To Tell the Truth - Gimbels store detective; Doctor/Yankees ballplayer (Mar 26, 1957)

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[Music] what is your name please my name is Alice [Music] Carrol what is your name please my name is Alice Carol what is your name please my name is Alice Carol two of these people are imposters only one of them is the real Alice Carol and is the only one sworn to tell the truth and here is our host Bud Kaner thank you very much thank you and a very good evening to you this as you know by now is a game of deliberate misrepresentation wherein four presumably smart people try to find out which one of three Challengers has sworn to tell the truth to tell the truth is brought to you each Tuesday night by geratol America's number one tonic the high potency tonic that helps you feel stronger fast and now let's meet our cross-examiners what is your name please my name is Polly Bergen my name is John Cameron swy my name is Kitty carile and my name is high Gardner now these three people all claim to be Alice Carol Of course only one is the real Alice Carol the other two have assumed that identity and of course they do not have to stick to the truth now panel in front of you there is a copy of an affidavit will you please follow along while I read it I Alice Carrol am a former model now living in New York with my husband and our two children my husband is a detective with the New York City Police Department I am wearing a mask because my job forbids my identification in public I am a store detective in gimal Brothers department store I swear that the above statement is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth signed Alice Carol and we get on with our game and it's time now to play our game these people remember panel all claim to be Alice Carol store detective remember only one only the real Alice Carol is required to answer your questions truthfully now each of you will question until you hear this signal and at the end of the questioning period you will be asked to make up your minds which one in your opinion is the real Alice Carol let's start our questioning tonight with uh John Cameron sesy John number three your husband is a policeman that's right when does the policeman take off his gun goes to sleep number one what would you say to that yes when he comes home number two yes number three give me a common ruse of a shoplifter in your store a common Roose or device of a somebody comes in and they steal something give me a a real common rules that a woman would use well she come in and um put things under a coat is that what she mean that's what I mean number one have you anything to H give me an example will you please well many times she will slip something into her handbag or into a shopping bag that she's carrying number three sorry John Kitty Carlile number three when I go to the front door of a Department Store with uh a pair of stockings in my hand to match of color or a scarf or who is watching me well I don't think anybody be watching you number two if I kept on going what would happen to me if you carried out the scarf and the yes if I just kept walking then we would follow you and then what would happen number one well you would be arrested outside the store with the merchandise in your hand hi Garder number one are there more women shop lifters and men shop lifters generally yes uh why while women have more places to hide things all right number two number two what does the name Charlie eous mean to you what is sp the name Charlie eek house mean to you it doesn't mean anything number one what does the name e house mean to you number three do you know who Charlie eous is I've heard the name uh do you know what famous comedian once had a mother who was a New York Department Store detective a job similar to yours number three no I don't poly Bergen uh number two uh to your knowledge what is the largest object that's ever been shoplifted well this did not happen in our store but uh among our protective Department it said that the largest object stolen was a boat a boat did they actually get away with it uh well there were two men who came in and shirt sleeves as if they were moving it and they probably would have but they came back for the OES they John Cameron s number two if you got a Thief what you do tell me specifically if I have a thief you catch a thief uh I follow them first and watch them carefully I usually don't apprehend anyone until they have gone outside the doors of the store so usually can you apprehend them in the store oh yes oh that's you can do that and siles them yes sir number one is that correct yes sir number three what do you say that's right uh number two what caliber revolver does a New York policeman carry a 38 revolver usually that's it time to vote now panel without any consultation please will you mark your ballots and in doing so select number one number two or number three now remember that the team of challenges will receive $250 for each and every incorrect vote of course that means that if they defeat the entire panel uh they can then divide $1,000 all right panel have you marked your ballots you haven't all