Told I Was Too Fat To Work | Supersized Ep.2

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Britain is bulging with people who are now too fat to work I find it very hard to do certain things because of my way they cost the taxpayer 10 million pounds each year fifteen hundred pounds a month and we're paying out for their benefits for their medical treatments obesity is costing billion damages I take about 17 tablets a day and for the cost of adapting their homes my occupational therapist had the council put in a wet room for me we're even out for cleaners MA and if you can Hoover in Marion in here carers and brand-new kitchens the plastron is absolutely abysmal meet the people who can't work I just go said you and everyone moves around we don't work I've paid into my system I'm entitled to get this stuff that weekend Oh whoo sighs stops them getting work they come Center discrimination of your size they say they're not supersize scroungers and entitled to every penny don't judge me unless you've walked a mile in my shoes the sooner I get that working the better you can't turn around and say to somebody oh because you're obese it's your fault you twenty-one stone Debbie wood is morbidly obese and hasn't worked him for years she lives in a two-bedroom council house and along with her husband gets 1500 pounds a month in benefits I've paid into my system I'm entitled to get my my my disability my you know Kara's loans my income support and all the rest of the stuff that we get but Debbie hasn't always been this big I've never had this much weight on me so I find it very annoying I'm actually carrying ten stone more than what my normal body weight should be I find it very hard to do certain things because of my way one of the things 21 stone Debbie finds hard is household chores luckily though the council have provided her a cleaner who comes around three times a week if you can clean the kitchen and wipe down the tops do the bathroom the obviously the toilet area underneath to live in everything and oh if you can do the front of the toilet as well around the birth base of it mom if you can who but in there and in here and maintaining Debbie's extremely high standards isn't easy now you know why we like it so much [Music] as well as Debbie's cleaner her husband Steve has found his calling as her full-time carer Steve does get an allowance for caring for me it's not a great deal but it is enough to help her out a little bit will mean they'll be met through a mutual friend on Facebook for her a friend it's basically posted Debbie's number saying for a good time call this number but from that one little comment it led to this take take off that out take the show put on the show to me marriage and caring they go hand in honey way that's what marriage is about take out me actually shop itself and wash it in the sink you've gotten a dump site better that way being Debbie's carer is such a 24/7 job the job center do sort of levels to it and I've only ever had like two appointments in the last two years about to go to so watch the eggs why are you putting them there you know the doors gonna swing back now go stand there and hold the dogs I'm in pain thank you although husband Steve is University educated and is fit enough to work the state have paid him to be her full-time carer for the past year as I'm always having to think a few steps ahead what might she want next where's my glasses I knew straight away it was gonna be vile [Applause] also relying on the states of support him is thirty five stone less price whose council house has been specially modified to accommodate his size [Music] excusa mass and welcome to the boudoir I've had some screams off the doctor because I got open sores but I use like body but this from my belly because I have got like scab dahlias with things to rub I did make the mistake once so getting my capsicum cream mixed up with my antibiotic cream and trust me when you get out in the wrong place you know about it because capsicum is a pepper and it doesn't go well on your groin and I did scream and I was crying and my missus laughed at me cuz I was craving for my dad you are what you are you know if you meant to be fat you be fat if you're not you're not I don't want to be this size I've never wanted to be this size although less has always been overweight it was an accident at work that caused him to balloon in size and he's not had a job since my last job I he had a back accident carrying a slab of concrete and twisted and popped my back and left me in mobile for months life is hard since don't judge me unless you've walked a mile in my shoes les can't walk a mile in his own shoes because just hauling his 35 stone body around at home can be a struggle I've been immobile now for a few years I get Disability Living Allowance and I get mobility I could have a mobility car I can't get out an exercise I used to swim but I got told not to swim because I got problems with my shoulders and once I swam I can't physically drive myself and change I need help to make life easier for less the council fitted a wet room to accommodate his enormous dimensions a shower you can sit down which is a godsend because if I understand I'd be in agony my partner helps me shower because I can't do it all on my own it's the pooch install for when I have a shave and everything yeah struggling at me standing for long periods is a huge challenge for Less who gets 300 pounds a month in Disability Living Allowance it is hard because I get breathless and my back aches I get cramp in the back of my legs my hips I can't rely on everybody for everything all the time so I try I do try to do my best but it's not always easy let isn't the only one whose size holds him back Debbie