Tools to help you write TOP-TIER AI Image Prompts | MidJourney Tutorial Master Class Part 3

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learning the nerdy parameters and image prompts and image waiting and all of that is one thing but what if you just want what if you just want help describing the thing that you do maybe that's not a skill you excel at like it's it's it's all you really need to do for ai art but if it's not something you're good at or you just want someone to walk you through your examples to give you something to base it off of this episode's for you welcome back to my mid journey master class i have a full playlist link in the description with all the videos so you can walk through at your own pace chapter markers all of that in this episode instead of focusing on the parameters your image prompts any of that we're focusing on your actual descriptive language and how you can improve it using some assistance of some tools we're gonna check them out i'm gonna have a bunch of links in the description of resources that you can reference for improving your prompt craft in the first place so we have first the documentation from mid-journeying themselves which describes what you should be looking for with your words since that's what we're focusing on this time so for example speak in positives avoid negatives so don't say something that is not something else something that is except something else or something that is without something else it should be instead of a person half robot it should be a half person half robot it's not going to pick up on what those negative descriptors are and that seems kind of obvious to some but a lot of people speak that way so it's worth keeping in mind if you want specific compositions of course you describe those there's a lot of stuff in here use specific numbers or singular nouns so instead of cyberpunk wizards you want three cyberpunk wizards those kinds of things and then also just generally practice with ad libs like in general like they provide some examples but like i think ad libs and mad libs are like great ways to kind of figure out where your prompts should go so that's a good resource the second one is a full google doc from a mid-journey user that actually talks about your structuring of your wording and so here's a template of how you should describe it you have your subject a botanical bearded fairy prince you have your details and surroundings then your stylization and then your parameters and so you've probably seen from the examples that we've done i have my subject descriptors and extra engine details and then parameters and that's how i've been structuring it myself and so that is 100 if if you're struggling in the discord thing to figure it out step away from discord for a moment open a google doc or open your favorite text editor here and just identify what you want to describe so what we want a space emperor what about him ruling the cosmos floating in a nebula in outer space with a supernova behind him render details that's where we add in the hyper detailed octane render kerpescular i don't remember now and so you structure it out like that ahead of time and you can do this on a pen and paper digital pin type it up in a notebook whatever write that out ahead of time and then you can just plug things in into your discord prompt so slash imagine you start with the what a space emperor comma ruling the cosmos floating in a nebula supernova behind him and then you add in those details and then of course your parameters and your arguments but we'll just leave that as a it goes and then you hit enter and that's a good way to think about it is what what about them and then render options unfortunately it's not as cool or clever as who what when where why but actually where kind of goes for it as well but you get the idea this guide also has some recommendations for grammar so for example prepositional phrases flowing in the wind isn't very good versus flowing hair eyes the color of a sunset sunset eyes you kinda gotta get simple so that it can take as few words as possible to get the idea that you're going for and then if your character is doing something it needs to be [Music] using you know verb phrases using actual verbage and in fact i kind of did that wrong here because i did floating in a nebula but with a supernova behind him is still kind of too passive so let's take this and improve it and see how each one of these videos are building on the next one so that if you're like wait a minute that doesn't work in one of the previous videos i'm probably improving upon it in the next one as i explain the details more i just don't want to throw too much at you and overwhelm you especially given these are already super long and there's a lot of information floating in front of a supernova now the nebula and supernova are conflicting so i'm going to take that out and i'm going to move in outer space after supernova in front of a supernova in outer space now we should start getting closer to what we want but we have left out some of the details from the previous guide of the formatting so it said uh if you want a specific conversation composition we haven't described our shot yet and now we can go in here copy this command we want a portrait of a space emperor floating in the cosmos blah blah because this is trying to do some big epic scene which is fine but not necessarily what i'm going for if we specify a portrait it's gonna focus more on the person himself or herself or whatever that also plays into the aspect ratio tips that we talked about in the previous episode okay this is actually making some dope scene i don't know where it's getting the angel wings from but i kind of love it that was when we changed it to floating in front of a supernova and