Toddler Learning Video - Learn Emotions & Feelings | Preschool Learning Videos | Kids Videos

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[Music] hi friends it's me silly Miss Lily and I'm so excited to play with you today today we're going to talk about emotions and feelings something that's really cool about emotions and feelings is that everybody has them babies have them toddlers have them kids teenagers and grown-ups throughout our day there's different moments where things happen and it makes us feel a certain way sometimes we may feel really excited or maybe something makes you really frustrated or something really happy or maybe even angry it's important to know which emotion or feeling you're feeling that way you're not up and down up and down up and down but you can use different things to help you regulate seeing you feel cool calm and collected right now I'm really excited to play with you I'm so excited sometimes when we're excited we go like this yeah yay or what it might also be really quiet like this being excited I'm so excited to play with all the different toys let me show you some toys we can play with I've got a bell [Music] slinky a b toy we can play with this oh look at this that makes cool sounds [Music] I got this cool phone cool now so many numbers wow and I've even got some crayons to color with and oh wow there's so many things there is things that make sound [Music] so many different colors so many things in front of me and I'm feeling overwhelmed I'm feeling overwhelmed there's too many things and I don't know quite what to do hmm when we're feeling overwhelmed something we can do is take things away that aren't helping us because they're just cluttering up the table and it's hard to play when there's so many things so let's clean things up to help us feel not overwhelmed I'll put this back and this and something that can help you stay calm is coloring so why don't we color together so we don't feel overwhelmed let's draw together I've got some crayons and paper and coloring and feel really calming because it makes you feel in control you pick your own colors you can pick what you draw and you can color as long as you'd like let's see I've got a blue crayon maybe I'll draw a circle and maybe a square hmm oh here's a purple one I'll draw a line squiggly one squiggle squiggle squiggle oh no I broke my crayon I feel disappointed I was really excited about coloring but then I went and broke my crayon on accident I didn't mean to break it it just happened sometimes things just happen but it might make you feel disappointed especially when you have expectations to draw or do something and then it doesn't work out hmm something I can do that will help me regulate my emotions is maybe go outside to take a break or try a different toy let's see let's try a different toy together here's a toy we can try it's got different colors and different cool ways to put them on let's see this one oh we get to spin that's fine about this one oh that comes off oh but this one isn't working maybe if I try this way no this way still not working I feel really frustrated I'm trying to play with this toy but it's just not working I can't figure it out hmm something I could do is take a break and maybe come back to it later or I can also ask for help maybe somebody can help me with it let's see oh my friend teddy bears here I'll ask teddy bear hey teddy bear do you know how to figure this toy out I keep trying and trying but it's not working let's take a look together oh yeah you just have to turn this to match the stick and then you carefully slowly slowly lift it up oh wow you know I think I was trying too fast and sometimes when we do things too fast it doesn't work let's see if I do it slowly slowly turn and I got it oh wow thank you so much for helping me and thank you how do I put it in please can you help me oh slowly I like that oh yeah okay wow wow you did a really good job will you help me with this puzzle okay where do the pants go yeah oh okay so then how do I put the backpack over and over okay thank you so much for helping me how does this work oh I like that and what does this do it spins what's in there yeah oh squirrel with all the playing we've done inside I thought we can go outside and play with this balloon and hmm oh where did my balloon go I said it right here because I wanted to go play outside with you with the balloon but now it's not here I feel confused hmm was here but then I turned it is not here anymore I feel confused hmm I'll retrace my steps I was here then I turned and moved my oh I moved my arm maybe I knocked it over let's take a look hmm oh wow I found it here it is wow I was looking looking and I felt confused I thought hmm where did it go but now we can go outside with our balloon and play together whoa oh wow I was gonna go play with you with a balloon and it popped it popped I feel surprised whoa it happened fast and sudden and out of nowhere like whoa I was holding it it popped I was holding the balloon it popped I feel surprised something I didn't know was gonna happen just happened I don't know where whoa surprise sometimes surprise can be great like when you have a surprise birthday party and everyone says surprise guys it's sometimes surprises can feel a little scary like when the balloon popped I didn't know what's gonna happen so it surprised me and because of the loud sound I felt a little scared I felt a little scared I thought oh loud sound I felt surprised but then I realized it was the balloon and it's all right if balloons pop cause we can still go outside and play especially after so many different emotions going outside will definitely help us let's put on some jackets and a sweater so we feel warm and then we'll go outside and play foreign way of regulating your emotions is to dance it out I thought we could do the hokey pokey together you want to iron can you put your right arm in you put your right arm out you put your right arm in and you shake it all about you do the whole oh yeah you turn yourself around that's what it's all about you put your left arm in you put your left arm out you put your left arm in and you shake it all back you do the hokey pokey yeah you turn yourself