Today It's ALL about Ashford Spinning Wheels!!

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hi i'm janine and i'm chris and welcome to the blue fiber tree yeah we're in a different area today because we're going to be talking about spinning wheels but first schedules schedules schedules for long tail knits and alchemy absolutely so the calendar for long tail knits on the 17th beginner's tapestry from five to eight and beginners macrame from four to eight two things going on the same day imagine that yeah it's i have a lot of that i know i know listen there's so many so many days in a month there are then on saturday the 20th we have our regular western reserve lace society meeting from 10 to one and at the same time our fiber trunk show from 10 to four all day long we're cathy yeah kathleen with uh whistler's glenn or alpaca kid and you she brings in all those extra things that we don't stock here in the store and she sells them at a reduced price now these events i'm going to say it now before we finish you can find out all the details under the events tabs on the page as well as the facebook for long tail nets absolutely so it's all there all the information is there and if you want to sign up for any of the workshops you need to call me um on the 24th we have a tapestry advanced workshop it's a flower wall hanging okay it's a lot of big puffy yarns and fibers so she has it from five to eight it's a wednesday evening and she goes this is gonna be quick because everything is super big so it's one of those okay smaller projects like this but it's roving it's heavy yarns and she's providing social media all of those materials so it's going to be quick all right but you have to have taken the beginner's tapestry before you can take that one because it's an advanced workshop gotcha um macrame advanced beginner bowl on the 27th i can't wait to teach that bowl ten to two yeah because we had to cancel the first one unfortunately but we'll get it we'll get it and then back to needle felting august 31st five to eight are lovely and always very popular needle felted three-dimensional pumpkins those are such a hit every year they're fine everybody loves those pumpkins yes and we have kits for sale in the store if you want to do additional ones oh excellent yeah i love that she does kits with that yeah i feel like people really love those kids they love the kids cause they're like oh i'm gonna make one for me and then i'm gonna make one for aunt sally and then i'm gonna make one for so and so yep and one more thing on the schedule september 6 through the 25th yarn discovery tour for 2022. mark your calendars it's going to be a long month but it's a busy month we have a lot of things planned i would be so busy the next couple of weeks getting ready for that i have so much yarn to die the patterns that we're using this year actually happened both of them are original designs using her yarn i got the calc's all done the calc's is good i ha i have my my baby alpaca is good but oh the chenille i'm i this my chenille and also acid even though there's not a pattern for the acid i kind of wiped the acid out and got rid of some old colors that maybe people weren't fond of or just things that said hey i'm too spring right for right now so um yeah i just got a bunch of deliveries of yarn at my house and um you got four weeks no yeah sorta between your regular job and this there you go let's go folks we got this yeah no lots of times we're there yeah um on the alchemy schedule today actually this airs the 14th and on the 14th we have our first hand-painted and roving class that i'm doing at the studio it's going to be a lot of fun if you aren't a part of that boy you should wait and see when i do it again because it's a lot of fun yeah um then on the 20th it's a saturday i don't usually do saturday classes at the barn but the way that it worked out um i actually have two things going on on the 20th i have an open dye day which anybody that has taken classes for me at the studio not here in the shop but at the studio you can come in and either bring your own yarns and roving to die or you can buy rovings and yarn for me and it's from 11 to 4 and the cost is 50 but you get the use of all of my tools my die and then also my time yeah um just knowing that you're there yes to help you through the the math part of it or the what do you think goes best with what um and then simultaneously because we had a couple of people that couldn't make the variegated class starting an hour earlier at 10 o'clock on the same day i am actually teaching a variegated dye class at the same time i am the queen of multitasking i do this well so i have a couple people taking that and if there's anybody that missed the variegated class i would take one or two more people for that class if you're interested again that's august 20th the cost for the variegated class is 150 the open session die day is 50. and again i have things that you can purchase to die both worsted and unworsted um superwash non-superwash whatever you want to call it i'll get my words right yeah oh my god sorry um but and then i also have different types of roping available if people actually want to do that i would say let me know ahead of time if you're doing