Today's show is brought to you by the letter M for Morel

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[Music] what's up what's up how's everybody doing today [Applause] hello from I can't really what's going on hey-oh every Saturday be 120 minutes of greatness the cap off 2008 shy Joe exactly John yeah I'm on the hard side sorry hey so today we're going to have a wonderful show for you pack was frame we're on Christmas pit bulls there you go so good evening Paul from Atlanta what's going on top Lana we're gonna have Paul from 5 star on the show a little later he's gonna stop by give us a couple minutes of his time so that we can ask that I didn't throw fun and release the blue dude modulo yeah yes that was not a unicorn they actually exist yeah you know it's funny we didn't get one but we did get the DM RTA so we have actually we have two of them right now if you guys caught the the Instagram picture we have a shot showed we have the beta and then we have I'm guessing what you could consider the gold master yeah this is the final product so I came in a box that actually said DMR ta on it so that's pretty cool there let the intro song play out tomorrow if any of you read the title we have some Morel stuff today so and before we get to that couple things for one this is gonna be the last show of 2018 and for the most part the flash show for the til the second week of January because with the first that you're coming that is going to okay that's gonna I don't understand why it's not scrolling though so that's gonna make things really what's up Jason oh yeah well that's okay all right excellent secondary put it next week awesome so if you got okay so first things first if you guys didn't check out the three shows we did with Jason's frozen house make sure you go check those out that was the top five touch screens that was the top ten cool tools to get a little late but you know hey Christmas money you could spend it on that and of course the top three tech for 2018 go ahead and check those out Jason thank you so much for helping us with those he did a great job yeah I pat him on the back he was here ah like I said at the original this is gonna be the last show for 2018 that's why it's gonna be to our fun time here yep what we're gonna answer as many questions because of course this shows right off by Morelle so Morelle is the unofficial official sponsor of the show tonight so we are going to be talking about some morel products yay I did I agree with Jason yeah we know you you you made a big paragraph in the comments Victor so it's all good so hopefully when we come back in the first I'm gonna clap my hands so hopefully when we come back after the first week in 2019 yep we get to talk about all the cool new products that they've been teasing us with that we can't talk to you guys about yet so there's a ton of them to talk about we're also gonna get John on the show to talk about all his fun stuff we're gonna get bill on the show talk about his fun stuff anybody else who wants to come on we hope you guys really enjoyed 2018 was the first year we were able to bring on these guests and interview them yeah it seemed to go pretty well on I mean I enjoyed it personally being able to talk to these guys cuz most of these guys are not anyone that you would ever get the opportunity to talk to and now they want to come on the show to be interviewed so that you guys can meet them and learn what they do and learn about them so we're hoping that you guys your age emotions you know because these guys they start from here and they now they here well they still here but they going you know I have no idea what you're just saying yeah um as far as halo ten but no no we're just gonna put a big butt there it's not a halo 10 yeah and it's not a halo 9 right but but if you like it and you're like hmm okay we can't talk about it so they're real specific about what they shared with us and they wouldn't let us share it with you so we're beating around the bush as much as we can with that one can there be any minute Carla so if you guys caught the first yeah til Daniel of the Camaro don't worry you guys are gonna see part two this year okay so I started editing it and when I got into it I was like oh my gosh it was gonna be a really long video it got to be really it was like three o'clock in the morning I was like I'm gonna have to stop here and I really wanted it to be done because I don't wanna I'm not gonna edit anything next week so yeah there'll be no videos next week so next week is the holiday between Christmas and New Year's so we're not gonna be doing anything on those weeks taking a week off and do the family thing and and just do all that craziness but hopefully between tomorrow and Sunday night I will get that edited and then we'll be up Christmas Eve for you guys to watch part two but then that'll be it for the week so I know and I was really bummed because I want to get it out of the way and clear my plate of everything so that I can just sit back on the couch and do what you guys are gonna be doing it's really what I'm looking forward to yeah so how about you you good I don't know I'm just saying how about you you got anything we need to add in was there it was there any others what did I miss I missed something okay no I didn't miss anything so let's start out the show real quick let's get you guys going first off we want to thank you guys so much for going on this ride with us this year this show has really started in 2018 the actual we set a date we set a time and you guys have come along with us and had a great time I assume because you keep coming back and that's a lot of what so that was great that you guys have embraced this show that we do for you and all that so thank you so much yeah thanks for watching thanks for being part of it we got to 81,000 this year so that's pretty cool pretty cool extremely cool because I mean we we had a huge swing so we're really looking forward to next year and what we can get out next year for you guys of course next year's gonna be a lot of things are going to little little things are gonna start to change as the year goes on believe it or not when you still have all the videos from 2018 that you guys are going to get to see that we haven't put out yet because the videos are 2017 took us so long to get through so plus we have a bunch of stuff in store a lot of hands on a lot of things like we're gonna do tonight where we get to talk about cool products once you had to start unboxing that so that's gonna be really cool it's have you gotten any mmmm DW sparse is only the ones that are currently available now I did actually talk to them yesterday and they have a lot 2019 is gonna be really Kingdom wickley nilüfer that one the 2019 is gonna be a really cool year iData has a lot of neat stuff coming out so a lot of cool stuff for all the things that you guys have been asking for so we talked to them and we're on the same page so anytime they have something they want to announce we're going to get it so we'll be able to tell you guys right away about it but the stuff that we can't talk about I really want to but in a couple weeks you guys will get to know what's coming out so that'll be awesome there now what we got over here in this cool box is this this guy right here model number Ultimo SC 12 silver now in case you're wondering why we have this stuff here this stuff's going in my car that's right so we worked out a deal with Morrell and so the car stereo lab and my car is going to begin a bunch of Morrall products so I mean this has been something we've been dealing with or when working on for months now it seems like a long time and we finally got it all worked out so this is gonna be the subwoofer now okay so it comes with which yeah was over there which is cool but if you look at it this looks a lot different than anyone for you guys have ever probably seen unless you own this now you're looking at that little thing there and that's normal right you're saying huh I've seen a vented pole piece that's nothing new but then if you can kind of see that copper grab one of those lights over there let's see if we can light up this copper inside of this is this giant copper band okay okay you see that see see how big yeah yeah no go to the front though okay okay so from okay see the yellow there we go all right see how wide that is okay you can see it right there okay that's the voice coil my friends this thing has a 5.1 inch voice coil yeah this is not cast this is steel so neodymium magnet 5.1 inch voice coil yeah what's a 600 watt six I want power and only and that's 2,000 watts consummate you mean peak yeah yeah we're gonna call it [Music] [Music] okay I think about changing them out for the Alpine x-series components what do you think oh so those are two different animals so if you have a Hertz three-way set energy and you're gonna switch up to let's say an Alpine totally different thought process on speakers Hertz loud in your face tweeter that's just like yeah and you know yeah Alpine not so much Alpine is gonna be a little bit what I like to call slower the tweeters gonna be a lot more tame it can get loud just like a metal tweeter but it's not going to get as loud as a metal tweeter because it's a soft dome tweeter yeah so what you'll probably see differently is that you're going to hear more sounds than you currently hear I know so you have a tweeter you have the 4 inch you have a so hmm now yep yeah there's a difference ah Billy part express uh part is press does you can find you can find antenna all the parts that you can you can get for what Carter's pressed for the VHA pioneer a oh that's pack parts but bars yes pack starts Express pack parts not to be confused with pack - audio compact power parts you're thinking parts expressive yeah one the exact no pack parts out of California what's hot car gas hey you got ever get tired of talking about audio and answering questions honestly totally oh yeah totally are you kidding me do I ever tired of it yes do I ever stop doing it no so it's kind of one of those mix things if I'm ever at a party or get together and someone starts talking audio immediately everyone all the I's do this and I start talking audio the thing is is there's a lot of cool things after that I've got to do over 20-some odd years of doing car audio so I don't necessarily talk about car audio all the time a lot of time we'll talk about customers or customers builds or cars that we've done or or as a stupidness that in car audio or the cool stuff that's in car audio so yeah you know if you do something for as long as I have it's just what you're gonna talk about now obviously the other thing I like to talk about was cameras so if you get me in a room and were like hey let's talk cameras whoo yeah that's a lot of fun there now what are we gonna power this big boy with we're gonna power with this guy wait what I know right hey Class D technology is an amazing thing it's makes this guy small now how much power is this Fernando 550 at a tool that's right this does 2 ohm which means it's gonna match up perfectly with this subwoofer now it also playable 4 ohm it will not play at 1 ohm it's gonna be at 350 this is the 1.5 50s now this is called now what does it have that might be of interest it's got a 4 gauge input now unlike some of the other amplifiers that has this style looking input the wires are going to go in perfectly straight you're not coming up at an angle or I wouldn't be using it because I had those outside really cool guys thanks no I'll get my own amplifiers these don't these have really nice input terminals they are allen key set now you have signal sense for the okay so can you run a high level yes does it have the ability to auto turn on yeah so it has all three by all three it has the remote turn on input it has signal sensitive has DC offset so if you're gonna put this into a car and you just want it to turn on you're gonna click one of those two so either signal sense or DC offset now if you're going what signal sense is just that when it sees a AC signal coming over into the amplifier it will turn it on however sometimes when it doesn't see an AC signal it will turn it off so AC signal sense is a last resort so it's like hey I don't have a remote turn on I don't have DC offset and I'm gonna use signals now most amplifiers are built like this okay this is an immoral thing this is just an amplifier thing now DC offset which is what most remote turn on generating products ooh good circle there use DC offset is looking for a