Todd Galberth In Worship at City Of Praise

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if god has been average you can sit down if god has just been okay you can cross your legs at the ankles but if god has been better than good to you i need you to upset the people who live in the apartment above you and i need you to make some noise in your house in your homes in your apartment wherever you are in this building raise up a praise to a god who has been better than you than you deserve to a god has made ways for you that you didn't even deserve for a god who's been faithful when you weren't faithful for a god who blessed you when you know you didn't deserve it can you open up your mouth to this amazing girl he's been better than good bishop the old brothers would say he's been better to me than i would be to i wouldn't have been that good to myself because i know the truth about me oh but he knows the truth and he still loves me he knows the truth and he keeps pursuing me he knows the truth and he keeps waking me up every day that's why my hands can't go down that's why my mouth can't be silent because i have tasted and seen that the lord he is good it is he that has made us and that we ourselves we are the sheep of his pastor god we worship you amazing father hallelujah you've been better than average oh my god we owe you so much because you are a faithful and an incredible and so we come seeking tonight i don't care i don't care if you're at your house it doesn't make a difference god is it he isn't bound to a building wherever there's worship that's where he'll be wherever there's praise that's where he'll be so right in your living room right in your office right in your den it doesn't make a difference where you are you invite him in with your praise and your worship and i promise you you don't have to wait for an altar call tonight you don't have to wait to get to the building but right where you are your life can never be the same after this moment if you seek him tonight if you see you're gonna have to do your part but if you seek him tonight i promise you that he'll give you an encounter that chemo can't do he'll give you an encounter the fear if you can't do he'll give you in an encounter that your therapist can't do if you seek him you'll find him if knocked in the door shall be opened you have to do your part tonight city come on can you do your part can you open up your mouth can you act like it's just you and jesus and go after him go after him grab your children by the hand and go after him go after him you'll find him if you seek him i promise you that's the promise that's the promise you'll find him if you see if you if you if you if you if you if you you'll find him if you seek him hallelujah god we pursue you tonight we don't want goosebumps oh we just don't want to cry we want to be filled oh god we just don't want tears but we need an impartation that will shift our lives forever fill us again oh god do your part to your part do your part he's a god of if's i know we don't like that he but he's a god if my people who are called by my name if you abide in me then i will abide in you if you seek then the door shall be opened you have to do your part and if you do your part what i can guarantee you oh what i can bet the house on is that he will show up every time he will meet you at the point of your expectation every time but it's going to be dependent upon if you what are you willing to do to get what you need what are you willing to do to get what you need what are you willing to sacrifice to get what you need what are you willing to get on the floor and roll around in that apartment what are you willing to do he's gonna meet you but what are common musicians but what are you willing to do that's the question tonight the question is it is he the question is will you [Music] i said the question is it is he going to the question is will you seek will you seek will you seek him will you go after him whatever it takes whatever it takes [Music] hallelujah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what are you willing to do what are you willing to do what are you willing to give up to be filled what are you willing to let go of to be filled oh god what are you willing to sacrifice to be filled what what are you willing to do for god to feel you he will but will you he is but will you he's seeking such the bible says that he is seeking those who will worship if he's looking for he's actively looking for somebody now and i'm wondering tonight are we just here because we don't have anything else to do but are there any seekers that are watching are there are there any seekers that are saying god i just need to be where you are everything else have left has left me empty everything else has left me broken everything else has left me needing more but god i come to the one where i can get all of my needs met in one god we seek you today with our worship with our praise with our hearts because we need an encounter we need to be filled and you told us if we come you would meet us you told us that if we knocked that you would open the door you told us if we seek you then we'll find you god we're going to do our part tonight because we don't want another service we need an encounter with the real god we don't need any more goosebumps we just want to be changed so do something that only a real god