Top 10 ALDI Foods I Always Buy (and some to avoid)

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one of the best things you can do for your budget is try to find a grocery store where you can get great food for you and your family at lower prices and one of the best places to do that is at Aldi if you've had one near you or hopefully you do if you don't maybe you still at least find this video entertaining and there's a comparable store near you I have been going to Aldi for years so maybe you are wanting some new recommendations or it's new to you there's one opening and you want to go in check out some items what do you look for I want talk about some things in this video that I always get whether an Ali is close by or 20 M away if you can even make a once a month or once every 3 month trip to that Ali and St stock up you're going to save a lot of money now I'm going to list all of my favorites 10 categories you need to check out 39 items in total let me know down in the comments below what are some of your recommendations the next time I go to ALDI I want to pick some up try some new things so leave them down in the comments below the first category you need to check out is their bread section they have awesome specialty breads oh and I'm going to at the end of this video tell you about three items that I do avoid when I am at Aldi so make sure you stay tuned for that but the first item that I always pick up in the fresh specialty bread area is this sour dough round they're already pre-sliced they're thin and let me tell you what I love to do with this I could eat this for breakfast lunch and dinner I take one of these slices a little bit butter sauté it in a pan get it nice and crispy on both sides then I take eggs two eggs scramble them up here's a tip with scrambled eggs add just a dash of heavy whipping cream super fluffy eggs for me I just add a salt little salt and pepper on top a little bit of hot sauce and that is a delicious and super inexpensive meal that fills me up I also picked up the specialty bread it's the Take and Bake so we are having friends over to go over kind of finances and help kind of leave them in the right direction they want some help with how to get out of their debt so they're coming over for dinner we're going to make a yummy delicious dinner for them and I picked this up cuz I want to slice it up put a little bit of butter and garlic on it to have some garlic bread but Italian bread this one was only $379 it's going to be a great addition to the meal tortillas this huge thing of tortillas $165 this is a great buy obviously you can use them for tacos but my one of my husband and my daughter's favorite treats with these is to put a little honey and a little peanut butter and roll it up they love this for a snack the second category that you need to check out are the pantry Staples this aisle is one of my favorites so especially for you if you have an Aldi and it's further away and you can make these trips maybe once every 3 months you can stock up on these Pantry Staples to help create that Frugal staple Pantry how many times can I say Staples I want to talk about their spices spices are ridiculously expensive if you go to your regular grocery store store I want to talk about their spices any spice you want to get they're super inexpensive I always pick this one up in particular it is their garlic salt and it comes with parsley I was there one day and I thought I I said I need garlic salt but all they had to choose from was this garlic salt with parsley so I picked it up this stuff is delicious on pasta 99 I also always pick up breadcrumbs there super inexpensive super convenient $1.79 and also for those who often ask about Aldi do they have a lot of gluten-free or organic items so many and they are continuing to build on their line of those items salsa is one of my favorites this one just happens to be organic non GMO thick and chunky salsa or and it's the hot one it is delicious I like hot things as I mentioned hot hot sauce on my eggs and toast earlier this is a fantastic Sala salsa they do have it in mild and medium as well but I always pick up the salsa no other salsa to me has other than if you home you made it homemade yourself is as delicious as this one the salsa was $2.39 last thing vegetable stock I use vegetable stock in so much $11.35 good again one of those things that I get a couple of them every time I go to ALDI I'm going to let you in on this secret this is one of my favorite things at Aldi and every time I'm there I tell you I pick up a lot because I don't go Aldi every single week often times there's things like I love these wide lowain noodles that at my regular grocery store has that Aldi does it but when I do go to ALDI their chocolate aisle well it's usually an endcap but it's this amazing selection of European chocolate now I don't like regular sweets I don't like candy I don't even love fruit that much but chocolate Is My Jam specifically dark chocolate this chocolate bar this huge chocolate bar it's as big as my face $129 and when I tell you that when I go I stock up I stock up one of the areas you should definitely check out are their canned beans I like things that are convenient of course dried beans which they do offer there are less expensive but you do have to have them sit overnight to prepare them and if you're busy working or you just prefer to have that convenience can canned things are a great option I'm very picky about my canned goods as well though again we'll talk later about that in the video but canned beans are something I always stock up because we love beans in this household kidney beans. 79 C black beans. 