slight DC it's about six volt that turns on and comes through the amplifier output as soon as you turn it on and then as soon as you turn it off it goes away it's like a remote turn on built into the signal coming to the speaker perfectly harmless most cars most apps most everything has it you can meet her for it if you turn the volume all the way down put it to DC and see if there's six volts there it doesn't change with the volume so it doesn't matter if the volumes all the way up it's not more voltage and it's not less voltage it's just a constant six Hoult's that comes in two out of that and then when these amplifiers see it or other things that have DC offset it will automatically turn it on it's pretty cool alright okay I'm not finished almost man almost has a subsonic filter for those you say oh hey cool it's the subsonic filter it's 25 or 35 Hertz so I'm sonic filters a high-pass crossover for the amplifier there again a lot of these things were talking about are not exclusive disease amplifiers it just has it yeah subsonic filter there again high-pass so what it will do is it'll if you cross it over at 25 or 35 depending on where you have the box port of that it'll take away a lot of that excess energy that the amplifier is trying to reproduce those little frequencies that are they can't do so it makes the m5 run a lot more efficient it is a class the amplifier for sure and has a variable crossover between 40 and 220 Hertz now the subsonic filter and the low-pass crossover both 12 dB and of course it has a gain control over here in the corner or as some people like to think of it as a volume knob yeah it's a heavy for channel cuz that's an a/b but we're not gonna talk about this we're gonna take a break talking it does have a cool cover that goes over this like this so you don't have to actually see this you're not made me Italy Morel is Israeli they're not Italian or German they're Israeli alright so we're gonna take a kit no we're not gonna show you the guts Christian just like oh man we're gonna take a break from talking about Morel ferment they're a sponsor of the show tonight and we're gonna bring on our momentary guest the owner of the shop Paul come on Paul come on in buddy get in the middle I can't do this I can't do the middle thing so guys so for those of you that often ask the question hey man who owns the shop well it'd be this guy a little wider so Paul owns the shop I just worked for him doesn't seem that way sometimes I know so we did do it we've interviewed a couple times so if you guys have any questions that you'd like to ask Paul please by all means shoot it out there he said ported yes yeah well no it's Paul okay so if you call the shop you don't get me or Fernando Paul little history of Paul Paul is a married guy it's two kids I know I was just kidding um hey Bo hi Oh misses you Ohio misses you yeah yeah I miss it with every bullet um uh I wish Class D monoblocks would let you defeat the internal crossover you know okay so funny you should ask that Christian some of the new Class D monoblocks will actually allow you to so all the Phoenix gold your favorite monoblocks are full range class DS so you can turn off this low-pass crossover and actually use it as a full Class D amplifier when we were talking with Chris Bennett on the show they have the AMC one point 300 and he was like what I'd really like to see somebody do is take two AMC one point three hundreds and put one on each mid base and then use like MC four point three hundred or two point three hundred run some tweeters okay so there are plenty of class DS I don't think he misses Ohio okay um Eddie I don't know what type of car do you have but it should work fine with no problems maybe you have to remap those steering wheel controls yeah because you do have to okay so like reef flora and reflash the module so some some cars there are extra wires you have to go out and get before the phone answer you know the phone features to work so there's several of them like in a Ford a lot of the times you have to go find the the wires some of the Nissan's you have to go find the wires some of the Toyotas you have to go find the wire so let's make sure you're printing the instructions and that they're all there okay hi Paul have a question is there a reason why you guys don't run gel audio the videos I have seen about them as always okay big fan stuff okay so why don't we up to a I'll call you either way we don't have jail is because we have rockford kicker and there's other dealers around us that have jail so that's why I'm not piecing you by the way there's actually two other dealers in our area yeah so they have like you know area constraints so that's why and that's wrong that's right Paul's brother owns American with any conveys yeah no that'd be Bob hire conveys so that how he says it come on man do your Bob limitation for American base that's not how he says it is Bob Mayo I want the car to blow this so Chris out very loud I want it very loud and do you know why we call the amplifiers VFL heard or did drop the bomb oh boy that was terrible uh do you guys know if Alpine will release in a newer version of the X u universal nineties head unit for 2019 okay so Alpine is gonna be launching a bunch of new products how the stuff that they told us about we cannot talk about yet so a couple weeks a couple of weeks so yes there is new stuff in there our new radio have a nice Christmas card game a lot of new radios yeah yeah so but no we can't what do you think is sundown in crescendo sundown at crescendo we carry scar you know just its local here and you know support you know support your local guy and you know if you know this stuff is like really heavy so the shipping you know it's kind of crazy and scars got really good deals compared to like sundown and crescendo so we just stick with cards okay and we have a good relationship with that well really good relationship with them what does it say it does does the dsr one replacing maestro RR no it does not okay so yeah I get what you're saying no dear sir one is not a maestro RR it is a maestro AR amplifier replacement a R stands for amplifier replacement or R stands for all right thanks Paul so no the two are not compatible of one another so if you want to hook a DSR one up to your 99004 you still need the RR to do that side of things and then you'll RC out of the 99004 into the front and rear inputs because remember and es are only has four inputs not six which is a bit of a hmm from some of you guys and I can understand that ah can I get rid of my factory amplifier depends yeah you can some cars you can in some cars you can't if you're replacing the head unit by all means you get rid of it however if you're doing something where you're adding in a keeping the factory radio and putting in amplifiers you may need to keep the factory amplifier depending on what type of car it is what type of interface you use in that stuff so we have plenty of videos where we talk about that variable voltage versus fixed voltage if you have a factory it has a variable voltage output meaning kind of like an RCA where you turn up and down what's feeding the amplifier moves up and down with the volume knob a lot of the times you can then amplifier a lot of the times not all the times a lot of the times uh I hope no okay so I hope optical au is a feature that yeah yeah I can tell you that one is a definite no all right so what is the best pioneer double din Andre auto without now what it was a question I'm sorry the best pioneer radio doubled in width and readö we don't know without navigation that's right I was gonna go 1905 nice at 500 4400 without now it's 4,400 yeah yeah it's the only one they make especially with Android auto um what are they what does it say why do you have more than Factory in your car uh-huh do you so all right let's preface that with the simple answer of this what do you listen to in your car Sirius XM what channel does it turn Sirius XM okay let me say that by what six channels do you listen to consecutively in your car 80's 90's CNN Disney Disney so when you're driving a car with Paul it is the most like you're ready to jump out of the window after about 15 minutes and I drop that I'm sorry but that's because he'll be talking the radio will be up and hopefully talking over the radio and he'll just be just going through the channels like like a little like a ninja oh my god like today on and the president and then and then hey you know what I'm thinking that this guy's and then and you're gone god man pick a station you just just live there for at least the whole song oh Jesus Disney cuz we have we have two kids yeah he has two kids and of course like me he has a season pass for Disney yeah yeah Platinum members baby for life yeah um yeah I'm sorry I didn't mean to drop the f-bomb but you know of course CNN sucks duh it all sucks it's all ball bearings what's that from anyone all bearings it's all ball bearings now fake news doll fake it's all fake ah radio set permit skin exactly it's like on a 10-second loop it is but he's the controller of that um so the question was someone was asking about audio frog really what it comes down to is we have a lot of brands and right now we just don't have a hole for the Frog yeah there's nothing to do with my great distaste of frogs and the fact that I just hate frogs it's just yeah uh once I say I've checked my polarity and it's wrong I corrected it am i our type still sound like poo but the speaker is open air does that matter yeah so if the front of the speaker in the back of the speaker can see the same airspace poopoo total poop that you know any two even okay an infinite baffle just it means it means that the woofer is in the front in the back of the woofer are still baffled meaning there's they're not gonna see each other just means that the backside of the woofer has in such a large enclosure that it could still produce bass but the front of the enclosure will never see the back of the enclosure alright so you can't just like you know if you've ever watched Steve me do a subwoofer flex test when he just sets it on the barstool and over it's just doing this it's not really making any noise because it's just the front wave in the back waver can't this go because there's there's total cancellation there remember cancellation sound wise is two frequencies playing out of phase with one another they cancel each other out that's why when you put one woofer in one box movie and positive negative is negative positive and they do this you get no bass well if you have one one from doing this and this wave in that wave see each other it's the same thing yay well yeah can I use a rock for DSR one with an aftermarket yeah of course all the time totally recommend it any DSP with the radio if you want it to sound better doesn't matter if it's a DSR one or whatever you can get your hands on totally used ESP right Paul yes right you love the SP right yeah yeah ESB hey we need two hours to set that up oh god this is Pawar we're set a DSP sound good sound good yet sound good no okay what about now what about now is it sound good now huh good huh okay um okay what we got here any thoughts on investing a 3d printer create custom harnesses newer vehicles haven't released yet the thought is on a 3d printer so there's three devices that are on the wish list is a 3d printer laser printer and a scene see the room is always gonna be the biggest problem is we only have so much room more than likely it's going to be a CNC or a laser or whatever we're gonna be looking at for 2019 because the 3d printer just takes way too much time and what don't we have a lot of fall time all right yeah RCA base knob or base knob that comes with the amp Oh your base now guy what do you think use the one that comes at the end yeah why because it's designed for it that's good cuz it comes with it man it's included it's a bonus it's like a freebie um yes he's correct you want to use the one that comes with the amplifier if possible the reason why is because some amplifiers that base knob is a part of the amplifier in that it's like in pioneers case the base knob is the bass boost splash volume control so if you don't put it in you don't get you can miss out on a lot of the cool boomy bass right everyone just shake their heads right Fernando yep okay have any preference of 8-inch mid bass no I um no not really I mean there's a couple we have what the Prima yeah we didn't get the folk out yet right yeah no we'll be getting that later this year Morell makes one too since