right Polly Bergen for whom did you vote I voted for number one and why Polly well I don't know I know I should have an answer but I really don't because I did you know I thought it was number one then I was sure it was number two and then I thought it was number three and so I just said to heck with it and I voted for number one John who did you vote for number two and what was your reason John i l that story about the boat Kitty carile you voted for number two and what was your reason I thought number two held herself rather like a model and that brings us to high Gardner you voted for I voted for number three uhhuh and your reason was well if uh Messi doesn't tell gimbal why should I tell you but I will as a matter of fact the reason I vote for number three is that I asked all three girls who Charlie eek house was and since he happens to sign the checks and he runs gimbles I thought that the number three might be the one they're paid in cash yeah but somebody has to sign a check before you can get cash even shoplifters W I don't think anybody ever paid a shoplifter with a check in any event uh let's find out now our minds are all made up we hope yours are too if they are don't change them now play right along with us squ robot to find out which one of these lovely people is Alice caroll's store detective so now will the real Alice Carol please stand up thank you very much Miss Carol now let's find out about the others number one who are you really and what do you do I'm a singer in musical comedy and my name is Karen Ford Miss Ford might I have seen you in something What shows have you sign yes I've done rols in Kismet Guys and Dolls Paint Your Wagon Oklahoma wow certainly have that number two how about you who are you and what do you do my name is Virginia Payne I'm an actress and I have played the role of ma Perkins on CBS radio for 24 years and I might add a very dear friend of mine and I had to pretend like I didn't know her ever since she came to the theater I also want to tell you another thing about Virginia pain in all those how many years has M Perkins been on it's nearly 24 in all that time unless my knowledge is mistaken and I think it's correct Virginia you have never missed one single performance have you that's right that's well you did run well financially that is there were three incorrect votes worth $250 each which means a grand total of $750 for you ladies to divide from jaral please enjoy it accept our thanks and the best of good luck to you good [Applause] night now may we have our next team of Challengers [Music] please what is your name please my name is Dr Robert W brown what is your name please my name is is Dr Robert W brown what is your name please my name is Dr Robert W brown now panel will you follow along while I read this affidavit I Dr Robert W brown I'm a resident physician in a hospital in San Francisco California during the Korean War I served as a first lieutenant in the Army Medical Corps it took me 6 years to get through medical school since I attended classes only from October to April from April to October each year I played third base for the New York Yankees I believe I am the only doctor in the country with a World Series batting average of 439 I swear that the above statement is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth signed Dr Robert W brown all right on with our game these three gentlemen all claimed to be Dr Bobby Brown who was star third baseman for the for the New York Yankees I remember only the real Dr Bobby Brown has sworn to answer your questions truthfully we'll start this round with uh kitty carlot kitty number one who discovered anesthesia I don't know number two who originated the smallpox vaccine Dr Fleming number three who uh discovered or invented strepto I believe it was a group of doctors I don't know their exact names at Rutter's University at Rutter's University yes ma'am um number one your batting average is kind of wonderful what about your medical average have you lost any patients I think all doctors have lost a few not willingly anyway hi Garder uh number one and please don't consider this a professional visit but if I had a pain in my lower right side what would that indicate it would indicate youd probably better go see a [Applause] doctor guess all you ought to see a foot doctor every time I ask a question I put my foot in it uh what is toot Shaw's first name number one I don't know I've only know him as toots uh number poly Bergen sorry um all I know is you know that these be whichever one it is would be wonderful for my daughter Kathy cuz she hates doctors but loves baseball uh number three uh it says in the affidavit that you were uh playing baseball and studying medicine at the same time did you ever have a chance to help a fellow player who was hurt honestly believe me the ball players would never let me touch them number two could you tell me what is demeral well Demerol is a drug that induces sleep it's used uh uh many times babies for instance uh what what is the medical phrase for for glandular fever I do not know that answer number two John Cameron sesy number two what year did you rack up this 