TOO MUCH OIL! Jaguar 3.0 Supercharged Engine RUINED! Insurance Fraud!?

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there is one thing that I hope people take away from these videos and that would be the importance of proper maintenance I suppose the risk of neglect would come in a close second but what happens when somebody takes it a little too far and by too far I mean what happens when you put nearly double the amount of oil into an engine that it requires this is an all-wheel drive 3 l supercharged engine out of a 2017 Jaguar XE with just 66,000 miles on it this car was bought by a yard in the Chicago area that I I know and they told me that even though the car was totaled smashed in the rear the engine would barely turn over it took a lot of force to turn the engine over and then they drained uh nearly 10 quarts a little over nine quarts of oil out of this engine it requires 5.7 quarts so that's a problem but what does that do what kind of damage will we find well I I don't know we haven't had a known situation like that on the channel but today we're going to tear this down and find out Jaguar's 3 l supercharged V6 has offered in several different Jaguar models the XE the XF the fpce and I think it might be available in some Land Rover products these engines are kind of unique because it is built on the AJ series family of engine the V8 the 5 L V8 it is literally built on a V8 block it is just missing the rear cylinders so you have all of the same amount of Parts the same design same architecture the same amount of complexities whereas the 5 L V8 supercharge makes 500 horsepower I've driven those cars they run really well this makes 340 horsepower now I'm not trying to sound partial I know some of the vehicles that this engine comes in never got the 5 l so we never know how fast or how great that would be with the 5 l in it but it makes you wonder how hard that swap is at least that's where my head's at another thing that was mentioned when I bought this engine is that the front of it is covered in oil and it is it's quite wet so I guess at this point the next step would be turn it over oh that doesn't feel good it takes a lot of force I hear something bad but the good news is it turns over enough to get this thing apart I think what I'm listening to is this vacuum pump it's making fart sounds it's very inappropriate now you might be wondering what's next where do you start how do you start taking this apart well you just do what I normally do you take bolts out until Parts fall off or in this case a bunch of Clips all right I'm done I'm just kidding hey first parts off the engine I think this is how you get it in a neutral it's like a release cable those don't have normal shifters but then again nothing does I suppose we'll go for the plugs now and we'll see what it takes to get those out and what they look like now on to the other bank nice and simple we have good and bad here the good is that all the plugs are the same kind they all came out nice and easy I don't see any smashed electrodes smashed straps everything looks okay well okay it doesn't look good all of these are very dark normally you like to see like a tan look but these are really dark so either this thing was running really rich or maybe it was burning some some stuff it shouldn't have been burning the the odd thing here and I guess the most concerning is this was the middle cylinder on the left hand Bank and it has signs of moisture there's a little bitty Rusty Pits on the edge of that plug so who knows what we will find well before we start taking any more parts off I got to know if it turns over any easier now that there are no spark plugs in it no it doesn't sound good and it doesn't feel good either now I think it's time to spend just a little bit of of time taking a few of the connectors off of this engine I'm just glad there's not too many of them oh this harness is nice and nope it's not simple there's just some stuff down here yeah that was pretty easy I we just have to finish up everything else we're making progress I think I could be wrong now normally I'm not this rough with harnesses but this one's cut so I'm just trying to get it off expedited pesky ground in a wonderful location right here I think we're getting close to actually getting this carness off how much more could there be I shouldn't say that this connector is a pretty pesky one that wasn't really that bad and I'm not kidding that that wasn't terrible I've done worse BMW while we're at the gaboose of the engine let's just go ahead and start zipping some more bolts out I guess I might have to take this coolant pipe out of the way we'll do that next it's more of a manifold than anything in fact if you watch the last 3 l you'll remember the amount of damage done to this engine from this amazing piece of plastic that also has more bolts holding it in hey a thing is off almost now it's off now you can see a better look at where that rear cylinder would have been here and here it's peculiar now I read all the comments on the last video and and most people said they did that for cost and so they didn't have to crash test a new vehicle because I guess when you