tomodachi life's homophobia: a retrospective

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that only means of the same sex can do so it only means that the same sex can engage in romantic relationships it only works for me's with the same oh wait oh man I just don't give her my camera I'm picking it up [Applause] hi my lovelies happy New Year and welcome back to my channel so there's no way for me to really explain this video without getting right into it so we all remember the me's first introduced on the Wii console in 2006 and across many more afterwards but with the introduction of the 3DS we saw many games that were just exclusive to that device what does that have to do with the knees you ask well Tomodachi life was one of these games Tomodachi life was a game released by Nintendo in June of 2014 after releasing in Japan the prior year so this is actually the second game in the franchise and I believe there's also a Euro version and then there's a Korean one that um I think Euro Japan United States um Euro and then Korean and all these games are like vastly different which I found in my research I never realized there was more than one I've just only obviously played the US version but it's really cool because they're all kind of different and you know based on the Regions they're based off of anyway but the game is actually announced earlier that year in April of 2014 essentially this is like a life simulation game think of something like the Sims I feel like there's two types of people I mean I briefly played The Sims but it was never at my house it was always at my friend's house because I I didn't have a computer I didn't have my own computer to like like a laptop or something like that until literally last year or not last year 2021. oh my gosh New Year to me anyway there's two types of people um the people who played Tomodachi life and the people who played The Sims it's practically the same thing except for they all live in like one big apartment that's like it progressively just like expands um and they keep building more so they can all live in the same I mean they don't live in one room they live in like a big apartment building an apartment building that happens to be on your very own Island which you get to name when you first like um get the game and set everything up and the process of creating me is in this game is essentially the same but like there's some extra steps towards the end to give them more like of a personality players can import their means from the 3DS other devices and use QR codes or create from scratch using the 3DS camera and you know also in game creation tools as well that's pretty obvious though for one you'll get to pick out their voices because these means as you'll come to find out like they interact with each other so obviously they need a voice get to pick out their voices and because it's text-to-speech like the game is not shy to hilariously mispronouncing stuff wrong that's why like when you pick their name you didn't really like spell it out because sometimes it like mispronounces it so bad even like simple names this tool for pronunciation has also been used to like work your way around like what's filtered like manipulate the text-to-speech to say what you want to say like pretty quickly people have learned how to basically work away around what's filtered out in this game and like stuff you can't say like swearing but the final step in this process is you get to fill out a little personality quiz about your me this part has always been kind of fun to me basically um there's 16 different personality types in this game and on based on how you fill it out they get put into one category question questions like are you quirky or are you more on the normal side you know stuff like that and they categorize you and put you in a personality group and I think it's just honestly to help you connect with the other means and like interactions you make so depending on how you fill it out you can give your me essentially the personality type you want if you're recreating like a family member or like a character but unlike the Wii where they're like on in a enclosed space me's can do many things in this game they have tons of things to do on the islands such as eating trying on different outfits and even getting their own job at the supermarket and other shopping places on the island and a lot of like leisurely activities that I didn't mention but as Mormons are introduced and populate your Island tons of different interactions can occur between them such as friendship romance rivalry and even bizarre musical numbers [Music] see you'll see but here's where it gets Rocky despite the love for this game and just how fondly it's remembered among its fans people even going as far to beg for an Nintendo to make a sequel for the switch which personally I'll get more into it later I think that would be the perfect resolution for this controversy and I think it's just what this game needs is a fresh start a new palette and they can finally go back is it gonna undo the fact that this game just lacks the inclusivity no but I do think it would be a good move on Nintendo's part because this is something especially this game still has a lot of players even today that played on their 3DS and go through all the effort because they enjoy the game even just a few weeks ago I was playing it and I haven't used my 3DS in years so I think it would be a really good like it would probably benefit them like financially too to do this but I think that a lot of fans would really enjoy it you know there are so many people that literally got the switch as soon as they heard Animal Crossing was going to be on there now um that would be me with Tomodachi Life literally I would never have bought something so fast in my life but besides how much I love this game Let's dive into the painful truth of how badly it's aged [Music] core part of this game that makes um in my opinion it very entertaining is the fact that means can experience friendships and even romantic relationships if these relationships go well and they maintain them for a long enough time they can eventually get married you get to basically help the me like propose to the other me it's really cute and once they're married they get their own house to live in and stuff like that and they go in a little honeymoon married me's can even have children that will grow up in the house once that child gets old enough they can live in their apartment or go off as a traveler who will wait at the dock of the island if the player activates Street pass with someone who has Tomodachi Life The Traveler will go to the other person's Island to visit although that's like very uncommon now because Street pass is like basically essentially inactive because people have like really moved on from the three yes it's basically where you go in public and like if you come across somebody else with 3DS like that's what street pass is but like obviously people just don't go out with their 3DS anymore but when explaining these in their romantic relationships I did leave out one core detail it only means in the opposite sex can engage in romantic relationships [Music] I still remember the day that I got this game I was so like hooked on it that I was at Ikea with my dad and I was on it like the entire time I vaguely remember that I almost ran into a display because like I was so focused on making my look-alike the grip the choco that this game had on me in 2014 is insane but anyway something I can really appreciate is how the times have definitely changed and like gay people are literally in so much media nowadays as a lesbian myself there's always been a part of me that's known that I was not straight even before I really knew a label or like what it meant but I didn't know about gay relationships until at least fourth or third grade my point is this is like a journey I kind of had to