Tokyo Motor Show 5 - Trucks and Bikes | Fully Charged

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[Music] [Music] okay so you've seen cars you've seen concept vehicles of the future and you've seen the in-car technology that the Tokyo Auto Show has to offer now it's time for me to explore the world of trucks and plug-in bikes I feel underdressed for the ISU's East and everybody else is wearing a suit with a pink ribbon I'm not this is called the ice yuzu elf it's a concept truck from what I've read using my expert Japanese we can go inside here so the idea is it's a completely electric lorry come on in come on in and because it's a display model it's conveniently got a glass floor here to show us what's going on this has got a chiller unit so it could be used for cold food transport but under here the see-through perspex for you can see in the traditional chassis you've got a motor down there inverter dc-to-dc converter and then lithium-ion battery pack lithium-ion battery pack so it allows you to do city zero emission no smell deliveries but what's cool about it where does it say battery can be used as a power source to the outside devices so it can power other stuff okay so the chassis and the cab can stay and all manner of different bodies rubbish flatbed chilling lorry like this one crane Oh cherry picker yeah yeah yeah okay so there you go it's it's as we thought it's an existing chassis cab truck with a diesel engine they've removed the diesel engine put a let rip motor in and it can also power external devices like a tail lift street sweeper rubbish lorry all those kinds of things very logical and then that which is a little bit more free thinking the FD si future delivery swarm intelligence swarm intelligence what this is a design concept for an electric semi autonomous delivery van swarm intelligence because I've just had a chap explained to me it's like a worker bee ethic the honeycomb idea is that in each of these our delivery packages and these will come out you can pull these out and deliver and put them back it's electric there's no details of specifics of what it might be I can see there's some goods in there I saw inside it's got your sort of do your typical kind of batwing star futuristic steering wheel it's a cool looking thing though he said I mean no I think what you need to take away from this is visually it's sort of irrelevant quite crackers but the idea is there and it makes sense while the guy or the lady is outputting the parcel to the sub to the door the van can actually either go to the next house or it could turn itself around we've just come from the ice Zuzu truck stand we're now on the Mitsubishi Fuso stand and this is the e canter so again the same as the Isuzu LTV this is the e canter the counters already an existing diesel seven and a half ton cab truck they've done the same thing with this shown that you can use an existing cab and chassis put an electric motor in it there you go and that also has a solar panel on the roof it seems and here we're down here you've got the battery packs lithium-ion battery packs down there where you would have a big diesel tank all the high voltage governs and lives down here where these protective shields over the top of it it's the first time I've ever sat in an electric seven and a half ton truck okay all pretty conventional auto here you've got a eco meter charge so it'll have regen braking not a lot else I can talk to you about in here the e Kanter so that's two seven and a half ton as we've seen but next to it on the fuser stand you've got a full-size electric lorry a proper HTV whatever look at this so this is the Evo vision one this is a full size 16 wheel HTV that's fully electric so it's as smooth and aerodynamic as possible it'll have a region braking it doesn't have things that cause drag like your huge elephant ear winged roads it's all got cameras here with onboard screens there's no radiator grille at the front because it doesn't need it very light on detail in terms of propulsion apart from it being all-electric I think it's got a huge solar panel on the roof the same as the encounter you think about the surface area of the roof of one of these trucks is massive so in a hot climate makes a lot of sense to generate why are you going along so the the chair the armrest of the passenger chair goes down to create a bed then that table can fold away but look at the shape of the driver's seat it's beautiful the motor and the battery sit low down inside the the shutter rails in this instance so look at the floor completely flat floor really simple - which means you got as much living space in there if you're a long-distance lorry driver it's very cool I'd live in there loads of places for pot noodles and pornography naturally don't have normal wing mirrors because they're in there they look like iPads the less drag means more efficiency less energy wasted are you and this an e nv200 van driver you are are you but what about if you were one of these drivers and you wanted crabs not like that say if you wanted crabs or other seafood that it's nice and fresh with frozen and an easy delivery that's what this is it's a chiller van concept it's just going to chill unit a thermo king Chilean on the top inside here fully insulated like a fishmongers van or ice cream delivery van and that there is an additional lithium-ion battery pack