now you see here we're getting more of a profile view where it's focusing on the head or the you know the upper part of the person when we specified a portrait that matters as well that's a lot closer to my original goal i was working on all right let's also talk about punctuation real quick because this has been confusing for a lot of people some people use plus signs in between phrases in their prompt but as far as i can tell that's just what's considered noise that's not super helpful this talks about how punctuation should either be functional or noisy the ones that matter for the most part are the double hyphens for your parameters and then the double colons for your image waiting and spaces but there's what they're calling here intriguing noise which are the commas that you see me using and then also hyphenation so like combining words can kind of increase the relationship between them whereas commas kind of separate them so an ornate shadowed massive sentient might be described as kind of one thing versus separate adjectives ornate shadowed massive sentient and playing with those relationships can also tweak how your description comes out but in terms of like a plain text descriptor of a specific thing some of my commas here don't really matter but it helps if it helps you organize it it can not necessarily hurt you so much but if you're not getting like if you feel like something's being left out or it's not being emphasized enough you can remove those to experiment with how you want or add more in to experiment with how you want it to do for your double colons like the image weighting you need to have your wording right before the double colons and then these and then you can just separate your image weight by space so for example if we're image waiting slash imagine we'll do our usual dealio if we want to wait the space emperor i can just delete the comma because it's already gonna be separated because i'm specifying i want a weight of two there and you don't have to add a comma after that that could get kind of confusing you just do the double colons just fire it off and it's then going to focus more on the space sampler as a result due to weighting it down now if you want to try to recreate text in your prompts it's very difficult mid journey struggles a lot with text but you can do so using this image i will link below it's just uploaded to the discord but i'll show it on screen in that you need to post the words in quote before a double colon and then a space and then a description that repeats the word or letters that you want to describe in context and then the rest of everything you want going on and they messed up the double hyphens there so if we want to try to recreate this we want to type space colon colon the word space drawn in neon letters in front of a nebula in outer space and actually your your in quotes words should be in all caps most likely octane render dash dash ar 16x9 and here we're trying to recreate the word space however if we take that prompt without the word space in those colons and repeated and all of that we're going to get something looking a little funky so i'm going to do the same thing there and if you see text show up any of my pieces you know it looks like some weird combination of like russian chinese and english and it never turns out right so we're gonna do this although i will say the image guide specifies that you should specify like a a physical format so a magazine a book things like that so we may not get exactly what we want here actually both of these worked you just gotta you gotta play with it you can see for all of them it's putting two a's it really struggles with correct spelling we got spe or actually that's space space that one's space and that one's soyuz and then spay so you have to do some photoshopping work to clean up your letters but you can get kind of close i also of course wanted to recommend that you check out a thesaurus this sounds kind of condescending and i don't mean it too but i feel like these days dictionaries and thesauruses aren't really recommended a whole lot and it's a book or a website that can help give you synonyms and antonyms words that are like the words you want so you can get more descriptive language to more accurately describe what you want so instead of just pretty you can come up with more you know beautiful relaxing calming whatever you want you know words to get better versions of especially when it comes to adjectives and to the specific verbiage you use for active states like holding or you know presenting those kinds of words you want to get as specific and yet tuned to your ai algorithm as possible and a thesaurus can help with that so link in the description if you need it now i did promise a tool that would help you actually write your prompts and this is it this is called it is free but you do have to make an account for it and here you can see it actually has prompt crafting help for different ai generative tools in general but here we're going to go with mid journey and it's going to walk you through the steps that i've kind of described so first what is the content type a drawing a photo a sketch a 3d render a render or you can specify some other type of image so we're going to say a photo now describe the object you want to generate and it gives you some parameters to live up to so a space emperor with wearing remember we got to do active verbs wearing a military jacket holding a magic staff floating in outer space in front of a supernova all right now i have gone over on words it this specific tool recommends between three and seven words it's hard to stay between that sometimes um but you want your now and your adjective and a depending object makes it easier because otherwise it loses hands and arms all right