can do tonight oh god do something that only a real god can do do something that we have to say if it had not been for the lord do something tonight let this moment not be wasted do something that only a real god can do so we pursue you come on lift those hands wherever you are we pursue you we pursue you we pursue you we pursue you we pursue you we pursue you we pursue you we pursue you we pursue you we pursue you some of us are broken 20 20 left us so empty some of us are like the woman with the issue of blood the bible says that she spent all she had and all she was left with was a little bit of faith and she says i know i'm broken i know i'm not even supposed to be in public but she says if i stay here i'm gonna die but i gotta do something different oh god i've been the man i've been to every doctor they told me i've been to everybody else i've called everybody else i got on instagram and told them my business i got on facebook and went live and told them my business and i'm still in the same situation i'm still i still have this issue i still have this problem she sat in house and she said if i can just touch and i can't walk to get there and i i can't run like everybody else but if i gotta crawl if i if i gotta if i gotta embarrass myself if i if i gotta get low whatever it takes i have to get to jesus i have to get my families depending on this moment my children is dependent whatever it takes i have to get come on [Music] whatever it takes it takes whatever it takes for me not to be the same my response is yes [Music] whatever it takes for me to be different my response is yes whatever it takes for me to never go there again my response is yes whatever it takes for me to never do that again my response is yes god yes lord your kingdom come your will be done your kingdom come your will be done in my life and whatever that looks like is cool with me because i just want something different anybody want anything different god i just want i just want something different just [Applause] i feel depleted i feel broken i feel empty i just need something different and whatever that looks like my response is simply yes god i'll say yes lord yes to your will end to your way i'll say yes lord yes i will trust you when nobody and when your spirit speaks to me and speaking right now with my whole heart i'll agree [Music] house fill your rooms with yes come on this is the posture of our heart [Music] today [Music] yes [Music] yes god and my answer will be yes and my answer will be yes and my answer will be yes and my answer will be yes and my answer will be it will be and my answer will be yes and my answer will be yes it's going to cost me something but yes it's going to hurt a little bit but yes oh i'm going to have to quit a few days but yes yes yes yes yes [Music] yes and my answer will be yes oh and my answer will be [Applause] [Music] yes my god my answer will be yes not just the day but every day of my life and my [Music] one more time not because i'm asking you to but because it's the posture of your heart come on come on tell them yes one more thing hallelujah means very little if you haven't first given him a yes i said hallelujah means very little if you haven't first given him a yes [Music] i feel refreshing i feel i feel refreshing i feel referred whoa good gracious my god i feel refreshing i feel somebody's in their house and there was something on you i feel i feel a refreshing it's it's it's casey what i feel is like sometimes i've been you go to disney world and it's like hot hot hot you know before covert of course you go there and then they have like these little mist sprayers and it's like it's like it feels like 140 degrees and then sometimes you see those little misters and you just walk underneath those misters and it's just a refreshing feeling it's just and i believe that god is his presence is just missing in your homes right now oh yes girl yes girl you you were frustrated but now god the refreshing his presence is where you are he's refreshing you now he's giving you strength he's giving you he's letting the glory of the lord rise wherever you are and he's refreshing you now because he's doing a new thing [Music] because we're seeking him he's going to meet us right at that place right at that place and i don't know about you tonight but i i i want something new i keep saying it over and over again because i've been in church too long man i don't want to go in circles i don't want to have the same encounters not when i not when he's giving us a new manner when it's available there's a new manner available for everyone who seeks him and i just believe tonight is the night that god wants to do not just a refreshing thing but a new thing in your life come on somebody lift those hands and say god give me new wine give me new one new one come on tell them say god give me new wine come on lift those hands and receive it hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus you're still god in the waiting [Music] you're still god in the crushing yes god you're still god when i don't understand you are making new [Music] so i yield to you into your careful hands cause when i trust you i don't need to understand [Music] so just make me a vessel make me an offering make me whatever you want me to be god i came here [Music] so when the crushing [Music] [Applause] [Music] and in the soil [Music] tonight