Toonami: Rising Sun – Saturday Morning Cartoons | 2000 | Full Episodes with Commercials

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[Music] I know how it is your day off want to sleep it away just how many hours a day does she need to sleep really well tunami is changing all that 2 hours of the F action cartoons surrender this feel my let the games begin all you got to do is get up MOSI please wake up tunami the Rising Sun Saturday mornings at 11: show me what you got only T9 [Music] [Music] bring it on let me show you how it's done you really know how to buy it Nicolo are you all right I think I can still fight the fun is just beginning right you rodent I'm going to teach you a listen once and for all that you'll never forget previously on Dragon Ball sea Gohan was snatched and taken by his evil Uncle radit Goku and his friends were shocked when Piccolo offered to join forces with him it was an offer that Goku couldn't refuse the two defenders of Earth faced off against the Saiyan warrior and the battle began but our super Duo seem to have met their match in Goku's evil brother the score is so far ranits one Piccolo and Goku nothing what's the matter with you two I thought you would make better sport of it than this it must be humiliating [Music] Piccolo are you all right well I've been better but I'll be okay I think I can still fight excuse me has anyone seen my arm you can't miss it it's [Laughter] green [Music] wow pretty neat huh where are we right now we're going through spindle toop Flats I sure hope Goku is doing all right I have a bad feeling about all of this well at least we know with Piccolo his chances are as good as they can get well B and I both think that it was a mistake to let Goku go with Piccolo because neither of us trust him but I wasn't supposed to say it well Goku can't do it alone we already know that right so we might as well put our faith in Piccolo too cuz if they fail that's it it's all over oh good luck [Music] Goku what's wrong don't tell tell me that you finished your attack already what do you think Goku don't you have some new Ace in the Hole that you can use sorry I wish that I did you slacker well you've been taking it easy I've developed a new attack fools all of your planning is futile you can whisper all you want but you're still going to die so you think this attack of yours has enough power to do some damage Piccolo yes can you do it with only one arm yeah that's no problem the problem is that it takes me a while to gather the energy for [Music] it watch out you'd have to last against him alone for 5 minutes it's up to you all right but are you sure that it's going to work well I haven't tried it out on anyone it's the one I was saving for you I see and now you're using using it to help me you must be terribly disappointed don't worry if it works I'll try it out on you next all right if that's the way you want it it's a deal but in the meantime you give me your best okay I will good luck [Music] Goku [Music] special beam [Music] a he's persistent D it impossible this power level is skyrocketing 900 950 die he can raise his power by concentrating his energy onto one spot what this power level has gone up as well it's over a thousand unbelievable and it's still going up a that's enough of the huh he canceled it out Piccolo had better hurry brother let me show you how it's done let me oh huh let's see you stop this one how foolish I underestimated these guys power level 1330 I can't block that all right then get on with it green Bean Head it's all yours beam Canon fire [Music] [Music] we need to do something you guys Dragon Ball Z and stupid Bo 10 bucks says you'll be singing a different tune once the Grinch comes to town How the Grinch Stole Christmas all next week at 8 on Cartoon Network airhogs Aftershock with real Crush power real smash down suspension with four different suspension modes After Shock needs no batteries just Pump It Up to power the new red AV Engine air Hog's Aftershock each sold separately from Spin Master prac and I'll take you to Chuck E [Music] cheeses the non-stop fun of Chuck E cheeses what did you do to deserve it it's Got Talent it's a dinosaur action flick Dino cop scene 3 he patrols the city and tracks down bad guys it's the world premiere of Lego studios hook up the digital video camera to your PC and you're ready to roll create special effects edit with Lego Studio software even add sound and titles you could be the next Spielberg ready for my closeup the new Lego and Steven Spielberg movie maker set PC and Windows 98 it's big it's new it's coming right at you P Barbie says welome boys real [Music] M Coco and drinks with ice comment down the aisle tasty snacks drive you wild movie time Barbie airplane has engine sounds and working microphones pilot Barbie doll other dolls and batteries not included Alexa Nikki summer no other doll does the things we do want to play dress up yeah she talks to me put on my outfit Diva Star Talk and answer you this blue dress is very stylish she knows we feel Rush sorry we hear the phone Alexa is on the line we talk to you we've got cool stuff Diva star we know what Stu Diva star blls come with lots of cool stuff they really talk each doll St separately batteries not included stream cycle from Tao RC extreme cycle gyro technology for extreme stunts Donuts monster jumps insane somersaults and awesome wheelie from Tao that's how you spell RC extreme cycle from Tao RC TM Flex pack battery sold separately you Aller like you never garlic J has returned from the dead now the Earth will field his wrath these three Warriors are our planet's last line of defense time to finish you off get ready for a tunami special event a Dragon Ball SC Marathon the garlic Junior s New Year's Eve at midnight part of New Year's Eve nobody kills while [Music] I back to Dragon Ball Z he he dodged it he he's faster than the the speed of light my that was quite a little trick look how easily it pierced my armor luckily your aim was a little off now I have a little trick that I wanted to show you remember it's the one I was going to show you when we first met yeah I know keep your eye on the birdie you are [Laughter] careless I'll never forget how much my tail hurt when someone squeezed it you shouldn't do that Piccolo can you manage that attack one more time yes Goku with pleasure pleasure I see you had a surprise attack after all you Sly dog hold him tight this is the last time I can do this rock please don't tell me you're going to go through with this I am your brother brother don't be ridiculous you took my son and you tried to kill me and if I remember right you said you were going to exterminate every human on this planet I was bluffing I would have said or done anything to get you to join us I swear it don't listen to him Goku he'll say anything to get loose I was never going to kill your other boy once I was sure that I couldn't get you to join us no matter what I did I was going to leave this planet for good and that's the truth I could never hurt my own flesh and blood I swear I swear it kakarat do you promise to leave yes of course it's over I'll tell the others that you won't join no Goku he's trying to to trick you don't let him go I'll never come back here again I promise no [Music] [Applause] Goku you've always been way too trusting Goku [Music] fool how could you you're a rare breed indeed my brother just a Sentimental dope your way too soft to be a Saiyan warrior anyway no fair I suppose you're right kakarat but I'm a first class Warrior and I won't hesitate to kill even my own brother if need be now say goodbye [Music] Daddy come on I want to hear you big big for Mercy Kakarot what's wrong wrong why don't you try a little trick again or can't you handle it it's no use I need more time where's my [Music] mom [Music] Gohan he was supposed to show me this the day that he got it back he's so good at math I think I will push him into the Sciences it' be neat to have an astronaut in the family and who knows he might even colonize Pluto someday oh that rice is going to be ready in a few minutes I wish those two would hurry up and get back come on Kakarot I want to hear you [Music] big just say uncle a hle just look at that fool why so blue green man is it because you're powerless to help your friend or cuz you're just playing ugly well I guess you're not going to B karot oh you're no fun at all say [Applause] [Applause] goodbye what [Music] h ah so you've taught the boy a few tricks Kakarot Goku look over by the Crater it's your son huh now what Gohan Gohan daddy can't get up right now run away from here run away Gohan run [Music] now power level 1,370 impossible for a kid and yet it's going up but that's what it [Music] is my [Music] a what huh Gohan uh daddy Gohan go get out of here but Daddy no one's ever done that to me no stay back Goan you have to go Gohan run quick now what Hey kid what happened to all that power you had uh what power fool you don't remember right you just knocked a stuffin out your old Uncle redit like this go Gohan ah please don't hurt him he's just a a boy yes he's just a little boy that's true but he's very strong he has a power level even higher than your little brother and if he ever learned to control it it could be very bad for us so you can see I have no chice he must die now no wait you are the first to ever damage me like this my nephew you are a true warrior who is worthy of being a Saiyan and you will have a death that is also worthy of a Sayan why you brats I shouldn't kill you Piccolo Piccolo your attack let's [Music] go Goku sometimes you amaze even me now hold tight this will take some time and don't listen to anything he says see it never pays to tell a lie now does it you little scoundrel Piccolo hurry up I can't hold him much longer that little kid blows weaken me kakarat are you a fool how do you expect to dodge that beam and hold me at the same time you're right we'll both go what are you a fool you'll be killed are you nut it's the only way for me to beat you hold on Goku I'm almost ready so you're going down with the ship well forgive me for not trying to stop you but it's convenient for me stay tuned the four scenes from the next episode of Dragon Ball Z with the help of Goku Piccolo has the opportunity to fire his special beam Cannon once again but will it be enough and will Goku be able to avoid the onslaught join us next time on Dragon Ball [Music] [Applause] Z [Applause] [Music] wow that's it for Dragon Ball Z no bub attention next [Music] well it's been a long time there's lots going on here at tunami as of today you are starting on the road to glory sorry for the delay in getting those pictures on but it seems the Intruder has eaten part of our male containment what what what luckily if you survive I am the future so innocent let's go now Roger that the great Destroyer is back again so anyway let's go through this for the new