Tokiponidos Tier List! (part tu)

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it's uh your boy i heard him i heard your suggestions in the last video and now it's time for the latest installment of the toki ponito's tear list but first i did literally gloss over this in the last episode so if you're sitting there wondering what's a toki burrito uh what's a clon lang i'll explain that right now so you know how people speak to each other i've never experienced this myself but in general people can share their thoughts and feelings with another person using language typically these are languages that we grow up speaking because they evolved around us over the course of thousands and thousands and thousands of years so these are languages like mandarin chinese english spanish but when you really think about it all those different languages are just different sets of rules about how to move your tongue around or how to draw shapes on things and so with enough technique those rules about how to move your tongue around can be artificially constructed from scratch so constructed tongue rules constructed language [Music] conlang you can do this for a book or a movie you're writing perhaps like lord of the rings or game of thrones if that's your style i guess but if you're like the linguist sonja lang you make up the language toki pona simply because speaking a language with the least amount of words sounds dope and apparently bunch of people found sonya lang's language to be dope because toki pona has a bunch of children which is just another way of saying that fans of the toki pona language have derived other languages based on toki pona that are very very niche seldom spoken and all are collectively since they're based off of toki pona called toki penitos so okay i hope you're up to speed now because the first language we're going to be looking at is called [Music] peyote just kidding it's actually pronounced which includes a vowel i'm saying for the first time right now and if this sounds like an evil vowel then that's perfect because the author describes puhu as the language of evil and quote maybe the worst toki ponito there is i'mma be the judge of that so puhu is just toki pona but every word is one syllable how does it accomplish this it expands the phonology to 11 vowels and 11 consonants seemingly chosen at random though like there's only one nasal consonant but two uvular consonants also sentences which are all one word very creative all end in the syllable non-tokipona words in puhu are surrounded by the syllable which a doesn't sound good and b reminds me of lose bond so and yeah nothing else about the grammar has changed so miyanwapi is uh how how do you say this uh so meonwapi is so meonwapi is uh not a great start bone wen keeps tokipona's same phonology but just allows for a few allophones like l can be pronounced like r seems very reasonable voiceless plosives can be pronounced voiced you all know i'm a big fan of that beyond phonology though bon wen replaces the tokipona word li with eta which is a choice i disagree with lee is like the most common word in toki pona i don't think it makes sense to make it two syllables long instead of one also the tokipona word p is split into two different words t for possessives and na for adjectives which i'm definitely simplifying the explanation of cause the author says the word na is very difficult unless you know tagalog or japanese and then also says after giving an example sentence that the word na wasn't really necessary and that they just wanted to bring this to your recognition since it's a very important word so maybe it has something to do with topic and focus but i i can't really tell oh also adjectives come before nouns i'm i'm pretty neutral about that i i don't get emotional about head finality i don't know about you guys also the author includes a word for 10 to the power 63 for some reason bone wen i'll put it up there in tukitiki territory there's some great ideas here but you know lackluster presentation and a few minor choices i don't agree with overall though pretty pona it's not about the linguistics i guess but name has its grammar described in a medium article for some reason just thought that was interesting anyways to toki pona's phonology name mini adds voice plosives the letter v and the letter r and it also adds the sound ja also name mini's big thing is that it replaces all of the tokipona vocabulary with words from either english or a romance language so like pensa muy mangia also the words li and p are replaced with e and o also name mini replaces the word sitalen which means image with the word imago but if there's the sound ja why isn't the word a mojo your guess is as good as mine also it includes a base five number system which is just objectively the cutest base for a number system so i won't harp on this because it's not the topic of this video but i truly personally loathe european zonal oxlings like esperano hate that and now my mini feels like it's trying to be right in the middle of toki pona and esperano that said even if i disagree with the premise it does meet its goals pretty well and i do have a soft spot for a base five number system shout out pegakibo so i'll put it right here tokipata which i'm gonna keep pronouncing like that has even less words than toki pona 26 toki pona words are removed and some of them make sense others not like mellie and mia are removed which is cool binary gender is a social construct word to that but on the other hand the word moon is gone why the documents say this word is problematic call the moon suno pimaya instead and like no i'm not going to call the moon the black sun it's just not that that isn't what the moon is also two new particles are included to free up word order e for indirect objects and oo for subject nouns and yet not a single one of the eight example texts given on the wiki page make use of the particle e or oo for some reason also me can be mina just depending on your preference i guess the tokipona word allah becomes the suffix allah or la which feels really out of place in a language with no other bound morphemes whatsoever so i would not have included that tokipata not super exciting in my opinion the biggest game changer is the e and the u particles but again the author doesn't even make extensive use of them so that leads me to believe they're very contrived sounding anyways i give it a very very light pona so remember at the beginning when i said languages are just rules about moving your tongue around and drawing shapes on things well language can also be rules about moving your arms hands body and sometimes even facial expressions and i know the geniuses in the audience are about to say but yanwapi there's already a sign language version of toki pona and to that i say yes but there's a better way a viewer by the name of water reached out and even though i know all about sign languages was kind enough to have a conversation with me about them and that said i still don't know quite a bit but basically in lucopona the words what the author calls connectives do have their own individual signs in lucopona but these signs are freely emitted by getting creative with things like sign placement and facial expression the word allah doesn't have to get signed independently you could just shake your head no while doing another sign and it's implied allah is modifying it just to give one example and to be honest i'm not gonna put lucopona on the tier list yet because the documentation is still like mad and complete but i've linked all the info i've gathered about all these languages in the description and i encourage you to check out some of the youtube videos about lucopona and maybe inspire the author to make some more alright lastly but certainly not leastly we have corn which is a language some of you might be familiar with because it was actually made by fellow youtuber janmasayly back in january of 2017. so what's corn similar to how in puhu every word is one syllable in corn every word is associated with one consonant phoneme and one vowel phoneme tokipona sentences become corn words then alternating between each tokipono word's consonant and vowel forms like why is it called corn well it's actually called khan which means toki ike bad language so naturally kong comes to be pronounced corn in english obviously and yeah that's literally it corn is basically just puhu but actually nailed it so i think that makes corn my favorite toki ponito that we've looked at thus far i'm really glad you guys were up for a part two to this because that was a lot of fun that said there's only so many toki panitos out there that i can cover without starting to repeat myself a bunch you know so get this i'm thinking for part three i might just have to make my own toki penito [Music] [Music] you
Channel: robdog
Views: 31,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linguistics, conlangs, conlang, conlang critic, toki pona, tokiponidos, hbmmaster, jan misali, peukhue, bon wen, name mini, toki pata, luka pona, korn
Id: vTjGFZk_-gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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