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previously on the Witnesses in fulfillment of Christ's Last Promise to his Apostles the Holy Spirit descends upon his followers empowering them with great boldness and miraculous gifts my legs I can feel my legs you can't walk I can walk look as a result the number of Believers increases as does the jealousy of the Pharisees it's time we bring a stop to this mess one way or the other in the midst of great opposition and persecution the church is scattered into surrounding regions where they continue to share the gospel even with non-jews do you believe with all your heart I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God eager to Stamp Out the growth of the Christians the Pharisees rally around one of their own Saul of Tarsus take them to the prison all of them who zealously vows to imprison every believer until an unexpected encounter leaves him a changed man what is [Music] [Music] [Music] this so the rumors are true read it for [Music] yourself but how he was so dedicated to our cause so passionate exactly Saul is passionate and he is driven and that is precisely why we must stop him before he has a chance to cause any trouble we must find S and we must do so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] quickly well nothing he's nowhere to be found these houses search them right away that should do it all right we're ready Governor's orders this man must be dangerous soldiers please be very careful don't worry God is with us we'll be fine by order of the governor open the door now search every room yes sir up here what are you out of my way he will not get past this gate not on my watch that house [Music] there he's easy now up here open the [Music] door open what do I do what do I do [Music] hurry by order of the governor open this door yes yes coming stall but I open now stall I I uh hurry hurry hurry I said open I'm I'm sorry I was oh out of the way search there please what do you [Music] want what is this what do you want step aside if you'd only tell us what you need then I can help you away from the window if you tell me what you want perhaps I can help you I said quiet it's okay well nothing no one else is in the house let's go [Music] pH [Music] God be with you Saul God be with you and keep [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] Saul wasted no time sharing his story [Music] publicly how he was stopped dead in his tracks by the resurrected Jesus himself as he was on his way to persecute our people how he realized that Jesus was indeed the Messiah the Son of God so his peers the Pharisees they wanted to catch him catch him catch him he was a danger to their cause they wanted him silenced out of the way killed I tell you Saul's life had changed in more ways than one he had become a hunted [Music] fugitive unable to return to his house he sought Refuge with his fellow Believers in Jerusalem hoping for a warm reception Christ prepared us when he said if they have persecuted me they will also persecute you in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world and we know this is so because after his death on the cross true to his word the Lord rose from the grave what is it [Music] it's him Sol of Tarsus Sol of don't be alarmed please he raided our houses hauled our brothers to prison I'm not the same man he is I was there I but wait look there are no soldiers he seems to be by himself are no solders I am here [Music] alone but you will not remain that way come with [Music] me you brought him here he's in the Next Room in the next Barnabas what were you thinking do do you realize who this man is I heard him speak in Damascus about Christ I know who he was I know who he was before he met the Lord met the yes the Lord thee Lord on his way to Damascus where he had gone to persecute our brothers Peter that man has the blood of our brothers on his hands he is guilty and yet yet forgiven is it that hard for you to believe that God could forgive as guilty a man as I am I have blood on my hands but Jesus appeared to me to me he spoke to me changed me and now I will do whatever it takes to tell others about him anything at all there he stood a changed man if ever we saw one and how could Peter deny him trust after all hadn't the Lord himself forgiven him for his betrayal Saul was nearly Unstoppable and I saw him Jesus himself a man I know was crucified a man whose very name I spit Upon A man I now know to be the very Son of God and I am prepared to suffer anything for his sake it must be true it has to be and why do you say that because this is Saul we have known of his Zeal to Stamp Out These Jesus followers and yet here he stands turning his back on all he has worked for all his life it has to be true tell us more Soul [Music] please I am glad you were so willing to suffer for this Jesus because I guarantee you you [Music] will so we just walk away and do nothing huh no we walk away and let others handle our business we'll wait until he's [Music] alone they're going to get Paul I must tell Peter Tarsus it's for your own safety and I'm not concerned about my safety but we are you don't understand I there are people in prison people dead because of my actions which is why we must be careful people know who you are once they hear your story it