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Jimmy failen came to be the head coach of the Huskies coach faen had many successful years qu of the end zone where Mark Patterson makes the catch with just 34 seconds to go pul right side pul into the end zone T down Washington toasu Soo with room inside the 20 he should go touchdown husky we're sitting in the Press Box and we're thinking oh my God is this guy going to go for three and two is this guy going to really do something that nobody else has done in the history of college football and the numbers just went up and up and up and up those type of games are once every 30 or 40 years they're not even once every 10 years those don't come along too often uh I just remember watching thinking this guy is a tremendous athlete looking in zone for Harris touchdown if there ever was a player to build a team around round it was quarterback Marcus tuasa Soo the son of Seattle Seahawks star Manu tuasa Soo Marcus landed at the U after a standout local high school career we Junior High in high school I started really liking the huskys and the toughness that they brought and and uh their attitude and their mentality that they played with as far as being a quarterback for the Huskies you know I felt a big responsibility I didn't want to be the guy that that let the level or stand the play slip and so I would watch old films and and watch guys like Mark brell and Billy Joe and Damen hu and you know watch Brock hu for for two years and say hey I'm going to uphold the standard of play here and you know that that was a personal goal of mine standing at 6'2 weighing 225 lbs Marcus tuasa Soo was the whole package and his name was never said more times in four quarters of football than in the game game against Stanford in Husky Stadium on October 10th 1999 this in essence was the pack 10 Showdown was a conference Championship because because if Washington beats Stanford both teams will have one loss Washington has the tiebreaker so they're playing for all intents and purposes for the conference Championship you think that Marcus Tuiasosopo is going to be called on even more to make key decisions today and they'll see it firsthand right here with Marcus nobody open downfield takes up on the Run and that's where he's a real threat in that 99 season the Huskies ran an option offense and when one of the options is Marcus toas Soo well you have a weapon that is anything but a secret and for whatever reason we we weren't clicking on all cylinders in the passing game and we needed a way to just develop some more offense and you know get some explosive plays to keep you know our drives going the offensive coaching staff they they knew that Pat and I had run what what they call the verer offense in high school and they just brought us in and ask hey would you guys be willing to do that here um and we say sure we just you we want the team to win we'll do it we know how to do it so if you put it in you know that won't be any anything for us to to pick up in a week which we did when we got to the Stanford game that season they they played a lot of what they call an overr we could down block with the tackle we could pull our guard around block the end with our tight end and the the the front they're going to think it's a run cuz they're used to that if you hand off to the running back now if you do it in an option form where you let the quarterback keep the ball and then you take the running back and be his pitch man that's a little different for them they're not thinking that play and so we kind of caught them off guard there and we were able to pull the guard around to hit their sandb backer and we'll just option the next guy outside which is either going to be the corner or the safety and how they decide to play it it was a big play for us in that stord game Marcus tuasa Soo at quarterback in their first possession the go on the attack throwing on first down and a completion to Joe Jara that is his first catch of the year and on the very next play the Stanford defense dials up the heat on the roll out man in his face drops it into the arms of Dane looker Marcus took a shot that time but completed a nice touch pass he does it for the team sacrifices his body I'm sure coach new Heisel and the rest of the staff don't want him doing that too much to this afternoon in the opening moments of the game tuasa Soo is visibly hurt yeah I was just rolling out you know simple roll out that we have done all season I had to hold the ball a little bit longer than I wanted to to buy some time let the receiver win and he did and I threw it and I got hit U as soon as I threw it and then the next end I'm landing on the turf all a sudden I just feel like warmth going all around my hip then also you know down you know my thigh my left leg and uh you know just a big bruise and a hip pointer and uh uh you know you're not sure how bad it is right after the play you just kind of move around and shake your leg a little bit and keep going and uh you know then like as