Todoist Tutorial: Take Control Of Your Life With GTD

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Oh shit, I forgot. Is this something you see a lot? How do you feel when you give you word to other people, but then forget about it. I know, I know you have so much to do, and it's hard to remember everything. That's bullshit, stop making excuses and get a system right now. Hi, my name is Andre. And in this video I'll show you how to use to do is to track and process all the ideas and things you have to do. More importantly, I'll explain to you why it's absolutely critical that you have a personal system in place, trust me, your life will become easier as it gets more organized. And that's what this tutorial is about. I'll guide you from a blank app to running your everyday from a to do list. Good news, everything you will learn in this video is using the free version only will focus on the mobile app. But you can apply to principles on any platform you prefer. And you'll get to see my drawing skills in action. Now, before we get into the basics of to do lists, we must first talk about why why do you need an app like to do is to track everything you have to do or want to do? Well, obviously so that you don't forget anymore. And that way you can take full control of your life and your goals. Imagine this, you would work writing an important email, suddenly, you get a reminder that a team meeting starts right now. So you rush into it. The meeting is going well. You come up with some great ideas, organized lunch with a client draft a new campaign, scheduled training for a new team. Good job, except that you never noted down as soon as the meeting is over if you want to go back and finish your important email. But your colleague stops you for a chat. Hey, want to go for a beer one day? Sure, why not? Let me check my calendar and get back to you. Finally, you returned to your desk to continue working on is the email You're so close to finishing this important task. when the phone rings. Honey, can you buy eggs on your way home? Oh, and don't forget to pay the bills today. Okay. These are just a few things that can happen in a day, not to mention your articles you thought off, lose weight, get a better credit card, spend more time with kids clean up computer. Let's be real. If you're trying to remember everything in your head, you are going to forget you will never have to be with your colleague. And all your great ideas will go to waste, you will never take an action. And that's why you need a personal system. Ever heard of GTD getting things done. The GTD method rests on the idea of moving plan tasks and projects out of the mind by recording them externally, and then breaking them into actionable work items. This allows attention to be focused on taking action on tasks instead of recalling them. The first step of GTD is to capture everything that has your attention into a system. Once you have everything in the system, and you constantly review it, you are not going to forget anything ever again. For me the system is to do is I've been using it since September 2013. What I like about to do is that it has a very neat UI. The synchronization works perfectly across devices, and the whole company behind it seems like they know what they're doing. Using to do is can put you from being reactive to being proactive about your life. No more stress about forgetting what you had to do. And the most important thing, keeping your worth leads to trust, whether it's at work or in your personal life. In a shirt woman, I'll show you how to get started with to do it and build your personal productivity system in it. If you liked this video so far, give it a thumbs up. And if you have any questions, please let me know below in the comments. I promise I'll answer everything. When you launch to boost for the very first time, you'll get a bunch of tasks that serve as a tutorial, because you'll get a better explanation in this video. Let me quickly delete the tasks and projects. Oh good. Now we're starting from scratch, no tasks and no projects. This is the default view of to do list where you see the tasks that are due to date. I'll explain to you later why it's the default view. And why you shouldn't be spending most of your time here to do is mainly a task list. So let's create our first task. To add a task, simply tap the plus button. Type what you have to do like create invoice under a task name, you see that it will be scheduled for today. It will also go under your inbox which I'll explain shortly at this point and we don't need to do anything more. So confirm the task by tapping the arrow in the bottom right corner. What are first to do is now on the list. Let's create another task to pay the bills again for today. It's a good practice to keep all your to dues in one list. Whether it's for work or personal matters, your lead would be pretty boring. If you only had to create an invoice and pay the bills. Let's quickly add a bunch more tasks that we have to do today. Prepare meeting agenda, organize meeting, write a script record to do his app, edit the video, review Joe's presentation, approve the budget, read a book, clean the room. All 11 tasks are now sitting in our to do list app, all due today. Not everything you do must be done today. Of course. In fact, the key to not forgetting anything is to put everything into a system like to do list where it's due today or in a year. What we're going to do now is to add a few tasks for the future. I would like to start planning a new project tomorrow. If you tap on today, you'll get an option to set the due date for a new task. We'll select Friday from the calendar view and confirm by tabbing reschedule. And I just remember to visit my family this weekend. I'll add this as a to do in the same way, this time selecting Sunday from the calendar view. One great feature about doing is smart dates, you can type the due date next your task name without having to select the date from the calendar view. Let me show you how it's done by creating the same tasks