around that's what it's all about you put your right leg in you put your right leg Yeah you put your right leg in and you shake it off you do you do Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around that's what it's all about you put your left leg in you put your left leg out you put your left leg in and you shake it all about you do the whole book and you turn yourself around that's what it's all about you put your whole self in you put your whole self out you put your whole self in and you shake it all about you do that yeah and you turn yourself around that's what it's all about wow thank you for dancing with me I feel happy I can jump with so many different moments throughout our day that cause different emotions something that can help you stay calm and regulated is doing a puzzle so I thought we'd do this puzzle together we've got some kids smiling in some circles and I need to put some circles in let's do it together hmm this one seems too big it doesn't fit let's try here too big well now it's too small I'll move it all right we did it let's do another one this circle seems really small I'll try it over here nope doesn't work oh maybe right here all right let's try another one I've got this big circle right over here it's not fitting I'm gonna try it slowly slowly slowly put it in and it fits hmm I've got an orange piece put it all right and I've got one left and one Circle left let's put it in oh wow look at these fun circles we've got a big one I think it's smaller smaller smaller smaller and they go from a red to Yellow kind of a red orange light orange dark yellow and yellow oh wow how fun putting together a puzzle is a great way to calm down and then you can go and enjoy the rest of your day another great way to help you regulate your emotions is counting to ten an easy way to do that is you can look at your hands and find your fingers wiggling wiggling wiggling wiggling and you can count them let's start with one hand one two [Music] three four five I've got five fingers on this hand and let's keep going from five next number is six seven eight nine ten ten fingers when we count to ten we give ourselves times to breathe and find a pattern like the ten counting to it and so when you're feeling overwhelmed something you can do is count to ten and just look at your fingers for it how do I put it in it's not fitting away oh turn it okay I like that right here the shoe goes there well where's the shoe I'm trying to put the shoe in but it's not working oh okay I like that and then how does this go in okay I'll put the bottom to the bottom and the top to the top oh it fits another way to help you regulate your emotion is taking deep breaths taking deep breath is when you fill up your whole body with air and then slowly let it out kind of like a balloon when we fill it up let me take a deep breath you can think of it of a whale breath too when whales open up their mouth they open it really big and taking a long a lot so that's what we're gonna do together we'll take three deep breaths so first one let's take it in and fill up your chest and fill up your belly take it in and then let it out slowly it almost sounds like the wind that was one deep breath let's do another one then there'll be two fill up your chest and belly wow we've done two deep breaths together let's do a third one we'll take the air and make it your biggest one yet fill up your whole body with it ready let's let it out wow we did three deep breaths together when we take a deep breath it helps us to calm down and think about what's happening right now like taking the rest of taking the air in and letting it out great job another great way to calm down and help you feel regulated content and calm is by drinking a whole glass of water that way when you're just feeling anxious or over stimulated grab a glass of water take a deep breath and then drink a whole glass of water to help you cool down let's drink it together first let's take a deep breath foreign oh wow that feels really refreshing and I had time while I was drinking to just kind of relax and feel calm that made me feel so much better wow sometimes we feel a certain way that's out of our control like if it's cold and rainy outside sometimes that makes us feel a little a little sad and blue or if we didn't get enough sleep we might feel tired and that sometimes caused us to be a little upset but something you can do when you're feeling down is do something you love like color or blue bubbles or play with a toy let's play with some toys a fun toy to play with are these little magnet tiles and the sides are magnetic so they stick together and I thought we could build something together maybe a building or a little castle maybe a big castle I'll stack them up see I've got a green triangle and a purple Square so I'll put this one here maybe this one here [Music] oh here's one oh look at our cool castle coming along uh but these little pieces keep falling down let's see oh that one fell too hmm that one fell too I feel frustrated I keep trying to build with this toy but the pieces are coming down and I feel disappointed and discouraged because I keep trying to build but they're just falling down I'll try again here we go here we go [Music] all right it fell down again I keep trying to build but it's falling down something I can do to make myself not feel frustrated is take a break and that can mean going outside grabbing a snack or oh blowing bubbles let's blow some bubbles together a fun way to help you regulate your emotions is blowing bubbles it helps you take deep breaths plus they're just fun so let's blow some bubbles [Music] [Music] as well what if I can run with it [Music] wow I love Bubbles wow look at this one wow wow [Music] go I'll go this way maybe I can run again I fell oh that makes me really sad I was playing with my bubbles and then I fell I feel sad I was running and I fell I tripped and I fell how my knee sad well something I can do is take a break from Bubbles and sometimes when we're sad something that can make us feel better is aha or petting an animal I'll see if my dog's around me but you want to play with me to cheer me up sometimes when we're sad something that can make us feel better