the game went on the next like series you know you I was pretty bad you know I started getting real stiff and I you know I wasn't able to move and and so that was it was pretty interesting we watched Marcus tuas Soo again favoring that leg a little bit Marcus had been just impervious to injury so we all thought uh uh this guy is going to live forever and play Forever and he just doesn't get hurt he took a shot to the backside early in that ball game that uh the the trainers will tell you was a very nasty looking injury a third down here for Washington Blitz picked up nicely Tu aoko throws intercepted there's also a flag as he really put that one up for grabs trying to avoid the sack and sunny that's just one you can't afford to make you throw it away instead maybe but Tim Smith got the pick while tuasa Soo is being treated Stanford shows how an undefeated pack 10 team plays football first and goal for the Cardinal wire once again runs over a Defender and into the end zone for the Stanford score Stanford takes an early seven to nothing lead and Tui Waits his turn on the sidelines and he just kept on grinding kept on grinding kept on grinding and it just it was like infectious just the single-minded focus of winning you could just it from him and I think his teammates did [Music] [Music] too Marcus tuasa Soo got evaluated a little bit by the trainers JK Scott's been warming up Sunny yeah he has Todd he took that hard hit on that hip and only the game will dictate if he can go on Marcus was the toughest guy that I've ever seen at the that spot and he wanted to win more you know it just the look in his eyes you could just see it through his helmet where he would just I mean the just the single-minded focus of winning you could just feel it from him and I think his teammates did too the two times that I've actually had to sit out periods of a game have been to due to hit pointers so I know how bad that hurt when he got hit and you know it's one of those things where Marcus is that guy like a lot of other guys that encountered here that it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that he took a hit his adrenaline's pumping you know your blood is Flowing you're you're you're pumping it does not matter you know we're here to win we're here to play hard and and he just kept on grinding kept on grinding kept on grinding and it just it was like infectious we watch Marcus Tuiasosopo again favoring that leg a little bit as he comes out Tui cranks up the offense on the next Drive Soo has the corner and more dny it's just what you talked about going into the game as F chases him out of bounds well you can tell right there that that hip slowed him down just a little bit but still he looked pretty good after the trainers were looking at him you didn't know if he was going to come back on the field jar Zena in again on this third down look like they got him to jump yes flags have gone plenty of time for Tu now he has the corner strikes to elram very close to First down yardage once again H one they're not going to get it off well no flag draw for Tuiasosopo inside the 35 he'll be short of the first down they might have gotten away with that one very close the Husky Drive stalls but a 50yd field goal attempt puts points on the board appears to be into a little bit of a breeze and got it that's why you go to Florida and get a good kicker situations like that then it's Stanford's turn on their next possession looking at a reverse fake here husack going long for walers he's open TouchDown Stanford a little Flim Flam to give him time to run that deep drag route sunny but he beat the secondary I tell you Troy Walters was open all the way good little Razzle Dazzle in the back field hoping to confuse the safeties you see Akbar right there say wait a minute where was my help on that play Stanford increases their lead to 14 to3 in the first quarter well there's some noise the Cardinal offense goes nowhere in their next series and the Husky D steps up Blitz Under Pressure throws it away flag thrown for grounding Issa and towns there that's something these fans have been waiting to see jar zinka back inside of Midfield Stanford is forced to punch hen route a wobbly kick jarena at the 45 stripped of it Stanford ball he I think took his eyes off it because one Defender and the blocking man were there and he allowed Ryan Fernandez to strip him and fall on the ball I know that Rick neisel is sitting there talking to Joe right now a golden opportunity just slips through when you make those kind of middle errors the Husky defense is right back on the field give Stanford a big break and they try to go home run ball again intercepted holy cow bour check him for glue whoa we change his last name to velcro well you know Lester Hayes has been playing the CR game in a long time but that was a heck of an interception that time with vour who leads the Huskies as you see right there Todd boy what a turn turn around right here he is not 100% smart Reed first down Smith drags him down outside the 30 and