Top 10: Aces of all-time on the PGA TOUR
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: PGA TOUR
Views: 1,420,437
Rating: 4.8089824 out of 5
Keywords: pga tour, top 10, aces, hole-in-one, tiger woods, Phil Mickelson (Professional Athlete), rich beem, won a car, Fred Couples (Golfer), Golf (Sport), ace, all-time, hole in one, holes in one
Id: DK9rJwQNb28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
lesson learned; don't high five Tiger after he gets a hole in one, he will break your arm.
My favorite is the Byrd one at the shriners last year (I think #2 on the list).
It was getting really dark (doesn't look it on the video because of light adjustment) and the players were given the option of whether or not to play one more hole. I think it was like the 2nd or 3rd playoff hole. They opted to go for one more, he steps up and nails it.
I think the other two in the playoff put their balls in the water, just goes to show that even when the pros really go for gold it can get a bit wild.
I love the inclusion of the old black and white at #4 on the list. I agree that the first one captured on video should be included.