is a hug or a high five or petting an animal or playing with an animal let's play with our dog together where's your ball [Music] oh [Music] thank you so much thank you so much I'm all better I slept hot how did I do it I was running running slipped lift running my dog doesn't want to play with me right now paisy will you play with me yeah will you kick it how okay will you help mommy okay thank you so much yeah I'm kick it back to you oh get some bubbles on the whistles you're doing a great job let me know if you need help but you're doing a great job oh look at that one there you go oh good one do it again that's all right [Music] let's get some more let's make some more soap good idea it's no worries [Music] put the string in try dipping it again with the string in there there you go [Music] oh big one [Music] there you go [Music] good one or high five yeah sometimes a high five sometimes a hog makes us feel better sometimes you're saying hey I'm here [Music] that was really good [Music] yeah I think so you saved [Music] let's do it right on your nose girl whoa get him get him [Music] [Music] wow and that one was big okay good one there's a big one yeah [Music] wow [Music] another great way to help you regulate your emotions is listening to music or singing a song I thought we could sing a song together um I feel a little nervous I want to sing a song but I don't know if you'll like it uh or if it's gonna go well and I don't think I'm a really good singer and so before I say I get a little nervous but hmm something that we can do that make us feel not nervous is some affirmations that's when you tell yourself all the great things about you so you feel confident and courageous let's do some affirmations together they'll help you and me feel better and remember all the good things about us let's do some affirmations together those are the positive things we say to ourselves to remember how great we are and I'm gonna do them and teddy bear you can do them too you just have to repeat after me and you can repeat after me too I am important I'm important important I believe in myself [Music] I can do hard things [Music] hard things I learned from my mistakes these are my mistakes I am kind to myself and to others eye to myself and to others I am strong I am strong I am beautiful inside and out I am beautiful inside and out I am enough I am enough I am loved I am left I love myself as I am I love myself as I am wow seeing those affirmations really made me feel like I believe in myself I feel confident and I'm excited to sing this song with you let's sing it together I like you there's no doubt about it I like you there's no doubt about it I like you there's no doubt about it you are my good friend I like you there's no doubt about it I like you there's no doubt about it I like you there's no doubt about it you are my good friend thank you for always being such a great friend and helping me along with all of these different emotions sometimes we go through the day and we can feel up and down up and down up and down and so many things are out of our control but we can look inside and find things that we can't control like how we regulate our emotions and certain things we do like taking breaks or asking for help another great way to help you regulate your emotions is taking time for yourself and that can look like drawing or writing or playing ball outside so let's play some ball [Music] I wanted to keep playing outside but now I have to go in because it's getting dark I just feel like everything went down for me today and my toys broke and I fell down and I felt anxious and now I can't play outside and I feel feel angry I feel angry right now I don't want to feel angry [Music] something I can do to make myself not feel angry is practice my gratitude and be grateful for the things that I have I'm very happy and grateful that I have all the toys to play with even though sometimes I can't figure them out I'm really grateful I have crayons to play with even though sometimes I break them I'm really grateful for all the toys that I can't figure out but I can always ask for help if somebody can help me I'm grateful that I can play outside at home or at the park even though sometimes it gets dark and I have to go in I'm grateful for playing with balloons even though they pop and surprise me and I'm grateful for bubbles even though sometimes I fall and trip today wasn't a bad day it was such a good day I got to play with so many toys and I got to sing a song with you and two big bubbles what an amazing day I am so grateful for today I feel happy now after practicing my gratefulness I feel happy I'm happy I'm so happy I have all these things and I'm happy I get to play with you that's so wonderful thank you for always playing with me you're a great friend and I love playing with you wow thank you so much for helping me learn about emotions today there are so many different emotions that happen throughout our day that make us feel up and down and up and down and up and down and throughout a day I felt frustrated and overwhelmed and excited and happy and sad and down but we figured out all the different ways to help us regulate and stay calm cool and collected so we can help ourselves through the day and help others and if you're ever having a hard time just remember that I believe in you I'm proud of you you are enough you are great you are smart you are confident you are wonderful you are more than enough you are important and you matter and I'm so thankful to be your friend because I love spending time with you thank you for helping me learn all about emotions and spending your time with me foreign [Music] scarf waiting for the winter blow wave it high and wave it low Shake It Fast and shake it slow where did it go where did it go have you seen my scarf did you see it where this here here did you see the scarf here oh behind my back there it is thank you I thought I lost it all right let's do that again one red scarf waiting for the wind to blow wave it high and wave it low shake it faster shake it slow where did it go where did it go hmm do you see it do you see a yellow scarf here this one did you see it behind my back oh wow thank you for helping me