Top 10 BEST American SNACK Food Brands

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you eating in here just snacking chip no get out  of here what's your favorite snack food well find   out if it's on our list of top 10 best american  snack food brands ever created the best of the   best sir butterfinger nobody better lay a finger  on my butterfinger the butterfinger candy bar   became huge in the 80s and 90s competing with a  then much smaller array of snack items that topped   best of lists throughout the country they nailed  the sweet savory combination by injecting just   enough salt and butteriness into their concoction  rendering taste buds across the world as helpless   suckers to a butterfinger and as advertised made  countless people's fingers slippery and gooey   as a result in fact the name butterfinger came  to be after the curtis candy company sent out   a call for entries in a candy bar naming  contest and a self-described klutz from   chicago came up with a winning name taken from  his own tendency to drop things with his own   butterfingers whoops butterfingers in case you  didn't know back in the 80s this was one of the   first times people saw the simpsons on television  in butterfingers commercials a good year before   they got their own prime time slot so you  could say that the iconic springfield clan   and the entire world will be forever indebted  to this snack for helping popularize the show   nobody better lay a finger on my butterfinger  ritz crackers off-brand ritz cracker it's hard   to override ritz as the snack food king of kings  around since the 1930s ritz is a ubiquitous name   brand a delicacy on its own but also known for  perfectly complementing other delicacies making   it both an essential and adaptable snack food the  name ritz was meant to appeal to those without   means during the great depression who wanted  a bite of the good life and millions of people   took them up on it ritz soon became one of the  most powerful fast food companies in the u.s and   it's hard to dispute the name ritz is a perfect  cracker as perfect as coca-cola is to a soft drink   with a rich buttery texture that works with just  about anything you stick on top of it anything   anything anything at some point ritz decided that  allowing customers to fill their own crackers with   whatever they wanted simply wasn't good enough  so they branched out with a line of cheese and   peanut butter filled crackers which turned out to  be one of the greatest ideas anybody has ever had   now it's hard to argue that any car ride is ever  considered complete without a little sack of these   goodies stashed somewhere for passengers to munch  on helen what car snacks do you have pepperidge   farms goldfish i have goldfish thank you i have  string cheese i want goldfish pepperidge farm   perfected the crunchy goldfish brand before they  started flavor blasting and dipping them in wild   colors the original or cheddar flavor is something  of a perfect snack item but as with other snack   foods fans fall into different camps some people  might say that the original unflavored goldfish   are a perfect accompaniment for many meals and the  cheddar flavor is an addictive late night snack   this is addictive it's hard to stop at a few and  many who dip their hands into the bag don't stop   until it's empty they went a bit overboard when  they started dying the fish the colors of the   rainbow but there are some die hard fans out there  of those strange combinations the company puts   together these little cheesy fish even made their  way to space pepperidge farm transported sacks of   goldfish with the space shuttle discovery crew on  a 1.7 million mile journey to be consumed in outer   space a taste of home for astronauts who were most  likely tired of dehydrated gruel as their primary   food stuff i can give you the space soup for the  space special orville redenbacher popcorn keith   more popcorn when the first microwave started  appearing in the 1950s people started to get   creative with ways to shortcut not just dinner  but snacks as well in the 1980s the typically   laborious procedure of making popcorn in a skillet  or using a steam machine was deemed too time   consuming so when microwavable popcorn came about  it became a massive hit now anybody could just   stick a bag in the box wait a few minutes until  the pops died down and voila fresh popcorn my   popcorn you were supposed to get me popcorn what  did you forget about me mr orville redenbacher was   a real man unlike the namesakes of some of these  other brands sorry but no mr peanut was not a real   person and he was an innovator and trailblazer  in his field as an agricultural scientist prior   to becoming an entrepreneur he revolutionized  popcorn yields through scientific experimentation   resulting in a lighter and fluffier product which  we all understand to be normal popcorn today   however fans might be disappointed to know