wood hasn't left her council house for eight months because she worries what people will say about her size it's the same for most people who are overweight and it's a sad state of affairs that we can't go and get the exercise that we need for fear of other people making cannabis the council have specially modified Debbie's home to accommodate her needs my occupational therapist had the council put in a wet room for me and I can feel it right here people just think oh she's standing she's walking around there's nothing wrong with her you know it's me back they don't have my X and pens and the out be City Court judge Debbie's pride and joy is her 800 pound massage bed which she bought online with her benefits money about the bed it's the fact that it's adjustable so it lowers and that's bit here comes up that when my ankles are hurting it comes like that oh yeah it gets a massage I romantic birds that we've had two different beds up to try out just to get comfortable and we had a king-sized we had a triple and we had you know orthopedic mattresses and then they can show that y'all sign this hazard more of No oh yeah you might be younger than me but you still at least as dates and pans a little same as anybody else so I mean I've got to keep him in good health coming up Debbie treats herself to a treadmill look at me go and we meet a giant jobseeker who claims he can't get to work due to his size they come found her at discrimination if you sighs you know [Music] 21 stone Debbie would and her husband received 1,500 a month in benefits do get organic stuff so I do pay a bit extra than what maybe some would as well as splashing out on organic food Debbie spends 71 pounds a month on socks her pet cat I'd like to buy him his food and his litter and and he gets his treats as well Debbie insists she's frugal with her money if I do have anything extra sometimes I will you know put it towards getting something nice like a new TV or something her latest treat is a treadmill which she bought online for 149 pounds stop now it tells me how many calories I've burned about 0.5 counties already look at me go that's six calories seven eight I do about ten minutes every second there every day absolutely point A to point nine five point zero calories already but calorie conscious Debbie is baffled as to why she's still 10 stone overweight I guess it just pounds on the pans I just needed to stop drinking things like Pepsi and Indian crisps and stuff like that you can't turn around and say to somebody oh because you're obese it's your fault it wasn't my fault the way it get came on Debbie has a long list of medical ailments many of which she believes have contributed to her excessive weight gain I have OCD I have a thorough syndrome I have fibromyalgia I have arthritis I have facial palsy and I have scoliosis it makes it even more difficult to get any exercise to be able to lose the weight I'm burning off me scrambled egg and toast you can switch off I do feel a bit out of breath how am I going to get that glass of about Evan in London 31 stone Barry can't afford his own treadmill he receives 73 pounds Jobseeker's Allowance a week but it's something he wants to change I'm so desperate to get back to work the sooner I get back working the bet off lately Mira's weight has spiraled out of control I've always been a big large person but I put on about five six day and and that was due to being depressed of losing my job although his dream job might be a bit hard to net my dream job it would be working with fish I love fish maybe even working in an aquatic center I need my own I took shop one day but if you're talking about absolute dream job working the sharks fish have always been a big part of my life not just keeping them but fishing as well when Berry's not down the Jobcentre he can be found in his local aquarium fish keeping is a major hobby of mine I find a very relaxing very calming I like to sit and watch him I could probably sit here all day and tell you a whole list of the things I love about fish hopefully one day when I forget myself another bigger tanks I've got my eyes on some big tanks on start working and get some cash welding and I'm going to get a nice bit six for hopefully but fish you're an expensive hobby which Barry just can't afford right now I've got two empty tanks so obviously I'm not keeping fish at the moment I sold some fish and obviously make a little bit money because I need to do so Barry is taking up a cheaper hobby drawing fish likes to do are at school and I was pretty good at it people have asked me to design towers of designs how you might recognize how long that one's the tattoo on my arm Japanese goldfish queer car you can see different queer carps today though barriers are fishing for jobs instead I'm just having downstream metcalfe just printing off CDs and covering letters and stuff like that I get all sorts of reactions you'll be surprised you can see they're all we're talking among ourselves and get oh my god what he's just moved for the ball and I've been out of work for now six months so it feels like the pressures building up a little bit I do struggle walking at the moment my back hurts a little bit but I just do to my weight I'm hoping to get back down so really healthy respectable weight when I come on a bus especially that if I know he's gonna get packed or something like that all kinds of spots myself in I mainly sit on the front seat sort of back seat so it gives a bit more room everyone to come up they'll take a look around the top deck and in a wolf's take back down he's a mode of seat sitting right in front of them you know a smaller person can quite easily sit next to me it's quite demoralizing just check to see if there's any jobs you