let's do that one more time one bright scarf waiting for the wind to blow wave it high and wave it low Shake It Fast and shake it slow where did it go where did it go hmm did you see it did you see did you see a yellow scarf behind my back oh wow thank you for helping me even did how silly [Music] hi friends it's me silly Miss Lily and I'm so excited to play with you today today we're gonna have a little tea party I've got my friends bunny baby and this is Mr Fox and we're gonna have some tea together are you excited me too drinking tea is so fun and it's fun to have a little tea party [Music] I've got this little pot that's where you put the water or the tea in to pour it out into little cups there's a little song about a Little Teapot should we sing it together all right let's do it I'm a little teapot short and stout here is my handle here is my spout when I get all steamed up hear me shout tip me over and pour me out my little tea butt short and stout here is my handle here is my spout when I get all steamed up hear me shout tip me over and pour me out yay great job you make a great teapot what a silly song Let's pour some tea for bunny you go by me pouring it in for it in here you go which is oh it's yummy bunny says thank you thank you thank you thank you Bonnie and you're very welcome let's pour some tea for baby here you go baby Baby Says let me drink it up it's yummy and baby says thank you oh you're very welcome baby you go Mr Fox and tea for you here you go drink it up it's yummy and I'll have some too I'm gonna pour it in oh I've got some drops spilling oopsies I made a little mess well that's all right no worries we'll just clean it up let me get a little towel and we'll clean it up no worries it's okay to make little spills because you can always just clean them up easy peasy it's all right it's all right here we go and it's all clean we did a little clean up clean up everybody let's clean up all right now it's all clean let's drink our tea mmm if you're feeling fancy you can put your finger out like this yummy tea party this little teacup came with a little plate but I've also got a bigger plate this one's little and this one's big Play-Doh big or small small big let's look at more things that are small and big let's find things that are bigger how about these two teacups which one is bigger this one that's right that's a bigger teacup now how about these plates which one is bigger this one that's right this one is bigger how about these teapots which one is bigger this one you're right this one is bigger how about these cookies which cookie is bigger this one you're right this is the bigger cookie this cookie looks like a circle let's do some shapes which circle is bigger this one yeah that's right it's bigger how about these triangles which one is the bigger triangle this one you're right now let's find things that are smaller we'll do shapes again how about these squares which is the smaller Square this one this is the smaller Square it's small and this one's big let's see how about triangles which triangle is smaller this one is small and this one is Big let's do a height which heart is smaller this heart is small and this heart is Big wow thank you so much for helping me find things that are smart and things that are big thank you I've also got some little treats like cookies and candy for a tea party they're not real they're just toys so we won't really eat them but we can play pretend can use these bigger plates to put things on flag I donut here's a little donut bunny thank you thank you thank you fox says oh no I wanted that Donut oh Fox are you upset that the bunny had the donut and you wanted it yeah I wanted it oh well I'm sorry that you didn't get it Mr Fox but you know what we've got some more treats over here you can have this brownie I wanted a donut oh I'm sorry you didn't get what you wanted sometimes other people you know sometimes other people get the stuff we want but there's ALS always lots of other things like a brownie or a cookie or I've got this yellow Donut oh yay I want the yellow donut I want the yellow donut all right here you go Mr Fox it up here you go we'll put it right here no worries right there actually there you go it's yummy and I'll have this cookie yummy I'll pour some more tea drink it up [Music] will you help me match our teacups and plates I've got a teacup a plate and a teapot and I need to match them to the ones over here will you help me all right let's start with a teacup do you see a teacup on this side where here good job they match now let's find a plate do you see a plate on this side here great job they match now let's find the matching teapot do you see the teapot on this side here that's right they match thank you for helping me thank you so much will you help me with this pattern I've got a teacup plate cup plate hiccup plate hmm what do you think comes next [Music] great job thank you for helping me thank you let's count some plates one plate two plates it's three plates four plates five plates five plates great job Counting [Music] the baby says I wanna pour I wanna pour and money says I wanna pour too well we gotta take turns that way everyone gets to pour I'll move this out of the way and we'll have baby you go first and you can pour all right here we go but I wanted to pour well that's all right Bonnie you can go next you'll just have to wait a little bit here it is baby goes all right good job pouring baby and Buddy your turn is next here you go you poor pour over they had a little more spills but that's all right because we can clean it up where is my towel there it is let's clean it up no worries no worries here we go all clean and we can drink more tea I love drinking tea and I also love a little song about a penguin who loves to drink tea do you want to do it with me all right let's do it this is a silly song about a penguin who likes to drink some tea have you ever seen a penguin drinking tea take a look at me a penguin evil see Penguins attention Penguins unite right arm have you ever seen a penguin drinking tea take a look at me a penguin you will see Penguins attention Penguins unite right arm left arm have you ever seen a penguin drinking tea take a look at me I