we're talking about Morel they have a nice bass knob ah okay I'm trying to thank you frantically for the prayers for my sir oh yeah Justin what's up man cool yes thank you um and he just had his he just had that's the guy with the cool amp collection yeah um he just had his two lower vertebrae fixed we'll just say it's very painful sounding thing but he's doing well but yeah definitely um but no very cool very cool hope everything is going well like you know we talk um so now versus Fosgate t power series which is better amp and subwoofers mm-hmm so the easiest way to think of that is how much research goes into both of those you know Fosgate puts a ton of research and development they hire engineers it's not just off the rack stuff that's not to say that sundown doesn't have a quality product they do but I'm thinking when we're looking at amplifiers now even though amplifiers are probably both made next door to one another we won't go there but one is off the rack kind of built and the other one is designed in-house meaning that in rockford designs their amplifiers they blueprint them they have cool people make them or design them you know with distortion detector technology built into it so I don't think any one is better than the other I just think that the Rockford is probably better but they're both gonna sound great it's just a matter of what you're willing to do I mean you know we all drive cars they all have four wheels and a steering wheel and they all ride down the road some of them are built better than others some of them aren't some of them are expect to be alright you would expect to be built better than others and then you own it and you're like that car sucks so good bad indifferent yeah is Rp 1,500 in the stock yep Paul what's your favorite amplifier go ahead prime 500 baby other than that fine you 86 no one really where's the RP 1500 fall into that oh yeah cuz I mean you move a ton of those yeah money you can't be that one day you left and left me over there I see so like four more yeah and like I'm like God stopped my knees we have other amps man do you have a favorite type of dupage battery isolator relay type versus dial type I like to relay type personally I use the stinger relay capacitors suck yeah for the most part some don't typically Korean amps yeah yeah what he says there again we know from watching big deal is the Korean amps aren't terrible um they're actually pretty good just they all use the same core it seems like hey from Belgium what's up I would go ask are on a low budget yeah you know you know that's the thing you have to keep in mind I don't know if any of you guys are taking the time yet which I hope you haven't to look up this priced on this 12 inch woofer okay for what you pay for this 12 inch woofer that sundown you were talking about you can buy the whole company okay so that's a that's 1100 hours so okay like I said he could talk price we don't talk price so there you go so there again you know it and you know when we were talking with folk al and Malecha was on and the the Bravin brave Bravin Raven Raven Raven Raven I don't want to private the Ravens subwoofer that they make holy it's just as much as that actually looks a lot like that which is funny but just from the top down the column nothing else they're all totally different law comes a long time concern with effect on battery and in idle engine stop start features on cars with powerful system I don't know if it's a longtime concern but it is a concern and a lot of manufacturers are starting to address that I don't think all of them are on board for that yet but more and more new technologies amplifier manufacturers revisit the designs of their amplifiers that stop-start technology is becoming more and more prevalent pack makes the ignition - I believe which is a accessory generator that works off of CANbus that allows you to get that keep that amplifier on if you can't find an accessory or whatnot or DC offset or signal sense isn't working so yeah plus the other thing too is you know these amplifiers getting smaller and smaller like the power series Rockford's and then the the KS series kickers and everyone else's amplifiers like we had a guy ask the 901 91.5 that has a 120 amps of fusee on it for what it definitely doesn't need that because it's a very efficient amplifier I'm pretty sure we should have done it we should do a test on the next one we do to see how much voltage it's actually drawing because I know it can't be anywhere near that but the power output dictates that it should have that sized fuse so a lot of these amplifiers are becoming more and more efficient and I feel that as these electrical systems in these cars become more picky these smaller amplifiers are going to be more that's what you're going to be going after anyone make it better alternate and stinger I do you think stinger makes them anymore do they they don't do them in-house there's a third company do it third company yeah they just third-party what's the name of the guy that makes the like a singer Mike singer no bigger singer alternators yeah you can look them up on Facebook oh so you can change a amazing JP alternators something like that or Mecca men there's Mac man that's what I was thinking can that find a class a small amplifier anywhere and you never will I know that's a joke but if you do want a class on the amplifier we know of one you know who makes it Moscone Moscone has a big class amps like 250 by 2 and it's like I'm going yep why does your part yeah no but who cares and I'm gonna have to get that just to add to the list of stupid things I've bought in next year you know like this n9 shine in every now I'll take it out go look at mine kind of like all the DSPs I keep buying that are just gonna be like yeah so hmm I'm sure you two followers I don't want to sell any that crap man I give myself for all the coolest all right so okay so you started about the same time I started into this nightmare but you actually you're your family's been doing this forever so I mean you ran around like a little kid inside of the store cookies but no man it's just it's been a long day and I got like four hours of sleep last night so this is what you get but the older equipment that like have come and gone you had no real attachment to it but like for me I just wish I could get my hands on some of that because it has like yeah you know like the rest of the crap we want to take in various I'm gonna have a whole big plot than when I die it's gonna be like a feral it's just gonna be filled with all my my Star Wars crap my camera's thought my oh my build your casket of it yeah yeah it's just gonna be like all the crap I bought I want to take with me put it in my pyramid what's up from San Francisco ah salud Oh Fernando um what's your opinion on CT sounds do you have opinion the CT sounds I mean we really just like anything I was like you know like scar oh here we go what's a sundown yeah how do you feel about Abbott and Dino and DNF can't five star certify them for price before they answer no Christian you're just silly I'm looking for a good common man like the good apps they're already certified before they yeah look for a good clean up to run my folk al utopia's a Mosconi I mean if you know that that seems to be the pairing there's to go if you're gonna go folk L you don't want to buy the folk n elapses to go Mosconi so I would definitely check out Moscone stuff audison voce a five point one very good amplifier also that would do we had that on last week if you want to see what that looks like at the YouTube show last Saturday we we had one out and we it's four so it's ya know call us we'll give you killer deal on yeah trust me when I was in my hands I was go on take it Fernando just take it he's like why I'm like stop playing with me uh yes Merry Christmas for Martha's mom yeah their subs and amps are crazy yes they are Orion Cobalts were nice ass back in the day all right Kohl's were very nice hands back in the day however they were deadly amplifiers back in the day I still have scars on my arm from those amplifiers being so vicious and - and on that I also actually have an original set of cobalt 12 in bandpass enclosures in my living room those are my two subwoofers so big Accio amplifier of meters param and yeah so I actually they've lasted for a really long time probably because they didn't have the ferrofluid in them like the XT are that kind of gummed up after a couple of years oops they're bad hello from Trinidad what's the biggest sub you have you installed hey yeah hey Bobby what's up and you're nuts um we're right next to our amps were pretty good yeah but those were late in the game the SX and the HTC CAS and the GX were really the ones that people are sought out for the x-tra and they're not the ones that everyone gets like about what's the biggest subwoofer we carry 18 what what's what's here it's a scarf AVX the cv a car we stock that yeah really the 18 do they make like a step up this CVX yeah what's above what's above the zbx now don't they have a new series it's above that I think it's called DNR but I hope all Alpine adds a way to control the new DSP via the head unit there again new I can tell you know on that one you got to remember that DSP that's actually like three years old okay so that has been available overseas for years now it's just because of the latest DSP craze that they moved it into our neck of the woods and we have it so you can use it I mean I you know which you guys will see next week Monday the app for the laptop as well as the app for the phone are really pretty good so um I've been driving around and at the red lights you know when I'll be like something's irritating me I'll whip my phone out and fix it real quick and take off so it's pretty pretty app is really responsive on the phone for sure what does that say any thoughts no any thoughts on Pioneer being bought out who bought Pioneer investment group named Hong Kong but as far as we talked to pioneer nothing changes right now so yeah we won't know we probably won't know until like months or a year from now see what kind of so they're owned by a Hong Kong company now so they're not gonna be Japanese anymore the owner the facilities will probably stay where they're at they're gonna cut what 1,500 employees 17,000 I think 70,000 police tanks I think I thought it was they're gonna cut a lot of employees but that's right yeah it's not gonna be a Japanese company anymore so it's gonna be a Chinese company no one it wasn't before so most radio manufacturers of know are Japanese so like when you look at Alpine's Japanese can with Japanese it's actually the Jade kenwood is actually JVC Kenwood is the name of the company they they merged together several years back in order to build a buying group so they could get better deals on products so they could compete with a bigger company like pioneer it's actually worked out really well for them because they've come out with some really cool products that has been able to do because of the freeing up of silly money Alpine is Alps electronics out of Japan there was something about that recently to Alps bought up some of the the random shares of Alpine that we're out there I don't know because yeah that was I briefly read that Sony of course is Japan sound of New York Clarion doesn't exist anymore they're again they went bye-bye this year JL Audio bought up the shares of Clarion marine and Clara marinas gonna be a just a product distributed by JL Audio initially jail is going to be clearing out inventory and then once the inventory is gone they're going to develop new products using their technology and Clarion technology because it was a tech product swap thing there that they got I need a PRS before they are gone we gonna be gone yeah they're right here is not going anywhere actually 90 BRS yeah we so yeah we got the big one we still got the whole set a deist 83rd Street good deal on that just saying I'm not lying they're moving the headquarters from California to Michigan yeah because they want to be closer to the auto industry yeah apparently there's this thing in Detroit I I don't know where cars come from yeah could be don't know um what else is there remember Iowa Oh totally remember Iowa would you like it was Iowa was I think Sonia was making products for that do you have experience with the Android head units we got to play with the Lynx well when we were at knowledge fast and we there's a little when we when we show our knowledge fest video there's there's a little clip up in there