fans here's the deal watch tunami with days at four week nights at midnight and Saturday mornings at 10:00 that's fine with me get the address and send us a picture of your favorite tunami character bring it [Music] on end of each month we put it on the air you know you're so lucky it's that simple I'm totally focused I have to applaud your courage Let's Do It show me what you got couple rules though only current tunami characters no pencil drawings they don't show up well on TV and no tracing cheaters you have to trust in your own power you draw the pictures we make your dreams come true [Music] [Music] this program brought to you by Dr Seuss's How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Warner home video he's green fuzzy and as cuddly as a cactus the Grinch Grinch Dr Seuss is How the Grinch Stole Christmas the original Grinch is now available on video cassette and DVD and he looks marvelous what if this really cool car needed service and you took it to the autot tech center that talks service package you'd pick the parts scan them in and get paid your car's ready Hot Wheels autot Tech Service Center car not included cwatch rocks be front row Center for INS sync Seawatch digital animation that you activate be noticed with instin see watch Rock feature stopwatch Daye time alarm music and digital animation each chocolate pillsberry toaster strudel I hate glasses breakfast I'm not coming it's chocolate toaster strudel chocolate chocolate toaster strudel flaky pastry wrapped around chocolate so creamy it'll make the morning look a whole lot better pillsberry toaster breakfast easier morning po it right up in chocolate and caramel apple you can get behind the wheel of six TR dig and Rig Power loaded m w di W Tonka Di and rigs puts you behind the wheel of your own Fleet of Tonka tough Vehicles yeah get the job done in the city the Waterfront the zoo wo and more I'm behind the wheel loaded M the tono C ROM playet for Windows 95 and 98 r every all moved in what's for lunch chicken and star soup condensed soup I used to eat that too and then I got out of the high chair you're an adult now there's a better tasting soup Progresso Chicken Noodle it has tender pieces of all white meat chicken and bigger slices of hearty vegetables with just the right seasonings see the difference wow this is better now if you can just eat without the bib it's time to go to the bed their Taste of Progresso please wake up the best reason to get out of bed I will give you commands you will obey them look out tunami the Rising Sun Saturday mornings at 10: only tunami yeah prepare yourself for Gundam like you've never seen it before I will rule the world a special Gundam will moving endless WS Friday November 10th at 5 suit up again only tunami 250 CarX to Target point now listen carefully for what I'm about to tell you really happened you cannot escape this is it now is your time to Gras the future don't waste your life all I want now is Revenge please Cy watch out please Ki alone H she is mine you must be trouble for the [Music] ladies this is White Rock lock on to targets all right White Rock all Ship [Applause] [Music] by All Ships ready for Falling Fire [Music] Retreat All Ships [Music] retreat [Music] [Music] [Music] this is seventh headquarters Commander here hello Commander it's been a long time Marshall wow what a surprise yes well I'm afraid I have bad news kagato has returned kagato is back yes the most wanted criminal in our universe the scene of the crime the ancient ruins of Planet 617 a patrol squad contacted Patrol Fleet made Pursuit and were totally destroyed their records indicate he may be headed for the solar system I want you to handle this case immediately yes sir right away a here Commander uh thank you this is certainly terrible news by the way who is on patrol over the non interference Preserve of the solar system well detective first class miosi are you all right mioshi no way we don't have a budget large enough to spend any more money on her but Commander miosi is an excellent detective only only her service record stinks that's all well that's true look at this do you know what these are on my desk uh misconduct reports there seem to be quite a lot of bills as well oh and most of those are the result of the actions of a single officer and that would be miosi you got it uh well Commander I think I might just have a good idea what is it well this assignment could be a way to be rid of miosi and all of those bills you just leave it to me [Music] Commander [Music] [Music] an emergency call emergency I I better hir each other than the cockpit I wow oh oh I bet I oh what a mess I oh oh where are you what are you doing me hosi sorry about that sir um what can I do for you you're a mess before we talk you should take a look at yourself ooh now a very serious incident has occurred we have received information that kakato the perpetually wanted criminal has headed for your area the solar system so here's what I want you to do detective miosi if you find a sign of kakao's presence contact the special Investigation Unit immediately we'll take it over from there understood yes sir I am going to prove myself by capturing kagato oh that's not what I said you're the Marshall's granddaughter I'll be in big trouble if anything happens to you I'm a Galaxy police officer danger is my business don't worry about my grandfather now wait a minute will you just listen to what I had to say I am now starting on my special Mission ending transmission and don't worry sir you can count on me wait a second miosi kagato huh Yin know Joo did you need MIM mioshi I'd like to get the profile on the space pirate called kagato coming right up the space pirate kagato also known as a destroyer of historical ruins a nefarious fellow 5,000 years old he ravages a cultural Assets in various parts of the Galaxy controlling a huge Battleship called soja number of relics destroyed so far is 3,326 number of Priceless culture artifacts stolen is numerous this is not a time to be impressed now are you ready to hear the details of all the incidents uh-huh very well in space calendar year 5901 he broke into the museum of historical relics on the planet Alpha in the same year 2,000 civilians including high ranking government officials disappeared from a tourist spot called the mystery Zone on the planet beta in space calend of year 5903 he destroyed City ruins on the planet Ura in space calendar year 5912 he kidnapped girl in the world Science Academy on the planet toan in space calendar year 5923 he destroyed the palace on the planet J oh oh excuse me this was done by a different pirate called real suspected to can't this thing just materialize me a cup of coffee mioshi are you paying attention to what I've been saying enough already I just got to capture this guy [Music] right go okay I'm just going to cruise around and see what I can find here we are sister come quickly sasama you shouldn't be yelling that way it's not good manners welcome to my Inn Nuki hiy you certainly have brought a big party with you this year tell me are they all Ten's girlfriends well sort of please bear with this oh man how come girls have so much luggage H shall I give you a hand hey get off it's heavy oh but I want to talk about something teny dear what what what is it now let's get something straight okay this is not my home so just act normally all right we come here every year do you understand me jez well anyway I want you to behave yourself get it why are you only saying this to me something must have happened between you and that woman huh what are you talking about you were flirting in that mountain cabin weren't you you've been acting weird since then I haven't been acting weird and I didn't do anything see you're thinking of something silly right now I just know it huh huh I'm telling you that woman is scary and you don't even remember I protected you with my life do you oh come on get down what if anybody's looking huh oh Tini I want you to flirt with me too N Get Serious well fine you can flirt with AA but not with me huh hm be that way what does she want from me there you are I was wondering where you were and what was taking you so long you're so far away why don't you come up here but I well isn't that the woman's bath up there did you say something up there the bath is more roomy much sir let's go up there teni stop that c Out Hold On To Me tightly or you'll [Music] fall why are you being so shy you've seen me up close before remember inside the cave yeah I remember but then you were just a mummy give me a little room will you why well uh ah teni hello where have you been are you alone aa's here too AA come out you shouldn't be yelling like that you certainly have acquired some bad manner since you've gotten to know that roko woman are you listening susami come on in water's [Laughter] fine [Music] K are you all right excuse T come on are you okay oh yeah I'm fine thank you sesamia huh cuz you look really pale and your nose is bleeding you're a bad boy aren't you ensi it's not that it's that I got dizzy cuz of the hot water really sorry for being naughty that's how dare you you insensitive woman they're looking at us what come on princess it's no big deal to show your bathing suit you see there that's what I'm talking about you're insensitive Ten's the only one who saw you and you were going to show it off to him sooner or later anyway am I right well I'm not an exhibitionist like you are ooh so you take a bath with your clothes on huh of course with so little to offer I can understand why you'd want to cover it up but go on show it off if you can I Dare You excuse me ladies never mind I've had about enough of this I think that you think I'm harmless and if that's what you think you're wrong am I well I think that you're a naive little girl they form the magical force field that held your spaceship captained before you won't get any help from teni this time you're just a spoiled princess is that the best you can do go ahead and boast it's what you do best anyway it won't help you now where is [Music] she demon now it's my turn to show you something little girl it's the reason why I'm called roko the devil caller what I'm called that because I can call forth evil spirits from anything I want well what an amusing show isn't it I think you'll really like this card excuse me ladies attention will return in a moment Titan 8 see outer space like you've never seen it before Titan AE on video and DVD rated PG what's cool what's cool Chucky Jesus the real cool place to be a kid you the man 6.0 6.0 new P version 6.0 we have lived on [Applause] welcome new movies and music movie phone if like a friend just pops in and say hi and my b list is huge I have like 80 F rocks welcome You've got mail you've got pict You' got you've got goodbye Master am I not the greatest fighter in the world your kung fu is strong pwn Skipper but the Tekken