439 in the series this was the average of the four series that I played in in 4749 50 and 51 give me very fast your batting average for the season each year well it was a I did better in the beginning about 333 the first year in 46 and then I went down drop it right there what 333 means how do you get that well it's the number of hits divided by the number of that bats how many times then in 333 would you have to hit how many times it back can you give me that the number that's all right who owns the Yankees today uh Del Web and Dan toing what is Del Web KY carine number one what are the duties of a first lieutenant in the medical core well they have a variety of Duties it depends on what type of assignment they're given by the Army well I mean when when you're in actual combat if there's a battle going on what do you do well if you're in combat and that's your assignment you usually work in an aid station that's it once again it's time to vote panel so again with no Consulting would you please mark your ballots and select number one number two or number three all Mark panel all you ready all right poly Bergen for whom did you vote I voted for number two why well um he sort of knew the definition of demoro uh he was almost too smart it's probably number one but uh do you have to get the feeling I really know nothing about this game I think it's number two because he didn't know that you're just fighting yourself that's all John Cameron swy number two and what was your reason John I just like the looks of him as a ball player and as a doctor Kitty carile number one what was your reason well number two said that do that Fleming invented this smallx vaccination is that right I didn't think it was right I thought he invented Penicillin so I think number one looked more like the fell that I was looking for well C out you may not have known you he was a fellow you were looking for but at any event hi Garder your vote please I voted for one for the very same reason Dr Fleming the same reason Tri on Dr Fleming all right there we are with votes how about yours now play fair and square with yourselves and have fun and don't change your mind because now we are going to find out which one of these persons is the real Dr Bobby Brown will the real Dr Brown please stand [Applause] up thank you Bobby very much number two would you tell us who you really are and what you really do my name is Calvin D McCracken I'm an inventor an engineer and president of jet heat Incorporated and I'm the New York State squash rackets [Applause] Champion now I could be wrong again but unless memory fails me once more are you not also the uh a member of the Eastern doubles Champion tennis team tennis yes uhhuh all right let's get the number three now uh this gentleman number three what is your name please and what do you do my name is Luke cro I work for the business Affairs office of NBC I formerly played football with the New York Yankees in Columbia [Applause] University he didn't he didn't just play football with Columbia University he was all American 1948 or 9 which was it 48 48 all right Gentlemen let's see how uh well you did now there were two incorrect votes at $250 each for a grand total of $500 from Jared Hall for you to divide thank you very much hope you had fun being here we did having you here good night now let's have our third team of challenges please what is your name please my name is Charley Adams what is your name please my name is Shirley Adams what is your name please my name is Shirley Adams all right panel will you follow along with your copy of the affidavit which I'm about to read to you now I Shirley Adams am a stewardess for American Airlines I regularly fly a Non-Stop run from Los Angeles to to Chicago my most important flight to date however was just 2 weeks ago when I worked as stewardess on the first Cross Country flight of a commercial jet airliner our flight time from Seattle Washington to Baltimore Maryland was a record-breaking 3 hours and 48 minutes I swear that the above statement is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth now we'll start our cross-examination in all right panel these three people all claim to be Shirley Adams Airline Steward us now you again question till you hear the signal may we start this round with the high Garder Hi Well number one which Smith is president of American Airlines CR Smith red Smith or uh shall we say re Smith CR Smith is President and GRE Smith is the public relations man uhhuh uh number two who is Tom settler uh Tom settler in in charge of uh public relations yeah number two also uh what what do you do when a wolf makes a pass at you in a jet plane is it worse than when he makes a pass in an ordinary plane it's a pretty fast uh whistle but I turn uh number three at what age do at what age do stewardesses have to retire number three you direct three I'm sorry at 32 32 number one at what age is they retired at 32 is the retirement age 32 sneak poly Bergen number one why couldn't I be an airline stous I don't see any reason why you couldn't be number two two why couldn't I be an airline you could be number three you wear glasses uh sorry