will speak to the heart of many others perhaps even others like you the Pharisees know that and they will want you stopped Saul you are a threat to them going to Tarsus is for your safety but I want as well as that of the other believers at least for [Music] now we must fight his battles his way not our own God be with you [Music] Saul [Music] with Saul's conversion the Believers had a time of peace and with that peace our numbers grew but not just among the Jews to our great joy the message of Jesus was embraced by Jew and non-jew alike regardless of their background as I know yours will be their religion your hearts to or their race you have brought us here Christ was for all lame and all were welcomed by him naare but God raised from the dead after Jesus was baptized John said that he saw the Spirit you see God did not send his son into the world to condemn it and then Jesus said the time is coming when the true worshippers will worship the Jesus said go and your son will live and while that man was on his way home Jesus told the man to get up and walk and just as Jesus said that the man got up he picked astounding you're you're overflowing and more people come every day Barnabas it's just as the Lord said the Harvest is plentiful and so it is but the laborers we need help Barnabas someone who can teach them actually someone who could teach us I see what you mean if only we had more help if only someone Barnabas Barnabas where where are you going me I'm going away but you just got here you came to bring help and that's precisely what I'm going to bring my dear brother I'm going to bring the help you [Music] need [Music] I'm looking for his all he's right over there [Music] aha so Barnabas Barnabas it's so good to see you what are you doing here looking for you of course and you you are mending tents a man has got to work at least as I wait for God's Direction and it has come follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men it's time for a good catch brother let's go but uh I I cannot return to Jerusalem you're not we go on to Antioch to the Gentiles the Gentiles yes yes you will be amazed my brother God has spread his Nets and the catch is very great indeed that the difficulties the lonely for a year Saul and Barnabas remained in Antioch teaching the growing number of Believers I went to finish the course before me soon there were so many that the local people gave us a name oh I've heard plenty of names used for you like I think he meant a real name not the insults here help out uh right Christians that's what they called us you know Christ followers so they accepted you well the people did but not the authorities no persecution was never far away it was about this time that Herod acted against us once again goated by our old enemies people are being arrested all over the city I'm telling you it's it's only a matter of time before the authorities show up here I told you you just can't barge in here [Music] Peter Peter I tried to stop him what is it what's wrong it's James James what about him he's been arrested arrested arrested James what what did I tell you what did I tell you Herod de grippa will stop at nothing nothing at all you know what to do you cannot stop us you cannot stop what God is doing you might as well try and stop the [Music] rain Lord I come to [Music] you what do you want James you were here he's dead but not his religion we have word that their seditious lies are spreading beyond our Jewish Brothers what do you mean this religion Herod is being taught everywhere to everybody Samaria japa Antioch they are even teaching Greeks and if you think these Christians are a thorn in your side now how much more as their numbers increase by way of these Gentile dogs I'm listening James was not their only leader there is yet another the fisherman the one they call Peter now they have arrested Peter what how where we need to let the others know tell them to gather here I'll get the word out Andrew let's go oh John Peter Herod may have put him in bonds but chains and locks will not bind the power of God we will pray and trust God for a [Music] [Music] miracle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what [Music] [Music] [Applause] as you have delivered before we pray for Peter who at this very hour remains prisoner in herod's jail protect him keep him somehow liberate him we look to you oh God for [Music] deliverance who is it it's me Peter open the door who did you say you are Peter it's Peter open the Peter what at the door Peter's at the door at the what are you saying Peter's in prison that's why we're praying for him to but he's just outside now stop get a hold of yourself that's impossible I'm telling you he's at the door [Music] [Applause] he's John be careful Peter shut the [Applause] door H how did you get out what what what happened cheeter but how by the hand of God what what do you mean an angel of the Lord brought me out of the prison it was a miracle not even the guards realized what happened but but there's no time for explanations now I must get out of the city there will be problems I'm sure once they realize I'm [Music] gone gone we searched the premises the gate is locked he could not have gotten out and yet yet uh I'm sorry but he's gone vanished just execute them now what no we