"Tohu Wa-Bohu" // Pastor Paul Strand VLOG 068

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dear Lord you touch our lives every single day and you do that in various forms sometimes it's a verse that we find in the Bible sometimes it's a person that comes into our life just for a moment or two some angels sent from God sometimes it's a song we hear sometimes it's a vlog so Heavenly Father position this vlog into people's lives who might be listening and may it touched them just a little bit with God's kingdom God's presence and God's power and whenever you touch us this a little bit with your kingdom and power and presence great things happen just a little bit of God and great things happen be with us Lord in our saviors name amen 40 years ago seminary at Fort Wayne Indiana and here comes the old professor and his name was Howard surberg and as he came into the class that day he said two words he said Oh hoo boo hoo that's how he greeted the class that morning Tohu Wabo hoo and he had everyone the chance that after him and we were chanting those two words for about five minutes and then professor surberg decided that he would start teaching and the chanting came to an end he said is anyone know what Oh hobo who meets and none of us did and he said turn to Genesis chapter 1 and I'm gonna read this to you in the Hebrew language Tohu a bohu that means the earth was without form and void the earth was without form and void there was a darkness over this planet and then all of a sudden then the very next phrase it says the Spirit of God hovered over the waters of the deep the Spirit of God and when God said the next four words let there be light all of a sudden 186,000 miles per second power comes from the mouth of God and everything is created Sun Moon stars plants animals the entire list there in Genesis chapter one what was the power behind the words of God let there be lights that spirit that was hovering over the waters descended and invaded this earth and when the Holy Spirit invaded this earth their nature itself was affected and life came to this planet sunday is Pentecost the Holy Spirit's coming but the Holy Spirit came on the very first day very first moment of creation what power the Holy Spirit has is equal 37 the Prophet is standing there is equally as looking over what the Bible describes as a valley of dry bones the valley of dry bones was the nation of Israel they were dead and dried up and there was no spirit or life in them they were God's people but they were just totally bohu they were without form and void and Ezekiel looked and he said can these dry bones live and God said speak to the dry bones and then a little bit later in that chapter it says the Spirit of God filled it the dry bones and they came to life and all of a sudden none of the people of Israel had the Spirit of God within them and Genesis 1 came true once again for the children of Israel the energy and the power of God was there twelve disciples they're frightened to death they're hiding in an upper room all except for Judas who's already gone and these disciples are hiding because they think they're going to be killed just like Jesus was killed it's 50 days later and Pentecost has come and these disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit of God in the very next day what are they doing they're standing in front of those who murdered Jesus and they're preaching to them and the Spirit of God descends not only upon these apostles but it ascends upon the people who are listening to this message and when the Spirit of God is through with its work 3,000 people are converted on that day and Acts chapter 6 tells us that many of the priests who one of Jesus dead they have come to the faith the Holy Spirit of God and we have creation the Holy Spirit of God and the dry bones come to life the Holy Spirit of God and the Apostles are changed and the people they are preaching to are changed this Holy Spirit still lives he will live to the last day that this earth stands and when this Holy Spirit gets inside of you you need to stand back and watch God do his work Ephesians 3:20 whoever is listening to this whatever is going on in your life Ephesians 3:20 God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think because of his mighty power at work in you stop being so timid stop being so timid stop being so afraid Spirit of God is within you and His Spirit is life and His Spirit is power fearless presence in our Lord's name [Music] you
Channel: Trinity Lutheran Church
Views: 510
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: Tohu Wa Bohu, space, creation, hebrew, God, how to deal, with anxiety, with stress, with children, with job, worry about, my life, heaven, hell, Chris TOmlin, Parkview Christian Church, Trinity Lutheran, CHurch, LCMS, Pastor, Vlog, Oak Forest, Illinois, CHicago
Id: QoBNzlynUf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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