never know always got to keep my phone close to me you never know we're gonna get that phone call pinched my little notebook up all [Music] Berry is polishing his CV in a bid to get off the dole he claims his applied for over 100 jobs in the last six months hello my that's the CV nine years retail a news work experience Barry doesn't lack experience but he worries that he's 31 stone frame is the real reason he's been out of work so long we come centre discrimination of your size you know being a big big buyer well you're getting the store manager to do the interview of you you can tell the other ones are just looking thinking oh my god no really are you actually really going to be working here with us I'm not gonna leave dampen my spirits twenty merican word is I'd like know these other larger people times are finding jobs like I am there are plenty of other people out there like Barry the UK is bulging with giant job seekers in fact two thousand others are now too fat to work twenty one stone Debbie wood is out of work and out of patience with her husband a full-time carer Stephen stop me bed please this is hurt in the back with yours horeb - Nora her adjustable massage bed bought with her benefits money is broken and Stephen is tasked with fixing it this is killing me I stand about a nickel sit down hmm Debbie relies on her husband to look after her but today his attempts to make her more comfortable have disrupted her daily routine I should ideally be on my afternoon snack now let alone anything else navona had cheese sandwich from your lunch I should have had breakfast mid-morning meal lunch mid-afternoon and it should be waiting for me tea right now I'm not to mention the one for me supper it's late work going down a little bit further up have been nicer 35 Stone layers who hasn't worked in nine years once had an active social life but these days he rarely gets out this is just so hard to go places because of my size since less can't physically walk to the pub anymore he's built on in his back garden instead welcome to the bar I used to go to the pub but I don't know more unless I use a disabled toilet I find it uncomfortable with problems of my size and everything I watched a rugby have a couple of cans with my mates but even playing a game of darts is hard work when you're nearly three times the weight of an average British man if I stand effort rule on my back goes like a board I sweat profusely and lots and lots of pain we can't do this no walk that's it they can't go no more I do feel like missing out on life these things my friends do that I'd like to do with them but I can't no more they say are we going out for a night you want to come I got to turn it down straightaway you know because I know I just couldn't do it physically les has faced other obstacles since he's piled on the pounds as well as being too fat to work lairs he's now too fat to fly noobs a gang of us went to Ireland to watch the rugby and they said if there was anyone on your trip who's over 20 stone you have to book two seats so I bit the bullet bought the two seats dinghy arrived we get to the airport I was on different sides in the plane row 17 and row 19 and the annoying part as well I pay for two seats but I only got one meal in Leicester it's supper time in the wood household did you test him before yeah I did the scene fairly soft maybe just skip those middle bits out and then put me in for a few more minutes rearrange in a bit and yeah morbidly obese Debbie is being waited on by husband Steven who gets nearly seven hundred pounds a month in carers allowance and income support I have got this job now as being Debbie's carer that is in itself a job daddy that is my job okay that's a bull man that below them they have it nice and chilled Steven who is half his wife's weight and much more mobile makes regular trips to the shops on her behalf I will do this walk about two or three times a day she does ask for a lot but then again a lot does need to be done not a job I expected to take on board but now that I am I'm gonna do the best I can I don't think people realize is how I'm draining being a carer can actually be well way to go and portion control with those chips solitaire perhaps you could drain the chips off very well living I'd be fed up in the nine-to-five ritually it drains you more mentally than physically you sit down and be good boy that's not sitting down and being a good boy get off Debbie's day is starting to wind down but Stephens jewels are still mounting up I'm probably going to have a bit of a nap at the moment cuz I'm really tired this has been a long there for me feeling a bit drained and so I'll probably go do some gaming and maybe have a sip of side if I'm I feel up to it coming up we'll let his doctor recommend him for weight loss surgery hopefully I get back into work and then stop being a massive drain on NHS resources and the council install a brand new kitchen for Debbie but she's not happy about it look at that cold hot stuff twenty-one stone Debbie and her husband Steve get 1,500 pounds a month in benefits they pay 60 pounds a week in rents and their council tax is reduced because they have a wet room installed by the council for Debbie I'm happy with the way they've done the trials I'm happy the way that they've done the coven's I'm not happy that the damage my dishwasher hadn't no insurance to cover it so I had to buy another one she's also just had a brand-new kitchen installed by the council but she doesn't seem happy the plastron is absolutely abysmal you feel how rough that is and that dry so small but the only thing that keeping those I like the cupboards except these ones are a bit too small for my plates now so I can't put plates and now I have