think when you will see Penguins attention Penguins unite right arm left arm right leg have you ever seen a penguin drinking tea take a look at me a penguin you will see Penguins attention Penguins Unite right arm left arm right leg left leg have you ever seen a penguin drinking tea take a look at me your penguin you will see penguins attention Penguins unite right arm left arm right leg left leg head Bob have you ever seen a penguin drinking tea take a look at me a penguin you will see Penguins attention Penguins unite right arm left arm right leg left leg head bump turn around have you ever seen a penguin drinking tea take a look at me I think when you will see you make a great penguin thank you for playing with me [Music] foreign thank you so much for playing a tea party with me that was really fun I love having tea and playing with my toys sometimes we don't get the things that we want right away like Mr Fox didn't get the donut he wanted but he waited and there were other options and he liked the yellow donut even more and sometimes when we want to do something we have to wait a little bit for our turn like when baby had to wanted to pour and when he wanted to pour we had to wait and take turns it's the first baby went and then bunny went and then we all had so much fun drinking tea and playing this little tea party thank you for having a tea party with me thank you thank you thank you I love playing with you I think you're really fun really cool really great at counting and knowing what's big and small and I'm really proud of you [Music] foreign [Music] Jack in the Box sits so still will he come out yes if you've got a scarf or a tall at home you can get it out and play along scrunch it up scrunch scrunch scrunch scrunch scrunch it up and put it in our hands and we will say Jack in the Box sits so still will he come out all right let's do that again again well scrunching scrunching scrunch and scrunch and scrunch and scrunch it up Jack in the Box sit so still will he come out yeah waving waving waving wow how fun [Music] hi friends it's me so we miss Lily and I'm so excited to play with you today today I've got this little indoor playground toy with lots of friends who are playing at it and I'm so excited to play with you do you like going to the playground it's really fun there's many things to do you climb up you go swinging you can go sliding maybe they have a little seesaw going up and down up and down or a little sandbox where you can build little sand castles with a bucket all right but let's explore this little playground together [Music] let's see here we have two friends and they're just building little sand castles this friend says all right I I'm gonna go do the slide quack quack quack he's climbing uh oh oh there's someone here waiting for this slide all right little blue friend we have to wait this is how you sign for waiting sometimes we have to wait till this little friend goes down the slide we can cheer him on we'll say ready said booty down slide wow great sliding all right little move Fred now it's your turn um up up and down this line great sliding [Music] wow all right blue friend said oh that was really fun let's see what else is on this playground climbing up up up oh these are little monkey rings where you can hold down with your hands and then go swinging like a monkey swinging swinging swinging swinging swinging and then her little friend in the red shirt showed up and said wow those monkey Rings look really cool I want to try that too well now we have to wait it's our blue friend is done we have to be waiting wait yeah sometimes we have to wait something you can do while waiting is hmm what can you do while waiting Jump Around let's jump five times two three four five something else you can do while waiting is hmm sing a song like if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it if you're happy and you know it clap your hands all right look by the time we were done singing our blue friend was done with the monkey wings so the Red Fern goes in and now he's swinging like a monkey swinging swinging let's see what monkey sounds together ha haha so silly [Music] out there over here please we have another friend in the swing let's give him a push and he's swinging push this friend said wow that looks really fun I want to go on the swing well old friend we gotta wait gotta wait till it's your turn it's important to take turns so that everybody gets to play a little bit so wait for the little friend to finish swinging sewing sewing sewing while we're waiting something we can do is hmm [Music] maybe draw on the ground it takes ticks and draw circles or draw hearts [Music] what else we can do while we're waiting is go down the slide here you go Blue friend why don't we go down the slide while we wait for the swings uh uh uh booty down one two three side wow and look the yellow front's finishing up on the swings and goes off this ring that slide looks fun I want to do that too oh I'll help you down one two three slide great sliding yeah blue friend hey look the swing is ready now it's your turn and let's give him a push push ing on the swing pushing on the swing [Music] this little friend saw this ladder going um oh climbing all the way to the top make sure you're careful up there little friend make sure you watch where you're going it's important to look oh get a little wobbly when you're up top it's important to climb down safely so let's climb down safely when you're ready down down great job climbing let's walk over here and see what these friends are up to they're on a seesaw this is a sea song you have two friends one on each side you'd probably go up and down up down up and down oh it's so fun to play [Music] done [Music] a little red friend wants a turn and he says I'd like a turn when you guys are done so the Green Princess okay let me do it a couple more times up and down so the red friend was just waiting waiting for his turn something else we can do while waiting is spin around spin spin spin spin spin spin or dance and have a little dance party a little dance party and by the time we're done our green friend said hey I'm actually all finished up and I'm gonna try doing the slide so I'll go over here