number one could you tell me um whoops um what uh problem changed the landing plans of a jet airline it was supposed to land in New York and had to land in Baltimore why well the weather was responsible for that and um also the Baltimore Airfield was a little bit more open at that moment and number three could you tell me why because of the objection to the noise uh number two could you you tell me uh how old must you be to be an airline stewards uh you must be 20 years old 20 years old what John Cameron suy now number three you normally cly of Chicago I yes that's my what's the name of the airport there Midway what is the street that takes you to Chicago proper from the airport airport cisero you go through Cicero is it on Cicero Avenue isn't there another one give me one more 55th um how did you learn to be a stus I went to the training school for St is and how long does that uh last that takes 5 weeks how do you learn to Kitty carine number three I've always been impressed by the way you girls handle yourselves under most every situation well thank you how do you uh handle it when some fresh guy tries to make a pest of himself well you understand this happens very rarely uh but uh on one occasion I remember I was having difficulty in the ey so I flashed on the fasten your seat belt fine that took care of that and that worked number two um is there any differences in stewarding on a Jet Plane as opposed to an ordinary plane I mean the human equation is still the same isn't it no there isn't any difference at all it's the same time once again to vote panel so get set and Mark your balance marking them for number one number two or number three ballot marked oh you got early on this one Polly for whom did you vote poly Bergen I voted for number three huh and why oh well because she was the only one of the three who realized that wearing glasses I wouldn't be allowed to be an airline steart uhuh John number three bud and your reason well I like the uh reason Polly gave about the glasses and I also thought the story was almost too good to make up about passing your seat Bel Kitty your vote number three and your reason KY well because all airline stewardes are pretty but this one is surpassingly beautiful I well I would have voted for all three but I voted for number one I thought number three was too Pat about Chicago and number one did know the difference between the three Smiths uhhuh all right there you have the balloting and the reasons now whatever your reason as I said before don't change have fun as we find out now which one of these three lovely ladies is the real airline stewardess will the real Shirley Adams please [Applause] stand oh yeah we want to Recon s we want to rec I have a question all right what's your question uh why did you say I could be an airline stewardess well I didn't even think about your glasses at all I just thought you were real pretty and I well you know that makes a lot of difference in the way we vote well you can wear glasses but you can't wear them on flight like I thought you had to have you can wear glasses you have to have 2040 Vision you don't have to have 2020 2040 is fair all right well there we are let's take a quick look now and see how well they did and the panel is going to grown a bit but the challenges won't because you fooled them completely that means a total of $1,000 from Jarett off if I happy flying to you good night ladies thank you for being with us tonight good night darling get up oh I got a hurry up here I'm sorry forgive me I didn't find out who the others were I was getting the old speed up there and I plunged right ahead and dismissed you Waring your money doing forgive me that was my oversight and I'm sorry number one suppose you tell us who you my name is Joan Crosby and I do public relations for the New York Giants with the firm of art Flynn Associates I hope I can remember number three who got all the voting uh who are you really my name is Clarice fer and I'm a freelance magazine [Applause] writer again I thank you and I'm sorry I nearly missed up on finding out who you were I wouldn't want miss that for the world and enjoy your $1 thousand from Jared h good night again and God bless you well it looks to me like that's just about all the time we have for tonight so I'm going to have to stop real short and say good night panel good night good night good night good night and in the meantime until next week this is Bud Kia reminding you to tell the truth good night everybody travel arrangement for to tell the truth are made through American Airlines American airlines flies our contestants in luxurious Comfort aboard dc7 flagships oh
Channel: To Tell the Truth (CBS)
Views: 49,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: To Tell The Truth (1956) (TV Program), Bud Collyer (TV Actor), Kitty Carlisle Hart (Film Actor), Polly Bergen (Theater Actor), Game Show (TV Genre), Episodes (TV Program), John Cameron Swayze (Film Actor), Hy Gardner, Gimbels (Business Operation), New York Yankees (Professional Sports Team)
Id: _CCpqf-8LZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2015
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