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you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in this video I will show you how to create the small 10 by 10 LED matrix that can display mesmerizing animations letters and everything you can think of because it is rather simple to program codes for the utilize ws2812 B LEDs and the Arduino Nano my controller through the fast LED library [Music] [Music] [Music] hello there here from how to mechatronics comm in this tutorial we will learn how to build an arduino based RC hovercraft i will show you the entire process of building it starting from designing and 3d printing the hovercraft parts including the propellers to connecting the electronics components and programming the arduino for controlling the hovercraft I used my DIY Arduino based RC transmitter which I made in one of my previous videos I set the right joystick to control the servo motor for positioning the rudders on the backside of the trust motor set one of the potentiometers to control the lift propeller which is actually attached on a brushless DC motor and set the left joystick to control the propulsion [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in this video I will show you how I created this rather interesting looking metal construction which is in fact a persistence of vision RGB LED globe that means we got 38 addressable RGB LEDs in total which rotate rapidly in a spherical shape in order to create an optical illusion which manifests itself as a complete spherical picture this way you can create an intriguing looking eye catcher by utilizing different shapes and colors or even right lattice rivets so let's not waste any more time and let's get started to work the builds making a cocktail for herself once in a while is certainly an easy task but as soon as we got guests coming over and everyone wants the same cocktail all that measuring for sea breeze cocktail which consists of two parts vodka for pots cranberry juice and two parts grapefruit juice can be quite annoying that is why I created the screwed but functional cocktail machine which automatically pours all the liquids in a glass after you entered the amount of each of them in milliliters now my machine is programmed to pump out Seabreeze cocktails one after the other but by simply changing the bottles and adjusting a bit of Arduino codes you can pretty much create any cocktail you like with this machine so without wasting any more time let me show you how it works and how you can make your own let's get started hello here from hot mechatronics calm and in this video I will show you how I built an Arduino based 3d wire binding machine this is actually a typical mechatronics system because it involves mechanical electrical and computer engineering I've lived many engineering students or anyone who's new into mechatronics would find this video interesting personally I really enjoyed making this project and I'm even more excited about explaining in details how it works and how you can build one yourself so first the wire goes through a series of rollers or straighteners using a stepper motor the wire is precisely fed to the bending mechanism which also uses a stepper motor as well as a small servo for the bending process there's also another stepper motor called the z-axis which actually enables the machine to create the three-dimensional forms of course the brain of the machine is an Arduino board which along with the other components is attached on a custom-designed PCB as for the program I made few custom functions for making various shapes like a star a cube and a simple stand as well as a manual mode where we can make the wire forms by entering commands through the serial monitor you
Channel: RoboCircuits
Views: 933,131
Rating: 4.5621314 out of 5
Keywords: top arduino projects till 2019, arduino projeleri, top 10 amazing arduino, arduino projekte, top arduino robots, top arduino projects 2019, top 10 ardiuno projects, top 10 arduino projects, top arduino projects, best arduino projects, arduino, easy arduino projects with sensors, top arduino uno projects, Amazing ardiuno projects, top 10 arduino projects 2021, arduino project, arduino projects, Simple arduino projects, arduino projects for beginners, easy arduino projects
Id: 9ItEPmwfBqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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