Fighters are stronger what hiachi is a thundering storm sh you rise the wings of the Grave Lina strikes like the snake and yoshimitsu's sword cuts the wind will defeat the Tekken Fighters Tekken Tag Tournament rated T for [Music] team hey I'm morph the mud you what new poochie reacts to Pats sounds and light what's the matter f just begging for his bone and listen to him sing to each other [Applause] interactive poochie comes with his own bone each sold separately batteries not included please wake up the best reason to get out of bed I will give you commands you will obey them look out tsunami the Rising Sun Saturday mornings at 10 only tsunami yeah midnight looks a little different all new dragon balls at 12 tension at 12:30 you're so lucky tunami the midnight run sleep for the [Music] week come on in water's fine ping Rio now continues now go over there and entertain that obnoxious princess what what are you waiting for uh-oh you dare to disobey me I summoned you ungrateful Beast get back in the Earth oh no I have to have a gem on my right wrist in order for me to control this monster well I'm not disappointed this show is very [Applause] [Music] entertaining T Dy what are you doing stop wasting time and go get the sword miosi miosi miosi huh oh yes A peculiar energy pocket is being generated at one point on the third planet this ship is currently MOSI oh great what am I going to do this thing's not responding at all seems like it's broken MOSI okay well then uh just head in that direction and maybe we could find some Clues okay but wait a minute where a pretty high speed is is that okay in this planetary system MOSI that is exactly what I am trying to tell you the ship is Falling Towards the energy pocket we are out of control oh that's not so good huh hey do something you created that thing how many times do I have to tell you that I can't control that thing without a gem on my right wrist well why did you create it if you can't control it so I forgot about the gy give me a break you go that way all right [Music] hey you just sent me down a dead end you know did I what was I thinking what's all this commotion get out of the way ma'am you shouldn't stay there it's dangerous those girls they don't have any manners at all I wonder if their teni tight huh huh T where's the monster where's my sister me unle teni good to see you teni you can take it from here W I suppose there's no turning back now what the why isn't it working I just when I need it the most oh what am I going to do now Ki remember remember your training I [Music] remember now I got [Music] it huh huh [Music] H spaceship look [Music] out teni help teni [Music] Ki huh what the [Music] W CI watch out are you [Applause] right oh no is he [Laughter] alive oh looks like she is regaining Consciousness where am I so who are you and where did you come from well uh you wanted know where I come from huh oh my god I've come in contact with the local people excuse me young lady but I'm pretty sure we haven't caught your name yet oh right I I'm sorry pardon me my name is mioshi and I uh what where did it go what am I going to do does anybody know where it went to what it are you looking for this oh that's exactly what I was looking for yes yes I said thank you very much for finding it whoever you are I'm really grateful really hey what are you doing please give it back to me cuz it's mine H tell me what do the Galaxy police want in a place like this the Galaxy police really oh you know about us well I was in the middle of a pursuit of a vicious criminal but before I knew it I was dragged down here by the energy of that monster oh uh oh thank you very much what what is it I I thought it was broken but it's not you see I fixed it oh that's very kind of you but how did you know how to fix this bracelet the people who usually know about these are they [Music] are you could fix this bracelet mhm oh you must be no you couldn't be are you a a what are you a jeweler no I'm not oh you're not so I thought you might be hey what are you doing please stop that you know what roko is she's a space pirate a space pirate roko huh oh this signal indicates the space pirate Rio Oki and it's very close to us attention everybody a dangerous criminal is hiding nearby so watch out H and who is is the Roki anyway what uh according to this data Roki is a ruthless pirate that destroyed 28 planets and 69 [Music] colonies it's close the coordinate is 27.5 by uh [Music] -7.8 it's getting closer I'm not ready for this yet the distance is only only 6 Ines uh is this is this this is real Oki cute little thing huh real Oki could you please not eat my gun ouch she's unconscious again wow what what happened what who's this girl hey teni what in the world is going on you owe me an explanation for all [Applause] [Music] [Music] this [Music] where are you numy where are you tunami please help [Laughter] me who's there oh what's the matter [Music] the air of the royal family of Planet arriv Prince yosho and the princesses well roko looks as though you finally collected what I [Music] desire take a tip from Johnny Bravo mix a little PL master of Paris in with your hair gel and you'll get a hold that lasts all day and all night and all week for that matter plaster of Paris it's a good thing Johnny Bravo tonight at 7:30 on Cartoon [Music] Network [Music] that's it fori the time's finally come to put an end to this prolonged fight Gundam way is next satellite TV what's wrong with this picture the satellite people said that I can have the installation for $300 and some dollars at the end I was presented with $887 satellite promised me more Sports I fought with them I sent them emails and letters got no response finally turned to Time Warner Cable and I got my Yankees and Bets Back Time Warner [Music] Communications I hate drunks I love to have the cords take away all their money and give it to you I love to play Rock drunk drivers call me a vicious ruthless so they're right if you want a smart nasty s so to go after all the cash call me I'm Jim the hammer Shapiro 800 546 7777 hey we getting into trouble yes my getting into trouble it's trouble it's trouble first one home wins but watch out P to start what are you you guys doing trouble get trouble I've got a bad feeling Scouts Jupiter's never late relax Sailor Mars it's only rain Sailor Mercury commands the star power to rescue Sailor Jupiter I'm Sailor Venus and all bet sailor Jupiter's at the mall with a boy Sailor Jupiter the Nega verse is trying to drown the planet The Power of Love and Friendship did we do that each sold separately after Colony 196 the peace won by the Gundams shattered the Warriors must fight once more I'll do all I can to stop them the people ready for Revolution and the endless WS continues you will surrender prep themselves for a special Gundam wi mov endless walks thriving at f live suit up again only [Music] tunami something about the Battle excites people's emotions commence destruction no it's not there's no way to stop them one should never give up till the end show me what you've got we've got to hurry here Will Survive to facilitate its Reign Over The World the Roma Feller Foundation promoted a new Oz with its main power consisting of unmanned units called mobile dolls certain changes within the foundation followed Trey Kush ranada's retaliation including his being stripped of all power at the same time the foundation was rapidly expanding its area of rule thanks to the highly skilled mobile dolls after the space colonies accepted the foundation execution orders were released for the now isolated Gundam Pilots for them it looked like the future would take a turn for the worse the sank Kingdom [Applause] this is nuts but it's the only way I knew it would [Music] be how very kind of you but just call me Dorothy Miss relina and you are welcome to call me relina I couldn't huh you're the heroine of our times Miss relina I myself feel a great admiration for you the reunion with relina first unit proceed second unit standby for [Music] orders no signs of movement the field has been secured we're surrounded hurry is it red [Music] one this is absurd hero it's totally absurd it's a dispute within their organization participating in their fight only makes you another Target a Target that's fine with me execution orders have been issued for us Gundam Pilots this way I can let Roma Feller know that I'm still alive it's my way of retaliating to the enemy we'll show them what stray talks are made [Music] of is this really okay [Music] hero I fin finally got the pictures there's something so wild about him nice to meet you hero yui and Catra Raba winner Welcome To Earth welcome to A Warrior's [Music] Paradise what did you say oh no oh no repeat what you just said you're mistaken I haven't said anything liar you think that the two odds factions should just crush each other listen fellas I just want to live in Peace Quiet you the trace faction is ready to attack this area all physically fit men are to join our backup forces get your boss out here and round up the people total pacif ISM that's right we refuse to participate in military operations in order to attain peace the TR faction here are former Oz members that defended your land in the past but now they're resisting us as Rebels that dispute concerns the Oz organization it has nothing to do with us a very convenient notion of pacifism once the occupying Army becomes a nuisance you suddenly declare yourselves pacifists the duty of the military is to protect the citizens but now now the troops are unwanted I'm beginning to feel a little bit sorry for the TR faction in either case the battle will commence we should continue our discussion after peace is attained it's absurd to even speak of pacifism in the Flames of War H are you all right I'm sorry I couldn't come to help you oh thank you lad it happens all the time fighting back against them would only make things a lot worse for me oh are you a traveler yes you couldn't have come at a worst possible time this would be a beautiful place if it weren't for this situation they're starting to move in they're close this time I'll go check it out a his Aries suit good lur the enemies over this way don't forget to disperse the [Applause] [Music] debris that's right do everything to defeat them yes sir shouldn't we be advising the civilians to evacuate now don't under estimate our abilities we'll defeat the tra faction Rebels well before they come close to the [Music] town let's go over our plans we'll trick the enemy's Advanced guard by having our main troops attack first meanwhile our mobile forces will come in from the side enter the town and attack enemy headquarters the mobile forces will join our main troops expel the enemy troops and take over the town the leader of the mobile forces will be red one you're in charge can you handle it of course I can I am a Gundam pilot after [Music] all what