79 cents so many things that I can do with these great protein sour sources the next category is their baking items they have a great selection of convenient box items and just the basics to make things from scratch so I always pick up my Staples here at Aldi for instance baking powder1 179 pretty big jar of it semet chocolate morsels I'm getting ready to make a chocolate bunt cake with a uh chocolate glaze I'm going to use these $1.79 as well powdered sugar or confectioner sugar sorry confectioner sugar $2.15 and then baking soda 89 check out the baking aisle for all of your baking needs the p and sauces section of Aldi is an area I never miss I always stock up when I'm there check out all the great finds but two things specifically that I always get are this is this pasta sauce this is like the most inexpensive pasta sauce There usually it's $11.35 also we love egg noodles but we also pick up pen macaroni spaghetti angel hair pasta one we there but this time I picked up the egg noodles $148 so inexpensive to be able to put together a meal with some of these items there was one recipe that I had where we needed Grier cheese now if you've ever tried to buy grer cheese at a regular grocery store you will see they are super expensive well the secret to Aldi is they have this beautiful amazing selection of awesome cheeses that you can make the most beautiful shakuri I said it right this time bored with all kinds of deli meats and cheeses the cheeses are so so inexpensive in comparison to a regular grocery store this time we picked up the or I picked up the white cheddar this is the New York white cheddar cheese age Reserve it's called like the Emporium selection so inexpensive in comparison $259 I use this to make a really yummy white queso dip also and yes um I love string cheese it's just a thing I may or may not have already you know eaten a a couple of these but anyway I always pick it up it's delicious $259 and then one of my favorite staple on this house again I use this for that white queso dip that I'm going to make and then my husband and my daughter love this on Bagels but cream cheese is so inexpensive $145 now the next category of items you need to be very selective and you need to have an understanding of what these things cost at a regular grocery store a huge tip that I tell people is to start getting familiar perhaps you write it down with what things regularly cost that way you know if something's on a really deep discount and if you're at an Aldi or another store you can see that a similar alternative to it is super inexpensive so in the meat section of Aldi whether it's the uh refrigerated prepackaged things or your fresher Meats be cognizant of some things are more expensive some things are a great deal and we don't eat a ton of meat in this household but I did pick up a few things for my husband and my daughter that I wanted to share with you so the first one is their thin sliced pork chops that I picked up this is a huge pack with let's see 2 48 uh no 2 4 68 n pork chops so it is a total of 1.69 lb and it was $7.93 this is a great deal especially for our family that'll make extra meals also they're bacon we get the low sodium B bacon this was $4.25 a little more expensive however it is the lower sodium and it's pretty comparable in a little bit less than our local grocery store another one that my daughter loves is salami she loves to just eat straight salami it's their thing $3.95 this is a great little snack even for her and a little bonus item here is their cranberry almond chicken salad if you want something convenient something quick and here's another tip I'm just scattering these little Easter egg uh tips throughout this video with convenience items yes you certainly could make tomato sauce or spaghetti sauce for less expensive from scratch and you certainly can make chicken salad for from scratch but if you're wrestling between being busy and eating out or cooking something from scratch get this this is a much cheaper convenience item than eating out the dairy aisle at Aldi is usually a really good deal we pick up milk there $22.29 that's about a. 70 difference than what I usually pay at another store eggs I it's in the dairy aisle so just include that here a dozen eggs was $1.86 today a pack of unsalted butter $3.3 and then sour cream I'm making that chocolate cake I talked about and you put sour cream which helps makes it make it more of a moist cake $259 tons of other items make sure you check out the dairy aisle this is the last category of items that I recommend checking out and it's where I buy the most items again remember stick around the end of the video I'm going to tell you some things to avoid but the fruits and vegetables aisle is one of my favorites some people complain about it and just like any grocery store some days things are fresher and some days this other thing is fresher it really just depends if you go early it's usually the best time and that's my recommendation the first first one I want to talk about is this pineapple and I'm going to talk about several fruits because one of the things that we're making for this meal with our friends come over is a beautiful fruit salad so I picked up more fruit than I normally would but again lot less expensive than if I were to have gone and bought a fruit salad already put together this pineapple was $2.15 and let me tell you a little trick about how to determine if a pineapple is ripe that I learned from Duff Goldman who is on the kids baking Championship one of my favorite shows and if you want you want to pick up a pineapple and determine if it is ripe you hold it in your hand and if you can pull one of the leaves and if the leaf comes out you try to pick it out up then it is ripe if it stays in and you can lift the pineapple then it is not rip so with this one very easily and very quickly knew that this one was ripe so there's an additional tip there for you these little cherub tomatoes are my daughter's favorite to eat with her dinners just as an extra side to get a wait fruit vegetable if I think it's a fruit because technically the seeds are inside I'm sure somebody correct me but either here neither here nor there $269 strawberries we're going to put in that fruit salad again one of my daughter's favorites to take for lunch $269 picked up some garlic for our meal too this will last for a while $145 some beautiful blackberries if you could see how beautiful these blackberries look they look amazing $2.9 sense and you remember if if you go to another grocery store and you've