Toilet Paper Turned To Solid Stone In Hydraulic Press With Fan Suggestions

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okay today I'm going to be crushing toilet paper again so this video is in honor of one of my earlier videos where I entrusted some toilet paper and turned it back to wood and that video now has over two million views so this is just to celebrate getting two million views on that and celebrate the new subscribers I got and in order to do that I'm going to crush toilet paper again and I'm going to take some suggestions from the comments section where they wanted me to soak it in water after I compressed it they also wanted me to drill into it with a power drill to see if I could so I'm gonna be crushed with toilet paper again and then doing the audio suggestions so it's really interesting what I learned since making this video is that paper actually has been used for body armor in the past the ancient Chinese used compressed paper as body armor and it helped against piercings from arrows in fact the Mythbusters they did a whole episode on this to see a compressed paper really is stronger than steel and can be used for body armor it really cool also to go a step further I'm not just gonna try to turn it back in the wood I'm also going to turn it back into rock well not back into rock way into rock and the way I'm going to do that is by concentrating all the force of the hydraulic press into a tiny little area and see how hard it gets and see what I can do rafi okay so on this one I put on my smaller head the reason I do that is because it concentrates all of the force into only this amount of area so there's a much higher pressure than if I had this whole area crust crush it so you can get it to turn back to solid wood when you have a smaller area so that's why I'm doing it that way okay toilet paper turn back to solid wood 3 2 1 [Music] [Music] okay the toilet paper is happy about this [Music] okay now is where we have our fun so this is solid so what I got requested last time is to see first see what happens when it gets put in water also try to drill through it so I'm gonna try to do those things now the codes the hard that is okay unfortunately the footage of me drilling into it was blurry and not usable so you can just see the hole where I drill okay here's a nail Melvin to it it really just feels like it really just feels like I'm nailing into a piece of wood that's solid okay so so as you can see it's still really solid again in the other video I had a lot of requests to put it in water and see what happens so here it is my guess is that we'll still get soft [Music] okay so already I can see that it's just come apart soft again so if you're gonna make your armor out of very hard toilet paper that's been compressed in that hydraulic press make sure it doesn't lean and I couldn't miss an opportunity to squish wet toilet paper this is the toilet paper that I soaked in the water okay wet toilet paper three two one [Music] water [Music] okay let's try it [Music] well how does car [Music] and bone-dry the edges are wet for the center is just dry that's really cool [Music] hey so we got the wet toilet paper dry again and can kind of break like a board now so how you can make the toilet paper even harder is by concentrating the force even more so I'm gonna concentrate all of the force of the entire hydraulic press into this little Center area and what it's gonna do is make a material that's about as hard as rock let's see I'm just pressing that in the middle there [Music] so concentrated force toilet paper crash three two one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay take a look at that vault now [Music] okay so that bolt is now just implanted in there so we want to see how the material is in the center of there okay so this is what we were looking for this is just solid in the middle here this has had the entire force of the hydraulic press forced toilet paper into that hole right there [Music] [Music] after this into solid okay so this is the material I'm talking about here so it is very hard it chips away and a like rock so I think what's happened here is this has all of the fibers of the toilet paper along with the adhesive and it's now just form this ultra hard composite that I can't even know and nail into kind of took one of the top layers off it's hard just kind of crumbles okay so I was able to drill through it and get some of it out but there's some hard stuff in there alright thanks for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it remember to subscribe if you haven't yet and give me a like on this video feel free to share it and I'll see you next time
Channel: The Action Lab
Views: 6,629,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hydraulic Press Action, Toilet Paper, thick book, book, wood, hydraulic press vs, Toilet Paper vs Hydraulic Press, Toilet tissue, Hydraulic Press, wc paper, squash, Hydraulic Power, Hydraulic Press vs Toilet Paper, Science, Press, crush, destroy, Hydraulic, Hydraulic Press VS, hydraulic, press, hydraulic press, Hydraulic press channel, hydraulicpresschannel, hydraulicpress, willitcrush, hydraulicpress channel, will it crush, vs, Action
Id: Y0FSXcBeOs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2016
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