to be putting that cupboard down there where he has to come and take them out for me out of a hundred I would give it six days and they didn't finish this bit off here let's put tiles on here they've trapped that cupboard I thought they are so cracking that covered at the top lock I think you'll find is paint yeah good stuff you know why I guarantee you but they haven't swept out wonder here now but if you just put those bits of lily wood underneath it yeah I have to get the counts to come pick up that old dishwasher like for the rich and famous get the council intake with a dishwasher that's how much money we have that relieving a council house yeah you know we must be scum because we're on benefits you don't keep a clean home and we smoke and drink our money away the paint in what he needs is sanded down in his finish it needs another two coats pin yeah [Music] in South Wales 35 stone layers is also on disability benefits today he's organizing his medication for the week so far this morning I've got up at breakfast now it's time to refill on my tablets these tramadol painkillers this is gabapentin because of the diabetes on metros albey to help with the effects of the painkillers this one I'm not sure I think it's because of the the warms I keep getting last one dwelt when we water works that's my citalopram which is for my mental stability I think that's it I take about 17 tablets a day if the pain is bad I can't take more of the painkillers less has to take medication for various health problems related to his size some people get their tablets already done in blister packs and have them delivered I think I might look into the eye if I gotta keep taking this many I do this job every week but see them putting pills into their boxes causes pain and discomfort Falaise yes my shoulder did he I've had cortisone injection in it but this morning he don't seem to be doing anything for me I just gotta sit here and everyone moves around me saying useless [Applause] 31 stone Barry is still jobless but today he's getting help confidence coach annie Ashdown wants to find out why Barry stuck on the dole whether he has to work twice as hard because of his weight crazy and impact is crucial but I really believe that what's bigger than weight and what's bigger than high and what's big and everything is an energy that says I'm confident and if somebody isn't feeling good they need to look at why they're carrying that weight and changing that as well if the employer feels that person feels good about himself the answer delivered let's see why the weight would be an issue Murray has worked in the past but since piling on the pounds he's struggled to find a job I was made for Thompson yeah I've been made redundant quite a few times in my career to ask is do you believe in yourself the insight I actually feel quiet not very confident at all I have a strong suspicion that your redundancies have knocked your confidence yeah the last one certainly not to my confidence they actually hike 10 16 in weight so would you say you're an emotional eater yeah definitely okay yeah would you like to change that yeah you know I'm open to so many ideas in order to to to sort that out no regardless of how you feel about emotionally eating and caring some excess weight if you will feel better and stronger and more robust if you look at the emotional eating side of things because something's blocking you getting a job would you be happy to show me what you do when you go to an interview no clenching the fists I find it quite difficult because of my size yes it's natural for me to want to go like that that's just a natural reaction this is where I'm saying you not being confident with your size if you don't know me say the right good I've been there so let me just do something with you if I may so back straight you know how does that feel by the soldier okay so I want you to close your eyes for a moment just visualize in front of you it's massive screen with the outcome of you getting your job emotionally Tabari dreams of working with fish but feels his size holds him back just visualize it really clearly really clearly you can open your eyes now oh it's all too much for Buri what came up future in that just hold her just sort of soar dream jobs I want you to do and where I could have been 15 years ago for the planet moon and I had the confidence are going to him what are you you bury 35 oh my god you can so do it you see all your friends they've got family kids they've got really good jobs you kind of feel on a shelf on your pit you can have that to join a hug yeah this gave me confidence now to think you're worth more than where you are now looking at his weight would be a really good move as well she's gonna feel better in himself and kids can feel more empowered if it takes control of his food his size might still be an issue but Barry's got a new spring in his step after today's session 35 stone less prize is getting help to today he's off to hospital to find out if he's eligible for a free gastric band on the NHS when I was voting years old my mother father - sent me down to the dieticians the day tition said and there's just puppy fat and I know a great big cookie if I was given the intervention years ago I would be earning money not the system but you know again I worked all my life so why can't I have a little bit back if healthy food was cheaper it would be a lot easier you you get farm foods office through the doors I think of pizzas on the offer or two pizzas for a pound that's where you go to buy something like apples you get four for a pound well waffles don't make a meal as weird a pizza cut less might blame his weight on cheap junk food buts excuses won't help him today he's here to find