Tomato Greenhouse Fairy Garden Ideas!

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The Secrets of Harvesting an Abundant Harvest from the Greenhouse and Garden - Azerbaijan Village Life vlog! Azerbaijan! Baku! 15/04/2024! Hello Dear Friends Welcome! Already, spring has come! And we wanted to tell you about the secrets of the greenhouse on the occasion of the arrival of summer! If anyone wants an abundant harvest! Then watch the video carefully! and sit close to the screen! Who, how cultivates the crop! and how you reap the harvest. I dont know! But today I will show you my skills and my methods! How do we grow crops every year?! How do we plant? how do we get crops?! we will talk about them today! This is the video you see on the screen! it is the tomato crop of our greenhouse last year! and to get such a tomato harvest! I will show you my methods today! In this video, we 20 days ago! How to plant tomato seedlings! And we show you how to soften the soil! A few years ago we didn’t know how to grow tomatoes either! And year after year we learned how to plant tomatoes in greenhouses! And I will reveal all the secrets to you today! Many of our subscribers! In the comment section! This crop! How do you grow tomatoes? Tell us your gardening secret! There is no such secret here! And there is no secret to be hidden! This is one of the golden rules of obtaining a high yield! Lots of cow dung on the ground! sheep manure! and chicken manure should be given to the soil! We must feed the soil strongly! then we can get a lot of crops from the land! as you can see we have added a lot of manure to the soil! Every day! Come into the greenhouse! We control the seedlings! When the seedlings are 35-40 centimeters! we are breaking the unnecessary leaves you see! In fact, unnecessary leaves should not be broken now! We should do the process of canceling these unnecessary leaves at that time! Seedlings should be at least 35-40 cm tall! Dear viewers! We have a request from you! We to you! Such videos! We show you! we enlighten you! May you support our channel! May you subscribe to our channel! Turn on notification bells! So that you are notified when our new videos are uploaded! And if you like the videos you watch on our channel! Be sure to hit the Like button! Let me measure the length of the thread, and you tie it! Approximately how many pieces of rope are needed?! For now, tie up what you have! I will go! I'll let the goats out of the barn! And I feed them! and then I’ll feed the cats, and then I’ll come back! I hung all the ropes here! Cats, come and feed you! Mestan Wait! Wait! This is your food! Wait in line! take it! Mestan, go ahead and eat! Before that, we made a place to feed the goats! The goats would dump grass from this feeding box onto the ground under their feet! And so I came up with a new goat feeder box idea! As you can see, it's a bait box like everyone else makes! Goats eat grass and drop their mouths from this part! If this distance is big! Goats take a lot of grass from here! and throws the grass on the ground! You see, the grass barely comes out of here! thus, through this method, the goat bites and eats the grass! I have thought of such a method so that the grass does not fall on the ground! As you can see, there is a lot of distance between this part and this part! Goats put their feet here while eating grass! Goat plucks grass from here! Small pieces of grass are poured into this part! And the remains of the grass coming out of the goat's mouth and not wanting to eat are poured here! Let's just say that a lot of grass has fallen here! The goat puts its feet here to eat grass! And he pushes the grass down with his feet! Every time the grass falls here! let's say in this form! and so pushes down! and so we dump the grass that spills here into the feed box! and thus we prevent the grass from falling underfoot! What you see in my hand is salt! It's for animals! When the animal wants salt! The animal licks this salt! You know, goats and mountain goats! You know, They sometimes climb steep cliffs to fulfill their salt requirement! therefore, we fulfill the salt requirement of animals! And Azerbaijan's Samovar tea is a must-have for a garden house! Many of our foreign viewers ask us what it is! It's a Samovar! we burn coal in this part! the water boils in it and it becomes delicious tea! And now I will prepare a medicine to protect the leaves of tomato seedlings from pests! I want to mention that! no matter what medicine you use! Ask at garden stores! or liquid oil! Or glue! Look, this is oil! Look, this is glue! We mix them with medicine because! Let the medicine stay on the leaf for a long time! We know this red color as blood medicine! This is what it is called among the people in Azerbaijan! this medicine is against seedling root rot! this medicine is against lice and insects that are sticky! You must have come across blue-green and white insects on flowers and leaves! and those insects gradually form a stickiness! and this sticky disease hinders the growth of the plant! therefore, we add 1 tablespoon of this medicine to 10 liters of water and mix! and here is such a medicine! it is written that mold! that is, against mold! when there is too much humidity in the draughty greenhouse! tomatoes or leaves begin to mold! and this medicine is against that mold! We add 5 grams to 10 liters of water! You can make this mold medicine and spray it on golden roses and other plants! I have a charcoal scrub similar medicine left over from last year! If I'm not mistaken, it's zinc! or iron! and we will add about 2 tablespoons to 10 liters of water! After preparing the medicine, we put it aside! medicine should be injected in the hot sun! because as soon as it is sprinkled on the leaf, it will dry there! Samir, are you coming?! Yes, I'm coming, I'm coming! Mother! Braid my hair because I'm going to school! ok! Mom, you know what happened! what happened?! I scored 340 points in the exam! is it real! I congratulate you! You kept your word and took the exam! can i spray medicine? Samir Are you coming?! Is it ready?! Yes, it's ready, come on! If! Those who watch us from abroad! Even if they don't know Qutab, the summer food of Azerbaijan! Then our restipt#;%%;%;%! Then our restipt:??:()№;~! Then our restipt""""@##@! Then try our recipe! and taste it! A lot of farmers! They can't plant crops! And even if they try to plant crops, they cannot get a high crop yield! As you can see, we have been softening this size place for two days! Soften the hard part of the soil first! then we added wood shavings and cow dung to the soil! then we loosened the soil again with a fork! After softening the soil a second time, we made neat little sections! One of these neat places! Parsley to this part! Celery to this part! Coriander to this part! Dill on this part! watercress to this part! radish to this part! we will plant carrots in this part! Living in a garden house is very pleasant! But there is a lot of suffering! So! We have been working in the field for 3 days now! We tidied up the garden, planted it, softened it! There are some small things left, we will do them! And now we will sprinkle nitrogen fertilizer on the soil! Mandarin! Dear followers and dear garden lovers! It's been 30 days since we planted a greenhouse! As you can see, the seedlings are already 30 cm long! And we are trying to show you an important point here! Dear viewers, pay attention! Tomatoes have already bloomed! A little later we will pollinate the flower! And after the tomato seedlings bloom! Such an extra leaf comes out from between two leaves! Which must be absolutely broken and canceled from here! Unless we break it! This leaf you see will grow and be the size of another! And a small leaf will weaken the development of the tomato seedling! Therefore, be sure to break off these excess leaves from all the seedlings in the greenhouse!
Channel: Golden Hands Cooking
Views: 121,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: country life vlog, golden hands, cooking videos, metbex reseptleri, cooking video, cooking, food, recipe, recipes, village life, azerbaijan cooking, golden hands cooking, golden hands cook, garden, garden planning, greenhouse, tomato greenhouse, how to grow tomato, how to build greenhouses, cooking channel, farm life, seed starting, How to plant, Seeds, Potatoes, Bulbs, Grass, Trees, Flowers, fairy garden ideas, flower garden ideas, tomato garden ideas, small garden ideas
Id: moOJsJkGmCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 4sec (2464 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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