design a new engine and it's shape different you have to recash test the vehicle and I guess that gets expensive I mean they're just crashing cars so this is original it's got a 16 date code and unlike the last one I I tore down this seems to be in decent condition if only this were metal got a couple more bolts for the fuel feed line I did want to get this removed perfect now we need to clear some more parts and we're going to start with some of this stuff so ultimately we want to get the supercharger off next that was simple next we're going to get this fuel line removed o still got Gat in it all right we're almost ready to start on the supercharger but first let's get this coolant manifold and this simple stuff right here oh no that broke what will I do I for sure don't want to break this plastic hey that feels lucer is this is not the right pair of pliers for this and I know that having a great great time I need blue this is kind of a challenge here I would not advise you working on your vehicle the way I work on these engines I'm just saying oh it broke I think oh cool there's like a little aluminum coupler with two O-rings between two pieces of plastic sure that never is a point of failure now we can remove the top plenum do you call it a lid on these oh that was a a a big Bolt and we've got these bolts in the middle see if we can break the seal yeah it's loose now well let's take a look inside of here I don't see anything too alarming I don't know what all the speckled stuff is but the lobes on the uh supercharger rotors look good not a ton of wear there's also not a ton of play in the pulley I don't it doesn't look like a whole lot of stuff has gone through here so that's good I think we can pull this blower now and if you're wondering this has watered air intercoolers in this lid now it's time to pull the supercharger let's see if we can just get this to lift up a little bit let's take a look at these intake ports uh yuck looks pretty bad for 66,000 miles I wonder how often they recommend an induction service for these I'm sure some of you tchs can chime in I'd say this one needed it I don't see anything too alarming it's just dirt 30 next to fuel injectors sometimes these come right out and sometimes they don't well the rails off what I should be able to do is turn these sideways so that I can get the valve cover by them these are really stuck in here hey there's one now I will say this uh generally I don't sell these injectors they're not very expensive new so if I damage them it's okay I have curiosity to see if we can get this one out this one turned really easy okay next I need to tackle the other Bank of injectors and then we got to deal do something with this fuel line I'm sure we'll have good luck with this Bank o a lot of fuel and one injector let's see if I can rotate these pretty easily it's a lot of force oh no I broke the O-ring two out of six not so great this one's really stuck now the left valve cover oh like that's just going to come right off oh wow that's pretty clean well this is incredibly clean normally I'm not Amazed by the cleanliness of engines but this looks nice I just push that and there keep in mind there's no oil pressure keeping the tensioners taunt so there's going to be some some slack here I don't know I don't necessarily think that that is the problem I don't see any trouble at all everything looks good let's go to the other side if I only had one complaint to choose from about this engine and I I'm not trying to say that this engine is a terrible engine by any stretch but my one gripe my biggest gripe on this engine is the sheer stupidity related to this fuel line as you can see there is a junction here you can remove this nut but this piece is a hard line and it goes all the way down to the fuel pumps down here on the oil pan that's a whole other topic but the fuel line covers the valve cover and valve cover gaskets are a somewhat regular service for a lot of vehicles pretty much everything with an engine in it at some point will need valve cover gaskets did they just not plan on the vehicle lasting long enough for that to happen or are you supposed to take all of the stuff off to take this valve cover off which is I'm sure super accessible in the vehicle especially with these all-wheel drive cars or are you supposed to bend the fuel line I know I made the exact same argument on the last one of these I tore down I just think it's so incredibly short excited they just had to put a union right here that's it it's all they had to do a little Union right there everything would have been fine but no fuel lines run behind this bracket it gets better folks you have to remove the motor mount bracket because the lon snakes behind [Applause] it and it's on this stud there there's that line now we can get the right side valve cover off same deal on this side everything looks perfect I don't see any wear on the cam lobes see any damage in the timing system that I can see so far it looks good next we'll get the exhaust manifolds off next we'll remove the oil filter see what this looks like ooh ooh that's it's got some forbidden glitter antise that's not supposed to be in there