little water baby. (water rustling) Letta shows Timpah how to scoop water. (water rustling) She watches intently, but she can't quite grasp. "How does one hold water?" (water rustling) (birds chirping) Just as she's had enough, (water rustling) (Letta speaking in foreing language) she has a breakthrough. (dramatic music) (water rustling) Figuring out how to use a tool to hold water is a simple but useful concept that both humans and primates need to learn. (dramatic music) (water rustling) Letta is very proud of her little student. (dramatic music) These two share a true bond. And Timpah isn't shy about her affections. (dramatic music) It's the last lesson at forest school for the day. And some older students have come to visit their friends in group two. (orangutans squeaking) Valentino, Yutris, and Madara joined their older idol, Cinta on an adventure through the ferns. (leaves rustling) And there's a surprise waiting for them. (scary music) There's something not right. (orangutan squeaking) (scary music) (orangutans squeaking in fear) Penti reassures the youngsters. (scary music) But Shinta has a suspicion as to what this might be. (branch clunks) (scary music) Bravely, she takes the lead. (scary music) (orangutans squeaking) Four year old Oton arrives late to the fear fest. (branches rustling) And he thinks this sack looks good. (sack rustling) (orangutans squeaking) (eerie music) Just in time, teknisi Meliono comes to the rescue and beat his special rubber teaching aid to death. (wooden stick hitting rubber snake) The group two kids have never had snake awareness class before, and today, they responded perfectly. (wooden stick hitting rubber snake) In primates, recognition of snakes is instinctive, but fear of snakes is learned. (dramatic music) (orangutan squeaking) Which is why Meliono taught this lesson around the forest school groups. (dramatic music) (orangutans squeaking) It's a lesson they won't forget. (dramatic music) (babysitters shouting) First lesson of the day is buwayo or fruit time. (babysitters shouting in foreign language) Orangutans naturally spend up to six hours a day foraging for food. (babysitters shouting in foreign language) So breakfast doubles as a perfect learning opportunity. (babysitters shouting in foreign language) This morning's lesson is in coconut cracking. Orangutans learn from example, so their caregiver shows them how it's done. (coconut hitting wood) Mumut a little male catches on immediately. (coconut hitting wood) While Valentino has a more interpretive approach. (coconut hitting wood) With his distinctive pale belly stripe, Valentino is the class clown of forest school group one. (coconut hitting wood) What he lacks in technique, he makes up for in exuberance. (bright upbeat music) (coconut hitting on wood) But when the puzzle proves too hot to crack, Valentino does exactly what he would do if he was in the wild. Ask mom for help. (sentimental music) Valentino was found alone in a forest as a baby after his mom was killed. (sentimental music) Babysitter Letta is currently his foster mother. And she knows Valentino must learn to do this on his own if he's to ever graduate from jungle school. Nearby, the students of forest group two are incrementally more skillful. It's not so much age that divides groups one and two, but ability. Little Meryl has learned how to husk her coconut so she can enjoy the sweet milk. (bright upbeat music) But not for long. (bright upbeat music) Opportunistic Valentino moves into share. (bright upbeat music) (orangutans squeaking) He may not be the best at coconut cracking, but learning how to reap the rewards of other's hard work could be an excellent survival skill. (upbeat music) Three-year-old Beni has a more laid back approach. (upbeat music) He's exercising his jaws as his powerful teeth scrape the coconut shell. But there's not a lot of other energy being exerted. He doesn't even flinched as Meryl helps herself to his leftovers. Little does Beni know that his expanding girth hasn't gone unnoticed, and he's about to be put on a diet (bright upbeat music)
Channel: Smithsonian Channel
Views: 168,775
Rating: 4.9028635 out of 5
Keywords: best Orangutan Jungle School, top 10, Smithsonian, documentary, Borneo, primate, orangutan, orphan, orphanage, Indonesia, Kalimantan, Nyaru Menteng, jungle, tree, arboreal, milk, babysitter, caregiver, fun, Valentino, Jungle School, Madara, Lala, Yutris, climb, Moci, Jahri, quarantine, TB, tuberculosis, Wine, tool, Cinta, Forest Group 3, baby orangutans, baby animals, baby animals play, orangutans playing, social skills, learning through play, playing, apes playing, orphaned orangutans, young orangutans, play, 🤩
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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