you know seen blackberries can be fairly expensive as well as raspberries and blueberries So speaking of blueberries I picked these up $3.29 this was kind of the more expensive of the fruit but there's a lot in here and then I did pick up raspberries as well and they were $2.79 now we always pick up a bag of honey crisp apples these were $22.99 also bananas now again I talked about organic these are organic bananas bananas I don't always pick up organic bananas but in today's case the regular bananas were not they didn't look good they were a little bit too ripe for me to go ahead and pick up and has to have for the rest of the week so I picked up the organic bananas which were slightly more expensive but still a pretty good deal at $141 I picked up some mushrooms $141 now also one of the things that there I often see as a complaint with Al the is all the packaging which most grocery stores are kind of going to that not a ton of them the more expensive grocery stores you can get still go and you got that long line where you can pick your produce and put it in your bag and the weight I'm not sure all the details within it some Aldi don't have as much packaging but most of ours do and a lot of it if you read into Aldi is they have this efficient mode where that's how they can keep their cost down is having they have less employees and they have one of the things you will notice almost all the items without everything falling on top of me here is there's barcode scattered all over an item so that they can quickly scan that item and put it in your card so even if you see a long line those lines go super quick talk about these carrots $129 for all of these carrots two more things one I was blown away and I had to pick them up they're not always this inexpensive but the today they were this many avocados how many is a SP five a avocados for $2.79 I've seen one large avocado for $250 or $3 at a regular grocery store I know my daughter absolutely loves avocados so I snatched these up really quickly when I saw how inexpensive they were and look this is a bunch of eight yellow onions $1.95 definitely a deal now before we get into the items that I recommend avoiding I want to play a little game before I tell you how much these items cost and I'll do it at the end of the video put down below maybe you sat there with your phone and calculator the entire time maybe not put down below what you think all of this cost before you hear it maybe you'll get close maybe you won't put it down in the comments I think it'll be a fun game for us to play here are the things that I would say to avoid number one tortilla chips I used to love getting tortilla chips at Aldi with My Salsa something happened a couple of years ago and they changed something and they just aren't the same they aren't good and I can't even explain the taste and the difference of them I I don't have the words I just now avoid them all together the second thing are canned green beans and I want to know also from you canned green beans at Aldi in particular tons of stems and kind of squeaky and they just weren't good but I've also always bought either green giant or Delonte green beans have you noticed that they are also having the same issue they're like really large their stems and they just don't taste the same I've gone to exclusively cooking green beans from scratch fresh green beans that's one of those things that I won't buy as a convenience anymore just because I've seen such a downgrade in the the green bean item I don't know why the third thing are their bagels they're Bagels versus bagel you get at a normal store I don't even know the name brand you know the regular brand that is out there the bagels there crumble they don't stay together they're not very good if you put cream cheese on them and again that's something that has kind of gone down in declined over time so not sure what happened with the recipe but they they really do crumble the two aisles and sections that I typically avoid and rarely buy anything in are the kind of convenience items meaning the toilet paper paper towel they've got hairspray some Dental products some Advil like the non-name Brand Tylenol that aisle if you know you know if you've been down at trash bags cleaners those are us usually not a good deal I never buy those items at all day the last area that I typically don't buy anything in so I try to avoid I might browse through it it's those middle aisles where they have random things that are not grocery related whatsoever you've got everything from bedroom slippers to candles to pool toys you never know those aisles occasionally you'll find something that's a great deal of something you were already looking for but just beware and be conscious when you're in there those things are not on your list and they usually aren't that amazing of find and deal okay how much did I spend on all of these items I spent $86 before tax on these items did you get close were you weigh off let me know down in the comments below don't forget let us know too what are your favorite things suggestions that we should pick up the next time we're at Ali I'm going to check them out also let us know are there things that we should avoid are there things that used to be wonderful that aren't so good anymore or do you have just some great secret tips to help us out who those who are shopping at Aldi let us know in the comments down below don't forget click on the like button also hit the Subscribe button I would love to have you back for more videos
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Keywords: frugality, day-to-day savings, saving money, financial tips, budgeting, money management, cost-cutting, frugal living, money-saving hacks, financial independence, small expenses, living on a budget, cost-cutting strategies, save more money, aldi, aldi grocery haul, aldi haul, aldi shopping, save money, best aldi products, best aldi foods, best aldi products 2024, frugal living tips, save on groceries, food saving tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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