new forces sir their abilities outweigh the strength of our forces send troops from our front line wipe them out now good their firep powers decrease smash through them Wars are self-serving I feel sorry for the [Music] civilians Hero please stop getting involved in this kind of battle will end up destroying [Music] us we'll finish them off before their backup troops arrive didn't they tell the civilians to [Music] evacuate bred one what's your present situation have you destroyed the headquarters yet red one I'm altering the mission I'm defending this position what what are you saying this is the Gundam pilot calling I will proceed to destroy enemy mobile troops intercepted enemy message what's this Gundam what's the matter what is it the Leo up ahead on the right it's piloted by a Gundam pilot [Music] what are you doing red one respond red one red one evacuation of civilians confirmed red one calling blue blue here what's wrong red one why weren't you responding our mission here is completely failed too many casualties we'll Retreat for now what do you mean what's happened red one what's wrong what's going on there come in red one red one what happened red one stay where you are the odd has taken over this Colony airhogs after shot real four-wheel drive for Monster crushing real metal Smash down suspension Aftershock for crazy CL jam and jumps and allterrain power Aftershock needs no batteries just pump it up for awesome speed choose from four bone crunching suspension modes you RAC it after shock with a new R AV engine smash CR them Air Hogs Aftershock each sold separately you from Spin [Music] Master why do you eat app you don't ask we don't ask so what if they don't taste like apples Kellogg's Apple Jack cereal part of this complete breakfast leave what we like for limited time Kellogg's holiday Apple Jacks have a red and green twist watch out with a grinch around it might be a very limited time it has been cited in towns across the land after emerging from its box like shell it fills the air with flying balls as it approaches it's name good J so-called Coy catchers are seen here in Hot Pursuit attempting to return their balls to the creature shelf before Coy Jitterbug spews them out again who will defend your hometown from CH it's C catch time codyy Jitterbug new from Milton Bradley you put Cody together batteries not included what if we had the power launch car for super speed blast the cars at super speed super launcher it's big and bad has the trigger I need aim up launch them go rapid [Music] fire do it hot stunts anytime super big super launcher blessing tons of cars fast is what it's all about Hot Wheels new Hot Wheel super launcher adult assembly required thisal launchers cars accessories and batteries not included the Gundams have arrived Gundams the fight for Earth has begun Cartoon Network and Bandai are putting the battle in your hands we're given 100 lucky winners their very own Gundam V8 or Gundam heavy arms what nice five grand prize winners get the whole Chang that 21 Gundam Wing action figure model kits check it out pretty sweet just watch Cartoon Network Friday from 4 to 7 for the toll-free number you get through you win we the space force of taking over Colony SE and now back to G [Music] there is no need for armaments in pacifism but unless the whole world starts thinking in these terms I'm positive that the sank Kingdom will never be a safe country under these circumstances I'm delighted to have the opportunity to attend classes with you you who are poised to take on the responsibilities of your respective Nations I really hope that together we can think of a way to eliminate Wars from this world in the near future quite admirable any comments Dorothy I think it's wonderful if everyone in this world were Miss relina Wars would immediately be denounced as foolish and would disappear from this world forever but if everybody were Miss Reina nobody would realize just how wonderful you are don't Dorothy I'm aware that My Views may appear to be a little naive to some people but I wonder why people battle if everyone agrees that it's foolish to do so I don't think that we're too far from the answer Miss relina I think I understand why there is never an end to battles H what do you mean by that people love to fight each other and fighting satisfies their instincts you know but many lives are lost as a result of fighting Miss relina I'm not interested in results you can leave things alone and still get results beauty lies in taking action the action of fighting is the most fascinating human aspect throughout history people have fought each other over and over again as if battles are the purpose of human existence that's why I started thinking in this way it's not true that we shouldn't fight as humans I think we must fight I'm afraid I don't share your opinion I'm positive that we're capable of not repeating the tragedies of the past and the times ahead your wise opinions are also necessary in a war history changes radically when the lives of people with similar opinions are sought after Miss Reina I truly believe the sank kingdom is going to become the center stage of these times watch me Dorthy as long as I live I will continue to promote total pacifism even if I end up getting getting killed I'm sure these policies will bear fruit that's good to hear miss relina you mustn't fear death because death is merely an end result given to you at your [Music] birth but don't be worried Miss relina Brave Knights are about to arrive before you who will be very helpful for your future they will be able to protect you so one of the enemies is a Gundam pilot I suspect he'll cause a great deal of damage to the area the mayor stressed total pacifism right up to the very end we'd have to destroy this nation anyway position yourselves for battle sir Mister oh so you made it out okay I was getting worried about you what's this A War's going to break out I'm getting ready to move out for a long [Music] spell what the new mobile dolls look at them all lined up those guys just love to fight but we think that total peace suits us just fine huh our country took a courageous position we decided to follow the sank Kingdom the sank Kingdom Miss Rina are you all right what do you mean Pagan I mean that recently there's been a great increase in the number of nations relying on the total pacifism of the sank Kingdom and all of these nations are relying on the sank Kingdom to provide them with leadership there's a lot of pressure to meet these responsibilities even you could get very exhausted by all this pressure Miss relina thanks for caring Pagan but this is what I am living for now I have to do my best or being leader of the sank Kingdom would be in vain but there's also a certain classmate of yours that has me worried you can't let down your guard with her around you mean Dorothy Pagan please you must speak badly of her I wonder what sort of Education she had at Reller Dorothy is a very intelligent friend I'm sure she's thinking about these War times even more seriously than I am I'm sure that someday she'll come to understand our views Miss noin instructed me to keep this a secret from you but keep what a secret I'll tell you since I believe you do better to have as many allies as possible right now well what is is it Pagan we've been able to locate the Gundam pilot hero yui hero yui Miss No's on her way to meet with him as we speak he's here so Hero has returned to Earth he seems to be very exhausted as well miss no says she's planning to bring him here to the sank Kingdom then he's really come [Music] back [Music] [Applause] the new models it'll be tough with this [Music] [Music] Leo [Music] [Music] the enemies are battling at the defense line has an headquarters been evacua yet hurry only the soldiers seem to be panicked everyone else is relaxed we're just tired of having anything to do with war you're tired of it everybody is it is possible to avoid fighting and live in peace we've just chosen to do what seem natural these days many people and indeed countries are beginning to demand total pacifism although their strength is still insignificant once the number of people who seek peace outweighs that of the soldiers I'm certain the world is bound to change I heard that the Roma Feller Foundation thinks of the Sint Kingdom as a problem because many countries have started supporting them eventually Roma Feller will be left without any supporters so the Roma Feller Foundation considers the saint Kingdom a threat because they're afraid of them that opens up a chance for total pacifism to be realized worldwide what's wrong young lad thanks for everything mister I'm going to go there to the Sint Kingdom what do [Music] you I'll fight through this it's my way of [Music] retaliating I'm fighting through this longer than than anyone longer than anyone on Earth longer than relina of the sank [Music] Kingdom [Music] hero hero are you all right hio we can't die yet listen to me we have to protect the sank Kingdom what the sank Kingdom who us that's right that's the job we must do here on Earth Earth what [Music] the hey that's the beam Gatling from your Gundam you're Gundam pilot so I'm sure you know how to use that I'll back you up while you get out of [Music] there [Music] a [Music] hero so you told relina about it I'm terribly sorry I realize that this will increase the odds of her finding out about the Gundams we'll handle it if it comes up Pagan don't worry I'm sure that smile of hers will obliterate the suffering we're about to experience [Music] your [Music] [Music] fore [Music] foree [Music] the hio and Katra decide to stay in the S Kingdom where relina promotes pacifism but the kingdom is anything but a place for rest the Roma Feller Foundation angered by more and more Nations declaring pacifism attacks the sank Kingdom Hiro Catra and noin head to battle in order to protect Rina next on Gundam Wing episode 31 the glass Kingdom [Music] that's all for Gundam Wing stay calm don't get angry I had enough universe is yes perhaps there was an age where people dreamed of the possibilities in the outer space with high expectations human beings leave Earth clouder space every one of us this is a pretty large scale operation right but it'll be dangerous so what that's never stopped us before right but it'll be D it'll be dangerous commence operations we'll commence operations in 7 minutes 9 proceed 2 power levels to maximum second unit standby for orders it's straight for the atmosphere we all have to pick it up the space be patient tactics level cleared continuing on strategic as requested you are now connected to outer space [Music] never forget how beautiful the earth looks from afar outer space it's so [Music] quiet [Music] the remaining froner is outer space will you please come with me where too outer space I hope I'm not too late I wonder how long I'll be able to see the moon