didn't do anything wrong please I'll Stamp Out These troublemakers if it's the end of me do anything wrong please please and that's precisely what happened what do you mean he didn't stamp you out no he [Music] didn't he died instead some say it was worms I say it was an act of God so he was out of the way no but James was killed Peter was gone the rest of you had to scatter to flee maybe you weren't stamped out but you were dispersed surely it was a dark time for you true but just as surely in the greatest Darkness a tiny light can be seen for Miles Jesus had told us I have set you to be the light of the world so that you may bring Salvation to every part of the earth though it always came with a price we found him Saul Paul that's what he goes by now a Roman name so he sheds his Jewish name in order to as he has been heard to say become all things to all men that I may win as many as possible to uh Jesus the Messiah fool as many as possible is more like it so where is the traitor listen ra but with Herod gone we have few allies with the authorities few yes but there are other means at our disposal send a message to our Pharisee Brothers in lisra tell them to be on the lookout for any Gatherings any commotion wherever there is one Saul is sure to be in the middle Paul as I told you he goes by the name of Paul I heard you the first time I don't care what he calls himself I don't care if he calls himself Saul Paul or Caesar just get a message to lisra any disturbance by Paul in that City may work to our advantage healed look look I I can walk I can walk you're the it can't be but look look at him look who are you how how did it happen heal these men I saw them they healed this man please I have a brother that is sick perhaps you can heal him too people of lisra people of lisra please stop stop quiet quiet they wish to speak that was there they healed him quiet down I want to hear I want to hear quiet everyone this man stands before for you healed healed by the name of Mercury Mercury Mercury what he's right it's Mercury Mercury and Jupiter the gods of Jupiter Mercury no please men of the gods have come down to us the gods call the priest the priest of Jupiter juper juper juper it's them it's them the priest of Jupiter move let us true what is this you were doing stop stop let them speak come I say let them speak what are you doing you're calling us Gods us as if we had anything to do with this poor man's healing you are too humble too humble oh Mercury let us offer you a sacrifice it was not by our doing that this man stands whole nor by the power of mercury or Jupiter the god oh what happened what has done the why did you this man was healed by the power of Jesus Christ the Son of God the Son of God No No Sa Stone them get rid of them sacr Stone them get rid of them Sage Stone them Stone them Paul Barnabas I've got to get help let's go I want to see I want to make sure they're dead we need to go now let's let Jerusalem know Paul is dead right [Music] away [Music] are they dead oh oh we're fine thank you God thank you speak for yourself my head help me up here let me help I'll carry you I'm I'm fine easy Paul where are you going where is he going where I was sent take care of [Music] him he went back into the city Paul could be a little hard-handed in more ways than one sounds like wasn't he hurt of course of course he practically LM there but can you imagine the impression it made on the people he went right back to telling them about Jesus and they listened they listened because he bled while he spoke with them Paul just wouldn't give up and he did his best to encourage other believers by his example be strong stand firm in your faith confident that Jesus himself stands with us think of the love that drove him to the Cross to die for you think of that and pray for the same strength as hardships come your way I tell you that every insult every stone every difficulty cannot compare with the glory that God has in store for each of us in heaven and we strive with everything within us to share that Eternal home with as many as possible for years Paul and his companions traveled from City to City teaching the growing number of Believers establishing leaders and always always telling more people about the message of Jesus in the meanwhile as the number of disciples grew so did the need for oversight and organization they were exciting days challenging days Peter had returned to Jerusalem and there were many times that we all gathered to exchange stories to pray and to do our best to establish our growing movement which as I said before was not always met with enthusiasm we have done nothing wrong we will be the judges of that stupid men disrupting the peace as if we didn't have anything better to do than deal with religious lunatics lock them up for the night right away see if your silly God can get you out of this one he's done it before that should keep him quiet for a [Music] while at midnight I will rise to give you thanks to give you praise will he not shut up you are my strong defense you guide my ways you guide my ways silus hi I'm still here I thought my singing might have scared you off no no I'm riveted you've got a captive audience I'm bound to listen to [Laughter] you Barnabas warned me oh never a dull moment he [Laughter] said