again. Now using smart dates, if you type TMR to do is will recognize it and set a task for tomorrow automatically. For the family visit on Sunday, we can type su n. And to do this we'll set the due date to the next Sunday. When we scroll down to list the task we've just added are not there. Remember that we're in the today view. So only two dues due today are showing up here. If you remember, all to dues are added to inbox by default. inbox serves as a staging area for all your to dues before you decide to categorize them into a project. There's also a view for inbox. Here, you can see all to dues that are added to inbox regardless of their due date. By default, it's sorted by the date the tasks were edit, so we can see our new tasks at the bottom. The second more useful view is the upcoming view. This is where you can see beyond today, and the tasks are grouped based on their due date, you can simply scroll down to see what you have planned for any date in the future. As you've noticed, we have duplicate tasks, one we created using the current date, and then using the smart date. Let's get rid of one of the instances. First step the task to see its details. Then select the three dots and pick delete task and confirm it with Yes, the task is now gone. And it will do the same for the family visit. Now that we know how to add and delete tasks, I'll show you how to edit them. Let's go back to today's view. Here we have a task which says organize a meeting. But who is the meeting wit. The problem with vague descriptions is that you forget what exactly you intended to do. You may know now, but if you look at your to do in a week or later, you will know the context. So we'll make it more descriptive. This is a simple and straightforward think tap the task to bring up the details and then tap the name. This allows us to edit the title. So I'll just add that I want to organize a meeting with designers confirmed a change with the black arrow and it's done. It would be a very bad system. If you couldn't change due date. We already have a lot on our plate for today. And you want me to clean the room as well. I don't think so. Let's reschedule it for this weekend. type of task to get its details. And now select today. This will bring up the calendar view where we can select a new due date confirmed a change by pressing reschedule. As you can see, the task disappeared from today's view as expected. One of the most powerful ways how to be productive is to create habits, things that we do on a regular basis until a point where they become automatic, or second nature. The set these up introduced we will create recurring tasks. A key habit I've started doing recently for myself is to always start every day with the most important task abbreviated as MIT. Let's add a task introduced to start with MIT. When we're building a habit. It's important that we practice this every day, not just today. And I'm going to tell those that this task repeats every day by simply typing every day. To do it recognizes this as a smart recurring date, which is indicated with the arrows. Another good practice is to always reach inbox zero for your work emails. We want to do this every work day which is another smart date that to do with gets. Once you get into a weekend, this won't show up for you. Next habit I do every morning is to write a journal. You don't even have to type every day, just type EV day and to do is will recognize it as well. For the final demonstration, I'll use my dance practice, which I try to do at least every other day. Right now we have 17 tasks in our app, and it's starting to get a bit confusing. It's because of work related tasks and personal ones, but there's no indication of it. We're going to fix this by using projects. Projects basically grouped, reduce and allow you to organize your tasks. When you open the menu in your app, you'll see the option to add project. First, I'm going to add Work Project and give it a blue color. Then I'll create a personal project with a yellow color. One more project for my creative work. And if you saw my toggle video, he noted I like to use both red color for anything creative. We have all three projects created, but there are no tasks in them. The reason for that is that we created all the tasks initially for inbox, which is sort of a special default project. What we need to do now is move our tasks from inbox to these newly created projects. Let's go back to today's view. To move a task into a project. First tap it. Then you select the current project which is inbox. This gives you the option to move the task to a different project. For create invoice, we'll move it to work project. Now you can see on the right side that the task belongs to a work project. Next, I'll move paying the bills to a personal project in the same way. Another way to move a task is to bring up more options by tapping the three dots, and again selecting to move to task. I'll categorize all remaining tasks to their respective projects. I've started using projects on there recently, and it brings more clarity into my to do list. These days, I can have 30 plus tasks every day. And it's a mess if they're not categorized. Sometimes I just want to focus on my work to dues and if they're assigned to work project, I can easily recognize them in my view. But if you have a low number of tasks, you can do fine without using projects at all. Now that we've added all tasks from today into projects, we can see that under each project work project has six tasks, personal five, and we have three creative tasks, we can forget about a tasks that are due in future, they're still assigned to inbox, I'll quickly add them to the right project. You can of course, assign a task to a project right when you create it. Let me show you. I'll add a new task to publish a video tomorrow. Before you confirm the new task, tap on inbox, which brings up the list of projects you can assign it to this one is a creative task, confirm it, and when we switch to the upcoming view, you can see it scheduled for tomorrow and marked