TOP 10 | BEST ALL TURN Blind Auditions in The Voice
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Best of The Voice
Views: 9,357,117
Rating: 4.8565288 out of 5
Keywords: The Voice, Best of The Voice, all turn, 4 chair turn, Kennedy holmes, turning tables, adele, Cedric neal, higher ground, Stevie wonder, Matthias nebel, bed of roses, bonjovi, Anette kolkova, jealous, labrinth, aydan calafiore, despacito, Luis fonsi, daddy yankee, Nadezhda Aleksandrova, wicked game, Chris isaak, mo adeniran, iron sky, paulo nutini, chary luske, James brown, jej vinson, passionfruit, drake, the click song, siki jo-an, Miriam makeba, this is a mans world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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