roving that way i can have tables set up for you for that because that takes a little more space than dying yards they're doing it on their own on the saturday yeah yeah i just want to make sure that i have things set up ahead of time so you're not wasting your time right right so it should be a lot of fun so this is going to be interesting because not only do i have two events going on here in the store on the 20th you've got that going on at your barn nice yeah august is a busy month especially the very yarn tour and then right right right before the yarn tour starts we have the try and die class at the studio yeah i keep forgetting about that it's september 4th yup september 4th um i'm so excited it's um anybody that knows how to use a pin loom or a tri-loom as long as you have taken a beginner's class you know what you're doing um if you have a three foot or a four foot loom you can bring it to the class i do have some three foot and four foot looms and we are going to do a nice shawl we're going to fringe it and then i'm going to show you how to dye it after the fact which is a lot of fun it's there there's not going to be like a whole lot of technical like i'm not teaching you how to die i'm teaching you how to dye a specific item so there is a little difference right with that compared to what i normally do and there's a big difference of warping with a diable fibers that are natural and you're gonna have some there's some art yarn yeah i am spinning and spinning and spinning um i have some lock spun coarse bun i have some coarse lock spun core spun coil oh my god that's a lot but the way that it sits in the in the try loom is really great yep um we're not warping every single peg because you need room for that shell to bloom correct and it's it's so beautiful you can go onto my facebook page if you look under the try and die class on facebook you'll see a picture of the one that i did it's important that's a sample yes so the thing is because you are using larger fibers you have to give space where normally when i teach we're doing every pin yeah nail whatever you want to call it if you're using bulkier yarns you want to skip every other one and sometimes it's every third yes um because it just depends if you're using that hand span hand spun art yarn picks up last thing it takes a lot of room and you need room for it to be able to be it needs to happen it needs space in there to to work if if you don't give it space you end up with a piece that is like cardboard you get a rug you do you get it says the girl that's actually done that yeah it happens but it does um so i'm looking forward to that class there's still i think i still have three or four spots available left in the class um i can't wait because cost for that's 125 so it's not as expensive as the die class um but you'll be happy it'll be it'll be it'll be a ton of fun i can't wait to see what color like what color everybody picks to use for that day i'm gonna have to get off at chestnut please enough please no more chestnuts you need to branch out bob's blue sky for you all right all right but also yeah help us out if you have a long afghan hook lord have you mercy i didn't even think of that ate your eye please bring them with you because you're going to need them and hopefully if you have your own like if you have your own loom certainly you have your own hook um i think i'll have enough i'll have enough hooks i'll have the combs in here okay yeah i'll have combs and hooks for the people that use my looms um for those of you that have your own hopefully you have your own hook and i'll see what i can do about getting extra combs in because those those do help i don't need them as much well because you get your fingers yeah because it's so open it does make a difference and i know a lot of people are like oh my god that's a five hour class six hour class how are you going to get that done trust me i when i do a my three foot loom uh with fringe takes me maybe two hours yup it's not not difficult there's not that many pins on a three foot loom now and the forefoot really isn't that much more yeah and when you see if you go and look at the picture i mean you'll see it still looks full and fluffy and soft and it has drape but that wasn't every hole by any means and you know it went through went by really fast so but that's what's going on with my schedule i know if i didn't talk about the try and eye class we'd have gotten so far to the end of august that had been too late to talk about the triad which is fine because i mean yes that's just before so the things that we're talking about are up to labor day pretty much pretty much yup and then after labor day hello yarn tour hello yarn tour and no sleep and lots of classes because we still scheduled a lot of classes she's gonna be here yeah we might have rescheduled one class sorry faker mayfield gotta watch him play first game of the season you guys know i'm a little bit of a football addict i'm sorry a little okay can't wait crazy for it crazy but today today today today we're talking about i know we did a video where we actually talked about all things spinning correct we did mention wheels and we talked a little tiny bit about the wheels right today we're going to do a