as creative. Even though all our tasks are now categorized into projects. It's still 14 things we have to do today. But what should be the first thing we need to work on. This is where we need to start talking about prioritization. By default, all the tasks are sorted according to the time they were edit. But that doesn't mean we have to work on them in the same order. Our goal is to work on the lists from the top to the bottom, have the most important things on the top and work your way down. We can prioritize the past by simply reordering them. If you tap and hold the task, you can move it around. approving the budget seems important, so let's move it under create invoice. When I finished the two tasks on the top, I'd like to review Joe's presentation next. These are all the things I'll do once I get to work. But I want to start my day writing the journal. So let's move it all the way up. Finally, I'll move my dance practice a little bit higher. Another way to prioritize your task is to use the four priority levels that to do is gives you so far all the tasks were added as priority four, which is the default one, I would say that starting with the most important task is very important. I'll tap a task. And here we look at the flag icon, which indicates the priority. You can see four levels of priority. The greatest one being the lowest, this is the default one as well. I'll select the blue priority three, which automatically bumps the task to the top of the list. Why? Because all our tasks are paid for. I still want to write my journal The first thing in the morning, so I'll change the priority for this task to p3 as well. If you try to manually move priority for task above priority three to do, it won't allow you to do that you can only reorder tasks within the same priority. If I wanted to make create invoice more important, I can market this P two. This gives it the orange circle and moves it to the top because it's more important than the blue p three tasks, and the great p four tasks. Finally, now that we created all the tasks in our list, it's time to do them. Unfortunately, the current version of to do is doesn't support doing the work for you. So you still have to do it on your own. But once you finish a task, come back to the to do list and simply tap the circle. This marks the task is complete, and it goes away from your list. I'll complete a bunch of tasks because it's so satisfying to get things done. Congratulations, you finished the first part of the tutorial, learning the basics of to do list. The app has more features in its free version, like subtasks sections and boards. But honestly, I don't use them at all. As you'll see in the second part of the tutorial. This is all you need to manage your everyday for him to do. If you'd like this video so far, please share it with your friends and colleagues who tend to forget a lot and you let me know what helped you the most. Now Welcome to the second part of the tutorial will show you how to manage your everyday from the newest. This way you'll never forget anything again and people will start to trust you. Let's start by refreshing what I mentioned in the intro GTV. What is GTD the GTD method rests on the idea of moving plan tasks and projects out of the mind by recording them externally and then breaking them into actionable work items is allows attention to be focused on taking action on tasks instead of recalling them. One of the main principles of GTD is that we need to lock all our actual ideas into a system like Dewey's immediately, as soon as we have them never delayed is because if you try to remember what your head, you are going to forget for sure to do is is a storage for your ideas, we should use our brain to process the ideas and work on them to do is basically tells you what to do. And your brain is there to figure out how to do it and then do it. Once you have everything in the system, you just have to be consistently using it. I'll explain the daily process later. Just to demonstrate, remember, in the intro, you wanted to grab a beer with your friend. If it's just a thought that it would be nice if it happened, then nothing's going to happen. Both of you will probably forget, whenever you have a thought of doing something, put it into do list right away. B or meeting with Chris. If you're in a rush, just use a default setting today an inbox, you can categorize and schedule it later. Another example, it's 8pm you're doing the dishes and suddenly you have an idea for your team. You want to discuss it with your boss. Don't be naive and think you will remember it tomorrow. Just put it in your system immediately. If you want to make things easier, you can categorize the task right away. And let's also look for a gym and sign up. We always wanted to get fit and lose some weight. Now, it's not just a dream. It's an actual task that lives in your system, and you decide what to do about it. Another important thing to share with you is the way I think about the due date for me, if something is due today introduced, it doesn't necessarily mean that it needs to be completed to date. If a task is scheduled for today, it means I want to give it attention today and decide what to do about it. There are a few different types of tasks you'll find in my today's list tasks that must be completed today. tasks that I want to start doing today, but they don't have to be fully completed today. Things I just want to be reminded of, and new tasks and ideas we quickly locked so that we don't forget about them. Because we use due date introduced to mark when a task should grab our attention, we need a way to indicate the real due date for tasks that need it. I started putting the real due date in the task name in square brackets. This is not recognized by to do as a smart date. Here I'm adding the new task two draft proposal, which must complete by Saturday. But I don't want it to show up in my today's view only on Saturday because it's a larger task that I'd like to work on continuously. So I'll simply set the due date for Friday. This