but now it's your turn on the seaside up and down up and down up and down remember it says the slack looks really fun booty down slide down three one two thank you wow great sliding our yellow friend's bag says I want to build some sand castles I'm gonna put some sand in the bucket turn it over tap tap tap tap tap and don't make a little sand castle [Music] I'm going up and down up and down boyfriend said okay I'm all done with the swing I like to go down the slide again the Green Princess that's perfect because I'd like to go on the swing so they switched pieces and our green friend went in the swing and the blue friend said okay I'm gonna go up this slide and down wow great sliding oh it's so fun to play at the playground there's so many things to do like sliding and climbing but there's lots of kids usually so it's important to take turns and sometimes we have to wait but there's so many fun things you can do while waiting like dancing or singing or doing silly rhymes where you can draw or you can do other activities so like when the swing is busy you can always go do the slide [Music] I love going to the park it's really fun if I ever see you at the park I'd love to say hi and if you see me make sure you say hi Miss Lily because I'd love to say hi and give you a big high five let's do a high five right now ready put your hand out high five you can do an ear high five wow that's wonderful well thank you for playing with me and this playground when you go to a big playground make sure you're careful climbing and you see you have lots and lots and lots of fun [Music] hi friends it's me silly Miss Lily and I'm so excited to play with you today today we're going to talk about forest animals and I thought I could tell you a story about one time I went to the forest here's how it went I was walking walking through the forest walking walking when I turned and I saw a bunny I said hi bunny nobody said hello said bunny what are you doing the bunny said I'm trying to find some carrots so I said okay bunny Let's help you find some carrots will you help me help bunny find carrots all right thank you will you help me find carrots for the bunny hmm do you see any carrots [Music] carrot wiggling behind the bush great job finding it we've got one carrot now do you see any more carrots hiding anywhere hmm right here great now we've got two carrots hmm do you see any more carrots hiding anywhere we're here great job now we've got three carrots for the bunny thank you for helping me [Music] then I kept walking through the forest walking walking when I turned and looked and saw a fox said hi fox fox said hello Fox what are you doing fox said I'm looking for shapes can you help me I said yeah Fox I'd love to help you I love shapes will you help me find the shapes for our Fox all right thank you I've got a square a circle a triangle and a star Fox is looking for a circle will you help me find the circle hmm do you see it yeah right here that's the circle thank you [Music] then I was walking walking walking through the forest when I looked and I saw a deer I said hi dear dear said hello dear what are you doing deer said I'm trying to count these apples on an apple tree I said all right I'd love to help will you help me count the apples on the apple tree thank you Let's Help the deer count the apples one apple two apples three apples four apples five apples five apples on the Apple Tree thank you for helping me [Music] then I was walking walking through the forest and I looked over I saw a tree and on the tree was a squirrel I said hi squirrel squirrel said hello said squirrel what are you doing so I said I'm going up the tree will you help me well I would love to help you will you help me help this girl go up the tree thank you Let's Help the square I'll go up the tree you say ah ah ah ah wow thank you thank you for helping me go up the tree thank you for helping me foreign [Music] but this one had an owl on it said hi ow hi I'm silly Miss Lily and the owl said who so I said I'm silly Miss Lily the owl said who said I'm silly Miss Lily and you're an owl then I heard who from this Allen this tree so I said I'm silly Miss Lily this is an owl and this owl said who who who I'm silly Miss Lily and these are owls who say who who that's silly silly owls [Music] then I was walking walking walking through the forest when I found a stump through this dump I heard sweet like what could it be maybe a squirrel hmm or a mouse hmm or a chipmunk let's see what's in the stump [Music] hi chipmunk oh oh I'm a chipmunk hi chipmunk it's nice to meet you in this Forest let's count how many chipmunks are in this dump one chipmunk two Chipmunks two Chipmunks thanks for helping me [Music] then I was walking walking walking walking when I looked and I saw a beaver I said hi Beaver people said hello because what are you doing Beaver you were saying I'm trying to count some sticks all right well we can help the beaver count some sticks will you help me all right Let's help our Beaver friend count the sticks one stick two sticks three sticks four six four sticks thank you great job [Music] and I was walking walking walking walking walking when I thought I smelled something stinky oh stinky and I looked over I saw a skunk sometimes skunks can spray stinky stuff out and have a stinky booty silly skunk oh it's stinky skunk said oopsies I said that's all right skunk kept on walking foreign what are you doing bear said oh I'm just trying to find some honey will you help me find some honey I said sure I'd love to help you find honey will you help me all right Let's Help The Bear find the honey hmm who makes honey bees that's right bees make honey and where do the bees make their honey a honeycomb that's right a honeycomb let's see if we can find a honeycomb up in the trees hmm [Music] do you see one here looking looking up here that's right there's a honeycomb full of honey for our bear thank you for helping me find the honey for the beer cause honey love to eat bear wait a minute honey doesn't eat bear bear eats honey that's silly I said honey eats bear but honey doesn't eat bear bear eats honey how silly thank you for helping me [Music] great job helping the bear find honey the bear said what did