little more in depth about the wheels that you carry in the store about the wheels that you can order in for the store um everything here that janine carries is ashford yes like we are we are ashford wheels and looms ashford dealer um that is actually the wheel company that said sure no problem we would love for you to sell our products in your store that happened in 2016 and it has been a beautiful relationship between them and us and it it works so we're going to talk about spinning and the wheels more specifically the wheels now we do teach spinning obviously here in the store it is more one-on-one kathy arnold teaches that workshop so if you want to learn how to spin the beginners you're going to use our spinning wheels it's a piece of equipment we don't want you to make a huge investment unless you absolutely love it but the other thing that you have to understand spinning wheels have their own characteristics and it depends on what you're going to be making as to which wheel you're going to want to purchase or you end up like me and you have five correct i mean who doesn't need five wheels yeah so there's not five but i have five so if you want to do spinning you just call me i'll get your information pass it on to kathy she'll contact you you guys set your schedule according to your times two three hour sessions approximately two weeks apart here in the store okay and you get to use the spinning wheels that we have in the store now we're going to talk about these different wheels um and we're going to start with the two wheels that i that are not represented here and those are the traveler and the elizabeth spinning wheels i don't have those in the store because seriously i've never sold one to anybody i've never even seen either one of those in person to know if it was something i would want or not want i've seen the traveler and the traveler basically is very similar to this the this part is over here and it folds down i'm gonna tell you right now because they have reinvented the kiwi three you don't need that traveler this travels very well absolutely it does so those are you saw my banged up wheel today yeah i didn't bring it with me because you'd never know it was an ashford wheel because i mod podged the heck out of it but that thing has been well loved well used well abused dropped a few times we'll talk about that yeah they're very well built so those are the two wheels that i do not have here in the store okay the wheels that we do have here in the store we're going to start with this little guy right here this is the joy the joy comes fully assembled lacquered in its cute little carry bag it's a backpack you can easily tote this you took it on an airplane i did take it on an airplane weighs 11 pounds very light i mean yeah now i might have also made my husband tote it on his shoulder but you know girl already had enough carry-ons i hated my husband's shoulder for the extra carry-on you just sling it on your back and away you go and turn that around so the thing is this is the setup that you get your lazy kate is down here and this is when you have two full bobbins and you're applying here you just pull from here it's two uh it's a double treadle these legs fold up and that's how you get it until you slide in these guys go here those line up and you lock it down and you're ready to go very very portable you can carry it like this 11 pounds that's it yeah it is the only wheel i can spin thin on correct so she had issues spinning and singles until she got this wheel and it was just like now i spin beautifully it's magic it is magic there is nothing like this wheel and the fiber that is actually on my wheel right now i would like to drop kick it to the moon thank you ronda and rhonda but i love you so i'm going to keep spinning this fiber for you and hopefully not lose my mind this is that fully synthetic correct it's not a it doesn't have any wool in it it's an acrylic yeah and it is um annoying it can't be done a couple of the customers here in the store actually spin the 100 acrylics i love it and and i will tell you after i do this for for rhonda i won't ever do it again i like my wool thank you very much um but i really really the transition to this um was super easy yeah it was okay get it in okay open it up whoa well it's already put together it's already lacquered i don't have to beat the heck out of anything with a mallet to get a pin in place um so it was already together super easy um i do have another uh maiden maiden for this that is a jumbo jumbo flyer has a different orifice that's just like a our circle a little circle that hangs out in front of it um for a bigger bobbin i like it i tend to spin better still with this like it changes i'm gonna spin thicker with that with that bigger yep and i was really surprised but um i love it it is one of the smoothest smoothest wheels i have ever touched it it just immediately sings yep you know and if you want to spin thin and you're struggling with spinning thin i can't suggest this enough right it's it's it makes the world of difference yep so thin spinning on that and what are these what are these runs so the joy i try not to remember what i spent is eight wait eight ninety with the double child because you can also get