sorry Brett exactly what I wanted to do so don't pay any attention to the way this filter looks I kind of just wanted to test the filter's ability to be a chopsaw breake but what's more important is that there is some silvery goodness or Badness in this filter The Forbidden Glitter has been found and it while it is uh pretty bad in volume it's not as bad as uh we've seen we've definitely seen filters loaded with more metal than this and there is a a a tinge of copper color there and if you look at this part of the filter this is like some anti-as stuff on here it's got a little mangled now it's time to clean up the front of this engine we'll get this bracket and tensioner and idler out ye that's look how coated that is next it's that time of the program that we need to remove the water pump I think that's it yeah that's it yeah this looks pretty good it doesn't look like it's been leaking and judging by everything I see it looks like it's an original pump I mean with 66,000 Mi I'd hope this is an original water pump spins good I could open this up but I'm not going to do that just know that this is a good water pump next we'll get the upper timing covers off feel like I missed some bolts this proba on it well I don't really see anything too alarming I expected to find some metal deposits but I don't see it let's go to the other side yeah it's pretty much the same deal on this side it looks good next we'll get the crank pulley off I think this just pops right off right yeah and then this well that was easy but we don't have it all the way off yet this is a right hand thread hopefully this is enough but I doubt it is well I moved it but now I got to do some other stuff the rod isn't long enough not chronic problem right let's try this again get a bolt in place as a spacer it might work it's dying oh you can do it come on one more time okay one more time you're so close you're you're right there you made it now the lower timing cover that wasn't very well sealed so the timing system looks pretty decent from what I can tell here there's a little RTV at the tip of the crankshaft I wonder if this has been apart before 66,000 Mi I'd really hope not but I don't see anything wrong do you guys see anything wrong all looks pretty okay now it's time to peel all the timing system off we're going to start with the tensioners I'm just going to look the other way and it'll be perfectly fine see it's fine are oil pressure fed tensioners in pretty good shape yeah see you don't have to you don't have to be scared of it just zip these out I think that comes out yeah wow look at all the metal on that uh plastic guide just wipe it off guide is actually in really good shape just a little bit of metal deposits that'll clean up this one though stuff is unhappy here let's unbolt this other Rail and we'll do that on the same on the other side yeah there's all kinds of metal sparkly bits looks like bass boat paint updated rail so it doesn't wear into this like the earlier 5 lers did it's a nice part and this one just falls out now yeah the chain was definitely slamming some metal and everything good now we have a chain see if we can get this off and we can almost get this off and we're off it's decent looking chain right there I tell you what we'll just put that over here and now I got this one I don't know if this one's going to come all the way out we've run into this problem in the past I think I just got to pull the cams out to get this one out yeah we're just going to let that that dangle there this will slide right off now is that time time to start cramming these caps off well these aren't tight at all are they supposed to be you know what I'm just going to zip these out because I can't tell if this has been a part or not I want to say no but it is imperative that you keep the caps in order so that way when you find out the head is junk you can throw it all away I'm just kidding oh boy I see some bad happening and the final cam from this head oh now I can get the chain off nice well there's some scratches and and damage to these journals and some wear to the buckets but that's not the the bucket wear is not really that big of a deal now I don't think these are destroyed by any any stretch but when you get to like this front this front one's pretty rough let's go look at those cams and the cam caps the cams well they clearly have had some debris run through them not all the journals are wiped out and they might polish out probably not hey look that goes somewhere else the Caps also have some damage I don't know if that renders the head junk I think these are decent enough that they could probably be cleaned up but they are certainly not ready to slap on yikes maybe not the cams that part looks okay next I need to remove this tube and this tube actually goes all the way down to the bottom of the pan so that you can suck the oil out of it so you don't have to get underneath it for an oil change I like that is this going to be like a dip no this comes right out and now some perimeter bolts and a couple of bolts in the middle of the block time for the head bolts all right now the head should lift right off oh there's lots of coolant