when i trust you i don't have to understand it all but father we choose to trust you over what we see even right now lift those hands and say god make me a vessel say god whatever you want me to be when i came here i had nothing but everything i have is because of who jesus is come on somebody say jesus [Music] cause where there is there is freedom the kingdom is anybody want new fire anybody want a new fire in your life raise your voice [Music] anybody new are you desperate for something new lift those hands and declare where there [Music] is [Music] [Music] today [Music] make me an offering you can make me whatever you want me to be cause when i showed up i had nothing but everything i have you've given me and jesus break [Music] you know he's doing it right now [Music] this is our prayer tonight come on i want to be new [Music] this is our prayer jesus created us a clean heart renewing us the right spirit tonight we want something fresh we're ready for something new i want to be new oh god whatever you have to do tonight you can do it in me you can do it in me [Music] [Music] jesus raise up your voice and see jesus [Music] [Music] jesus christ [Music] so just make me a vessel make me you know freak you can make me whatever you want me to be when i came here i had nothing i said when i showed up i had nothing let me tell you something don't let your success make you forget what god has done for you don't let your success don't let the doors he's open make you forget uh how it used to be don't let the blessing don't let that new car make you forget the thing that you drove uh a while back don't let that house make you forget about that two-bedroom apartment with roaches calling don't let what god has done in your life now make you forget because when you showed up you had nothing but everything i have every good thing i have is it's not because i'm good it's because he's been good it's because he was faithful it was because he was better than good to me father when we showed up we had nothing but everything we have is because of you tonight [Music] see jesus bring no one jesus [Music] [Music] jesus there can be no one without a crush [Music] there can be no one without a crush i'm going to sit down but understand that if god is going to do something new then it won't look like what was and you have to be cool with that because if you're holding on to the familiar yeah god is not going to pry open your hand to put something new in it there are certain things you have to let go of to receive something new are you hearing me there are certain things that you have to let go of to receive something new and that that place sometimes that we walk in is unfamiliar like i've never been here before i don't know what this is supposed to look like but can i just encourage you tonight that even though you may not understand even though you may not know what it's supposed to look like to still keep your posture of worship in the middle of it and i promise you that as you go he will show you he will show you he will show you as you begin to move as you begin to walk in this new place that if you keep your posture of worship in another posture of anxiety or worry or doubt but god you're doing a new thing and it's going to be beautiful and i believe that there are some people who are watching right now you're like god i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready and he's like yeah i'm ready too but you got to let that go [Music] remember i told you at the beginning if you if you if you and there's something amazing that god is doing in your house in this house but there are certain things that you got to let go of to receive what god is ready to do in your life now if you want new one can i just pray for you right here in this moment father i thank you right now i thank you that sometimes we don't understand [Music] and we have to learn that i can still trust you when i don't understand i can still worship you when i don't understand because my worship and my trust isn't predicated on what's happening around me it's predicated on the god that's inside of me and if you brought me this far if you brought me through social unrest if you brought me through uh pandemic continuing to carry me through this thing then you're god enough to take me through this next season and i choose not just to trust you but to praise you in it to worship you in it to love in it to give in it to be faithful in it even though i don't understand you can still do something new in me and may not go crazy in the middle because you're the god who gives beauty for ashes so god we receive your joy your peace your love even right now in a place that we may not be familiar with but where i am may not be familiar but the god i serve is very familiar and so god we thank you we bless you we thank you that you're doing a new thing and it will be beautiful it will be amazing it will be great and you will be glorified in it all if you believe what i just prayed a little bit right in your house right in this building praise team fan i need you to raise up the best worship you've given god all night long and release a sound in this place release a sound in your house release a sound in your apartment that and not only will says trust you but i worship you right in the middle of it i'll bless you right in the middle of it i'll bless you that my heart may be hurting