it with a single which is just five dollars less five dollars less yep that's funny and then let's see what else i don't have the adapter price on here oh the freaking larger for the jumbo yeah okay but it's it's a couple hundred bucks for that but it's super easy and it's super fast maybe like 170 something like that i feel like it was because i think when i was done after tax i'm uh might have been 1100 yeah it was less than we tried to ignore that um but when you're putting it away it's real simple this little guy comes off these little guys come in those bend in and the pedals come up and it goes right in the bag and it's so nice it's so easy and the bag comes with it so it's yeah there's no extra price for that so yeah love my joy and you get three bobbins so what you see is what you got right here yeah but you know what because i still have all the small bobbins from my kiwi they actually work they're the same yeah they work so i actually have like 19 bobbins yes because you know me and my bottom fetish this bobbin is the same and it goes between the kiwi and the joy and the kiwi we're going to talk about that one next this is the workhorse of the ashford spinning wheels this is one of the wheels that is here in the store that you get to spin on it actually has a superfly adapter on it right now because i'm in the middle of course spinning a fleece and that's the jacob from the spinning weekend so i have that bag over there on that chair i have to finish um running through the drum carter so i can finish spinning it and then she's going to show me how to apply it um this is this is the larger orifice so what comes with it is a smaller maiden one screw you take this screw out you put the other one on change the drive band and you're all set ready to go now the original um the standard kiwi comes with three bobbins lazy kate's down here super flyer adapter comes with three bobbins and the lazy cage is right here so it's all inclusive and i think the cost on this is 285 and it includes the flyer the new drive band three bobbins and the lady kate great great deal and i think it already comes lacquered as well i don't remember i think they changed it i think they just go ahead and do it now so that is really cool and you're ready the magic come on pop this off fold this up tighten it down this also has a carry bag they're 169 it's gray yes just like that just the bigger brother that holds this one and it makes it and there i go so much easier to travel with now i will say if you have if you have if you have your jumbo flyer on when you go to use your travel bag you need to slide this band off pop this off before you put it in and then this will just slide down there's plenty of room for extra bobbins and stuff you will not be able to zip your bag fully with that because i mean i've left it on and zipped it to where it had three inches at the top open just because i was too lazy to take the bobbin off or i had something on there that i didn't want to mess with but it will fit this is the workhorse because with the standard assembly that comes with it you can do anything from lace weight up to worsted weight no problem so what we normally do is we'll spin on the small switch over to this and apply on this so you don't have to break your yarn for people that's been worsted or smaller yeah so i don't really do that so we're good yeah and your my super flyer stays on all the time yep i'm constantly moving this in and out and you can tell it's got this is the one we use all the time if anybody walks in here without a spinning wheel we start them on this one so and then in that transition period we recommend that you try some of the other wheels too so i'm gonna move this one out of the way and we're going to slide in this little guy the devil this is the traditional spinning wheel it comes now this one the kiwi the traditional and the country spinner you have to finish the wood either by waxing it lacquering it whatever and then assemble it now this set up here single treadle this is a double drive so you have a double strand one goes around the bobbin one goes around the wall and the wheel you can get a double treadle adapter for the traditional this also comes as a single drive which is more of what the kiwi and the country spinner are um fine fine you're just going to do super small stuff on here if you are going to do anything other than lace weight and trying to apply it this wheel is not going to work it will frustrate you it is the more traditional style which is why they call it traditional it's pretty in your living room it sure is um but if you want to have a functional wheel not to say this isn't functional it's functional and some people do like the traditional they do but it's your lace weight spheres correct now is there a larger bobbin there is do they have that possibility for they does do okay i can get i know it's available because they're a pain in the butt to put on um the basic jumbo flyer goes on here oh okay all right so they're just they're just they're harder to transition because you have to remove this and this put in the other ones put that on redo your string strings yeah so that is it's pretty it's a pretty wheel i just don't do a lot of lace spinning no i don't