Tobey Maguire REACTS to "Bully Maguire"

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Spider-man used to make me feel safe Now I'm afraid to walk home from work. My son thought the world to this guy I have a 9 year old daughter, loves Spider-man Who's she supposed to look up to now? This is the guy they gave the key to the city to? I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye that was Sam's idea the like kind of... Uuhmm... that kind of-- right? That was actually Ivan's line -Oh, that was Ivan's line? Yeah The concept of like bringing some jazz to his character and... and uhm... That kind of old-school-speak That was you and Ivan? -Yeah. That was great. -Thanks. This is my favorite part of this  movie is you doing this cookies thing, man. I think this is so hilarious the  the way you talk down to her, it's like... The first time I saw it I just cracked up You couldn't care less about what this guy's saying It was a lot of fun but it really is a solution to a problem... we had which is... we had to have this scene with Doc Connors giving Peter this information but we didn't think Peter would care uhh, so much about what Doc Connors had to say and it was supposed to be like a scene, you know, where peter's listening to doc connor so this was our solution, I mean, to that problem. I love that she loves it, that's the best part. It's really good, it probably came from a question you had about   would the character really do that, would he really be interested in this even. and then the scene became like "where would the character be?" he couldn't give a crap. But this was something that you kind of put in late in the game, right Sam? the whole montage was up in the air for a while. With the walking down the street and the cookie scene and all this stuff, wasn't it? Yes, there were a lot of things that we had to do and wanted to communicate and then Ivan and I one day in the writing department uhh, combine them into a montage We were thinking about the second picture, also, at that point, thinking "oh this would be an interesting counterpoint to... the whipped lame place" he'd been to in the second picture With singing in the rain and all that stuff? -yeah yeah.. yeah, exactly. I always thought of Tobey in these scenes as like an "angry dorky rock star" because... he has this eyeliner, and his hair is all shagged out and he's like very 70's about it and doing weird dance moves. Wow There's not much to say, after that move. I like that he went up there and did that - yeah it's really entertaining. there's a geek flare to it, but you actually have some good moves Oh, thank you, sir. the geek flare was uh... Not an accident. 😎 had to add that, that was the toughest part of the whole thing Sam actually kept saying "you gotta bring the cool down" No, I don't remember that part... - Oh you don't remember that Sam? Find us some shade I love how you can never quite tell how  the ladies are reacting to Peter like... Are they repulsed? are they turned on? or a little bit of both? I mean... I think it's like real life, a little bit of both. - Yeah   you
Channel: Josias_99
Views: 13,357,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spider-man, Spider-man 3, 2007, Commentary Audio, Blu-Ray, Sam Raimi, Tobey Maguire, James Franco, Kirsten Dunst
Id: cLA3xmIQWgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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