way it shows up for me on Friday, and I can start working on it but I also know I need to only complete it by Saturday. Another example I have to deliver a big project by next Friday. But in order to do that, I want to monitor the progress throughout the next week. Let's say that I scheduled it for next Tuesday to see if I'm on track delivering the project by Friday. Now, let me finally explain to you why you should be spending most of your time in today's view, and ignore the rest. I read a book from Dale Carnegie called How To Stop worrying and start living. One of his advice for a happy life without worrying was to live in the tight compartments. What this means is that you only focus on what you have to do today. And don't worry about what you have to do in the future. If you give your best each day, you'll be happier and do better work than worrying about what you will have to do in a week. Now, it doesn't mean that we don't do any preparation in advance for bigger tasks that are in the future. But that's what I explained in the previous section, that you can schedule something for debate without having to complete it. today. I'll give you an example. Your trip to Las Vegas is coming up in a month, you set a task one week before your flight into do is to start packing. But until the packing task shows up in your to do list, you don't worry about your trip at all. And you focus on other things. It's as if there was no trip at all. It is important to learn how to schedule things in advance so that you know when to set your due date introduced. But this mostly comes from practice and experience. Now I want to summarize everything in a process, how to go through your day with a to do list, you wake up, launch the app and look at your list. It should already be prioritized the night before, you pick the first task on the top, and you go do it. Then you come back with the list and mark it as complete that you move on to the next item on the list and so on. You go through your day with the intention of completing all tasks, respecting the priorities and their real due dates. Eventually, you will start getting towards the end of the day. If you completed everything and reached zero tasks for today. Congratulations to you. But if you follow my previous advice, and your today's list contains all the things you wanted to start your day and your new ideas, you will still be probably left with a few uncompleted tasks. But that is completely fine, we'll deal with it. First, start with tasks that have a real due date for to date. And you either make the extra effort to complete them, or you inform everyone involved about a delay, and reschedule. Now tasks that don't need to be completed today do still have energy and time to start working on them is the real due date very soon. And you should really force yourself to do at least something, you either complete these tasks fully, or you do at least something or nothing at all. And you reschedule for the next day for new ideas and to dues that we locked during the day. Now it's the time to classify them and set the right due date for when we want these tasks and ideas to get our attention. So let's imagine that this is where we are at the end of the day. Right script done record to do is done. I can't finish the editing today. And I'm totally fine. Will we get tomorrow because it doesn't have a restriction to complete it. Today, I write a quick message to Chris about our beer meeting and Consider it done. idea that we log was to look for a gym. I'll look into that next Monday. Talk to Jeff about a team, we'll do that tomorrow. I quickly pay the bills and practice my dancing. Unfortunately, no time for a book. But Saturday might be a better chance. We've reached zero task for today, which is how you should end every day. Again, it doesn't mean you completed everything. You just processed everything that you could, and the rest is okay to be done some out of time. Now before you're completely shut down. This is the best time to set the most important tasks for the next day. Go to the upcoming view and check tomorrow. Flag the most important tasks with the right priority so that when you open your to do list the next day, they will be on top of your today's view, I usually pick three but start with the one that can radically change your life. Give it at least one hour before you start with your daily routine tests. And you will get there eventually. To me keeping your word leads to trust. Think about how many times you forgot to do something and you let other people including yourself down. Once you start using a system like to do this, you won't have this issue anymore. And I believe you will be able to achieve more in your life and you will have better relationship with other people. And that's the end of the tutorial my friends. I hope you got some value out of this. Please let me know below in the comments. Actually, no wait, in order for us to practice what you just learned. Please come back in exactly one week and then Leave your comment. I just want to see how many of you will forget. PS, please do not subscribe if you expect more videos like this. I really enjoy doing this video but it took me so much time. And in 2021 I want to niche down and focus on my industry, which is localization. So I won't be doing a lot more videos like this. So thank you for understanding. I hope you enjoyed this. If you did, you can give it a thumbs up and share with others. But again, please do not subscribe. Thank you
Channel: Localization Academy
Views: 55,312
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Keywords: todoist tutorial, todoist gtd, todoist, todoist tutorial for beginners, how to use todoist, todoist tutorial 2021, todoist app, take control of your life, stop forgetting, how to plan your day, productivity, todoist gtd setup, todoist app tutorial, todoist app how to use, productivity apps, andrej zito, todoist tutorial 2022
Id: f5YUchGXWEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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