do that thin either and i'm kidding but i don't here scoot that guy over there now big guy country spinner this thing is a beast yes for many reasons this is a three pound bobbin great for art yarn and chunky yarn spinning okay absolutely so double treadle it has this cage frame yes large orifice it has orifice reducer that you can put in there if you want to do thinner it comes with one bobbin so if you need more bobbins you have to purchase them individually and they're like not cheap dear god they are not listen i have a bobbin i do i have a bobbin fetish like i want to have all the bobbins uh i only have one extra of this because a lot of money and on the side of here is where you can put your extra bobbins um you can use it like a lazy cape if you put your bobbin in here does not work as well as the actual lazy cake that they've come out with for the machine for this but jumbo lazy yeah the thing i like about the jumbo lazy cake um the little poles that to put our bobbins on they come out you unlock the thing you slide them in there you screw it in and it's all one flat piece for storage oh how nice yeah you don't have to leave it put together which is awesome if you're traveling not that many people travel with their country spinner right but you know for the spinning weekends or do i hang out with friends why not but it's also easy just for storage when you're not using it this is 17 and a half pounds yes it is the kiwi is 12 pounds the joy is 11. and i have no idea how much that traditional weight is 17 and a half it's the same that explains it they're happy this is not this is not an easy lug around tool but it is it's an amazing workhorse for a couple of reasons for those of you let's say that you are a thinner spinner and you're spinning sweater quantity okay and you use your kiwi yeah with the jumbo bobbin let's say you know because they have an orifice reducer they do if you still want to use the the jumbo this orifice and the orifice on the superfly adapter are the same size and the same orifice reducer will work on both right and let's say you did four bobbins on the super flyer and you just want to apply them this baby plies fast yes it flies fast and you can get this has a lot of uptake i will tell you for anybody that's never had a country spinner i've used the store spinner a ton um i i finally got mine together and used it on the spinning weekend and for the first hour that i used it there were a lot of very bad words coming out of my mouth it wasn't broken in yet it was not it was i felt like i was on my peloton going uphill i'm like what is going on marty get over here get up is it me and she sits down and that's like like well your legs are just stronger than mine whatever well she wasn't spinning any fibers well i didn't think about that and then so i went over and i sat on it with it empty and i'm like well this is what it i just broke it in already well then i got fiber back on it i went oh so takes a hot minute to break this baby in also takes a minute to find your ratios that really really work for you okay because you can set this in three six nine three four like 20 like a lot of different ratios because you can use you've got the small yeah that right here on the outside and you can put that on any three of the bottom ones so there's three different ratios alone so each time you're moving that top one and the bottom one you have a different ratio it took me an hour to figure it out a very frustrating hour and i paid the pig quite a few bucks that day um so it took me a minute to get mine to the right settings to where i was like okay okay because i know i spin or earn well like that's like the one thing i'm really really really good at and the first probably 10 yards were like i look like a kindergartener spun it but i i love i love this wheel just for the fact that it is a workhorse and when you go to ply on it it's so much faster so much faster applying on this than it is any other wheel it was so when i finished that when i could apply it it'll be done on here oh for sure it's gonna be full for sure you'll probably with the amount in that bag you'll be on a second bobbin all right no i'm gonna give you another one here yeah let me see how that happens so you also have to understand this hook system here for moving your leader or your yarn as you're spinning it onto the bobbin they've changed them this is no longer available like this and i'm trying to get them to offer as an option for people who have grip issues because these guys here is what they've gone to and the one on here is very hard to close and move slide um because they've gone to the sliding hook technique for these the traditional is still cupholders this one they changed so i think i got one of the last generations when i ordered this in 2016. it was shortly thereafter they went to the sliding hooks and it makes it really difficult um david and james have visited the store twice and this was one of the things that i did bring up to them and a lot of my customers were like you guys need you have to help us because when my hands are acting up arthritis fibromyalgia i can't squeeze it but i can easily go along the hooks absolutely this wheel also took a tumble down fly to stairs oh for sure it