venture into myself and do the research I Googled girls kissing okay but eventually I moved on and grew up and forgot about the 3DS and as one does wanted to revisit I remembered the little insertable discs that carried my childhood on its back needless to say it was a very sad realization that this game didn't see me in a really relationship with a woman as a relationship this is one of those situations where it's like obviously this pissed me off you know looking back and being like Oh yeah gay people were not in this game but also because there was literally no gay people in any media I was consuming at that point in my life I am not even shocked because in my childhood the only representation I can really think of like off the top of my head was the one Good Luck Charlie episode where Charlie's friend has lesbian parents [Music] now this is something Nintendo did actually address initially after the backlash this game received when it started rolling out in America from both fans and gay organizations alike the Publishers basically stated and I quote we apologize for disappointing many people by failing to include same-sex relationships and Tomodachi life unfortunately it is not possible for us to change this game's design and such a significant development change can't be accomplished with a post ship patch however they did State even with this unfortunate verdict that they are committed to Bringing virtual equality in the near future more specifically to Tomodachi specifically like they were saying if they made another one that obviously this change would be implemented but since then all the versions of Tomodachi Life do not include same-sex relationships this is not too surprising to me because it's not like there's been a sequel made and they were kind of saying it in the sense that if they made another game that they would include this but all the games released are essentially the same thing for different regions however this is where I once again propose a sequel being made like I truly do mean it when I say this game I enjoy it so much I love just how silly and like unserious it is I think that's a huge part too of like what makes it so entertaining I mean the love triangles are Peak entertainment alone but like but also just so many small details like the rap battles when your Mees have dreams the best and worst reactions to certain foods the honeymoons when they get married the minigames and even the little news show that updates you every time something is new or exciting and going on which Speaking of that is how they announce this game in the Nintendo Direct which I just think is so fun and I'm back bill trynan here from Nintendo of America welcome to this special Tomodachi Life broadcast but I also love the theory I found when researching this that the news that they create in this game is actually fake news it makes sense I mean I was talking when I was saying like even the news to tell you what's new and exciting like if something is new in your town like that type of thing when you're first playing but like the other news stories they include are so crazy overall this is a really fun game and a huge part of my childhood I actually started playing this like again a couple weeks ago as I said which kind of inspired this video partly it was kind of frustrating to make characters that like I know are gay and then all of a sudden they're asking me I like so and so how do I tell him this is not you I cannot make this [ __ ] up I had Rhett um from Good Mythical Morning dating Harley Quinn when I also made IB in this game foreign T from [ __ ] good mythical morning is in love and the only person he's friends with is [ __ ] Harley Quinn no stay away from her you know what I just want to see how this plays out I want you to get rejected I'll send you up yeah setting you up um nothing would make me happier than being your boyfriend oh my God I guess who my look alike is married to Freddy Fazbear [Music] I have a lot of Hope for this game especially after hearing meatopia actually out of gay relationships due to the controversy of Tomodachi life when they added it to the switch in 2021 even though there are no typical expressions of a clear relationship such as marriage kissing sharing a bed etc other than the two characters having like heart eyes viewing their relationship comment down below if you've played miitopia or like the new version of meatopia because I've never played either so I feel like me judging this is a little like is a little unfair essentially I can't be like well that's ridiculous they don't even have affection I'm very curious for anyone's thoughts on how they've Incorporated that in the game all I can say is I did read a brief article on this when researching because I was very interested I honestly had no idea they even released this and added that aspect to it and it was very interesting to me I think they did a good job that's just my opinion from reading it but I don't even know what this game is really about all I know is that people also have conspiracy theory about how it's similar to the little the little game at the carnival you can play in Tomodachi life I don't remember what it's called basically they think that game isn't inspired buy me Topia or me Topia is inspired by that vice versa I actually don't know which one came out first actually that's why mutopia came out in 2016. and something I thought was funny from like what I read in the article was literally as they level up your characters as their like relationship levels up basically um it gets labeled as like all these funny like inherently gay things it gets thieves two peas in a pod Kindred Spirits committed together forever joined at the hip history will call them best friends roommates but from the brief article I did read up on about it it seems very promising of a brighter future and a second chance for Tomodachi really um in the future Sunday I think even with the controversies underway Tomodachi life is a hilarious Timeless classic type of game that never gets old because every time I end up like revisiting it like I did a couple weeks ago I'm always finding new details and stuff that I didn't realize was there and new things that make me laugh point being there's really always something you can enjoy and get from this game I feel like and there's tons of Easter eggs and [ __ ] but yeah that's pretty much it for this video hope you guys enjoyed I've wanted to make a video about this so long but I just didn't really know like how to go about it let me know like if you've played or like still play if you have any funny stories from like when you've played let me know in the comments I'm always like down to hear it I don't really know if the audio sounds too weird but you can definitely hear like the background noise I don't know if you can hear it raining in this video or Not by my next one I will actually have a mic so we won't need to worry about that anymore as of today I literally have it I just can't use it because it's for my birthday not gonna get emotional not gonna get emotional this is my filming my last video filmed as a minor I've literally been doing YouTube since I was 10 so this is so weird anyways enough of me like rambling I will see you guys in the very next video [Music]
Channel: lulaloopsey
Views: 92,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tomodachi life, tomodachi collection (video game), nintendo tomodachi life, tomodachi life same sex relationships, homophobia, tomodachi, homophobia (crime type), nintendo homophobic, learn while on the move, pat robertson, improves your listening skills, chimereon, nintendo ds (computer), rachel carson, lgbt community (flag referent), crazy cookie plays miitopia demo, tomodachi life video essay, retrospective video essay, miitopia video essay
Id: 5nkWFJa2yP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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