yeah so it still isn't exactly the same as at env 200 van but you can carry lots of frozen goods 12 kilowatt-hour battery 360 volts in there [Music] makes a lot of sense doesn't it of course it'd be Ferb and deliveries you see these things going in and out of London in the early hours of the morning delivering to all the restaurants all the fresh perishable food that units made by thermo king her already a well-established chill unit provider so they go to another commercial vehicle when you come to a Motor Show the cars are what get all the headlines they're more glamorous they're more sexy they're more fun but it's interesting to come into the area of commercial vehicles big lorries vans that kind of thing because you know what we're all fully charged we're thinking about plug-in stuff only we are buying more and more stuff online how does it arrive at your door by van we're going to shops physically less and less we're clicking and it just turns up how does it turn up vans are nearly always diesel trucks they're all diesel so it's great to come in here and actually see some evolution in terms of especially I think seven and a half tonne lorries and vans those are a lot of those short distance start stop journeys it riles me a little bit that the car industry gets is the finger pointed at it way more than the truck industry who's using more diesel who's using more fossil fuels you can't even think about stuff like boats I'm going to think about stuff like lorries look it's a sec seeing electric lorry they're just being unveiled as I speak my postman as a petrol van doesn't even have start/stop right I've seen that postman pat cartoons now feature pack in an electric van I've watched it with my kids we need to have electric postal vans we need to have electric UPS fans because all those little short start-stop journeys the perfect four V's I just feel like the van industry the truck industry hasn't moved on quick enough the car industry seems to be moving on very quickly now who's polluting more I'll let you decide [Music] Yamaha doesn't really make cars Yamaha has been brilliant and making things like pianos drum kits obviously motorcycles and actually some very cool petrol engines over the years but you don't want to know about that because it's fully charged what you want to know about is this this is the MWC for I think it's called magic wheel commuter for what this is is the DNA of a motorcycle distilled into a quadricycle so it's not a car and it's not a motorbike it's it's a four-wheeled kind of motorbike very narrow as you can see two seats one behind the other and it leans a high speed like a motorbike does and at low speeds it can lock out and it can drive like a normal car it is electric there are two electric motors I'm told at the back this is a concept car so there's not many details but it's a range extender because it has an onboard gasoline petrol engine that feeds that generates the electricity for the motors and the batteries and this side the cyber are now it has a fixed side you can't get in and out of it so there's it's a one door machine which is on the other side it's a mad looking beautiful thing actually this is your foot well around here so the IC engine probably lives at the back as well exposed suspension it's kind of like a hot rod in some ways motorcycle kind of width wheels and tires disc brakes all round and any look inside here this is the open side so you can only get in on this side and you sit though the passenger sits with their legs around the driver similar to when you climb on as a pinion passenger on the back of the motorbike so Yamaha have come up with something very cool here which does bridge that gap between a motorbike and a car but a zero-emission and look in pretty damn cool hosting their logo is three tuning forks you can see there there they logo was always the about or tuning fork overlaying a tuning fork overlay and uniform to symbolise the quietness and refinement of their of their engines they're going to be really quiet now if they bring out electric stuff so inside you've got like saddle horses have a leather it looks like a sculpted seat handlebars not a steering wheel which you must come around come here Marc come in have a look in there so you've got a handlebars like a normal motorbike it's a single speedo like a motorbike but you've got this beautiful sculpted roof for these kind of skeleton rear pillars here I bet you that's where the the battery packs will live again you got all this exposed beautiful suspension like a motorbike or a racecar kind of a Twitty really I mean yeah liking it more extreme Twizy real lightest thing so the MWC for magic wheel commuter for [Music] [Music] [Music] these two bikes have been launched at the show I'm sorry they're not electric that's a Super Cub so like a retro inspired modern version the cub and this is the honda monkey bite 1 2 5 so a lot bigger than a normal monkey bike but it still has the similar retro tank little monkey logo down there bit of chrome bit of gold I just wish they make these for Britain and maybe electric as well and be growing under a missing a trick there and actually missing a tree making this thing electric as well come over here so now I sing about K cars k cars are a car of a certain class size their engine size and dimensions this is something that is in production now in Japan