performance-wise with the Lynx well we were impressed they they were fast they were responsive they looked good the downside to them is the audio they were not made for audio they were made for car dealerships to be able to upgrade their cars to these big Tesla style screens not for aftermarket guys to build systems off of so the guy with the guy they were strongly recommended if you are going to build get one of these and do audio with it you're definitely gonna want some form of a DSP you're gonna want to use that as a source unit so yeh your thoughts on the rock 40 2500 Amarillo temple ultra 692 really have not met my expectations in my 2000 f-150 any recommendations um have you tried to set the crossover there's a tweeter attenuation if you try to set it up and also are you running any form of DSP because and power they need power you need a lot of power the tweeter cross are on that is a 60 B slope so at 0 we found it really isn't all that impressive we've been picking it up to the positive to see the positive 2 or positive 3 and that has really like open that speaker up and made it really nice the problem with the Morel is always gonna be the problem is that they have big noise coils they have big heavy tweeters and they need power you need lots of power you ready to go you go okay thank you good yeah okay I didn't know I know you got stuff to do so thanks that guy ain't no support and merry Christmas to everybody thank you for coming on well I have a good weekend see him unfortunately don't bring your keys now speaking of power so we got we're talking about power there let's go ahead and we'll talk about the four channel morels well so because myrrh aloes the sponsor of the show today just in case you didn't notice or no Miren M is for the run so we have the four channel alright so this is a Class A B that's why it's so much bigger then let's say the 500 Watts sub amp so this is 100 watts of power yeah so it is four by it's a hundred watt by four at two months okay it's 70 70 watts by four four ohms but what we're doing at this as we're going to bridge it to a good channel because it's a B yeah and you can a piano made for bridging yeah that class these abs are made for bridging and how much power you're gonna get times two hundred two hundred by two yeah so you might be thinking wow two hundred by two that's awesome what are you gonna put that on well this is gonna go on the midbass you'll notice there's a stack of them because they're going to go on the midbass they're gonna go on the tweeters and then they're gonna go on the centre in the rear fill so they're again this has the cool plate that goes over it it has the cool inputs all on this side it has the high level low level inputs which and it has a two channel 4 channel mode so you just flick the two channel mode and now it's two channel input you're also gonna have your DC offset signal Center just like the sub amp you're gonna have your to gain controls high pass low pass selector up over run and emitter or channels one and two and three and four and there again the crossover is going to be 40 to 400 Hertz yay pretty cool yeah so and then these guys here I hope you guys have seen these guys yet so hey from North Dakota what's going on merry Christmas to you too Ram these are gonna be what's gonna go on the center channel these are the 2 inch why Wow yeah yeah those yeah the other ones didn't have those yeah I they come the caps Wow so this is a 2.5 inch what do they call it high frequency put that over a wide range so why bring your speaker so what you got here is a two and a half it looks like a miniature version of the subwoofer let's put it right here so yeah it looks like a little miniature version of the subwoofer and even the voice : this is like an inch man always crap so let me see yeah so it's a two and a half inch speaker with a one-inch boy school holy God look at that yeah so this is pretty sexy these are forum so two of these will be going up from where the center channel is yay lots of fun there all right let's get back you question what's a good power source for indoor testbench um so good question so depending on what you're trying to test most of the time you can pick up like you don't need anything too big because all you're really doing is you're gonna be doing that heavy duty in which case you're gonna want to pick up like a nastran or something like that but for most of the testing we do or we're testing like amplifiers radios we just need stuff to turn on and make sure it's working we use this little guy right here it's a 4 4 to 6 amp output little it's got a cigarette lighter input here you could pick these up for anywhere between 28 to 50 bucks on Amazon he's got another one over there which you can't seize out a frame made by pyramid yeah pyramid and that one is I think I'm 15 yeah yeah that guy right there so that's a little 15 ampere okay yep I saw it so that's really those those are what we use to turn stuff on so like when we're filming the videos and you see us like we have the stuff on we're using one of these two to power it up we also have a big 50 amp astron up underneath the workbench in the back corner over there the problem is it's got a fan so stay low it's very loud so the only time we'll actually use that if we're doing like a big surfboard amplifier we just need to test it to see if it you know like play through it make sure it's working we'll go ahead and kick that guy on but even like a scar 2500 there 15 amp we'll turn it on we get sound out of it so yeah there you go I kind of use a car battery with a charger you can the only problem is is the charger is going to make noise you're gonna if you if you hook up a car battery charger you're gonna get the oscillation from the charger so it's gonna go through your stereo that's the only problem with it you can get a power supply like stinger makes stinger ant global makes a power supply between you can get a power that's what we use to power up our displays it's a 70 or 80 amp power supply up you connect that via a old-school diode style battery isolator and a battery up to it so basically Isolators oh so when it'll turn off when it turns off like a remote turn on you've built for the system yep that way we don't have to walk around and disconnect things from the battery but you can yeah so you can use that now that is a filtered output so that it doesn't go so you can't it's unlike a battery charger which is just crap my charger is why nice some chargers are there again like I said just depends like those over there are technically battery chargers they're just built to be clean if you go pick up the $19 battery charger from I was gonna say Sears but let's say Walmart it may not work to the way you want it to work yeah you go and check it out yeah bye Jason thank you so much merry Christmas to you and you finally man yeah man thank you so much for playing with us this year Jason it's been a lot of fun we can't wait till next year what about a server powers harvest bought I think yeah yeah so yeah a lot of guys do that actually this morning we had the kid remember the kid that came in with his dad the kid that came in with his dad the little 10 year old that had the subwoofer and all that in his bedroom he was a fan of the show and he has a pool with the Xbox huh yeah he pulled his Xbox apart to rip the power supply out of it to charge the battery so he could put a 9601 in his bedroom the power is to keep him Michael first he get as for a power supply but he wanted to build it he got money but yeah the PC you do that yeah the PC power supplies work you know there again it just depends how much you need so actually we have a PC power supply that's and I worked my toolbox that has a radio in it there's a PC power supply in that that powers the radio it's just a small one so yeah alright Metra 70 1859 now that does the second harness with single wire connector to the ACC power or remote whoo okay so yeah laughs I'm sorry I was read some DM 608 and I'll see full pose plenty of power uh Brian I you know we barely used Metro we normally use pack uh so tell me for what car no Victor there's gonna be no shows until next year so the hundredth episode was the last show for car audio talk with Dean and Fernando where we had knocking on from foe Cal but that'll be the last show until next year because Christmas Eve is Monday and New Year's Eve is Monday also so we're gonna have to go two weeks that's why we're having it for two hours tonight so that you guys can get the most of your Dean and Fernando get that Jones fixed they'll hopefully push it through there's gonna be no shows either next week guys so you're gonna get Monday which is gonna be part two of the car audio lab and then that's it for the week and part of next week the week after that because you know what the holidays and all that fun thoughts it's gone alright so remember the guy for them RL temple trust explained I yeah he has the 608 and LLC which no power I would think there needs there's an issue of tuning and also like I said try jackin that crossover tweeter up try that first so go ahead and click that up and see if that get you where you want to be that made a huge difference on the last one we did I mean like a huge difference like we were sitting there and I was tuning I was doing it and then I clicked that was like oh damn there we go problems oh it's not gonna be Monday night Facebook yeah yeah yeah I can't just put the phone down that's okay um Brazilian MC na yeh I don't mind him I think they're good and after talking with what's-his-name from sounds digital at knowledge fast or easy oh yeah they totally sold me on that stuff so yeah I'd say yeah all the way there was one question here I wanted to answer at home okay Tahoe okay no um okay yeah any thoughts on mounting amplifiers to the box so so the question is okay there's this is one of those topics that there's a lot of no I meant just so you can see cushion you know um so real quick mounting the amplifier to the box I'm not a fan I used to do it a lot I mean you know hey we're in car audio that's what we do my lamps the box if I have to bond a nap to a box I'm still building a barrier between the box and the amplifier so there is a little bit of wiggle room there but I prefer not to do it just because of the vibration that it causes and sometimes in these amplifiers they don't like the vibration yeah alright so Chevy s10 extended cab down fire to 12 kicker CBR so fire up um well if you have a what is that let's have 40 bucks oh yo boss well the first problem is gonna be the CV ours yeah a huge yard yeah um down fire down fire yeah yeah oh yeah totally those are regular I was thinking of it I was thinking the comfort of the the crappy shell amount wants please no no no down fire try to keep about four inches between the floor three at the minimum three inches between the floor and the woofer for better um but then ya down farm you can even pour them down fire yeah that's fine yeah down front just make sure you have about three inches between the woofer and the floor if it's closed it's totally useless if you can't get that otherwise yeah it's back farm or something Raven oh that will be awesome what 4 inch causals speakers and the pillars awesome right there on your face nice well they have a three inch again so I mean I would probably do that but no they have the hybrid forage coaxial and that's the 4 inch Integra he was actually that was what he wanted to send me instead of the little two and a half but it won't fit my - so just all the 15 year old JBL amp and 15 yo fitty stuff why won't these things dice dude if it's the gem yellow umbrella is it the big white one with the purple writing on it cuz if it is I can understand why that would never die those amps were just like you could kill people with those things they were heavy actually they had this big one was about this big and we had a guy take it off the wall and stuff it down his pants and walk on the door of it yeah yeah was Larry's right we got it back when I used to work in another shop these guys came into this play and trying to take the the faces out of the radio can the system vine be adjusted through the app of the new Alpine DSP I'm thinking of an in-dash tablet install yes yes you can control it through the app or on the D the the little controller so the app has a master level control that just mimics the volume knob so the volume knobs infinite spin so you can turn it up here or you can turn it up via the app itself whichever one works for you okay 