Welcome to my short video showing you how
to install and configure all the tools and software required for building all the projects
for Raspberry Pi Pico, which you can find in my videos including those with Intel 80188 computer,
because we're using the Pico as our Multi I/O card. Some of the tools we will be installing here
are common for both: the Pico toolchain set and also the Intel 16-bit toolchain, so, obviously,
you need to do this once even if you want to set up for both. I'm using Windows Sandbox, which
is a feature of Windows 11, which allows you to start from scratch, like you would run your
Windows for the first time after installing. So, it's completely clean it - doesn't have any
'contamination' from my already configured toolsets. The only thing I did in this session is
to add all the tabs in the web browser to speed up downloading all the tools. All the links used
in this video will be of course included in the description and if you're a fan of "winget" -
the command line tool for installing packages - I will be listing all the available tools in
"winget" as well, so you will see them on screen. Obviously we need to start with the ARM
toolchain, which we need to download. The only important thing in choosing those is to use
the "bare metal" target so: "arm-none-eabi". You can either use the "zip" file or the "exe"
file. I'm gonna just download the "exe". Once it's downloaded...
let's just run the installer. On the last screen the important thing which
save us one step would be to tick "Add PATH", so we don't need to do this manually... and
"finish". So that's done - let's close it down. The next one is the "Pico SDK". It's on GitHub so
you can clone the repo using "Git", but I'll just, for this quick video, download the zip file. Once
we open it, we need to unzip it into a folder... I'm gonna use... maybe separate folder called
"tools", because there will be more coming in... and unzip the whole folder with the SDK. Now, that's quite important: we need to go
inside the folder and copy the whole path. Then, open the "System properties", so "run"... "sysdm.cpl" - that's the quickest
way to go there... "Advanced"... "Environment variables" and let's create a new one.
The new one will be called capitalised: "PICO_SDK_PATH". It is for the tools to find
it easily... and paste the full path to where we unzipped the SDK. That's it for now. Let's
keep this window, because we'll need it later. So that's done. Next is the Python. We're not
gonna use Python directly, but the SDK uses it, so let's download the version for Windows and just
simply install it. We can add Python to "PATH". All right, it has installed, so we're done with
it. Now we need to download the "make for Windows" in order to build our source code. OK,
and let's install it. "make" is common for both the Intel 16-bit toolchain and
this one, so if you followed the other video and you already have installed
"make", don't need to do this here. Just remember that after installing we
need to add it to the system "PATH", so we need to go and find it in "Program Files"
then "GnuWin32\bin" and copy the whole path and add it here to the variable called "PATH". A new one... paste... go. And we're done here. The next one is the GCC
for Windows for our Intel processor, but not the 16-bit one. The one we have in our computers.
That's because the SDK contains some tools... Windows tools which need to be built as a part
of the process. So, we need this as well... If we just scroll down... choose the newest version.
We're not using LLVM, so we can choose the version without any of the LLVM, Clang and so on. And so,
we will choose Windows 64-bit version, why not... zip archive and when it downloads let's open
the zip and unpack it to our "C:\tools" folder. OK, once we've unzipped the GCC let's go
into the folder... just unpacked and go to the "bin" level and then copy the path and add it
again to the system "PATH", so "path"... "edit" add a new one... and just paste the copied
path. OK, we're done with this step. Let's close it down. CMake - we need CMake
as well as for the Intel 16-bit development, so if you've done it following the other video,
you don't need to do this, but let's do this now. CMake - simple installer just go "next"
and here: make sure you add... you choose the option to add the path to the
system "PATH" and go and install it. OK, we're done. We can close down the
page and now the VS Code, which we use to edit the code. Also it integrates with
CMake, so it makes everything very easy just... you can build everything with one
press of the button. Let's go download... and install it. It just lets us know that we are administrators
and this is the user setup. If you want ,you can choose to use the the system installer
version, which installs for all the users. I'll just go with that one. After it's installed - launch it. Let me just make the window slightly
larger... just don't care. And let's go to the "Extensions" and what we need
to find is called: "C++ Extension Pack"... like that, by Microsoft. Let's install that. It's got all the C++ and CMake integration inside,
so it's going to be very easy to build everything using VS Code. OK, it looks like it's installed.
We can close it down for now. And it's all the tools now... we... Let's just use my repo for
the Raspberry Pi Pico and download the zip with a whole code, open it and let's say...
we'll unzip it into the "C"... and let's say "src" folder - that's just an example,
you can unzip into any folder you like. Once it's done, we open VS Code... and then click on "Open Folder".
Choose the one you just used to unzip and go to the "PIO explained"...
select folder... Yes, I do trust... And now the first thing which should happen
is to... The menu to choose the kit should appear. If it doesn't, you can always click at
the bottom here and choose the "arm-non-eabi". We also have this native GCC compiler, but
we're choosing the ARM one. Once it's chosen... you can... and let's... Let's wait
until it's done and then just press F7 and it should start the build. It will take
a while for the first time, because it needs to build all the tools which are used during
the compilation process. But now we're done. It says it's completed and it created an
executable. In this case the the example was to do with the LEDs - WS2812 - that's how the project
was named. So, if you go to the same folder here "PIO explained" and then "build",
you will see the binaries in there. The "elf" mentioned here, but that's just a
Linux executable file. To programme a Pico you use the "uf2" file ,which you just drag over
after connecting Pico with the button on the Pico pressed, which creates the kind of memory
stick drive on your system. Then you just copy the "uf2" file onto that drive and that's how
you programme the Pico. So that's effectively it. If you followed this video, you are now
set up to develop your software or build the software I am using in my videos for Raspberry
Pi Pico. Thank you for watching and see you soon!