like this the majority of people living in space are either technicians or laborers all right take her out yeah yeah yeah that's it keep we going all areas functioning looks like we won't have any interference this time the shuttle will soon enter the atmosphere please be sure to fasten your seat Bel and remain seated we're ready to enter the [Music] atmosphere next next time we go out to space how about leaving yourself a little bit of free time talented people are capable of understanding us to accomplish everything you need to do on the ground often you have to spend time in the sky now what you do both places can help you earn free travel twice as fast announcing the new Delta Sky miles credit card from American Express it's the only credit card that always gives you double miles at supermarkets gas stations drug stores and home improvement stores so you'll earn two Sky miles for every dollar you spend you can apply now right over the phone just call 1 1800 skymile and when you apply now you'll receive 5,000 Sky miles with your first purchase plus an easy way to double it to 10,000 Sky miles with all those miles it really is a faster way to Fly for Free call 1800 skymile and apply now we can take all the information in just a few minutes call today when you earn double miles with a new Delta Sky miles credit card you can get where you want to go twice as fast Andi masaki the most eligible bachelor in the universe good morning oh hi he's got the looks the luck and six ladies still after his heart is mine leave us alone you say you mean your hey now listen don't make it difficult who do this woman have the I don't can tell me huh Love is a Battlefield the teni saga continues with teni Universe tonight at six oh this is too perfect only tunami it cultivates the mind the spirit and the soul and we must always cultivate the soul the control panel's really messed up prepare to go get out of my way are you crazy you can do this test you weaklings are no M for n see [Music] [Music] you Mom Mom we're going to come over here for a minute okay go meet back here like half an hour [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I [Music] here I am huh wow you look cute really mhm yeah really right it's a traditional f Festival costume we have on jve well shall we go now susami I don't know tiny everyone else is working there as stall Keepers except me you know what I mean sasami you work hard every day you deserve a day off besides AA and the others are excited about what they're doing let's go you're going to your first Fair on Earth [Music] yes right teni come on you Slowpoke wow hey teni what's that oh that's the Goldfish scooper you want to try it [Music] [Music] m gotcha oh oh here huh [Music] hey hey it's you real hi roko so you're working as a goldfish scooper too sort of and how's it going roko not good not good at all but you don't have any goldfish here well how can you expect to get any customers without any goldfish oh I've got fish all right huh huh I don't see any where are they you just check it out yourself more I am the big fish see I got your [Music] fish that gave me a heart attack I'm [Music] closed dingo you hit the Bull's Eye come on come all it's the best place to let out your stress ladies and gentlemen great Nice Shot well who would have thought that I could make a business out of something as fun as this wow it looks delicious keone and this is a great opportunity for us to make up our financial deficit Tini right I'm kind of hungry Tini so am I can we have two fried noodles please right away got the shredded cabbage MOSI huh I got as much as you [Music] want all right forget the cabbage and hand me the carrots please okay wow now this is [Music] strange this one's empty and this [Music] oh I knew it you again real oi an unbalanced diet is not good for you h this place looks good [Music] enough gather around gather around ladies and gentlemen gather around see what I've got here yeah what oh wow what have you got there take a look at this frog right here this frog is not just any frog no no ordinary frog this this frog is different from any any other frog it's a very special frog I tell you wow it's different how is it different from other frogs I'm so glad you asked Miss now listen this frog may look like an ugly common frog but it's an inhabitant of alpha Centaur and shoock at the bottom of Mount sucuba this is the famous frog known as shoock toad that's right this is it the shoock toad oh wow oh wow and now I put this toad in this box of 3D mirrors and guess what happens the toad starts to sweat at the horrible side of itself reflected in the mirrors I collect all the drops of its perspiration in a ceramic pan and cook it slowly stirring the liquid for exactly 42 days and it Cooks down to this right here the space toad oil anything from frises and sprains to crying babies and arterial sclerosis a drop of this miracle oil can cure them all you know I'm suffering from stiff shoulders and stuff are you saying that this thing here can even cure that of course pretty Missy it'll work so well your shoulders will feel light as a feather you need the proof go ahead and try it thanks that's right drink it up wow it's a miracal they feel just great so light w Really they are so light see I'm offering this toad oil at a special discount price of 3,000 yen it cost twice as much around the planet girai area oh really what a deal you're goodlook and conscientious in your business and you have a weird way of talking huh enough Monkey Business hey now what monkey business are you talking about We're No Monkeys right do we look like we're doing Monkey [Music] Business obviously oh this is so much fun it just feels great and will you let me play too just a second I'll finish in a minute oh I make an addiction to [Music] this away you again universe will return in a in on video cassette and DVD the power that's right Mojo beating the bad guys in two brand new videos dream scheme and Birthday Bash and now two new action- pack DVDs no brother you can bring home the power pum girls today parents IDE of a great game your idea Chuck E cheeses the real cool place to be a kid parents don't have to get it they just have to help get you [Applause] there only what I say speak come Shadow come Shadow only responds to your voice Shadow sit get out Shadow Tech award Shadow go Shadow [Music] R Shadow the soft cuddly Hightech puppy each sold separately batteries not included di R load Li di rigs puts you behind the wheel of your own Fleet of TKA tough Vehicles yeah get the job done in the city the Waterfront the zoo wao and more I'm behind the wheel load LIF the Taca di RI CD ROM playet for Windows 95 and 98 ready to for [Music] everyone rocket come here rocket good job rocket do a trick i t him lots of stuff [Music] rocket rocket comes with voice control headset and everything here batteries not included hot whe the way what if a monster tornado was carrying up the street tornado twister the power charge would bust you high you have to drive to survive toril twister you slam me around smash you down he'll chew you up and spit you right out come and get me Hot Wheels Le the way new Hot Wheels tornado twister set comes with two cars adult the CER required other cars and batteries not included this holiday season is a time for giving a time for sharing Merry Christmas A Time those who are ated again to get grin on November 17th Jim Cary in a Ron Howard film I can't believe I'm actually looking at Santa Claus gringe rated PG at theaters Friday November [Music] 17th I know how it is your day off want to sleep it away just how many hours a day does she need to sleep really well tunami is changing all that 3 hours are the best action cartoons around surrender this feel my ride trouble move up all you got to do is get up MOSI please wake up do not the Rising Sun Saturday mornings at 10 show me what you got only T go away you Hy again teni Universe now continues come to the Haunted Mansion folks it's the best of it kind the tricks we have here you've never seen before super technology created by the best scientific genius in the universe hello Wu here we are ah at last Haunted Mansion huh right how about popping in and checking it out you'll be impressed young man I'm sure of that well I accept your invitation Wu all right party a two coming in it's kind of small well it's not surprising you know wasu tends to exaggerate things so we go inside through this door I guess I'm excited what what is [Music] it [Music] what is this where are we wow it's a sea of [Music] magma pH this is not funny Tini what's the matter oh it can't be Hill of needles it looks more like the Himalaya of [Music] needles are you all right susami yeah I'm okay what was that t I'm de [Music] go go huh hey gather around you [Music] people wow youve you managed to come out in one piece yeah well we cleared all eight stages anyway well how was it bad and scary too scary step right up and relieve your stress it's the best thing for you come on come on and step right up step right up folks and take a shot hey step right up here excuse me R what are you doing can't you see it's a shooting gallery and you had to set it up right next to mine it's sabotage maybe now ask me if I care it's going to take more than words to Make You Care hey OU ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch excuse me I need these for a moment hey there what's going on huh [Music] [Music] [Music] Hu how dare you here you go thanks for waiting wow you're selling cotton candy now yeah we ran out of the ingredients for the fried noodles I'm sorry it was ri's fault wasn't it it's okay would you like some cotton candy wow would I here for you thank you so much delicious guess it's a hit huh suami now MOSI I know we can keep selling like this so work hard and keep them coming count on me with this Ultra highspeed cotton candy maker especially made by wasu I can handle any large quantity of orders huh so it was wasu who made that thing yeah teni that's right hey MOSI watch out be careful I am stop the machine now I can't stop it I don't know how [Music] no wa it seems we are connected connected to each other through these fairs aren't we H yeah it was that a fair on a planet in the neighborhood of jerai yes that was my very first time to be out among common people to experience a fair wow hey Missy you there huh you mean me yes you well now aren't you the lucky one I've just got a shipment of great products here I'll sell it to you missy at a special discount price fair but I don't want it hey now don't be shy take it and you'll have to pay for it of course oh hey wait give me back my wallet oh no no refunds or exchanges you are such a liar AA what a liar what are you talking about what you just said all of it listen this is what happened yes it was a cold cold night chilling me to the bones I'd worked so hard to make all that pottery with my own