you do today I said oh bear I had such an adventure I saw bunnies and we helped them find carrots we saw a fox we have the fox find shapes we saw a deer we have the deer count the apples then we saw a beaver and we have the beaver find sticks we also saw a squirrel I had the squirrel go and then we saw bear and we helped the bear find the honey wow what a big beautiful day full of Adventures and fun animal [Music] foreign [Music] wow this was so much fun thank you so much for learning about all of the different forest animals with me and coming along for my little Forest Story [Music] friends it's me silly Miss Lily and I'm so excited to play with you today today's a very special day because it's our baby Bunny's birthday happy birthday baby bunny and if you're watching it it's your birthday too well happy birthday to you oh I thought we'd get all through a wonderful birthday party and celebrate the birthday together we'll get a birthday hat we'll play some games and then we'll open a nice birthday gift for baby bunny at the end I am so excited and I hope you are too let's celebrate [Music] to get our party started first let's put on our birthday hats now where does the Hat go on again [Music] it doesn't go on my elbow that doesn't seem right my head hmm something seems off their way oh silly Miss Lily other way wait a minute that's not right either on top of my head oh all right thank you here we go that's much better now I've got my birthday hat on next let's put the Hat on our bunny yo bunny and on our box you go Fox oh you look cool in your birthday hate and I've got moose now put it on your antler very cute and one for a bear friend here we go all right now we've got all of our hats ready we've got one hat two hats Three Hats four hats five hats we've got five hats thank you for helping me well you helped me find the birthday hats hmm [Music] do you see one there's one hmm do you see any more there's another one that's two hats let's see if we see any more oh there's one that's three hats [Music] hats so there's another one there four four keep looking see there's another one right there five hats thank you for helping me [Music] for a birthday party I also got some balloons but we have to blow them up to blow up a balloon you have to take a deep breath in and then blow it out to fill the balloon up with the air but we can do it together and that's a great way to learn how to take deep breaths all right we'll get our balloon ready we'll take a deep breath in envelop okay ready we'll do it again take a deep breath in and then we'll blow out together ready deep breath in oh wow wow oh no it deflated ah I feel a little disappointed because I was trying to blow up the balloon but it didn't work hmm you know what I think if we try again I bet we can do it we'll take a deep breath in and then we'll blow it out into the balloon blowing it up ready let's do it take a deep breath in oh foreign blow it out wow what a wonderful balloon now let's tie it up here we go one balloon let's do more balloons I've got a purple one let's take a deep breath in and blow it oh wow let's do it again take a deep breath in let's blown out some balloons together let's do it one more time deep breath in let's pull it out we've got a purple balloon wow we we're gonna have a wonderful birthday party together now we've got purple balloon and a pink balloon two balloons and I've got one more so I have two plus one more will be three let's blow it up together let's take a deep breath in fill up your whole chest and belly so let's do that again deep breath in Wow Let's Do It One Last Time deep breath in all right all right and now we've got three balloons one two and three three balloons thank you for helping me blow up the balloons together and when I got a little frustrated and disappointed then my balloon wouldn't blow up you helped me through it and we took deep breaths together and blew up the balloons thank you for helping me let's count these balloons together one balloon two balloons three balloons four balloons five balloons five balloons and they're all different colors let's name the colors this one's yellow yellow balloon green balloon pink pink balloon blue blue balloon purple purple balloon thank you for helping me [Music] let's continue setting up for a birthday party I've got some napkins so we can wipe wipe wipe play so we can eat eat off of them and four so we can now let's see we'll start with the napkins here is one one for Fox here's one for bunny here's one for Bear here's one for moose let me move these over one for me and a napkin for you I've got some plates let's do a plate four box a plate for bunny a plate for bear click for mousse I played for me and I've played for you here you go now we've got some Forks a fork for Fox a fork for bunny a fork for bear a fork for mousse a fork for me and a fork for you yay thank you for helping me set up our birthday table so we can celebrate the birthdays and then later enjoy some cake will you help me match these birthday items I've got a cake a balloon and a gift and on this side I've got a gift a cake and a balloon first let's find a match for this cake do you see a cake on this side hmm here that's right they match now let's find the match for the balloon do you see a balloon on this side oh yeah right here they match now let's find the matching gift on this side do you see it hmm oh yeah the top one great job matching thank you [Music] for a baby Bunny's birthday we baked a cake but I'll need your help putting frosting on will you help me all right we'll put the cake here and I got us some frosting let's put it on together dip dip dip put the frosting on it will Spread spread the frosting spread it all around pick some more spread it spread it all around it's gonna be a yummy yummy cake more frosting and put it on you go bunny it's really fun to cook together and bake together for your birthday or for someone else's birthday making a cake could even be your gift it's fun to celebrate together all your friends and family around even more fun when you can bake for them and surprise them with a yummy yummy hey we're gonna keep spreading spreading spread look at our yummy cake oh this is a good looking cake