did this piece cracked right around here and i wasn't aware of it until few months later as we were using this in classes this wheel started to wobble more well i took it apart because in order to get to this you have to take the whole cage to something like that you sure do i took it apart and realized that there was a crack i took a picture sent it to ashford and go i will took a tumble down the stairs i need to replace this piece so they sent me a replacement piece i had to pay for it obviously but put it back together and it works so when james and david came to the store go oh yeah here's the piece because i kept the piece i still have it somewhere this is how it broke when it fell down the stairs and here's the replacement and they're like really oh yeah these are these are well made listen so you have to understand so 2016 it's now 2022. this thing is still sturdy it's stable um i would say i i part of me wants to say hundreds but i know it's not hundreds but at least 100 people have used this wheel in classes [Music] and it's still going strong and every skill level has used this from beginners to people that have been spinning for 30 years yeah and there is not one thing wrong with them with this wheel like it is sturdy it is stable this thing will last you your life yes like it truly so we've probably replaced the drive band at least once so well if you're not replacing your drive band you're not using it or you're losing them are you or you're doing what you're supposed to do and you know when you're not using it you kick it down to the smallest so it has slack so it's not being stretched which is what you should be doing with any of them that have these polycore drive bands um but maintenance oil it yeah and they suggest every like two or three times when it starts to drag boil it oil under your bobbin that's the thing that spins around the metal rod oil here oil down here oil oil where it moves if you have metal you have to oil it you have to oil under this piece too oh heck yeah you do and when it's brand new just keep that off and throw a bunch of oil because this is a leather strap and it's going to absorb that oil and it surely gets still soft yeah until that leather gets soft that's most of your problem but um maintenance and then you know every once in a while yes my wheels look really weathered but we use them a lot and all i need to do is get some wax or some finishing oil or something and just just polish them up and they're fine the treadles you can tell they're used but these are the ones that we use we want you guys to use them and we want you to know how they react and we're going to ask you those questions what is it that you want to spin do you want to do something thin we're going to recommend this one or this one do you want to do those medium weights you're going to want the kiwi you only want this if the only thing you're going to do is art yarn yeah or unless you spin a whole lot like i mean spin a lot and then you want to and you want to use this for your flying wheel because it will be easier yep so to touch on real quickly i have none to show you but the ashford does have two electric spinning wheels and every time you get them in they sell yes so they have a standard one that actually uses this bobbin here which i believe that's that eight ounce bobbin yup the jumbo one takes this bobbin right here the same bobbin used on the country spinner is used on the e-spinner jumbo [Music] it does that's what that's the way they did it oh it does and i had that one you had the standard i had the standard i did sell my standards you did because you didn't like the e-spinner i just i like using my feet right and i did get it because my feet were in a very very very bad place and if i was not an art urine spinner as much as i do with the amount of tension i use a lot of people don't use a ton of tension when they do art yarn but i'm weird so i have my own way when you use a ton of tension on the e-spinners and you're you're like twisting and pulling for the thick and thins and you're dragging the core when you're coiling or something like that because you want to keep things in place a little longer when you pull back on that e-spinner it drags the motor and then it doesn't want to take up your stuff plus you're stopping and starting a lot and that's not that's not conducive to easy spinning no no it's really not and there are some people that use the jumbo for their art yarn and it works wonderfully for them and i haven't tried the jumbo that's what kathy uses i know on the weekend her jumbo her battery wasn't working correctly so she couldn't use the e-spinner so she grabbed this yeah and whenever she was spinning on this yeah and and maybe the jumbo would be different for me but um no i'll just figure out i'll i'll try to one-footed if i need to if my feet are really bothering me i think i don't get i also don't get the same zen right i don't get that written spinning for me is very therapeutic and when i'm not using my feet i'm not getting that usa zen moment that takes away all my anxiety when you're just sitting in front of the east bitter for me it's like okay what this she kicked back in her in her her chair and she had the e-spinner over there and she's just