2001 Tahoe nom both of the factories okay so what's the question well I think the harness is for the so the extra harness no you know not the extra harnesses there's no the sub is controlled through the amplifier and there's no extra so it has to harness yes there's a nice on star harness and then there's the main harness okay little eight pin is for OnStar only so you'll retain the OnStar yeah which you can to two thousand one because it's an old cellular network not a GSM network so behind the radio you have a grey small eight pen or ten plain and then you have the bigger main plug that one doesn't get used for anything and you're just using the main plug that has all the speaker wires thank you yeah this is run off there is no separate sub it's just off of the main amplifier alright so this is good alright super tweeter compared to the other two it oh yeah yeah I like that one um regular tweeters rebel there's two liters yeah you know I like that no no so okay so that's that's kind of a loaded question it just depends on what you're trying to do you know if you're if you want the ultimate in loud and you're trying to be heard a distance away well then you're gonna need a super tweeter because a real tweeters a smaller normal car tweeter won't say real they're both real you know they're not like they're inanimate object isn't really what that's made for so I mean if you're trying to like compete with four 12s or six fifteen Zoar then or just be the loudest guy on the block well the super tweeters made for that because at the end of the day a super tweeter is a professional audio tweeter for a stadium yeah it's what's it's what those are made out of so when you go to a stadium those all have arrays of super tweeters in them as they're called now to them they're just tweeters and you're 100 feet away you need to hear that tweeter well in your car you're three feet away from the tweeter so if you want to hear that tweeter really really loud yeah go super tweeter now if you're trying to do and oh my you know if you're trying to do critical listening that's not the tweeter for you you know because it's not gonna be a critical listening tweeter uh so if you I got a link it's gonna make a new - kids for the f-150 definitely we neither confirm nor deny if you if you'll we have the - gate in the future and we have the car here in the base we definitely want to make a video tell you all about it all I could say about iData is that anytime they're gonna introduce anything new we're gonna get a phone call or at least the kid the nice email and we'll be able to share that with you once we get the email from them then we can share with you other than that we really can't talk about what they've told us about the products they have coming out other than to say you get it for me um so since we were talking about tweeters Violante titanium - they're active so one of the cool things that Morrell does with this series is you can buy it without the crossovers because you're gonna go active because you're spending a fortune on these things so you want to go active now you can go passive but if you want to save the money so you don't have to like throw those passive crossovers away or whatever you can buy them active so it just comes with a tweeter in the box and this is the small tweeter using the Neo magnet and the cool grill just pops right off whoo girl is sexy though I mean so so this is the little tweeter now so jackie has these in his car and he has these things playing down on like 8k yeah really low really low he's like wow I'm like wait a minute what do you want these because when we were setting up his car he's like I go what do you want to have these play at and he's like okay actually you said 10k first and I think he upped it to a cake I was like yeah what do you got all Rockford Fosgate I'm honoured rated ah I got ya I got I only got my new t20 Momoko's of Christmas sale 650 bucks Wow um I don't know if your Rockford Fosgate it's underrated because they actually give you I was a poor decision well no I think what he's saying not underrated so to speak our underrated meaning like that 2500 that he just got there's really not 20 it's like 28 to 3 grand on a birth certificate as well thank ya I mean that so are all of them underrated meaning you're getting more our than what the actual power is yeah for the most part yes yeah I mean even down to the prime series amplifiers well I'm 500 usually comes in about 580 to 600 watts on the first certificate so yeah new silicon flash rings from Metra installed they know we have it oh yeah we got him really yeah we got yeah yeah yeah yeah we got him in I ordered a set I'll show these I'll show them to you Monday if I remember we got him in yeah yeah okay we got him oh yeah sure we have it I didn't come over here Johnny doesn't matter cuz I didn't get like oh holy yeah so we do have them in we're gonna do some playing around with them and then we'll let you know what we think but yeah we do have them in oh jeez 303 thousand four hundred fifty three at one of them there you go yeah I mean everybody got nice bills I got a budget build dude what are you kidding me everyone has I mean everyone starts with a bunch of build I mean my first amplifier was a Sherwood 180 GX I think was what was called a No upped it to the 280 G X or something like that dude the combined total of those two amplifiers in 1990 in 1989 1988 I was like 240 bucks for a 280 watt amp by Sherwood Wow um that was a budget build in 88 Honda Hyundai charging system issues I telling you about today I talk we just work on a 2018 Accord yeah yeah and I said I would rather work on a Lexus all day long then work on that Honda Accord because of that right there she's so small you know for everything so if you're you working and running all those cars if you have a charging just charge that battery because it dies really quick also just check the battery how old they are replace it so probably most of the time with Honda is that the alternator action doesn't turn until the car is moving at like 45 miles an hour which is usually the problem because people are sitting there at stoplights bang the hell out of their system and there you go it doesn't actually do anything for that yes they are four cylinders no no right here can you put that come on yeah oh yeah yeah you were talking so I don't want to say anything oh no sound man this up is gonna take me at least six months to get this thing in the car you kidding me it's taking me nine years to get to the point where I'm actually gonna put something in it you want to get it in as quick as humanly possible okay there's no question about it and you can guarantee we're gonna talk about it along the way and we'll have more time or I actually spend more time talking about these and you guys will have questions and fun stuff like that we want to get it in I want to hear it I'm waiting this long but it's it's a lot of work and and we have to do this after hours so we'll get it in it's just gonna take some time it probably won't be January I'm hoping to have it all done by March is kind of like what I've kind of set on the schedule so we'll see how that goes all right can I use the way lc1 with it it's a 9 1 listen 935 so packed volume control with yeah you can but they make a piece for that they make like an LP 7 - I know with the volume knob with the bass knob oh yeah it's a model number 7 but yeah they make they make it they make that piece already all in one so you don't have to do that but yes you can't do it but they do make one that's already built like and they give you the car I get the whole wire and everything 3-inch voice coil you got that light three-inch so we got here is a 6 inch 6 and 1/2 inch this is aluminum case you guys are wondering so well just do this whoa see the yellow yeah this doofus I know it's okay that's a fast figure so this has a three-inch voice coil on it neodymium magnet aluminum basket power handling walls one on this 7d okay yeah open open back it's got a vented pool piece here of course because it's going to create it's gonna get a lot of heat so it needs to be able to breathe sexy now all the morels come with this cool grill all the way up to the subwoofer yeah so they all come with this is the Morel style grill so anytime you see this you know it's a Morel it's 160 and these are these are built in Israel come with a sticker okay so it's 180 hunter news 108 damn this phone fast speaker yeah right no not a fast speaker for sure such a beautiful speaker Dinah's only is a gorgeous speaker yeah our morels rebuildable you know that's a good question honestly I don't know I've never actually blown one to need it rebuildable um what does I say I have a 1200 watt RMS 15-inch sub and it down it drowns out mids and highs any suggestions on six photons I have okay so um that's always a problem if you have just a sub a lot of people come in here in the lab just an amp for subwoofers and they'll be like I got tons of bass you need something for them so good six by nine s you need an amp is what you need yeah so don't just think you can get away with just adding some good six by nine because 15 watts is 15 watts is 15 watts well do you have an awesome six by nine attached to it or you just have the factory six by nine attached to it by replacing at six by nine let's say I set a Kenwood exelon six by nine a set of energy six by nine set of morale six by nine any any type of six by nine you want that has a tweeter built into it it will sound better because it's a better speaker but it's probably gonna have a bigger magnet than what's there from the factory which means it's going to be a little quieter because that 15 watts now has to move that huge magnet as opposed to before where just had that little tiny magnet to to move so power is the key to volume the reason why we're going with three of these it's because we want it to beep and loud hey Elliot um sokka pack audio calm definitely you can find out hardness in there if you know probably you can check my straw data just check it out maybe they make something for your car um what does that say graphic tee the real question is nice that's the guy he saying those the church okay okay so the read it is rebuildable there you go so what not okay so one of them is Clarion JKL oh um I like that Selma 5-channel amp and a DSO on sorts out every issue yeah you're not far from that I will say this yes DSP does fix a lot of problems but you know you can also just go for the D six point 1200 which has the DSP and the and the cross that yeah so one thing I've noticed by looking at a lot of these amplifier manufacturers over the last couple days that we've had to do some homework and a lot of the companies I think a lot what you know yeah you're gonna start to see a lot of you know like jail of course and see they're going yeah we have amplifiers DSP built into well you know the prima has been out now for like four years and it's an amplifier was a DSP built into it Moscone has amplifiers dia piece built into them there's a lot of companies that have amplifiers at the espys built into them folk alley you know when we were talking to Nala Kai he was talking like what eighty-nine into it so it's just funny that now the ESP is always here is been like yeah but we're finally people are going oh wait a minute there's been amplifiers with Diaz Peaceville yeah for a really long time so and they're again just like we were talking about the Alpine DSP that's three years old it's got it's an amplifier and a DSP all-in-one it's got eight channels times twenty five that's why we were able to put it in the car what you guys will get to see here soon what's the best speaker to upgrade with a factory there's a bunch of them I mean you just want to keep it simple I mean if we want to talk about full cow for a minute they have some there again Morel has some oh wow Pioneer has the TS DS or the tsa tsa isn't probably the easiest to work off factory power because they're made for that Wow that's what raising harley-davidson is a void the warranty if you replace the radio I don't think they can do that no there's a law against that okay yeah that's against that's there's a law against that so yeah yeah there's a law against that that just be Harley Davidson can enforce that they can reflash it so that it defaults it back to factory which is what happens most of the time which means you have to take it back to the car stereo shop and have the radio reflashed again but no I mean it's yeah they can't do that yeah pioneer rvq