and I don't have a pan what am I doing I got a pan now it's a little too late a I caught a little bit mhm that's a problem mhh well we're already here we might as well do some science that's not good so this has a problem and I'm going to guess it has something to do with the metal we found in the oil filter and in the cylinder head head gasket it looks good so this cylinder looks bad as you can see the top of the Piston is clean and I would imagine the bottom is too but there's some oil and you can see some heavy wear to the block now I I would suspect that that is clean from making contact with the cylinder head I don't see any valve marks in it so that's good this looks okay here but there's some pretty deep grooves it's hard to see what that one looks like let's move on to the other side but first let's check out that cylinder head well the head doesn't look too bad I will say you can definitely tell the Piston made contact here but it doesn't look like it deformed the cylinder head enough to cause any kind of damage at that it's all nice and clean and shiny and that's what happens when the pist hits it it squeezes all the carbon off of it before we get started on this head I need to remove this oil filter housing that was easy and while I'm here this coolant manifold unfortunately these cam caps don't snap crackle or pop so we're just going to zip them out it's going to be fine some of these journals are pretty rough and then some are beautiful I think it just matters if there was any debris from bearing material IAL wedge between the cams and their journals and the Caps the intake caps don't look too bad and they're not perfect they're not awful the cams are worse than the Caps which is ironic that the cams are cast iron and the Caps are aluminum there's actually still some bearing material still on that cam shaft yeah they're not great but I don't know if I'd call them junk the cams probably need more work than they're worth I'm not sure that one's not too bad you can even see that material on that journal yeah it looks pretty bad now we have some perimeter bolts next we'll crack the head bolts loose and what's behind head number two coolant head gasket looks good it's time for some science that didn't sound right so this front cylinder definitely has some moisture sitting in it but more importantly look at that deep wear and shiny spots that means that this piston hit the head too that one looks okay from what we can see and we can see the beginning of some wear right there but no marks on the Piston like it made contact the head looks pretty good we can definitely tell just wipe her thumb here look at that it's a mark from the uh piston cleaning hit now again this usually doesn't damage the head unless it's much worse than this next I'm going to turn this thing over I want to make sure that all the Pistons reach top dead center no that's I guess that's not going to happen let's get the big bar all right let's see if it'll move now you would think without all the valve train this would just be nice and easy but okay that one reaches top dead center this does not feel good let's see what happens when we mm MH that's not good mhm that's bad it looks like everything reaches TDC but we have two cylinders that are very unhappy next I'm going to remove this highpressure fuel actually this is the low pressure line that feeds the pumps now I'm going to turn this thing upside down so that we can pull the pan I think we're good these are for keeping them quiet so they don't sound Ticky it's fine everything's fine there's a slight large mess it's well lubricated now that one wasn't under tension I'll go ahead and remove this vacuum pump while we're here now it is time to pull the oil pan before I pry the pan up I need to remove this steel re main seal plate this should be pretty simple oh that that's not good yesh ooh ooh ooh everywhere it's all bad um that's not where bearings go but that's where they are that's pretty interesting I don't understand why they're shaped like that it's shredded itself that thing is loaded and when you come down here there's an entire not an entire that's a large chunk of bearing foil right there oop dropped it it'll never be the same look at the shape of this why is it shaped that way and when you come over here more of it now I know what you guys are thinking well if it looks this good above the pan what does the pan look like we'll we'll get there in a second there's still more oo and O's why is it this all spiraled this way it's like somebody was Drilling in here I've never seen anything like that there's another piece here why is it all why is it shaped that way I kind of want to touch it I'm going to do it it's not that thick I expected some depth to that but there there isn't any Lots more little slivers like I don't know what it's called when you drill something and that metal spirals off of it I'm sure there's a word for it but I'm not a machinist look at the The bassboat Forbidden glitter paint going on in here it's thick I mean it's not super thick but it's it's not supposed to be like this let's take this pickup tube it's a bearing pickup tube oh we're leaking and while