Togo's Tramadol Problem I ARTE Documentary
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Channel: Documentary
Views: 76,831
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Keywords: Togo's Tramadol Problem, togo tramadol, tramadol togo, tramadol, tramadol effects, opioids addict, tramadol side effects, tramadol documentary, togo documentary, tramadol 50mg, tramadol addiction, tramadol withdrawal symptoms, tramadol 100mg, tramadol withdrawal, what is tramadol, tramadol withdrawals, dose tramadol, tramadol abuse, tramadol hydrochloride, tramadol review, opioid tramadol, tramadol: what you need to know, documentary, documentaries, togo, opiods in africa
Id: Bt_QPbEWj7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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