out if he's lost enough weight to qualify for gastric surgery which including aftercare will cost the taxpayer approximately ten thousand pounds from being very active to being like this it's hard work yeah it's a struggle to walk my ass right this is plain that but mainly as well cold weather don't help but getting from the car to the hospital is a long distance when you weigh 35 stone I've been coming to see dr. bull we 20 years we really are this time my physical needs a lot different now I gotta drop the wall from the carpark I'm not actually mobile properly I'm sweating like a pig now is there anybody they hello little layers first it's crunch time has less lost enough weight step on then she lost 4 pound and a quarter since we last saw you less should have lost 8 pounds since his last weigh-in he's lost just over half of what the hospital have advised I was hoping for more now but it's off that's the thing about it good morning sir morning professor how are you sir Oh baling up in a year you've lost two stones it's not bad you could do better so what did you have for breakfast today McDonald's did you have to know it was a case of on the Russia stand for anything as well as being weighed dr. her Bobby measures less before deciding if he'll qualify for surgery or 6 centimeters okay so we've lost weight personally I think we should fail you again yeah it's the good news les has been hoping for I know the operation isn't the answer to everything but with my mobility and how I'm getting worse dr. aboul rethinks is one of the best things they could do for me at the moment if I get that my life could turn around and hopefully I get back into work and then stop being a massive drain on NHS resources obesity and problem related to obesity is costing billion the NHS surgery isn't expensive but on the long term surgery actually will probably save money are you worried honest oh yeah yes there's a scale over another 20 storm to shift you know people and then employers are not gonna look at me I said oh yeah coming up a job because I I've been thought of as a liability when I was 20 stored so you know being 15 stone heavier than out isn't isn't gonna look good as a prospect [Music] being unemployed gives Debbie and her husband and caris steve plenty of time to indulge in their favorite hobby gaming in terms of how many hours a day who's been playing games whatever I think it's probably more than half the day she was on the Xbox 360 I'm on the Xbox one she plays terraria and Call of Duty I play Minecraft and Forza while I'm doing that she's wanting drinks getting and food making you want those now don't you yes I do you must be some kind of mind reader the good thing about this relationship is before I met Debbie I couldn't even cook pasta and now I know how to do things like salmon and steak and stuff like that I'm just terribly boss in that now these are turned out all right ash I never normally know quite a bomb doing this grumbled a don't leave it in here in front of the fan it's gonna get cold again innit yeah Steve spent four years at university and has worked in the past but these days is paid to look after his wife instead being Debbie's carer that's both physically and mentally time I ring today Debbie not content with the to game console she already has is using her benefits money to shop for another console online this one's a bit pricey I'm trying to find once about a couple of hundred dollars see that one there I would definitely go for I mean you talk in mint condition for a hundred and forty quid which is a good deal this one looks good so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna as long as I can do it in peace hint hint yeah okay black pepper first babes Thanks and you get a glass of orange juice coming up jobless Debbie put Stevens loyalty to the test with a lie detector okay now your pants and Fang and will less fall off the wagon in his bed for weight loss surgery my health is playing me up I've got goat in my right foot now so are you ready then today unemployed and overweight Debbie wood is leaving her council house for the first time in eight months the only worry I have is will she see somebody that she thinks is a threat to her or will she see someone that she thinks I'm gonna be attracted to that will cause a big argument later on perhaps but we're not gonna get anywhere sat in here at the end of the day all the time so it's not going to be easy but it's for the best we're saying it your heart out Kim Kardashian oh it's lovely out here I think I can wear sunglasses on my anxiety because of my weight I feel that people gonna be looking at me pointing at me I've had it happen and laughing at me so that really makes me feel self-conscious it's nice little walk it's not that I'm actually enjoying it cuz it's like got trees and stuff she goes outside the doors I think our people gonna be horrible to me and all that which I have seen happen actually I've been when that's happened a group of people called out something to him in some foreign language that I didn't know what they were saying they might have been complimentary it might not have been but you don't know that's the disconcerting thing about that so where's the general starvin just where that Junction is all right then I was shopping should start it's that close wow I'm really enjoying this once I get out I'm a vine it's just the getting out we look at our phone even see a class I know it's god this is laughs so far so good steven has coaxed his wife to the local shop for the first time since they moved there eight months ago this is a good little shop actually it was close that's where you can get my deep heat at some point as well now that I know what they've got I'll be writing