Too Old To Be New Too New To Be Classic / Directed by Max Joseph
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: DFA Records
Views: 50,623
Rating: 4.9337015 out of 5
Keywords: DFA RECORDS, DFA, RBMA, MAX JOSEPH, TOO OLD TO BE NEW TOO NEW TO BE CLASSIC, James Murphy (Musical Artist), LCD Soundsystem (Musical Group), Yacht (Musical Group), Holy Ghost! (Musical Group), The Juan MacLean (Musical Artist), SINKANE, LARRY GUS, Factory Floor (Musical Group), THE RAPTURE, PLANNINGTOROCK, PETER GORDON, Love Of Life Orchestra (Musical Group), SURAHN, Black Dice (Musical Group), Hisham Bharoocha (Musical Artist)
Id: uzNDuKgoJf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sat May 24 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I just realized the voiceover is Marc Maron (or someone that sounds a lot like Maron), which brings up the question: WHY HASNT JAMES BEEN ON WTF WITH MARC MARON YET????
I love Ahmed's (Sinkane) part.