Marcus you can see him wi as he gets back up once [Music] again he starts to make these plays where he makes a guy Miss and it should have been a sack and a loss of five or six yards and he turns it into a 15 yard gain and you just start to believe that we can do it and we can make things [Music] happen he is not 100% 32 turnover opportunity now and it's all tuy all the time under some pressure now finds Stevens out to Midfield and another first down called down down from behind that time by stock Bower the inside linebacker cuts it back smart Reed first down Smith drags him down outside the 30 and Marcus you can see him wins as he gets back up once again boy talk about tough we have seen so many games this year with tuas aopo and running the ball throwing the ball with a smile on his face and right now you know this young man's fighting through it with a lot of Courage landing hard on that same hip where he was smashed To The Ground by Steen earlier in the ball game Anderson on to attempt another field goal the Husky Drive stalls and they take a three breakdowns milic the holder this one just outside the 30 so it'll be a 40 or 41 Y and he's dead solid with that one Stanford still leads 14 to6 in the second quarter on the next husky possession tuasa Soo picks up right where he left off off the play action to Shaw with time open is Harris makes a great catch at the 45 yd line under some pressure now will'll scramble and there's tons of room for tuasa Soo nearly broke one more and then they go for his head bot wraps him up inside the 25 but it'll be a big first down for Washington [Applause] again getting the playoff just in time looking end zone for Harris touchdown yes he held on beat Smith that time Gerald Harris third touchdown catch of the [Music] Year see two yat of Soo he's excited about that throw and he should be the Huskies go for two but come up short battling the ball squirt Free's short anyway still a huge drive has Stanford clinging to a two-point lead as the first half winds down Stanford is back on the attack breaks Z's tackle and he's off to the races did did he yes they finally say he stepped out of Bounds at the 16 yd line he thought he was into the end zone and it's third and goal for the Stanford husky defense makes a goal line stand wire he'll be stopped short and hold Stanford to three and drives it through he's been banged up he's been bruised but he's had a pretty good first half at the end of the first half the Huskies head to the locker room down 17 to 12 I I think it was the 77 season 78 Rose Bowl I believe is when Mike LW and and some of the Tai Sports Council came up with the idea we need to come up with this this car to take down to the Rose [Music] Parade the Husky faithful knew the dogs would have to put up points in bunches in the second half and that would mean that the Husky helmet car would be doing laps around the field I I think it was the 77 season 78 Rose Bowl I believe is when Mike LW and some of the Tai Sports Council came up with the idea we needed come up with this this car to take down to the Rose Parade the Huskies returned home to play Michigan it's the Wolverine's first appearance in Seattle since 1970 it's such an icon at Husky football games the tradition is that it it always goes around the track after every touchdown it's kind of sad to think that that's a tradition that might die but I'm we're still going to have it at the game uh so people can take pictures of with their families at it's certainly a picture day and and things like that there's just no room to to take it around the stadium anymore on on touchdowns unfortunately at the beginning of the second half tuasa Soo has already racked up impressive passing and rushing numbers that was a Tyrone Willingham Stanford team very physical team uh that was a good team that he was doing this against and uh to to put up those kinds of numbers I mean Marcus was obviously the the Lynch pin of Washington's offense the Huskies begin their first drive of the second half his knee did not go down he's still good and there's room Stanford coaches are saying he went down but I think we'll get to see Marcus got a down and as long as your knee up touch you're still good absolutely with his athleticism not too many quarterbacks can do that but he can do that they barely get the hand off off the Hurst the dog drive self-destructs on a fumble and the Cardinal go on offense looking for pits oh he was wide open down the seam and he'll get into the end zone for the score in a matter of moments Stanford drives for yet another touchdown and they extend their lead to 23 to 12 over the dogs on the next kickoff the Huskies botch the return and end up at their own one yd line where will they spot him inside the one yd line who do you call on when you need to drive 99 yds Marcus Tu asopa crowd yelling but they got it off before the zero mark this time and Tui will take it for big yardage wise move there as he lets himself be escorted out of bounds toaso with room inside the 20 he should go