Tokoname Master Craftsman - Hokujo (Genji Shimizu) 伝統工芸士 清水源二
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Channel: Petr Machek
Views: 2,641,123
Rating: 4.9097199 out of 5
Keywords: Tokoname Pottery, Craft, Tokoname (City/Town/Village), Master Craftsman, 常滑焼, 伝統工芸士, 清水源二, ASMR
Id: ybb-HhSrtxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Watch for 13 minutes as I demonstrate my culmination of skill from decades spent mastering this craft. Manipulating, brushing, smoothing, and loving this mundane lump of clay until it forms a shape so beautiful even Narcissus wouldn't dare to take more than just a mere glance. Then I'll ruin it to show you how little this means to a master like myself.
I know this sub loves woodturning vids, but this is technically called 'throwing', not turning- the distinction being, I imagine, that throwing is about manipulating material instead of removing it.
Its truly beautiful to see someone throw on a hump.
That dude has some seriously nice hands for being as old as he is, and a potter.
5/7 didn't use Dragonblade