that  he reportedly never really preferred popcorn in   the microwave redenbacher was a proponent of the  old-school stovetop method which he claimed turned   out a far superior product sorry buddy even if you  invented the stuff some of us might beg to differ   no yes okay no yes oreos these are not the cookies  right okay i ordered oreos competing for the most   disturbingly addictive snack food of all time the  oreos cookies line must be included a cream-filled   delight that has enchanted generations of hapless  americans who like to think that the cream inside   the cookie is like milk thus a healthy and  calcium-filled staple for an average diet   well they couldn't be more wrong but this  matters not at all oreos are the epitome of   all time deliciousness and when they started  double and triple stacking them adding more   and more filling until the cookie became almost  invisible under a mountain of white cream they   might have reached the pinnacle of pupil dilating  snack food perfection oh my god it's beautiful   people still can't seem to get enough it is  continuously rated as one of the most successful   cookies of all time and they have been a snack  food staple for over a hundred years oreos did   have its growing pains and it went through several  rebranding schemes before they simply settled on   oreo as a name back in the day they started as  oreo biscuits which became oreo sandwiches which   then became oreo cream sandwich and then oreo  chocolate sandwich cookies finally over time it   was decided that the brand was ubiquitous enough  to simply be called oreos sweetheart they look the   same they are not their friends cheez-its drop it  release my cheez-its well-known among night owls   couch potatoes and college students who ran out of  mac and cheese cups and are in need of a quick fix   cheez-its are some of the most addictive of all  foods sure there are spin-off brands derived from   almost every kind of cheese known to humanity like  white cheddar asiago parmesan and hot and spicy   but it's hard to compete with the original simple  pure cheddar flavoring cheddar cheese is america's   finest native cheese product and boy did cheez-its  exploit that fact by decking each crisp with   mountains of emulated cheese flavor mimicking  what people love about the cheddar taste in   the first place working on my night cheese a bit  bitter a bit sweet a bit salty a bit cheesy a bit   crunchy a bit buttery and everything in between  exists in these crackers cheez-its also boasts   one of the stranger brand mascots a cheddar wheel  simply known as cheese this cheese made pinwheel   is seen in company advertisements transforming  from an immature teenager to a more mature and   righteous mascot a hint that cheezits is only  interested in incorporating the depths of flavor   of matured cheeses into its crackers than any of  that unripe boring flavored stuff this is a three   cheese blend plus nacho cheese sauce medley m m's  i promise i will not eat any more of your friends   okay it might happen one more time m ms have  created such a wide-ranging multiverse out of   their brand that you could fill a whole city with  its confectionary variations which is part of what   makes eminem so fun to begin with sure there  are purists who claim the original chocolate m   m's are the best but many people point to peanut  almond peanut butter mint or even orange vanilla   cream and crunchy raspberry as their favorites  that exists oh boy to be clear mars and murray   the eminem's namesake have been throwing every  concoction and flavor combination at the wall   for decades to see what sticks and sometimes  it doesn't even seem to matter since the pure   fun of releasing a new flavor into the wild seems  to be their primary mo basically any flavor of   these little sugar-coated monsters you could have  wished for has probably existed at some point or   another there are currently 24 different  m m's flavors available throughout the u.s   europhiles might argue that m m's are merely  smarties knock-offs then they wouldn't be wrong   mars and murray were partially inspired by  the smarties brand but set about improving   in the flavor and size departments they originally  came out in cardboard twos when they were first   distributed among soldiers during world war ii  this closely resembled the smarties packaging but   eventually it was decided that cardboard tubes  weren't fun enough nor held enough candy so   packets and large boxes came next  wow okay no one else should even try   gold medals planters nuts hey miss  peanut no you don't don't do it this decidedly un-italian-sounding company was  founded by a poor italian immigrant amadeo obichi   in 1906 who chose the name planters because it  sounded dignified this served as an example of how   the american dream can come true if you have the  determination marketing chops and a peanut roaster   at your disposal as a snack planters success has  