but truly what a couple of months we've had the Lord has been good we have much to be thankful for we do I will give thanks unto You O Lord and sing praises unto your name we lift our voice in not I'm going to no you'll kill me the magistrate will have my head what happened the prisoners they have escaped I'm a dead man stop don't do that we're here do not harm yourself self God did God do [Music] this that night The Keeper of the prison and his entire family came to Faith In Jesus and the next day [Applause] [Music] I have good news for you uh the magistrate he's decided to free you he has decided to free us the magistrate yes and he wants you to take advantage of the opportunity and leave the city he arrested US Roman citizens condemned us beat us imprisoned us all publicly and now he wants us to leave [Music] secretly look there goes the magistrate walking with the men he had flogged [Music] I I had no idea you were Roman citizens I uh please go in [Music] peace what happened why W they let go last night about midnight the two prisoners they were singing this earthquake came the walls they they came tumbling down I I ran in from there Paul went further on to many many more places Corinth [Music] Greece Syria this went on for two years and God blessed Paul's work with many wonderful Miracles the healing of terrible sickness Liberation for those possessed of evil spirits and if you can imagine it even more astonishing [Music] things and so I've learned to be content in whatever state I find myself I've learned to have and I've also learned to do without in every state the Lord has s me to be content for Paul and I would hope that you can do the same for this is the testimony to those that do not believe I tell you I never doubted I was to serve God but never in all my years what happened ticus he's fallen my son he fell out of the window my son my son is he dead my son my son he he's he's igus no no don't weep nothing is impossible with God [Music] igus igus oh it's a miracle God Miracle he's alive did you see he was dead did and now he's [Music] alive I don't get it all these wonderful things you say happened so why then why the persecution the floggings why are you here a 90 year old man in Chains because of the danger danger what danger look at him and look at us tell me pulo are you not being changed by listening even to this 90-year-old unarmed man seems to me you change a man for from the inside and everything changes that's been the [Music] threat the impossibility of the Miracles the breaking down of barriers between people the idea of loving enemies all of this changes everything right and the Miracles were not just just the healing of people and the raising of the Dead the Miracles were also God granting the desire and Grace to love others our enemies as you say giving hope to the Hopeless it was God at work in our lives it was God's way of letting us know he was there everything was new with you Christians everything as it should be [Music] you don't get it it wasn't just a new religion a new set of rules or beliefs it's never been about that it's been about Jesus alive living in the hearts of each believer everyone that would come to him it broke down barriers rich poor Masters slaves people began to look out for each other to care for each other a revolution well of sorts I mean but not a violent one one more powerful than that right they have turned the whole world upside down that's what they said about us and they were right it was Unstoppable Paul kept on moving establishing the Believers everywhere he went he didn't stop it was as if he knew something was going to happen there is nothing I have kept from you I have done my best to teach in public and in your homes I have testified about Jesus to everyone and now I go to Jerusalem not knowing what may happen to me there all I know is that God promises there will be great hardships difficulties but I want you to know one thing that the difficulties the loneliness being persecuted none of that means anything to me with everything within me I want nothing more but to finish the course before me not with complaints or tears but with joy as I keep Jesus Forefront in my [Music] heart after this night you will not see me again what but why can anybody explain it to me because he will become a prisoner agabus what are you talking about God has spoken to me Paul listen to what the holy spirit says to you in the same way will the Jews in Jerusalem bind the man that owns this and delivered him unto the authorities Paul you must not go you [Music] can't well well what do you want to hear the report or not I don't I already know what it says it just arrived I already know what it says I can imagine what it says more Christian converts more cities more countries more blah blah I've heard it I know it it's been 25 years 25 since the death of that Jesus of Nazareth and it's been 25 years of frustration I want it to end I want it to stop I want Paul don't mention that name just he's coming here Reports say he is making his way to Jerusalem for one of their Christian holy days the city will be teaming with people he calls a rockus as he usually does and the new governor would never stand for it precisely which means which means he could then be arrested for disturbing the peace