made people aware of DSP I don't know I mean well like like we said this piece is been there for I mean long time the problem is if you're old like me and you think of DSP the first thing that pops in your head is church jazz nightclub so back then that's what DSP was simulation of sound so you would play you would you know it would give you this like real big goofy sound like I had to clan DSP in my car for about about as long as I had a halo 9 and what it would do is you'd hit the church button it would make all the Mustafa do this funny stuff like this way you listen to music you know like it is supposed to sound like you're in a big hall so for me when I won DSP when we say DSP that's what I think of DSP has changed a lot from what it is you know or like when you're at home and you have theater mode and rock mode and game mode know that stuff so that was DSP DSP is evolved into basically just big e cues with time delay you know or spatial delay whatever you want to call it nice Mario still prefer the diamond X pros 200 there you go yeah man I mean everybody had their own opinions you know oh no and everyone has their favorite yeah exactly your favorite is k2 there again turn them on to those I was like a crack addict I said here here these music-hall oh my god he starts twitching in the corner I wasn't into me I've always been a fan well so and that's not to say that I don't like other brands I love Katy other one so one of the great things about working here at 5 stars that we have so many brands so we need to play here oh it's yeah every one of them yeah theater love theater so that's what makes this fun is that and that's what actually makes it easy for us to recommence though because so you get to touch and feel and listen yeah play with so much stuff so yeah it's a lot of fun oh definitely so when I came here for the first time I never heard like sound quality at all so I heard there hurts you know and now it's all oh my god that's amazing yeah you know we start getting you know get better than this and died and more and more and then I'm like boom I take a deuce OD SPC have mana controls or was it always automatically control a lot of the old DSPs you didn't hat you just had a button you pressed you know and it was it stood for digital sound processor so it was it was to make things sound like something they weren't you know so like I know what Mike Arion it had all the the predetermined stuff and then you had an EQ you can play with and it may or may not had some before vine control but it was really weird so utopia's are excellent speakers no they are amazing speakers what's up well what's up from Gainesville yes what do you think about an expensive build as a beginner what's I sub do you like and how many would you like custom building a subwoofer box or prefab so that's a lot of questions all in one what do you think about expensive build what do you think about an expensive build for a beginner I don't care what level of the game you're in if you can appreciate the product you buy what you can appreciate and you can afford so if you can appreciate the finer things in life as a beginner but I'll meet hop to it the first set of headphones I bought cost me 550 bucks I didn't want to set a headphones before the other than the crappy ones that came with my iPhone but I could appreciate good sound so I just walked up and said give me those I did my research and walked away with some really nice Sennheiser's okay now I buy even more expensive headphones but that's besides the point so if you can appreciate what you're buying and buy it if you can't sometimes you have to learn the hard way yeah just like we were talking about you know you can tell somebody that don't touch that it's hot and if they understand they won't touch it if they don't know what hot is then they're gonna go I don't know what that means and they're gonna go out oh okay I know what that means now darn it okay so if you can sit there and sit and go hey I I I like that I want that yes that sounds better to me well then buy it because you can appreciate it if you're over here going no this is cool man I like this this is yeah that right there okay and it's cheaper do that but eventually you may get to that point you go you know what I should have bought that because now that I've had that I've played with it and I've hit this wall where it's like ah then you know so now prefab or not prefab that is the question right what does prefab actually mean okay so prefab me that it was something made before it was pre-made before you needed it I guess I mean it's wrong just means that it was made now there's different levels of prefab so for example a fox box which we've talked about on here a bunch we technically considered a prefab box because it's made prefab for a Dodge Ram I'll put it against anybody's box okay it's frickin amazing box that's a prefab so it's a term that's gene abused right now there are some crappy boxes made by certain people all of them that are just garbage boxes okay that are like 70 bucks okay that's just like hey 5/8 MDF some glue some carpet little paint there you go 70 bucks it's yours okay I would consider that a prefab box however if it fits the specifications for your woofer what's making it bad I think I think everybody get confused about that if like custom boxes is because they have to be like yes Jeff exactly specification exactly as used to buffer but when they say prefab is just yeah an ax man you're totally correct that's that's ex man mm-hmm what's up man uh yeah sometimes being a beginner is easy to spend a lot of moolah and not get good results there you go got the boss didn't drink that one um so yeah you know buyer buyer beware for sure and there again if you can appreciate it which means you've probably done your homework so yeah my gal I do prefab it's yeah exactly so um but yeah that's just yeah for sure now um yeah you're perfectly right now so there again if you're if you're trying to design a system and you have no idea what you're doing I'm cool man then you know sometimes buying expensive stuff just to buy expensive stuff isn't the best way to do it because it okay I'm a firm believer by it wants by it right don't deal with it anymore so as Fernando will attest to before I buy things sometimes it takes me a while okay because I want to make sure when I'm getting ready to open my wallet up and spend my hard-earned money on is what I want okay and it's not just yeah so you know I'll buy the expensive thing I'm cool with that as long as it does what I want it to do and until I can get that definitive this is what it does I'm not spending the money okay so if you're gonna for a first time out by the best you're gonna buy some Mosconi you're gonna buy some Morel you're gonna buy some faux Cal you're just gonna go you're like dude I got the money I'm gonna buy it okay fine buy it but do your homework first talk to a couple of professionals people like me that do it for a living there again we understand there's some guys out there that's just there to like take your money and run but talk to several of them find someone that's passionate about the product we know they're out there and then be like a lot of people are there um alright so Jonathan I you might probably have to do like custom custom um a pillars if you're gonna put like a threeway set in there or I don't know if you want around it on the door but definitely you have to make something to fit that three ways in yeah you gotta have someplace to moaning now I know if you go to Aldi which is not all the know Alibaba Alibaba whatever that is the the internet site out of China so grocery store you can go do that okay they sell restaurants so pods that you can mount your speaker than attach them to your eight pillars so there are they are out there and you can get them Justin you Marshall I'm Justin found him I was like hey again yeah they're not I mean I've seen him and I thought they looked okay but you know what's up Scott Mayer Chris do you two MTX had thunder forms back is that Scott actually I ran a thunder form to tent box in my Dodge Ram forever and I sold it to Aaron Aaron bought it and had to so it had to Kenwood DB ten inch woofers they were purple okay I had four and I put two in the bathroom London and I he was still running them because the box was kind of the hole was kind of the wrong size so when I put him in and I had to finagle him in okay and then I hot-glued in all the screw holes so I could get him out of my butt therefore air wouldn't leak out of schools right because there it was because the the holes on those like and you know how big a normal screw hole is uh so yeah these are double that so it was the silliest thing ever I don't want it okay what is it what does this thing do do you have the same problem what sold me Amuro okay let's go back Dean I always have a problem with customers that that they want a cage for power and ground and I recommend for gauge and up so do they want to upgrade their system later they have the wire Oh honestly we don't even give them an option Lewis everyone gets a four gauge kit the only time you get an eight gauge kit is if you're doing like the Rockford p300 yeah because we're building you a plug that plugs into the subwoofer enclosure so four gauge doesn't fit otherwise everyone gets a four gauge or when we do their rock for powers powers minis we run four gauge or zero gauge and would do a distribution block in the batter and then it's small a gauge yeah but for a normal install even on it like a like like Paul was saying the prime 501 is favorite amplifier you can take you get two four gauge we use the Stinger select four gauge kits for things like that you know that are just because they're 100% copper and they're very affordable very price competitive to a let's say cheap aluminum kick or something like that but no no we use them but yeah we're doing a lot the stinger will use finger but for like a single amp four gauge that you know we go for that actually by once by right amen totally zero gauge garden hose all the way what's the difference with a pioneer radio-navigation versus Android auto oh pretty simple oxygen free always oxygen gallery yeah oxygen free copper yeah that's all we use um navigation radio has it has onboard navigation so if you're in an area where there's no cell service it's going to use the onboard navigation and the GPS antenna to get you where you want to go yeah actually you have to go and type it in and it has a physical navigation software in it that will get you from A to B so if you go on an eight-hour Drive it can run all day long and not affect it doesn't go anywhere it doesn't hurt your phone it's not running in the background you fully connect up all the phone calls you want get all the text messages play music do whatever you want Android auto there again it's on your phone so you have to have a service in order for it to function and you have to use your phone so if you're one of those guys that's constantly talking on the phone Android auto might not be the thing for you because if you're talking on the phone the map the phone the texting and all that it's it's like this yeah so Android auto and apple carplay great for around town like you know within a half-hour to an hour of where you're living if you need to go somewhere find someplace or doing something like that when you're on these longer trips sometimes it's not the greatest not have plenty of guys just to go through it I used Android auto to get here from Seoul and so it worked fine yeah yeah we're fine of course it'll work fine why wouldn't it work fine it's a phone it's a map and you know paper works fine too but people don't use that yeah anymore I mean some do but yeah mark yeah we do we are authorized dealer for so many brands because he buy a lot yes if you sell one you buy five more yeah so we alpine factory direct pioneer factory direct Kenworth exelon so we're factory direct rock for Rockford for factory direct kicker were factory direct morale we're factory direct Hertz audison factory direct focal factory direct Sony we buy from Dow which everyone does which is a distributor the crunch stuff and audio pipe and thing that is not factory Dragonite sadness from yeah a distributor of some kind scar factory drives everything red what am I missing Metro we're factory direct on Metro obviously all the amp products were factory direct so Phoenix gold and all that we're all Vipers we're factory direct yeah trying to think of things that we don't do that we're