like this next thing you know she was falling asleep she goes up you can't do that [Laughter] can you imagine falling asleep with that e-spinner going and all your at least when you're treading your field stuff right but that e-spinner's gonna keep on going oh girl yeah you're gonna end up with your blanket and that's her story yes it was fun so oh my lord i want to point out a couple of books um that i love ashford mostly because everything they create for you they also create a tool that that helps you um this is the ashford book of hands spinning um i freaking love it this this book and this takes you revised one yes this takes you through bob intention the different drives drop spindle drop spindle um my god how to skein navajo plying how to create worsted yarn how to card how to use a drum carter versus hand carter um they talk about the different fibers for spinning and how to wash that and yes there's even pictures of cute little merino yes so what they've done with this book they've added this is the section that they've added is the different breeds of sheep and the wolves and everything and then they have some patterns that you can use after you've hamstring after he's like cousin after you spun your yarn what is he chris he's a lincoln those are where the long locks come from yes he just needs the little circle okay one might take this book take that book for me he's so cute though the other thing like they even go into rollout relax and every wheel i think they show almost every wheel they show all the wheels in the back it has all the description that is in this book um it also shows you the different components of your wheel and where you should oil your wheel so they also have maintenance they've covered everything i think it's fabulous um the other book they have that i like is just a straight up book about carding yep um and you're like well if it's in that book why do i need it in this book they actually go into it it's more way more in depth and how to card when let me see if i can find it how to use a drum carter okay when you're actually trying to spin a specific colorway this gradient yeah not a lot of people like get that deep down with a drum carter because a lot of us will just take the drum card or throw things on it in some random helter skelter way and whatever we get we get but there is actually a way to use your blending board and your drum carter to benefit a pattern yes in what you're doing they're very specific in teaching you different techniques yes of how to lay your colors on your blending board and your drum carter and then again they have patterns to support everything that they're showing in here color wheel it's perfect this goes it's more in depth this is why you need this i love this because that's how i tease the knife i love um i love anybody that talks about color and and really helps people understand what you can put together what you should put together and look in nature because they're it's it's nature but it's it's it's beautiful the way that they're they're doing all these different things but this is more in-depth has more color palettes it teaches you how they can get the things that they do for all their yarn choices that they do as well and i will tell you if you don't follow ashford wheels and looms on youtube shame on you they blog to you on their website they do but they have they have a ton of helpful videos on youtube um occasionally their facebook page will have stuff up there uh i'm constantly watching everything that comes out from them yeah like i absolutely love them they also have is that the wheel do they still have the wheel magazine oh yeah it comes out once a year oh once a year yeah it's a once a year i thought it was twice a year mm-hmm once a year i love that and i have those nancy almost drove me crazy with the dye class because that wheel magazine well they did this and then we dyed it this way so that i get the long runs of color we are not doing that today but i want to do that oh she's awesome i love it but um you know in the world of ashford spinning like you know we said you have this bag they also have the bag for the kiwi now right um knitty knotties two sizes this is the 60 inch or five foot and they also have a six foot one and it is a jumbo it's awesome it's great for art yarn you need it for your art this one that i have at home it kind of sits and does a whole lot of nothing because my other one is well loved now and this one gets used to not again it needs to be oiled again i know but they're well loved that's the first thing and this is the the so from the very beginning you know yeah this is the same knitty knotty same country spinner with the new part now the original kiwi was a kiwi two the legs did not fold when they came out with the kiwi three i sold the kiwi twos to customers and i got a kiwi three and because you want to keep up with what they have to sell absolutely and then they came out with the bag this year that was that bag is the best thing ever you can fit so much stuff in that bag and you don't think you can but woohoo um for those of you that are local and haven't been in yet come into janine's because i'm telling you right now normally we do our video in a different part of the