you a list [Laughter] but it's not long before Debbie spots some competition since when did you like it and what I do in my own personal relationship and my own business on my own time it's my own thing back home Stephens attempts to get his wife out of the house backfired bringing out Debbie's jealous side well this is a lie detector app that I've installed on my phone basically to see if he's telling the truth to me about things because obviously I want the truth and people do lie one of Debbie's many medical ailments is a fellow syndrome meaning she gets jealous and paranoid of Stephen cheating on her we went to the shop in there like two or three females around so I'm gonna ask you if you noticed them cause I did know I'm impressed you're telling the truth and Debbie's disorder is also one of the reasons kara Steven feels he could never hold down a job in the outside world me getting a job in the futures something I've thought about but with her mental condition me getting a job would she be wondering what I'm up to 24/7 we were talking about Mel B in the shop what I want to know is did you find her picture attractive No so you did find they'll be attractive then right unconvinced he's telling the truth about his feelings for Mel B Debbie makes Stephen retake the test your pants and fat middle mine well then conclusive for evidence it says that you find milk be attractive actually the way he's acting is annoying me more than anything else that's what upsets me what Debbie doesn't realize is that my brain is actually really boring and nothing really goes on in there but she tries to make out that something is going on in there maybe it's because I've been to uni because I've got these all these amazing thoughts in my head but actually it's just probably a a carton of milk falling over the reason I used that one is because he actually does do the polygraph and that is at least 60 percent accurate and that's why I do it three times just to see if it's the app that's at fault or him I know what the truth is all that notice I have this inbuilt Sixth Sense that tells me when people lying to mean I'm not stupid [Music] unemployed and overweight Berry has been looking for work for six months today he's getting spruced up for an interview with a storage company it could be the big break the big Berry has been waiting for and after a recent confidence coaching session Berry's feeling more positive about his size I've never had any issues of any of my jobs previously about weight I've never had to rely on anyone to take over from a job because of my size Berry is still nervous that his size could put his potential employers off when I've gone four previous top interviews I felt really sort of self-conscious about my way and noticed a few things that's going on in interviews looks and fun stares and smiles and giggles that type of thing I'm hoping it won't be an issue and I think if I carry myself really well good posture good quick question answering and show my personality and show how much I want the job then hopefully that will triumph or [Music] after an interview and assessment Barry is told he's not got the job due to failing the maths test I'm choked I really wanted to drop like this hopefully by losing weight get myself back into work and fully fit not every fat person is someone who's gonna sit down and do no work all day for Barry the job hunt continues not going to an interview anytime soon is 35 Stone layers he was recently put forward for a gastric band to help him finally get back into shape and back into work but his health has deteriorated dramatically leaving him completely sofa bound I've got goat in my right foot now his Gant is caused by his poor diet and has left him unable to stand you will see the difference in the ankle the top of the foot as where this one is all fleshy this one's all swollen it's very uncomfortable he's had gout for 13 days leaving him almost completely reliant on his family Oh being like this at the moment is very disheartening every little thing you've got uh some de Velde it's demoralizing could you give me some cherries or some raspberries please cherries preferably because they supposed to be good for helping with gout thank you very much Joe hopefully they'll come back with some goodies I'm a nice cup of tea then and dinner it's not good news for lares who's supposed to be getting more active to help him lose weight before surgery my mobility is near nav zero at the moment I've had to be helped from the bedroom into you this morning by my partner and my daughter and I'm not the easiest thing to Train help because I'm rather large on days like this less relies on his partner Christine to help him out but when she's busy he's got a novel way of getting to those hard-to-reach places it's a good job I got my grabber to have a scratch with because otherwise I can't get to it oh I gotta try and use something else to scratch with and this no easy home bargain special and it's very handy very handy indeed whatever I want days like this without anyone to help me I'd be knackered I be stuck in a bed and I surely have well I'd have nothing I've been useless [Music] you
Channel: Barcroft TV
Views: 289,805
Rating: 4.4557824 out of 5
Keywords: amazing news, amazing stories, amazing story, amazing, barcroft media, barcroft tv, barcroft, documentary, real life, 2019, Supersized, benefits, Britain, truly, april 2019, obese, morbidly obese, overweight, carer, gastric band, gastric surgery, income support, unhealthy, weight loss, diet, job seeker, LFM384, DRG
Id: a23uRyAV7Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 8sec (2708 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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