not in its goal we are factory there area covered that so yeah so yeah it's a lot of fun what's that say yeah all the pins are you so curious yeah exactly yeah oh good great confused on internal is dual a garbage brand for touchscreen decks huh I'm not gonna say that yes I'm gonna say yes yeah okay you know everybody's different you know so it okay if you need an inexpensive touchscreen deck pioneers the company to go with they have the 211 e ex or whatever it is is a super affordable well bill deck for like 200 bucks okay does everything it's got a 13 band EQ it's got six channel 2 volt output it's got DSP it's got time correction it's got three colors you know it's it's is it is it okay is it laggy well no is it the 4400 no but is it better than a dual yes all right hey from Sweden what's up Sonia is some of the most overlooked audio in the game because Walmart well actually if you want to look at that everything that goes in the Walmart is one of the most overlooked games in the industry so kicker gets crap for that pioneers probably the only one that doesn't get crap for going into Walmart because their pioneer and well that's pioneer yep but Sony I don't think gets looked over overlooked for that Sony gets overlooked because their Sony whatsapp forms and Submariner he doesn't do things like everyone else they have a guy your Christmas miss the Sony guy but and Sony makes great products I love the Sony products I mean great sounding amplifiers speakers radios but I can't get it factory direct I got to go through a third party to get it so where's my allegiance there I don't I don't have me Sony doesn't have my back Sony doesn't trust me enough to be their guy because they're big they're a huge company yes they break things off into their own little things now that if you guys watch the other show a de who's absolutely rocks up in DC or Delaware he loves Sony he swears by this stuff and there again we saw it it's we get it from down yeah but it's not that they're overlooked because they're in Walmart it's they're overlooked because they don't have guys here banging the door downs going on hey we're sewing yeah whereas now keep in mind huama buys tons of everything of every handler he's not gonna buy some pampers no one everyone still uses pampers oh yeah every kid yeah so why loves right yeah used loves yeah loves or pampers or how you know I use that Huggies Huggies leave the brothers you suck okay really yeah that's leaver brothers they were the enemy Procter & Gamble dude a lot darker huggers and loves but that's fine I'm sorry pampers and loves is what we sold so oh hey what do we got here I have a 2016 charger with the Alpine system 4.8 its UK 0.4 inch you connect where they go I've been looking at the pack yes what else do I need to look for optimum sound from my speakers and subs blow through well you could do a blow through but yes so more than likely you're gonna want to get some form of DSP now the amp Pro is great so let's talk about the difference between amp pro and the I data AR because they both will get you to the end result which is a stereo with something attached to it aftermarket and ant Pro is allows you to one keep your factor amplifier it has to stay in but what that lets you do is that let you build a system so if your unlike the guy that can just go out and buy all the cool stuff for a newb let's say you just want to add a subwoofer today ant Pro is your guy because an ant Pro allows you to plug it in T harness and then has the six channel 5 volt full range output that you can plug your self amp into rock on and let's say six months from now or three weeks or two days you decide hey you don't want to add the highs in well then you can buy the t harness so that you can t in to get all your speaker wires and you can plug in your highs amp and you're good to go yeah the AR doesn't work that way the AR is a final result piece meaning I'm gonna put a stereo in my car I'm gonna put everything in my car someone's in my house I'm gonna do myself to do everything at once now they are gives you the advantage of two things one you could take an AR and you can plug it into a DSR one yeah because it the dsr one is an AR so you can buy the t harness plug your DSR one in done now you have a DSP you can buy the AR and go directly into the Kenwood six point six hundred you can buy prima audison just release the Forza amplifier which is an AR compatible amplifier audio control someday soon ya will be a are compatible yeah so there's a lot of options there think we're just like a tv/vcr combination now the nice thing about an amp pro is that you can still use the sr one thank you so much there's a lot of things you can do with both it just depends on the timing of building the system but what I would recommend is some form of a DSP because you're going to want more than basement trouble now with an amp Pro you can go in and adjust those Center frequencies but it's just better to buy a DSP look at that AC you say yeah just divide the wah you watts by 14 volts and then you tell you how many draw the outer fire just get a good clamping force yeah the more about it is you have it better for you thanks rich I'm gonna somebody say just buy the cheapest Pampers the kids don't know yeah I'm gonna get a shirt that says speakers hums and pampers oh yeah yeah totally yeah oh no what trust me um bit of a funny story so when when when he was getting ready to have the kid I said you know they were gonna have there's hope baby thingy I said hey man what he's like you know what do I ask for and I go ask for pampers and he's like what I said ask for diapers just mask everyone that comes to your party for diapers and he was like why would I do that that's just dumb and I don't know and he's like no man that's dumb I'm not gonna do that I go no you totally asked everyone for diapers which is what my boss JJ when I worked at AV told me he's like ask everyone for diapers so when Haley was born we had a closet full of diapers from from the floor to the ceiling full all different sizes of diapers fool what size you want I was like I don't care buy me anything by me mediums buy me large is buy me newbies buy me diapers so for the first six months I didn't have to buy diapers it was great he on the other hand looked at me like I was crazy and then he goes dude you how much diapers are there I go ya know depends are where we're gonna end up yeah definitely I'm clean g35 definitely it's time for the 8,400 definitely well yeah I never thought like you always like listen just ask for this as for that and I would like that you know if they gonna give me whatever they won that's fine so that's an interesting one when turning up volume the front rear right hand side suddenly gets very loud and the others drop off have to switch that sounds like an amplifier or speaker issue yeah I would check the amplifier the easiest thing to do okay so when testing a speaker problem you know this one speaker over here is doing some dumb stuff okay we have to figure out what it is yeah we can start from the speaker and move our way towards the signal so the first thing I would do is go to the amplifier and take my right and left and switch them yeah that now my left power is power my right speaker my right speaker is powering my left speaker and see what happens if it moves you know that channel amplifier could be bad now after that put them back switch the RCA s it moves again or if it stays put these will all tell you where the problem is so is it the amplifier is the signal coming into the amplifier is the signal coming into the processor so you can just by simply plugging things and moving them from left right and letting it play that will tell you where your problem is and every time you move along there you go you can either start from the speaker and move back or start from the source and move out I like to start from the source and move out that way I can count just like it's not the radio because they'll doing it here it's not this still doing it there and then you eventually figure out where it's at once it stops moving and it stays put you know it's that channel it doesn't matter what feeding it then that's where it's bad so that's what you do to fix it to figure out what the heck could not fix it but figure out what the heck is going on yeah they suck and when actually is running running oh yeah okay your sync 3 yeah it does oh we did did we do a sync 3 upgrade yeah do a sync 3 upgrade for that one guy in his uh was that Ford we did that in yeah I think so yeah we did a sync 3 upgrade for guy he spent the money it was pretty crazy all right I'm going active somebody say going I was going back to going back they have 600 watts on the sub 75 watts on the mids how many why should I put into Twitter's well okay so the tweeter okay so like this tweeter here this is a 6 ohm tweeter we're gonna put a ton of power to it but realistically does not go see the 200 Watts at all no but even though we are we having 200 watts behind it the tweeters probably really I'm gonna see about 50 to 75 watts of actual power at that frequency so you know 75 watts on the tweeter is is good don't know the tweeters you know it's really where the crossover point is so that's the more important thing you know you want to start somewhere between 2 2.5 to 3 sorry yeah we 33.5 is a good place to start depending on the tweeter we're gonna do a video on showing how to to kind of figure that out but you have to have tools so it's really no fun there but unless we can yeah we'll talk more about that later ah like 25 watts for tutors yeah 25 watts would be okay because but you know I depending on the tweeter I would try to try to put 75 Watts out there again no peeking I would try to put more power to the know is this dude this is a Christmas he's just chilling looking at the sky that's what Snoopy does you won you won with this Charlie Brown Christmas you have to have seen it anyways um I like to put more power on my Ridge ranges on my Twitter so if you're gonna stagger like that 75 on the mid 2500 tweeters probably right using that logic I would probably go 150 on the men and 50 to 75 Watts on the tweeter to really make it sound great yeah but you know that's me uh what do we got here have a great Christmas thank you we will yeah I like google music sounds better than title or Spotify really haven't heard that from anyone but you so not saying it doesn't but yeah to the PI past for the Bose they have far y'all made here works mm Oh LTE with new wait what have I that was like a ten questions oh yeah oh yeah that's sorry where did that go is it work on yeah I mean News Tahoe LT with new speakers yeah do the five yeah um I will say this they okay when we did that video to bypass that amplifier Metro actually makes a harness for that so you don't actually have to do that you can buy their harness that just unplug the amp plugs it in and you're done it's all looped for you so definitely go into Metron line calm and see if that is available for your car if not then of course you'll have to do it the hard way that we shown if it has the amplifier in the glove box behind the glove box yes of course that's the way you do it if it's underneath the center console then no it's a totally different way but it's the same colors more or less people still use bad pass boxes true Kilis does I don't know I mean for the most part I don't I haven't seen too many of them I haven't seen bandpass box installed you're not gonna do either wars heal so no so okay back in the day when we've built a bandpass box we build a bandpass box so that we could take let's say a 10 and put it in this big box where the woofers were inside of it and get all this bass out of it well okay it was cool it was very hard to build took a lot of time a lot of pieces not a lot of fun but we could get this is the key this is what my owner is dog there's a Jay jaws we can make these ten sound like twelve yeah what does that mean we can make twelve sounds like fifteen oh yeah all right so alright let me get this straight why don't you just take it twelve and make it sound like a twelve a lot of less work building a Porter box so yeah we were kind of dumb back then I think too is that now subwoofers have bigger surrounds to where they move more air the excursion is a lot more than those young woofers were so the bandpass box is kind of gone by the wayside because we don't need it to compensate for the lack of speaker ability so now subwoofers can move and produce lots of bass so Porter boxes are kind of