hands but no one came to buy no one at all can I help you oh you there tell me who gave you permission to do business here huh you see this is the fair to praise J's royal family so I can't allow you to do business here can you understand that I guess H look at this shabby food oh oh oh why are you so mean how dare you make up a story like that your memory must be completely rotten I'm telling you just the facts you know where are the facts in your story it's all fact everything I said princess it's you who's telling lies you can't get by with all your stories facts are facts and people can tell you know really you are so hopeless it is no use trying to talk to you so who cares I want to make you pay for what you did to me back [Music] then huh what's going [Music] on [Music] sorry sis Samy it was supposed to be a fun evening at the fair but it was a real mess you're disappointed M no no I'm not I sure am not M delicious wow [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] Mecha wasu is a robot invented by wasu it's an alter ego of wasu but things get mixed up and this powerful robot assumes Mi hoshi's personality instead what are you on your high horse about wasu's brain combined with Mi hoshi's personality it may as well be the most powerful in the universe coming up next is no need for a genius the battle between wasu and Mecha wasu is about to begin it's unquestionably [Music] splendid that's it for tension well look at this that's fine with me Dragon Ball Z is [Music] next time out get set and go MO yeah yeah who down in hooville liked Christmas a lot Merry Christmas but the Grinch Who Lived just north of hille did not I must stop this Christmas from coming on November 17th Universal Pictures and imagine entertainment present a Ron Howard film Jim Cherry is uhoh somebody's fabulous that grin she made a PG hot crowd hot crowd little spp oh no I've got a cold little snipples feel sick my nose is stck what can you do I think I have a fever with some help from her mommy can I have some soup please she'll be good new that makes me feel better now now I can sing a b c d e f g I love you mommy oh no little snipp little snipple sneezes says over 20 phrases and comes with everything you see here now the adventures of the ram Squad the evil techno raer Crusher captures the capital in his terrifying vehicle allterrain pain can Ace ratchet and his Ram squads stop him dingo put missile launchers and jet wings on my spy Sportster right I'll let right off too Ace I put a blaster on my vehicle that'll smash to any Target introducing RS snap them together take them apart parts from every model snap on other models each Rams model has its own action figure collect all six Rams rebuildable action model system new from brael wherever model kits are sold what's that sound it's taking over all of Townsville and it's it's well it's kind of groovy isn't it du it's the powerp girls music marathon 6 hours of Powerpuff Girls cartoons plus songs and videos inspired by the show including the premiere of a brand new music video from the apples in Stereo we are so Groen the Powerpuff Girls music marathon Saturday starting at 1 only on Cartoon Network welcome aboard everyone and thank you for choosing toy Transit Airlines where toys are our most valued passengers Mr Potato Head the white courtesy phone are you sure you made this reservation with this Airline you're not in our computer 1,000 Hasbro toys and games could be flown directly to your house in Cartoon Network's toy Transit sweep Stakes just watch Cartoon Network this Friday night beginning at 700 then call the toll-free number on your screen the grand prize is 1,000 Hasbro toys and games 100 first prize winners will receive one Hasbro toyer game each will The Following passengers please approach the counter Frogger 2 top it Action Man Pokémon thunderstorm gift box Play-Doh jungle swamp playet Nerf power clip headset Cartoon Network's toy Transit sweep Stakes I'll get you some change for that you'll love the way we fly toys night time in tsunami is changing but it's always for the best sleeper has awakened at midnight you get all new episodes of Dragon Ball suit where there's a will there's a way followed by teni Rio 12:30 Roger and she I want you to FL with me too get serious tsunami the midnight [Music] run bring you let me show you how it's done you really know how to B Nicolo are you all right I think I can still fight the f is just beginning right you here rent I'm going to teach you a Liston once and for all that you'll never forget previously Goku faced off against his evil brother with the help of Picolo but things were looking Grim for the super Duo ow that's no scrape then Gohan was able to lend a hand just when Piccolo lost his the little warrior delivered a mighty blow which angered the saan but weakened him just enough to give Goku and Piccolo one last chance to defeat him Piccolo hurry up [Music] Piccolo no you don't no way Piccolo my ribs are broken hurry I'm almost there Goku hang on what in 1440 know if that hit we're finished hey Kakarot look we're both going to be history if you don't let me go right now gosh you seem a little scared brother are you crazy fool don't sacrifice your life for these Earth dogs it's nice to know that you're so worried about me prepare yourself Goku it's time special beam Canon fire shakar [Music] loser how could he now he's a g the fool don't lose your long sleep over it I bet Goku will be back here within a week what that's impossible tell me how gladly on this planet we have something that we call Dragon Balls whoever brings all seven Dragon Balls together gets any one wish granted Goku's friends will use the Dragon bosss to wish him back in no time it's Goku that will have the last laugh no I'm afraid you're wrong Dre man this device on my face is also a transmitter fool they've heard every word now they'll come I know they will they'll want to make a wish when when will they be here how long will it take them to get here one year and the funny thing is they're much stronger than me stronger one year oh no what's wrong GE you look so depressed all of a sudden green man don't be so glum we can't all have the last laugh [Music] they should be right down there somewhere I'd need the dragon radar to get a precise location there they [Music] are oh no only one of them standing oh great who is it Piccolo oh no Goku's down uh-oh he's not [Music] moving [Music] red stinks what an idiot how could he let himself be beaten by men with such low fighting Powers I don't know should we go destroy those eings I don't think so but then I guess we could huh are you thinking about what RIT said exactly those Dragon Balls caught my interest just think about it Nappa if we can get our hands on those seven Dragon Balls then we can wish for anything we want uh so would we wish rits back to no that would be a wasted wish I'd wish for something Grand so how would you like to be immortal my friend and fight forever now that's something I could live with for the rest of my life even if it was for an eternity ah good then it's settled we are off to the planet Earth [Music] [Music] lappa [Music] you're going to make it Goku you can pull through no Krillin he can can't you Goku nope not this time friend this time I can't I'll wish you back Goku we already have three dragon balls Goku take care of Gohan for me you guys and tell Chi-Chi that I'll be back you know I will so don't worry about me I'm proud of you son I love you all [Music] bye what Goku Goku oh oh no oh no what a remarkable man hey look he's disappearing what in the world happened I know it was gami who's Kami the guardian of the earth Goku knows him well yes this is his work no doubt Kami has some special purpose in mind for Goku please approach the checkin station in an orderly fashion all right behave you ingrace hey you right there that's enough get back in line right now that's better move along proceed in an orderly [Music] fashion and that's where we stand great king Emma the other two Sans are on their way to Earth right now for this reason we humbly ask that you allow Goku to seek training from King Kai himself with your permission of course there is no hope for our planet if Goku doesn't receive King Kai's training H Goku Well you certainly have a service record that Merit letting you attempt to reach King Kai but are you prepared to travel along snake way and risk the hardships that lie ahead yes King Emma he is H hey does everyone end up here commi that's right did radit yes everyone comes to this check-in station and King yemma decides what to do with them after that hey did a guy named Raditz come here not too long ago Goku you must address him as king yemma let me see oh yes your brother I sent him ahead what a case did he fight you yes he did but I got him in my yallock and overpowered him huh incredible wow you must be strong hey forget King Kai I want to train here um yes well king yemma is too busy to take pupils oh be quiet King Kai is stronger than King yemma comei huh I heard that you little weasel yeah now remember that when I'm passing sentence on you forgive me I didn't know your ears were so big I mean so good oh my Comey you're starting to annoy me sorry well I'll forgive you this time Goku can try to make it to King kaai if he really wants to oh thank you I'll call a guide for you now go and wait outside thanks oh and Goku yes King yemma you need to be very careful not to fall off snake way should you fall off there's no coming backu stick to it now don't let snake way wear on your mind well I'm really not sure what to expect but I'll try my very best to make it to King Kai's Place bye now I guess I'll see you in about one [Music] year I hope so my friend I'm afraid you're in much more danger than you realize but you're our only hope Goku we're counting on youy you slug get out now we need to Dragon Ball Z stupid who's 10 bucks says you'll be singing a different tune once the Grinch comes to [Music] town How the Grinch Stole Christmas tonight at 8 on Cartoon Network stay tuned for a special announcement industry analysts estimate that natural gas will cost 40% more this winter are you prepared with the proper 12 inches of insulation in your attic you will notice a substantial yearly savings replace your drafty old windows with Consumer Reports number one replacement window certained you lose heat through poor sighting and the lack of insulation between your home and the outside elements think of these heat saving options are you prepared call for a free Energy Efficiency analysis the Dan Fulmer company can help you slash that 40% increase what a big kids W more jumps more fast balls more Aces more food big kids want to be treated like big kids hey we hear you that's why the Burger King big kids meal has more great tasting food fun and of course a cool toy welcome to repar land now you can create your own repar land with