we're here we'll get this tube removed all right we're going to just unbolt some stuff there it's fine see fine it's totally fine now there is a connector for the oil pump I'm going to see how hard that is to get out hopefully it just pushes right through just going give it a little tap nice and easy now we can remove the oil pump the cam that drives the fuel pumps and the wind tray all at one time ooh that's not great well let's see how much we got in this thing oh there's more feel like this I'm on an episode of Hoarders well I don't think I got it all but I got a lot of it I'm going to give it a quick brake clean bath so we can see it I have never seen bearing fragments look like this this thing must have been whittling away at itself wow that is awesome are we going to take this apart you bet your overpasses that's not the right size for that it's fine ooh that's a problem I think that is the right size for it that's not a good thing oh no I had to make one stupid joke and now I can't can't get the bolt out what if I just take the next size socket up and Hammer it in problem is it's a lot larger they don't make a t35 let that work and the oil pump is out let's take this oil pump apart give it a little T now this doesn't have any value because it had a bunch of metal run through it and I would never sell something like this wow that takes a lot of force to turn there must be a ton of bad stuff in there let's do the sensible thing that worked oh this is stiff without this piece in here that barely turns wow hurts actually I don't know if this comes out this way oh yes it does we're doing it well that would explain why well these gears have definitely seen some debris run through there and I think the reason this was so hard to turn over is if you can look at the shaft some metal found its way between the shaft and the housing look at that housing that is really damaged it's one of the worst looking oil pumps we've seen in a while yeah that's it's not good and finally we will remove the fuel pump [Music] cam that's bad look at all the bearing material in there it's pretty chewed up now looking at the rotating assembly first this is where the missing two cylinders are has this little the little balance well that's that one's a balancer and then the that looks normal those look normal uh those are not normal so let's see how much play they have I can't move the other one but they're both very bad now that is just a rotating assembly I want to see how much force it takes to turn this over keep in mind that oil pump was bad it's still that's still bad it's a little bit easier yeah not good all right next we're going to take the Rosen Pistons out we're going to turn this over till they're at the top wow that takes a lot of force wow that is impressive look at that there's supposed to be a bearing in there in both of these I'm sure this was quiet barely hear it over wind noise let's crack these loose oh that's bad see how hard these are to come out wow that one almost fell out turn it over to the next to it's still very difficult I have a feeling the we're not done seeing damage here that's impressive so those are the bearing shells and they have very clearly spun I I almost can't remove them I cannot remove them I'm sure it'll turn a lot easier now no what oh why is that so tight why crack the final two loose can almost get that out by hand but need a little help once again I'm going to try to turn it over we're going to see how much force is required a lot so we have more than just rod bearing trouble let's get these main caps unbolted pull the crank H what can we do about this I know that's not the ideal way to do that I think this one will come off now there is a much easier way to do this you can use a slide hammer but uh my Slide Hammer attachment the bolt for this is too large and I don't really feel like drilling that out because that might make that less useful for other applications so we're just going to do it the hard way and then I I guess I should look for a better attachment well that worked that was not the dust all right now this crank should just Boop right out of there well let's start out with the rod bearings first two cylinders look like uh this and I think the reason they look like this is because of the split Journal design of the crankshaft because they are not they don't share a journal and they are rubbing against each other so as the bearings come apart they they do this I guess that's what caused that's bizarre but you can definitely tell that these got hot lots of friction these two cylinders and then those were spun and those are spun you can tell by the way that they look they moved on they moved in the journal which is bad you never want to see that and this one was was also pretty hot this one wasn't so bad and then when you get down to the last two well these bearings are just normal bad the rods look good now the Pistons lots of skirt wear I didn't see any other damage like from striking the uh cylinder head sometimes they can crack the crown or ring lands but I don't see that on these they all have some pretty good skirt wear I think there's two sellable rods and pistons out