Top 10, 대한민국 맛있는 빵, 카스테라, 마늘빵, 고로케, 마카롱, Top 10, Delicious Bakery, Variety Bread, Korean street food
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Channel: Tasty Travel 맛있는 여행
Views: 3,891,051
Rating: 4.7839127 out of 5
Keywords: Tasty Travel, Cooking, Delicious, Street Food, 맛집, 먹방, Muckbang, Mukbang, Korean food, 길거리 음식, tasty, 한국 길거리 음식, Korean street food, Big food, food, 디저트, dessert, 대왕카스테라, 카스테라, 시카고피자, 치즈 피자, 라오제 카스테라, 고로케, 망원시장, 망원시장 고로케, 망원고로케, 수플레 팬케이크, 팬케이크, 계란빵, 베이컨 계란빵, 우유식빵, 제과, 제빵, 마카롱, 롤 케이크, Castella, garlic bread, Bread, Delicious Bread, Making Bread, Variety Bread, Chicago Pizza, Pizza, 팡파미유, Croquette, Egg Bread, Souffle Pancake, 19티, Pancake, Milk Bread, Macaron, Cake, 식빵, 빵 만들기, Cheese Pizza, jiggly Cake
Id: uyqLdjDkJLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 14sec (2834 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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