that we made together for Bonnie you go bunny wow thank you for helping me for your birthday you can also have a cake or cupcake cupcakes are small and a cake is big small cupcake big cake with a big cake you can cut it in pieces so everybody gets a slice with cupcakes everyone can get their own little cupcake to eat they're both really fun and really yummy [Music] let's do some birthday drawings let's draw a balloon oh triangle and a string now let's draw a gift do a square and a ribbon gift now let's draw a cake to a circle oh let's make it a big cake draw another Circle and let's put some candles in one candle two candles we'll do three candles light the candles and Let's Make A Wish together we'll blow them out ready we'll burn them out on three one two three foreign thank you for drawing with me thank you now that this cake is all done with the frosting you need something else hmm what else goes on a cake candles let's get some candles bunny is gonna turn two so we'll need two candles let's see how many I've got wine candle two candles let's put them both in ready if you say in I'll put them in in oh wow look at that that looks so beautiful let's light them up with some matches [Music] when it comes to lighting the candles make sure grown-up does it for you so you can have all of the fun just blowing them out we'll light them up together foreign [Music] candle two candles wow now we've got our candles going and with our special cake that we made together let's sing Happy Birthday to baby bunny happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Bunny and you happy birthday to you now let's blow out the candles remember how we blew up the balloons you take a deep breath in oh and then we're gonna blow it out on three ready take a deep breath in one two three let's blow them out make a wish all right happy birthday [Music] that's what birthday is on bye guys [Music] happy birthday to you happy birthday beautiful baby how do you sing happy birthday happy birthday to you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] now we'll take the candles out a lucky lucky candles that we made a birthday wish with and we'll Cut the Cake ready got one slice and we'll give it to Barney he goes bunny one more slice give it to Fox you go Fox and cut and we'll give this slice to Bear you go where it's hot [Music] and we'll give this slice to Moose cut and this slice for me and I'll cut a Big Slice whoa for you here you go you can enjoy cake with us let's eat up with our Fork we go poke and eat cake is yummy [Music] wow that was a really yummy cake Let's help clean up so we can make room to open our gift we'll put all the forks in all the plates together and wipe with our napkins oh you got a little cake on you there bunny hey girl I'll clean here we go all right thank you for helping me clean up [Music] birthdays are really fun and it's so fun to celebrate with your family and friends it's also important to say thank you for all the gifts that you get or all the yummy cakes and all the yummy food and all of your friends and family that come over and say hello and happy birthday and thank you for celebrating and having this wonderful birthday party with us thank you thank you thank you will you help me with this pattern I've got a gift a cake a gift okay gift cake and what comes next hmm [Music] I guess that's right I guess thank you now let's open up the gifts for bunny and a gift too oh well Fox it's Bunny's birthday now but when it's your birthday you'll get a gift sometimes when you go to a birthday party and you see someone else opening gifts you might think Hmm I wanted a gift you might feel jealous but when it's their birthday it's important to celebrate them and give them lots of love and hugs and gifts and when it's your birthday you receive lots of love and gifts so now let's open up this gift for bunny hmm let's see what's inside I'll help you open it wow it's a little bunny mixer let's open it up [Music] [Music] foreign bunny cut a little mixer so now we can bake our own cake let's bake it together we'll get a bowl some flour let's put it in pudding flour in we got some milk let's pour a little bit milk in pour it in close it now we'll add a little bit of sugar just a spoonful of sugar and here we go and we need an egg let's crack it together correct the egg all right put it in and let's spin it spin spin spin spin spin all right we'll take it out let's see oh that mixed in really wow you can even roll it out roll roll our dough let's put it back in and then we can put this dough in the oven to bake a little cupcake you want to all right let's put it in [Music] wait oh that's gonna be yummy what else should we put in yeah oh yeah it goes in the mixer not the other vibe okay over here thank you so much oh that's yummy may I have another one please oh thank you so much [Music] no no all right and we baked a beautiful cupcake with our little mixer and now we can make beautiful cake spark box for your birthday and you'll receive lots of gifts on your birthday bunny thank you so much for having us at your birthday party and thank you for helping us have such a beautiful birthday if it's your birthday I hope you had an amazing birthday with lots of love and hugs and high fives and yummy cakes or cupcakes well that's the end of this video if you're looking for more of our videos make sure you search for Paisley's corner with silly Miss Lily and I'll see you then bye bye bye [Music]
Channel: Paisley's Corner - Learning Videos for Toddlers
Views: 685,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn emotions, learn emotions toddlers, emotions for toddlers, emotions for kids to learn, toddler videos, toddler learning, ms rachel, toddlers, Learning, toddler learning video, toddler learning videos, Learning videos for toddlers, best learning videos for toddlers, best toddler learning video, videos for toddlers, preschool learning video, learning videos, educational, educational videos for toddlers, educational videos for kids, Learning videos for kids, emotions
Id: _8OpKgHzJ9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 59sec (5459 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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