of this I mean if you guys want any of these parts for your desk or whatever I much rather sell it than you know throw it throw it in the scrap in but as far as being able to reuse it uh looks like two rods and pistons and that might even be questionable the main bearings are ugly they're less ugly than the rod bearings but that is not a high bar to climb over now what's odd about this one is that it has more wear on one side than the other and normally when you see that it's from a bent crankshaft but I I don't see that in this situation although I I don't have a way to test that I don't have a way to test run out on the crank speaking of the crank she's borked dunky it's kind of a bummer I sold the crank out of the last one for like7 or $800 was hoping to get another one but uh instead I've got what is it four five cents a pound in scrap I mean I suppose you could fix this I just a of repaired crankshaft that has gone through this is never going to have the value of one that's never had that kind of damage and this is where those two journals would be I can't imagine that being bent there the inside of the block looks pretty normal I didn't see any major concerns here but let's flip it over and look at these boards well pretty significant wear I don't know if these can go overboard if you need to sleeve them or if it's it's even worth it those aren't as bad but that one is pretty bad the other bank pretty consistent to what we saw on the other side wow one interesting fact the all-wheel drive version of this engine holds 5.7 of oil whereas the rear wheeel drive version since it doesn't have to have room for uh an axle shaft through the center of the pan holds 7.7 quarts of oil that's still not over nine qus of oil no the that still doesn't make any sense at first I thought well maybe they read the wrong statistic in their owner's manual and then I realized that nobody really reads their owner's manual anymore on top of that this vehicle doesn't have a dipstick it has buttons and knobs so it's even less convenient to check your oil if you ask me I i' much rather pull a stick than spin an ey Drive thing or press buttons to try to find how much oil is in the engine after you've run it for 5 minutes or whatever the parameters are but that doesn't explain how the vehicle had a bad engine and it was total miraculously now I would venture to say that no one has ever committed insurance fraud and wrecked vehicle with a bad engine to get out of paying for a replacement that would never happen no we've actually seen that on this channel before I tore down an n54 that uh destroyed a cylinder and also caught fire in the trunk H either way this engine has a lot of good parts it also has a lot of bad parts when you overfill an engine the crankshaft will turn the oil into foam which is not oil it's foam and when foam reaches that pickup up what happens at that point is it erates the oil which means that you lose oil pressure and really bad things happen as we saw it was pretty interesting to see how the two bearings ate themselves and spun those spiral shaped pieces of metal never seen that before and I don't know if we'll ever see that again unless it's something like this that has a split Journal design either way this was a first for us we know kind of what happened here we also still have a lot of unanswered questions someone messed up and then someone didn't want to be held accountable and ultimately us as salvage yards we are the one that takes the hit we buy the car at the auction assuming that since the rear end is damaged and it looked like a body shop had cut part of the quarter off to find more damage before they considered the car totaled that were safe to assume the engine's good and well like my dad used to tell me when you assume it makes a donkey out of you and me yeah I don't I don't I kids watch this sorry I really hope you enjoyed this tear down if you'd like to buy any parts out of this engine or anything else I've torn down or off of this beautiful 74,000 Mi 10th anniversary Miata I know another Miata well it's kind of what I do I'm going to leave our email in the video description or you can go to import I've been uploading our inventory just about every single week as always I love all the comments all the feedback and even the criticism I love it and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: I Do Cars
Views: 479,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jaguar, 3.0, Supercharged, Land Rover, Rover, JLR, AJ126, V8, 5.0, Engine, Motor, Supercharger, Mods, Reliability, problems, tune, issues, reviews, Oil Change, Oil, Overfilled, I Do Cars, Mechanic, Repair, Teardown, Fix, Replacement, Timing, AJ, XE, XF, F-Pace, Range, Sport, Diesel, Petrol, XKR, XK, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, XJ, XJR, Astron Martin, Diagnosis, Cylinder head, Crankshaft, Block, Pistons, Rods, Gasket, Oil leak, coolant, leak, manifold, supercharger, water pump, install, timing marks, injectors, hpfp, DI
Id: I6Cc6EQw1wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 28sec (3148 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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