been easy to calculate they have harvested and   fed americans something relatively healthy and  delicious for generations and made it fun in the   process they even had the sound mind to understand  that people who paid extra for mixed nuts would be   agitated to find a mix made up of mostly humble  peanuts so they started to guarantee mixes with   less than 50 peanuts look at this nut mix it's  half cashews i hope we never land but to be fair   peanuts are pretty rad too and who doesn't  like mr peanut the monocle sporting nut has   been around since 1916 when a school boy won  a design contest and the company adopted his   distorted peanut drawing as the company logo and  he's been a staple on store shelves ever since   mr obichie was so moved by the schoolboy's peanut  logo design of mr peanut that he eventually paid   the boys schooling through college and all the way  to medical school which must be one of the most   amazing competition prizes of all time oh my god  you're crying i'm not great you're crazy doritos   hey hey hey where's the birthday girl that's not  doritos it's just really hard to imagine a world   without doritos these crispy little tortilla  triangles can be found all over and in some   corners people must be under the impression that  the streets of america are paved with them as with   many of these snack brands there is competition  among admirers for the best flavor profile and   there you fall into one of two categories those  who prefer traditional flavors and those who   enjoy the flavor blasted variations it doesn't  really matter though since they're all amazing   but some might argue that the good people  behind the doritos brand went a little too   over the top with the colossal strangeness  of anchovy garlic doritos and doritos clam   chowder are you enjoying the clam chowder however  a round of applause is necessary here considering   these flavors were even concocted and released  at all interestingly doritos began in the 1950s   at disneyland when a marketing vp archwest visited  the park on vacation and saw a tex-mex restaurant   frito lays casa de fritos in action he realized  that people weren't only coming for the food   but for the chips namely rejected tortillas that  were deep fried and turned into chips on the spot   rather than discarded west had an epiphany  when visiting the restaurant and came up with a   marketing plan of his own to mass produce these  tortilla chips which eventually became doritos   and helped to launch the brand we all know and  love today so share the goddamn doritos reese's   reese's pizza oh god please stop like mac and pcs  there's something of a long-standing beef between   reese's and eminence neither claim to be the other  but sometimes they muscle into the other's turf   with reese's pieces looking an awful lot like m  m's and m m's peanut butter tasting an awful lot   like reese's pieces well not that much reese's  peanut butter flavor is its singular signature   with a richness and saltiness that makes them  very hard to stop eating once you've started and   that no other company has been able to get near  like these other snack food brands reese's has   greatly expanded its brand and range over the last  couple of decades but they keep the flavor profile   consistent i.e they've never experimented with  incorporating anchovy garlic into their peanut   butter mix that is gross gross however strangely  they also never tried to incorporate jelly into   the mix either reese's wasn't a hit right out  of the gate the company's first attempt at candy   creation was kind of a dud when x hershey's  employee harry reese the brand's namesake   tried to turn his chocolate almonds and raisins  creation into a household name apparently people   didn't find that combination interesting enough  to push it mainstream so reese was forced to   return to hershey's with his tail between his  legs he worked his company foreman for a while   before finally taking it to his basement to create  what would ultimately become reese's peanut butter   cups the rivalry with hershey began there but has  since simmered with a marketing partnership did we   just become best friends yup was your favorite  on the list let us know in the comments below   tap or click for another great video hit that  subscribe button and ring that notification bell
Channel: BabbleTop
Views: 28,158
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Keywords: top 10 best american snack food brands, best american snack food brands, american snack food brands, snack food brands, snack foods, american snack foods, snacks, top 10 most popular american snack foods, snack, foods, snack food, junk food, american snacks, american snack, most popular snack brands in america, best snacks of all time, popular snacks, popular snack, food, top 10, list, babbletop, babble top
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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