wherever the lattice BL boys have been Pat Bassett okay to some form yeah so to some regard basically it's like a horn loaded yeah we you see those guys that have like all the woofers and then they have a big hole and that's kind of a bandpass yeah that's more SPL guys probably use bandpass spot yeah so there we go yeah what a bandpass sounds great bandpass has very limited frequency response but if it's in the frequencies that you like to listen to it sounds great there again I have two cobalt twelves and bandpass enclosures in my living room love them Wow well I put her ass is deed okay music our 250 watt hard drive back from swap files just to see what the difference from standard fat32 USB oh hey guys Hayley Wow you scare me Oh someone was asking if I was gonna go to Disney for Christmas yeah if you go watch the last night or this morning's episode of the boring life of Dean and Hayley that will answer your question like a cool I recommend the twelve hours of Disney are up and up there for you to watch so yes we did go last weekend to Disney for Christmas so huh you guys enjoy it oh yeah yeah our prefab bandpass boxes do it as custom man pass boxes no I mean I prefer to custom build a bandpass I've seen a lot of sub-story because of bandpass boxes oh yeah not tuned right totally destroyed and just the Grands how they bill and who is building it you know my factory premium Rockford system had Clarion stamped on it that's because it's Nissan and Nissan uses Clarion yeah cuz clarin was part owner of these for a while there I don't know if you know Johnny says hi guys okay so what was that moreover two snails where jail audio c5 well I like oh I would go over to Cindy they oversee five so just to end up just put a pretty little cherry on this bandpass box so back in the day Alpine with the s-type woofer one of the one of the iterations of the Alpine s type woofer they made a 110 bandpass enclosure so it was 25 by 12 by 12 I had a little plexi window I had a 10-inch s-type woofer in a 3 inch port about 5 inches to my Christian we used to buy them by the pallet by the pallet we would buy stacks of these things and we would just line them up we'd buy 24 hour at a time and we would sell them like they were freaking free man so higher back then it was like a hunter 80 bucks and they would just roll out the door think of like the P 312 really um yeah we but no amplifier and they would just sell celsa because it was good back then everyone wanted fat boobie bass so yeah we sold a ton of them and then Alpine decided they didn't want to make them anymore yeah yeah they're again if you've never owned a band pass definitely think about building yourself one don't grab me along through a woofer get something simple that has a simple surround meaning that you don't want something with a giant you know wolf surround on it you want smaller surround maybe a one-inch surround that has very limited movement because they don't work so well when they get moving a lot all right so how do you how do you disable a factory alarm on a 2003 jeep grand cherokee gotta use the Keef ups yeah there might be a factory disarm wire check Bulldogs security calm and see if there's a factory disarmed or a lot of the times there's a factory dis somewhere that you tap into when you're doing locking on lock that will disarm the factory alarm when you use the key fob all right so the last thing on the list here from Morel who's the sponsor of the show today the show is brought to you by the letter M which dance for Morel these guys are the Integra Series these are the hybrid Integra's now what these are going to do this is a coaxial so there again has a giant I think this is a two and a half inch voice coil in it and then the tweeter is mounted right here in the center and we have a full big one-inch dome cloth tweeter it has a very similar basket design as those guys right here as the elates but this is a coaxial so the hybrids come both coaxial and component it's the step down from the elate so it goes hybrid elates and then reduces below these there again they're all Israeli made this is made in Israel these these are made in-house so basically anything from the virtuse is made in-house under what I watch finally look at that ooh sexy rear deck speaker I like rear fill I'm sorry I like row fill I like sound coming from behind my head but that's those guys there yep cool more toys Merry Christmas guys so any gain see you later hey you have fun skating Haley just went skating morale or for Cal well Thomas it depends who you ask if you ask Fernando here what are you gonna say Fernando in the same phone call she's got a nice head okay two sitting over there if you ask me I'm gonna sim wrong but that's what I want what do you want that's the question not what we want so it comes down to when someone comes in and they say hey wanna build a stereo first question what do you listen to what kind of music do you and you go from there so they have two totally different sound signatures so depending on what type of music you like or like me I don't like really high frequencies might these big things are like real sensitive to that could be the tinnitus could be many things or however you say ringing in my ears got a lot of that nothing better than utopias there again utopia is gonna play a lot like a Morel just gonna say that because they both have these giant voice coils however this is a lot cheaper cuz oh yeah if it's three grand for a set of six and a half ouch yeah not saying I wouldn't spend it oh I would spend it yeah umm anyway so you know it just depends on that so depending on what type of music you're gonna listen to is going to dictate what type of speaker you can buy Dean is a if it's too loud you're too old kidding no totally oh but there again you know he will attest when I play music I play loud exactly I like loud you know it's like I have the little 25 watt by a 7 amp going in the car now and it goes to 66 and I laugh because I think Star Wars but I'm playing it at 66 you know it's got that number it's there for a reason I'm gonna turn it up to it I mean I just like loud guys too much okay I bet talk rate it will sound awesome on those new speakers you know what dude right now I'm jamming in the center image yeah yeah I'm trying to cut back on any of it I only listen to entertain I don't listen to talk radio like political talk radio I've just been listening to like 1 or 2 5 the bone here which is just like humorous talk radio and I've been cutting myself back on that listening to more music musical musical music stuff yeah plus I'm still playing with surgical how do you say Austin curve Austin Kearns but the high-res files on it you're gonna go to the title I'm gonna get title yeah that's that okay so when we have the week off of what we're not actually a week off of work we're still be working like dogs but we're just gonna take a week off of this that's why you guys are getting a super long show tonight because next week we're we're just not gonna be doing the show because the holidays and all that other stuff but yeah so so many things opinion on Millie hurts loved them they sound great oh nice speaker very very nice all right what kind of two to tens you recommend 2018 f150 with the Fox box I have Morel the five channel M mm I think that one we've been using your life so there are times I think we were using our types in the p3 why you don't use um the rock for the P the t1 because you don't need to in that box you don't need to spend the money to do that cuz you can do a p3 and get that same sound the t1 is nice you got a bike the girls anyway okay any time using the Fox box make sure you buy woofers that you can put grills on very much important um with that one I think we've been doing the p3s and the art type Alpine's a lot of times we do use the shallow mount rock forty ones and there isn't one we use that is just because of even though you can't put a bear woofer in there I don't know we just been using that because we've had to oh yeah they're Hertz three-way they just drove in two hours no no they're actually waiting out there because they want to go look at Christmas lights so any New Year's resolutions uh I want to be a tiller that's not a resolution that's that's a wish I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions we talked about this before are you know I just want to keep working and you know my family yeah yeah I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions I'm more of a if late let's just do it you know I'm not the guy that's gonna wait til Sunday to do something if I've decided to do something I'm gonna start it right now and it's just gonna go forward from there you know if you're if a lot of people need that benchmark to make to make a change it's like I'm gonna run dirty until this day and then I'm gonna run clean that's cool I'm not that guy now for 2019 do I make plans or for years do I make plans of course we make plans you'll have a lot of things we want to do everybody make the show that we've been waiting just to get through the year just because of time restraints and also you know we want to do certain things and taxes a lot of it has to do with taxes purchases as far as things like that like we talked about earlier we're talking about like I see it Cyril laser or something like that taxes you know I've already spent my wad this year to hit my tax break so I need to save something up for next year so lots of things that regards lots of things we want to implement with the show new things we want to try all things we want to bring back so riding dirty right well yeah so that's that that's that's where we're at so flag title to defend or for the best quality we always tune using iTunes yep music that I've downloaded to the phone because there again most people are listening to some form of that Pandora sucks Spotify there again so people love Spotify like some cell services give you amazing Spotify quality I've heard some of the guys I'm like dude it's amazing when I can get out of Spotify at my cell carrier so yeah Pandora not so much no I'm serious XM is you might as well just listen to dirt on your ears cuz that sucks but when we were talking with Malecha he has title he loves his title so Jackie has title he loves it so I'm gonna give it a try yeah like everything else we'll let you guys know Dane DSP video video that's slaughter for 2019 2000 we're just trying to get through the end of the year here a lot of things happening a lot of Merry Christmas John I'm that we just haven't had now we're making excuses and hey making excuses others say it's gonna happen next year it's going to all right guys that brings us to our marathon - up close thank you guys so much for hanging out with us and just being the cool viewers that you are thanks for supporting the show thanks for being you now because it's a holiday weekend you guys might be doing some silly stuffs like we always say arrive alive take an uber take a lift they're both cheap we want to see you guys back here when we get back so don't do anything silly dnf2 droids the place where you can find all the cool tools that we use patreon is a place you can go to support the show 5.1 inch voice coil people oh my god tea sprig slash tourists left 5 star will get your cool t-shirts hoodies all that fun stuff so definitely check that stuff out something spun you're after Christmas money on yay other than that you guys have a safe holiday have a Merry Christmas cuz hey man I like Christmas me as Haley would say it's Christmas have a happy new year there again don't do anything stupid on those holidays try not get it crazy ticket because what say okay try not to get a ticket try to you know be safe be safe and and definitely spend as much time as you can with the ones you love come on in say hi say hi any money alright there we go alright so DNF tool drawer like I said also the boring life Deana Haley go ahead and check that out that's the other channel where you get to see Haley do her Haley thing with me sitting there gone hey either way alright guys thank you so much as always for being a fan of the show and a subscriber and a member and all that fun stuff you guys have a great holiday week and we will see when we get back Merry Christmas Happy Holidays Merry Christmas
Channel: Five Star Car Stereo
Views: 36,450
Rating: 4.8026314 out of 5
Id: EsUwJlYmTRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 27sec (7047 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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