store today we're in the spinning area of the store this area is loaded with fiber with locks more braids and and there's everything from falkland and merino there's things to ply with there's if you're going to do your own bat we have stuff in the corners um there's merino that you can start with and then you can add in any kind of thing that you know bamboo all sorts of neat stuff on here i was trying to read it you can spin straight from these or you can take these and you can put them in your bed as well i do that the couple that i got from here i put in my bats yeah because it was easier to spend with them some of those have very short staple links and they get a little annoying yeah so some of these they're not straight merino mermaids those of you that don't like to apply with regular threads these are awesome and fun to play with for a limited time only because i don't think they're they have any more after you're done this discontinues it's discontinued but this is the lovely little thread with a tiny tiny tiny sequins yeah they're beautiful they are they're very beautiful and i i do think you've got their warehouse almost there's still some left just no purple sorry nancy so yeah there's tons of oh i know there's tons of locks here [Music] everything that you could need as a spinner is here all the maintenance kits that that ashford has just drive bands little what are those the pinchy things yes i lose my words today they're the slider hooks yeah the slider hooks so she has slider hook replacements um so anything that you need uh do come in on the second and fourth mondays of every month we have open spinning for those people that do yeah spin even if you didn't take your beginning spin yeah and come join us in your two weeks it's gonna fall in between that two weeks not only do you get to come to the store whenever you want to do your homework into practice but that monday night is great to see how other people do things too absolutely and you absorb a lot when you're just sitting there watching somebody how their hands and feet are working together and i will tell you that my spinners have no problem answering your questions no is fabulous and some of us will even answer questions you didn't ask we'll look at you and go would you please slow your feet down because a lot of news fitters they're like on the run they're in a race and and and i had to learn that because i was spinning my moving my feet so fast i was pushing my wheel across the room and you guys had to put a little rubber mat under my wheel so it would stay i will tell you in the beginning i had to turn the music off because as the faster beats of music would happen people would travel to the music and it would just really screw them up so i had to turn it off in the beginning yeah and then corresponding people had to sing let it go to me yeah because i just wouldn't let the fiber do what it was supposed to do and i was like me and that tension thing that i have yep so um we hope you enjoyed today yeah um a lot of information again sorry but you need to know what they're about and if you have any questions by all means you can call the store look on ashford's website all that information that i was reading off that's in this book is on their website it explains everything they have great pictures they really do yeah um and i'll put in our in the links below in our description i'll make sure you have the link to ashford as well as a link to their youtube page follow them and um guys we are two weeks two weeks and a half ish away from september 1st and if anybody's been paying attention um by september 1st i'd like to see 100 subscribers now i was out sick for a little while so i did not have my basket up by august 1st and i i deeply apologize but i was she's sick i was she was i still am trying to get like back to normal um so probably monday i will get the basket up our facebook site so that you can see and we'll start we'll start the little hellos and the rules and all that for the best that you guys can win but we are 13 people away really yeah 13 unless something happened since i checked yesterday we are 13 people away from 100 subscribers awesome and i i know that doesn't sound like a whole lot but shoot man 100 is a lot of people to me um period of time that we've been doing this yeah absolutely so please share with your friends encourage them to subscribe to our page um we just want to share as much of the fiber world as we possibly can with everybody um it's such a restful place in the crazy world that's out there that i think that everybody should discover something fiber related yes if for nothing other than to get rid of your anxiety yes absolutely case in point but we won't talk about that right always so have a beautiful rest of your weekend yeah we will be back in two weeks where we talk a lot about a yarn discovery tour yay one of our favorite times a year alright guys you have a great one we'll see you soon all right take care bye
Channel: The Blue Fiber Tree
Views: 626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B_dZuzMhIhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 35sec (2975 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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