next and i'll have this linked below play with it all you like then you can choose specific styles for photo photographers or painters or whatever mode you chose um it'll give you a kind of randomized example that'll change a little bit each time if you want specific you know examples of photographers to reference or you can specify your own i'm gonna come in here and i keep reading that as dave chappelle i wonder if that's on purpose um we're gonna do in the style of screw it we'll do annie leibowitz and then do you need it colorful sepia black and white or other we're just gonna say multicolor i don't find that one super helpful i think it kind of distracts from it because it starts adding in random colors um and then 4k ultra high detail and then you want your your camera angle do you want a fast shutter speed do you need bokeh blown out you only get to choose one of these here but um for this i'm going to choose a uh a close-up actually no we're going to go back we're going to ultra wide angle and with a feeling we're gonna say confident okay and then epoch which is just like the era that you're creating it in we're gonna say it's in the future actually no we're gonna go back we're gonna say it's in the middle ages and here you go it gives you a prompt it doesn't give you the parameters you still got to go back and watch the last video to figure out parameters of how you want it to craft the image but in terms of the plain wording you get that for you here so then you can copy text it'll take you to mid journey already i didn't mean to click that we can just copy the text and then come in here slash imagine paste all of that and then we want to do again aspect ratio 8 by 10 for our portrait and then we want to do we don't want to do any stylization because we just want to see what it generates based on what we fed it from this website it's just a really handy tool it's not something you need to live by like religiously but if you're really struggling to figure out the wording and you need anything to guide you and give you practice with any of these ai tools this is a fantastic resource and i have it linked below there's a reason i saved it until the end of these talks about prompt crafting because i i want to i want you to understand everything that's going into it it's fine if you're just playing around and you just want like to have something handhold you but you're not really going to be making your own art with your own meaning unless you understand the impact of everything that you're doing here plus like i said i kind of make recommendations that vary from how this specific website crafts your prompts based on how i feel things matter more and so you kind of got to combine them you use what you learned from me plus this to help guide you and here you can see we got a very interesting looking portrait that one's getting into the multi-arm territory that's unfortunate it's not holding a magic staff it has lost that detail um so then we can get into waiting so i can come back here slash imagine but you get the idea like it gives you what you want so i'm gonna say a comma after military jacket and then holding a magic staff i'm gonna put a 2 for image weight there generate that one this is just a smaller companion video to the last episode of the image prompt generation i do hope you find this helpful i don't want this to be a roadblock for people using these tools because obviously prompt crafting itself is a skill it's an art it's what's going to separate people from you know who generates memes and not so great images versus who generates the top tier images out of these apps but i do believe that it's easy enough to understand because it's just description and you just gotta tweak how you think about it that eventually everyone can wrap their head around it and i hope that these videos help you do so and here you can see we've added in our magic staff kind of it's more like a lightsaber so maybe we have to describe the magic staff a little bit more but you can see where we start iterating from there in the next couple episodes of this master course master class whatever for mid journey we're going to get into some upscaling tools and these tips will actually apply to a lot of ai tools but we're going to look at it from the angle of mid journey talk about the upscaling methods within mid journey so you can get larger images and how you can upscale even further beyond that using educational tools as well as a whole episode dedicated to upscaling specifically with print in mind to sell your own merch like you can pick up mine at hope you enjoyed let me know your questions or comments in the comment section down below let's chat about it let's get more episodes of this going to answer your questions uh come join us on discord discord.js eposvox we have a whole chat room dedicated to this i'm going to revamp be revamping the creative channels in a moment um to help improve that usability a little bit subscribe to this youtube channel for more awesome art and ai art creative tool videos and remember to be kind rewind if you're making something awesome with this stuff tag me on twitter as well
Channel: analog_dreams
Views: 54,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney prompts, midjourney promptcrafting, midjourney prompt tips, midjourney ai, midjourney ai art, analog dreams, eposvox, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney tips, midjourney how to use, midjourney prompts tutorial, midjourney stylize, midjourney image source, midjourney bot, midjourney discord, midjourney prompt tips and tricks, epos vox, midjourney master class, how to get high quality images out of midjourney
Id: k7Lx2SeC-sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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