Tokyo / Japanese Lofi HipHop Mix
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Channel: Dreamy
Views: 6,209,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lofi, Lofi HipHop, Lo-fi Hiphop, Hip Hop, HipHop Mix, Asian Type Beat, Japanese Type Beat, Samurai, japan lofi, japan lofi hip hop, lofi mix, lofi hiphop mix, samurai, anime, anime lofi, anime lofi mix, bleach, champloo, champloo lofi, the bootleg boy, Trap Japanese, asian mix, asian lofi, eternal youth, raining in japan, raining in tokyo, chill lofi mix, relaxing lofi mix, summer lofi, summer, samurai lofi mix, sleep, sleepy, fall asleep, sleep music, Dreamy
Id: odhh4sInQW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 48sec (3288 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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