fun action toys from Rugrats and Paris the movie only in theaters you can collect and connect all eight and build your own theme park one comes in every Burger King kids meal you buy taste rule Billy wanted puppies but his parents had new carpeting so he got cardboard puppies instead stay he tried to make the most of it but it just wasn't the same [Applause] [Music] speak then Billy tried Disney's 102 down nation's puppies to the rescue video game now when he wants his puppies to fetch they fetch when he wants them to battle villains they battle villains and when he wants to take them for a walk he takes them for a walk gaming system sold separately rated for everyone is that your baby sister no it's Hush Little Baby hush little baby I love you you do the real baby she's crying she just wants a bottle hush little baby looks and sounds so real you think she's a real baby she burps like a real baby sleeps like a real baby she's so real you w cry but she cheers right up and she hears her rattles I love being your momy hush little baby comes with her own bottle and rattle batteries not included from DSi craft macaroni and cheese oh Lord so take a cheesy looni he to a good time Marathon shout H hioni cuz when the Chee starts flowing going craft presents Charlie Brown's Christmas macaroni and cheese wow my very own noodle it's as if they captured my true Essence and manifested it in noodle form Charlie Brown's Christmas macaroni and cheese from Craft good grief here we come the M popping out of our Hol sorry pal you can't catch me oh no a history it's wacka the two-player game where you got to whack the most mold that's smart if you choose red Now's the Time to whack them on the head but if he sees the yellow light he's going to whack him at the speed of light come on slow po make sure you only whack your color whack the most M than 30 seconds I win now you can whacka wherever you go with new handheld whacka okay go Chi CH all right that that two of those yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay go go go okay web from your tunes make me laugh forget it go go go go cha cha okay now chicka cha great with games web Premier tunes and an online shop there's an easier way to Wrangle your favorite cartoons cartoon The Click is our command please wake up the best reason to get out of bed I will give you commands do will obey them look out tsunami the Rising Sun Saturday mornings at 10: only tunami nobody while now back to Dragon Ball Z no way I'm not going to do it you do it huh great why me I'm not into being brave oh gr here all right now let's see here there it goes does it work I think it's been damaged I'm going to check the circuitry there we go wow this is pretty cool stuff there's definitely a short here but I can fix it I'll reprogram it I think I can get it to display numbers in our language wow Bulma you're a genius well it's what I'm good at as a matter of fact I want to be the first woman in my field to win the Nobel Peace Prize hey we got a lot of work to do I say we get going you're right someone's got to bring Gohan home you said it we need to find the other Dragon Ball so we can wish Goku back Piccolo I guess we'll see you oh my goodness man that's handy before you leave leave I have a request I'd like to make this will seem strange but try to put your emotions aside I want Goku Son to come with me for special training ha special training my foot you just want to gobble him up are you nuts but why a boy earlier today this boy showed signs that he might be the most powerful person on this planet I think I can teach him to control his power so we can use a to help us defend the Earth when the other saans arrive it's a long shot though he might just be too young we'll see yeah he's probably too young yeah I wouldn't chance it if I were you that's something you'll have to ask the boy's mother I'm not asking I'm telling look Nothing Else Matters right now except beating the other saans in one year the boys in good hands When You Wish Goku back tell him he can look forward to seeing his son one year from now I'll do what I can with this pampered kid and hopefully our work will bear fruit remember now tell him one year I never was a good babysitter now we're done for who's going to tell Chi-Chi all right I couldn't do it Goku where are you yes I could tell right away from your cool suit oh you Kung Fu guys are so buff I mean like Macho Su Primo you might even have a chance of making it to King Kai's do you think a guy like me could learn Kung Fu do you well sure it's not Kung Fu though it's the kame senin style of martial art hey what's King Kai like have you ever met him who me I'm glatter that you think that no I haven't met King Kai and I don't know of anyone who has except for King yemma wow and I get to meet him for real well [Music] maybe I guess one of us is going to have to tell Chi-Chi about Goku and Gohan huh quill you and Goku have always been best friends you tell her me I'd rather die but Krillin you're definitely the best man for the [Music] job well this is it we're here now this is snake way the road to King Kai's place now I don't know why they put that big ugly snake hit there it gives me goosebumps every time I see it wow it seems so [Music] long oh gosh we must be psychically connected or something because I say the same thing to myself every time I see it how long is it well they say it's over 10,000 mil but no one knows for sure 10,000 miles has anyone ever made it just one person King yemma but he made the trip many many centuries ago centuries ago wow if I had known snake way was this long I would have packed a lunch oh I wouldn't worry about food you've got a very long way to go and believe you me a lot more important things to worry about oh right just make sure you don't fall off of snake way cuz should you fall off there's no coming back wow well ciao oh well here it goes hey uh thanks for the ride sure no problem here I [Music] go off [Music] wake up you little Tenderfoot boot camp is about to [Music] begin quiet I can't take that noise anymore you hear good now do you remember your power well do you remember my power what do you mean by that let me show you [Music] huh a wow no [Music] way [Music] wow look at that what happened you did that little trick all by yourself with your own power it's rare to have such power at your age but you need to learn how to control it that's why we're here I'm going to train you I'm going to teach you how to use that power of yours so you can help us how come I mean I'm just a boy you're the second strongest guy on Earth next to Dad is that so well either way kid the guy your dad and I fought was even stronger and now there's two more just like him on their way your dad and I need your help [Music] [Applause] go my Energy's low but somehow I've got to make [Music] it stay tuned for scenes from the next episode of Dragon Ball Z next on Dragon Ball Z Piccolo leaves Gohan in the wilderness for survival [Music] training but can he survive and can the Earth survive against Gohan as he looks at a full moon for the first time and transforms like all saans into a raging Beast next time on Dragon Ball [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Z [Applause] [Music] that's it for Dragon Ball Z I will get rid of you once and for all come and get it rent Warriors are next Seawatch rocks be front row Center for ins synct seatch digital animation that you activate Z noticed with insan Seawatch rocks feature stopwatch day time alarm music and digital animation each so differently dad what cool what's cool Chuy cheeses the real cool place to be a kid you the man skateboarding is my thing when I'm on the ramps I forget about everything else all the pressures of being a kid go away when I'm catching some air to me there's nothing like it the other thing I really care about is my little brother Joey he really looks up to me that's one of the reasons I never picked up smoking what kind of example would I be if I did that do you have someone who looks up to you forget about smoking [Music] it's only fresh powder if you're the first one on the mountain cool board is 2001 ready to e for everyone parents idea of a great game your idea Chuck E cheeses a real cool place to be a kid parents don't have to get it they just have to help get you there Pi like McDonald's with my easy bacon apple cinnamon flavored pie them off and serve them off it's easy to do I love Really Cooking with easy B oven and pie maker sold separately adult assembly requires light bulb not included you stuff from home block blockx block blockx they you build block by block block block they move and transform they totally Rock block block transforming block bots in Soul searly scuba Soul as a set from Mega Bloks Commando bot forward Commando bot is the ultimate voice recognition robot goette police Missile Command bot will also protect any room intruder alert command bot ultimate voice recognition robot respond to 306 Action commands includes everything shown here I never get any privacy leave my room alone loone privacy problems get password journal from Girl Tech no one can ever see this note do you really think it's safe in there girl Tech knows girls I program my own password in my voice only my voice can open it privacy try the password girls rule access denied girls rule welcome back they don't stand a chance password journal from Girl Tech privacy you Control batteries not included here are just a few of the hundreds of decorations you can save on at Kmart 6 1/2t prelit trees at just $79.99 300 count icicle lights are just $5.99 lighted window sculptures are $5.99 too come to the Tria home department at Kmart it has everything you need to make a holiday work of art in your home or wherever else you live Kmart we know how to make your holidays bright the future of metropolis is in the hands of a Man of Steel he's going to be busy Superman tonight at 6:30 only tunami there is a legend trust Justice wisdom I swor to crush the Dynasty's Master Ren Warriors I hope you can still save us I'll show you how a real Warrior watch out I will get rid of you once and for all I'm not free the a part ride the T to the Halo going up strata R of the [Music] [Music] wildfire Aro shot w [Applause] [Music] a I did it just like the spirit of the ancient on said I [Applause] could I sure hope the others can Max their powers too it's got to be the dynasty all right come on I'm ready [Music] what [Music] happened huh where am I huh a better question would be who could have brought you here Rowan of the strata yeah sure whatever so who are you [Music] huh oh you will know me soon enough Rowan my name is Lady Kyra from the realm of the Dynasty huh lady I must be dreaming of something Taca has captured your friend Halo torrent and hard rock you too will share your fate no way I don't think you'll be able to rescue them but you are welcome to try yeah you say they're