called the s6 60 this is a very small car I mean I'm quite a tall guy but this is a very small car the engines there 660 CC two-seat little sports car but imagine if Honda just put battery technology and made this evey right now and then we don't have to wait till 2019 for the urban TV they can have this as an interim because already their flagship car is this this guy is tickling the bum of an NSX with a feather duster this is Honda's flagship car the NSX and this is already hybrid so Honda have already been dabbling with electricity remember Honda are pretty good at making hybrids a while ago with the first generation inside they went off the boil a bit it looks like Honda thankfully and getting back on it getting their mojo back with these easy concepts that's a beautiful car it's slightly fully charged but not completely I've found a lovely little electric trinket here this is called the I ft-1 may by a company called aka for ministers where the if' comes from multi-purpose electric trike it's suitably unusual I guess it's a little like commercial thing like a little flat tray bed there on the back look at this script badge it's like a now for a Mayo badge I can tell you that as a range of 35 kilometers payload of 150 kilos which is nearly two of me on the back for kilowatt output yeah rear-wheel drive it's a trike electric trying I hope they throw the helmet in for free though if you buy one I'd like to be a damn flapper to the girls whatever that is you saw wiring harnesses to OEM you need a really compelling trade standards catch the woman up like the future get it to down through around don't bother thinking identity blame but yourself worry it's quite scary when you look at that car's wiring loom laid out like that look all the way here look at all the potential problems oh my goodness it's a micro kitchen car you have to see this look so it's an Evie it's got a micro kitchen car I've just watched this video it has an outer body which slides off itself it's like a reptile shedding its skin on these rails here and here this body watch was on there slides out and you've got yourself what many classes a micro kitchen my goodness so right in there is an industrial kitchen industrial kitchen and then you serve people out of here this is a server II hatch I have to drive one of these this is one of the coolest things I've seen to this show there's a steering wheel and stuff under there and you drive away so instead of having a Citroen H van selling your policy coffee in London you can actually have this what a great little idea box tube section aluminium thin aluminium skin it uses all the electricity on board for light for pumping the water and using the fridge up there and it's got shelving up there look but then you get in it and then you drive it home this has been crash tested and I presume it they wouldn't be put differently putting it on display if it didn't pass so this one's been smashed up on purpose you can see they've got the sort of kitchen worktop removed so you can see the driving seat and the steering wheel the steering wheel can be removed so that comes off and you want your industrial kitchen worktop over the top and in all these spaces up there and down it's way you put all the cooking materials and all the other tools you need do you imagine once you vinyl wrapped it put something funky on it solar panel on the roof it does 50 kilometres an hour top speed 35 kilometers on one charge range it passes crash tests it's a kitchen on wheels micro evey kitchen car and they buy tacky armored cars it's weird is there I've become quite obsessed with this already this could change the face of street food vendors for a while it's way better than like some knackered old Citroen h5 it's more interesting in fact you could make the food and you can eat it inside there imagine a gang of these are festivals [Music] this is probably stating the obvious but having been to the 45th Tokyo Motor Show it is more apparent than ever before how mainstream car manufacturers truck manufacturers and motorcycle manufacturers are homing in on the world of Eevee the future of evening and how it can integrate into more people's worlds and also be accepted by a wider audience what I love to see is the fact that the Eevee world is going to become more charismatic and more interesting and more varied that's what turns me on more than anything and that's what I'm taking away from a Tokyo Motor Show konichiwa as they say in western Superman [Music] [Music] I'm no expert in food but if I was going to illustrate my food brand I'd probably choose to do it a little bit differently to what's behind me because what's behind me looks to me like the tip of a penis hanging out of a baguette
Channel: fullychargedshow
Views: 373,940
Rating: 4.8181491 out of 5
Keywords: Japan, motor show, Tokyo motor show, urban ev concept, sports ev concept, Hyundai, mercedes, electric trucks, Jonny smith, concept car, fully charged show, electric car, electric vehicles, electric bikes, hydrogen fuel cell, bio gas, smart grid, micro grid, renewable energy, sustainable development, battery, Robert Llewellyn, fossil fuel, yamaha, yamaha mwc4, izuzu elf, izuzu swarm intelligence, fdsi, e-fuso, kitchen car, ikeya formula, micro freedom
Id: umfAdnSWB_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2018
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