touchdown Huskies HBL and all he takes it in it's over 150 yds rushing dad likes it it's his fourth touchdown rushing of the year the Huskies narrow the score now they're down 23 to9 I mean that was typical Marcus and just being able to find a way to to always you know whatever the defense was doing that day he'd figure out a way to make it work but that was a good Stanford team that that that had a very good offense and so the huskys needed every every yard the Marcus got that day to be able to pull that game out Stanford fails to capitalize on their next drive and the huskys are back on the attack off the play action open is Stevens the tight end into Stanford territory the Huskies put up three more on the board and now they're just one point behind Stanford and he read the break on their next possession Stanford buckles under the Husky defense Chas from behind and dropped at the beginning of the fourth quarter the Husky offense has racked up more yards than in any game this season and there's still 15 minutes to go we're looking at records we're we're crossing names off the list we're getting the territory that nobody's ever even been a part of staring at the goal line tuasa Soo has already set a School record for total offense Marcus pulls it back inside score I wanted to make the pass quarterbacks proud and every every Husky football player in the past proud of the way I played and I think our team did that and that was our our main focus cuz we we wanted to go out and be tougher than the other teams we wanted to go out and out hit the other teams and at the end of the day we were going to have more points than them and it was just the best feeling because they were number one at the pack 10 at that point we beat them to put ourselves at the number one spot and that's what I was so excited about that's what we were excited [Music] about we're just a group of guys that were willing to battle and fight and uh you know we believe that we were better than them and we wanted to go and prove that we were and it was a it was a fight to the Finish and it wasn't until late in that game where we you hit a run up the middle to seal it Shaw that'll do it and more goodbye touchdown Washington and it was just the best feeling because they were number one at the pack 10 at that point we beat them to put ourselves at the number one spot and that's what I was so excited about that's what we were excited about led by that man who has the pack 10 single game high 22 carries 207 yds 302 yds a passing I think he'll be doing valet parking retrieval after the game I had no idea what personal uh accolades had had done that day until we were actually in the press conference I'm with Coach new Heisel you have any idea what you did and I'm like shoot I don't care we won how what that's a great game and he goes no listen and he goes you you you threw for over 300 yard and you rushed for over 200 yards no one's ever done that before and you know I was like wow that's crazy you know I didn't you know I wasn't thinking personally I was just thinking man that was just a great game you have to drag the kid off the field you'd have to carry him off in a Stretcher for him to leave the game favoring that leg a little bit we didn't know if he was going to play in that Stanford game Marcus diaso is a phenomenal athlete you know he and I I think we on the same page a lot of times cuz we weren't necessarily uh textbook in our approach but we we played to win we played hard and and we both like to uh to kind of get out there and make things up on the Fly you got to be passionate about what you do and you know I love I love football I love playing and I especially love playing with those guys with my teammates uh you know you work so hard and you know you come together and if you set a goal you you truly mean it and you do everything in your power to accomplish that goal for the guy next to you and you you hope that they do the same thing for you so you know you work so hard during the week Saturday is like that's your day to go let it all out and have fun and I think that's what you know what I brought to the field as a competitor you know you know hope I tried to convey that you know to all my teammates and you know I I was around bunch of guys that I think felt the same way I was so excited that we won and and and that's what I think made our group [Applause] special next time on greatest moments at Husky Stadium you want to make sure you your evaluation system is is fair and that's why I got a chance to be the starter is because I did what I was supposed to do every day in practice the James gang arrives and takes husky fans on a joy ride all the way to [Music] Pasadena
Channel: UW Video
Views: 22,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Huskies, Husky football, UW, University of Washington, coaching, Husky Stadium, Montlake, Dawgs, Greatest Moments at Husky Stadium
Id: MzkVg-z14rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2013
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