your prisoners but why should I believe you lady you've got a good point there all right it's like I always say one good point deserves another how such we here's the punch line huh I can't believe that she blocked all my arrows what's up with that if you're finished then it's my [Music] turn what's that no how will you save your friends when you can't save yourself Hey listen lady you're really starting to get on my nerves arrow shot that should take care of her huh is this the limit of your power strata I only hope your friend Rio can do something more for me Rio no wait what are you saying huh we're not finished yet don't worry I'll See You Again w oh man I'm cing this close light so Kyra you were playing with me the whole time if you're with the dynasty you'll get yours we'll see to it r [Music] [Music] w SL up no [Music] so this is the power produced by one who can wear the white armor I'm going to love [Music] this the Roman Warrior's Armor might have been formed from tot's evil armor and they might get their power from him but I'm going to destroy that evil and protect the human world from it no matter what it takes I'll use this armor and I won't doubt myself anymore I've made my pledge ancient one I will save this world from TOA what is this that was a touching little speech Rio of wildfire filled with such heat and passion what are you another warlord face me not what you were expecting I bet I'm lady KY I've been sent by my master R hey R Rowan H he bounced back rather well this might be more fun than I thought you okay Rio now Kyra you're going to tell us where sage and the others are right now hey man what are you talking about well according to Lady Cyra TOA has them locked up like prisoners in his realm huh well lady is that true do you remember these huh oh no oh yes sages Halo sord and size torren spear I'm going to let you borrow these weapons for a while you boys can bring them back when you're done playing then I deliver you into tula's hands wait ruin she's not lying those are for real that is Sage's sword and s sword Fe I guess Sage inside really are trapped in the dynasty World we're going to get him out I call upon the nether Spirits rise and serve your master R the Ronin Warriors will return in a moment airhogs after shot wheel four-wheel drive for monster crushing real metal Smash down suspension Aftershock for crazy climbs jaming jumps and allterrain power Aftershock needs no batteries just pump it up for awesome speed choose from four bone Crunch and suspension modes you rise it Aftershock with a new red AV engine smash them crash them Air Hogs Aftershock each sold separately new from Spin Master [Music] the internet cartoon visit cartoon today for your chance to win Pokémon Stadium prizes wonderful wonder wonder do I what's in my Wonder Ball who knows what surprises a Wonder Ball can hide yummy NY chocolate with candy shapes inside oh I wonder wonder what's in my Wonder Ball Toy Story I got Li K mine's Dalmation lots of candy surprises plus a sticker nesle Wonder Ball it's candy and chocolate and foil in a box what's in your Wonder I'll teach warning not to swipe my Fruity Pebbles M fruit delicious orange cherry grape drop that spoon the Miss Stonewall my old teacher you've been tricking Freddy for years give me his prebles or you're going to the principal I can't resist them for me me out thanks Fred Bonnie po FY pepp cereal part of this complete breakfast I'm a rotten apple welcome to Wendy's kids meal world it's just for kids try and handle the hamburger Flip or the crispy nugget dip next ride the fry shoot or one of the coolest rides Frosty Mountain Wendy's kids meals are just for kids and so is what's inside they're coming to Wendy's from far and near in case you haven't heard Grinch toys are here there's the Grinch and Max the dog too even a toy with a real cool view but watch that delicious kids meal cuz that nasty Grinch has been known to steal there's one Grinch toy in every W's kids meal you buy you can collect all five for your life it's not safe I tell you who came up with this AR Cadia system it's as big as the war begin it to expert it even keep score is that sick or what Arcadia electronic SK shoe comes with everything here see video camera plug it in turn it on point and shoot fil on the go Take It [Applause] Outside totally portable see video camera records with your VCR battery not [Music] included [Music] marshmallow part of this good breakfast you can wear your P You Can Dance EAS P city of love and Rugrats now you can see Rugrats and Paris the movie free when you bring the offer printed inside these post cereals and come with a paying adult one free kids maade ticket offer in each Mark box post raisin brand alphabets and rats and Paris the movie series the Wonder Dog rocket come here rocket sit good job rocket do a trick out lots of stuff rocket rocket comes with voice control headset and everything here batteries not included socker soer you can sock all day and poop all night soccer Boer socer Boer more fun than a pillow fight blow them up put your hand inside get ready to have the time of your life socer buer so buer sock once and them [Music] twice sock Boppers are soft safe fun sold two in a box how do we know which Radio Shot Carter kids going to like we test them we got wheelie spins and a crazy driver a cool truck that morphs into a wild racing boogy and the Grinch getaway car just like in the movie only a Radio Shack we got monster jumps Macho bumps and a whack machine that grinds and thumbs test over I said test over I don't think so kids RC cars come with everything you see here each sold separately batteries not included from Radio Shack please wake up the best reason to get out of bed I will give you commands you will obey them look out tunami the Rising Sun Saturday mornings at 10: only tonight yeah them aliens are here to take over the world do not fear us like it's too late for that man Cartoon Network's cartoon theater presents Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders premiering Saturday at 7:00 to figure this out none of it is real the Ronin Warriors now [Music] [Music] continue we have no choice but to believe that she is telling you the truth uh-huh I'd say these pretty much back up her story tell me again about about this lady Kyra well she said the TOA sent her from what I saw she's way different from all the other dark Warlords forget about her ruin we've got to rescue the others from Tula right now cool it Rio we have to think about this no we don't our friends could be getting tortured while we're busy thinking about it here Rowan hey just take it easy we need to come up with a plan Rio if Kyra has her way I guarantee that we'll be following her into a trap I don't care I'm going in somebody's got to save our friends hey don't forget they're my friends too RI now stop it both of you TPA would just love to see you two fighting each other now if you two can't work this out then I guess tula's already won this fight yeah you're right Mia what youie what's the matter out there look waa what's that I'll give you one guess we're sick of your little games what are you afraid to fight us r be careful I'm [Music] scared it's not it [Music] is toest Castle demons at all K sigh say are they no R make it stop please you've got to help them [Music] stop it you're killing them poor little Halo torrent and hard walk that's her it's KRA show yourself don't worry wild I know how you must miss your friends but you'll all be together again soon oh yeah down there [Music] all [Music] lady Kyra she's a girl oh man you got that right oh I'm much more than that to see many humans have surrendered themselves to tpa's power power that can shatter the Mortal coil that promises only death TPA offers unimaginable gifts the dark Warlords you've seen what they can do but tul pets may do so much more so young Ronan Warriors consider yourselves lucky to have me as your guide let's go the Dynasty's evil it may control you but we're not letting it control us understand and we're not going anywhere with you not now not ever Ron dwar armor of armor of wildfire [Music] ooh and now are the big strong Ronin Warrior is going to give me the thrashing I deserve two against one hardly seems fair perhaps if I only use one hand I warn you if you fight me you will experience the full extent of my power your move careful Rio she's more dangerous than she looks right I'll get her she your trick doesn't seem to work all that well flare no and your tricks won't work at all how did she do that it didn't even touch her and if my Wildfire flare can't beat her then what do we do well little man my turn listen to The Cry of the night from my staright [Music] sword star SC scream oh man what the [Music] hey are you all right Rio yeah man if only I could transform into the white armor then we might have a chance sorry r as much as I like to see the inferno's power you know that will be quite impossible without your friend [Music] so I call forth the gates this said now [Music] what ancient look the magic staff no it it's not [Music] possible what's going on a no it can't oh please stop that [Music] noise the white armor no how could the monk have done this great oh I think I better go now but don't think you've won this game Ronin Warriors We've Only Just Begun to play [Music] the Ancient One saved us yeah that's for sure Rowan he's still out there in spirit at least Rio and Rowan now have to find a way into the dynasty world to save their captured friends they face incredible odds and it seems an even more deadly opponent [Music] [Music] I like big and I cannot lie Brothers you beg for it and now you're going to get it it's Monsters of rap the biggest hip-hop hits on two CDs and two [Music] cassettes don't just stand bust them this 35 track collection is not sold in [Applause] storees there's no need to argue parents just don't understand I got a in what your man got to do with I got you can order online at You Can't Touch [Music] This get up get Monsters of rap and get down I've Got The Power order by credit card and save cood charges Rush delivery available than let's do it are you ready for a revolution in television for more control 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Channel: rinse repeat
Views: 225,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon network, cn, toonami, rising sun, toonami: rising sun, anime, cartoons, saturday, saturday morning, saturday morning cartoons, full episode, ep, reboot, dragon ball z, dragonball z, dbz, tenchi, tenchi muyo!, gundam wing, gundam, tenchi universe, ronin warriors, nostalgia, nostalgic, retro, the 2000's, old school, commercials, compilation, cartoon compilation, 2000, rinse repeat
Id: G7PH85dtynY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 6sec (10806 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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