i'll give you the glory even though i don't understand because i understand that you're still god in the middle you're still god when i don't understand you're still god with the report didn't come back the way that i wanted you don't change because my situation changed you are still god and because of that truth because of that truth i will bless the lord at all times i will bless the lord at all times i will bless the lord and all because of that truth i will because of that truth i will because of that fact i will bless the lord at all times bless his name that's it that's the sound that's the sound that's the sound come on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you thought you came to sing god said i come to do something new i come to do something fresh isn't it beautiful it's getting ready to sprinkle it's getting ready just spring up let's get it ready the script behold i'll do it and it will spring up hallelujah come on you got 30 more seconds i need you to praise him like you know let's bring it up i know it don't look like it's bringing up i know it don't feel like it's breaking up oh god i know everything around you says it's not oh god but can you worship him because it's gonna spring up i know they want you to play the funeral but i need you to have an expectation that it's about the springer i know they want you to feel like it's dying but god says it's about the spring it's about the spring your healing is getting ready to spring oh your breakthrough is springing but the prayers that you had that you played years ago are getting ready to spring and the pandemic your business is gonna it's gonna spring up it's gonna spring up it's gonna spring up it's gonna spring up don't wait wash it don't wait worship don't wait worship [Music] spring up oh god spring up spring up spring up spring up spring up spring up spring up spring i command him to spring up i command him to spring up he's doing a new thing hallelujah and god we thank you in advance because it's springing up it's bringing up i wish i had a woman right in her apartment that would start taking a lap around because i know it feels like there's no way it can happen but i promise you i feel in my belly that's something i don't know what that something is in your life but something is getting ready to spring it's gonna be unexpected it's gonna pop [Music] father we praise you now we won't wait we'll praise you now we won't wait we will praise you now yeah yeah yeah that's why we're here tonight because he's getting ready to spring something up on us thank you jesus he's filling you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there's some people who you're doing your part right now you're doing your part and i promise you there are angels being dispatched on your behalf there's something happening even don't worry about what you see uh don't worry about what you see don't worry about what you see worry about what you know and you know that there's a god that's for you and if he's for you he's more than the world can be a get you there's a god who is for you and something is getting ready to spring up i'm getting ready to turn this microphone over but can i can i get about who's i don't know how many people's watching because somebody shout spring up i need somebody with a real expectation if you ain't got no expectation you can close your mouth oh you can get on facebook and instagram but if there anybody if there's anybody who's watching tonight that has a real expectation i need you to open up your mouth and raise it from your belly and say spring up spring up sprinkle god let it spring up on me let it surprise me when i wake up in the morning let it be there waiting for me spring up spring up spring ups wake up i don't know who's coming up next this is jesus it's gonna spring i like surprises as long as they're good surprises and god i feel like god is getting ready to pop some stuff up in your life [Music] you can spring up a new thing a new thing a new thing a new thing a new thing a new thing you can wasn't that the old thing was bad i'm just gonna do a new thing i'm gonna do a new thing i'm gonna do a new thing god is able to do just what he said he would do he's gonna fulfill every problem still this is your part don't give up on god cause he won't give up on you cause he's able to spring upon you anybody believe that he's still able he's still able he's still able he's still able he's still able [Music] god we magnify you we magnify you because you're doing it right now and we won't wait to see it before we thank you but we'll thank you before we see it we'll praise you before we see it we'll give you glory before we see it i need you to take 30 more seconds and i need you to raise the praise of wherever you are understanding that your god is well able to do exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think raise up your voice raise up a sound and somebody give jesus glory [Music] you
Channel: stephan
Views: 420,310
Rating: 4.8896399 out of 5
Keywords: GOSPEL, Christian Music, Jesus, Church, Praise and Worship, Worship, Maranda Curtis, Tonya Baker, Benita Jones, Christian, Gospel Music, Contemporary Gospel, TD Jakes, Potters House
Id: 4Uo34_GDsd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 27sec (2187 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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