what are we waiting for our old friend is coming for a visit let's give him just what he wants a reception he will never forget [Music] Now's the Time now this is the man the one you have heard about Saul of Tarsus the blasphemer who teaches people everywhere to go against our religion do nothing of the sort St them K them blasphemer I do nothing of the sort I only speak of what God has shown me kill them let me speak further let me speak he has brought his companions foreigners who are not permitted in our Temple he has brought them in to defile this holy Place Stone them Stone them out of the way move I said out of the way what is the meaning of this this man this man has disrupted the peaceful worship I am judged without being heard the peaceful Worship in our Temple he's a troublemaker I have done nothing to and blasphemer get him out take him out of here come with me step aside move back move back I say have him fled what get back here I'm sorry sir you cannot oh why because you're such a model Jewish citizen no because I am a Roman one a citizen of Rome [Music] Roman Freeborn Paul had indeed been born a Roman citizen and as such the chief Captain himself would be breaking the law if Paul was not given a fair trial so why didn't he bring that up before why at that time Jesus had appeared to him again the Lord assured him that as he had witnessed to the gospel in all the other places that he would do the same at the highest seat of power Rome Rome but Roman law was not about to stop Paul's [Music] enemies a wow 40 of us we will not eat or drink [Music] until until we have gotten rid of Paul rid of killed him tell the chief Captain to bring him down to you tomorrow and that tell him that you wish to talk with him and then when he is on his way this is what we'll do we'll be there ready to Ambush [Music] him what do you want I have to see the captain someone is planning to kill the prisoner Paul go [Music] inside [Applause] here they [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come [Applause] well you might as well have something to eat what he's gone gone Paul we're too we'll catch up with him you'd be [Music] outnumbered outnumbered I told you there are 40 of us there are 40 of us that have vowed did you hear me 40 Chief Captain lus under the most excellent Governor Felix I send you a man most hated by his own peers a man who they conspired to kill had I not taken the Liberty to send him to you both for his protection as a Roman citizen as well as for a fair hearing for two years Paul was kept under guard with the Pharisees relentlessly bringing accusations against him until his case was brought before the new governor and the visiting King agria and from that moment I continue to do all I can to tell others about the message of Jesus that God sent his son to die for our sins and that now now he offers everyone both Jew and non-jew alike forgiveness and the reward of a life in heaven to those that believe and this is why I'm threatened with death when in fact I've said nothing but what Moses and our own prophets have spoken of before you're quite the orator you almost have me believing oh and I wish you and all here could experience what I have experienced well with the exception of these of course I gathered that what is this man doing here in the chains the death threats I I agree he's a man with convictions certainly a sincere man but certainly not worthy of death he could have been freed had he not appealed to Rome but he has appealed unto Caesar and to Caesar he shall [Music] go lower the lifeboats now what are you doing you want to survive don't you it's either that or it's either that or we die we won't God has told [Music] me every man will survive but no one must leave this ship do as he says are you out of your mind lower the light you heard me do as he [Music] says you've killed us all you've killed us [Music] [Music] all there this should help my leg here have some water all accounted for every single person including the prisoners very [Music] well a Viper what happened he's been bitten by a Viper a Viper he'll be dead before you know it I wonder what crime he committed to escape death at Sea only to die on [Music] Shore let me look at your hand I'm fine no one can survive that [Music] this is impossible he should be dead what are you doing everyone's cold we need more wood for the bonfires that Paul did not die from the Serpent's bite caused some to consider him some sort of God Paul of course took the opportunity to refute that to his people and instead taught them about Jesus I know yours will be as you give more of your hearts to him when Paul prayed for the very sick father of the chief of the island and he got healed the news spread quickly soon many diseased people were brought to him and they too were miraculously healed for 3 months they remained on the island Paul teaching God moving among them mightily and many lives were changed when winter ended they resumed their Voyage finally arriving at their destination Rome [Music] the prisoners were then delivered to the captain of the Guard except for Paul what happened to him he was placed in a house with a guard sounds familiar chained to him chained oh he was a dangerous man at least you weren't chained to us I mean no you're right I was banished to a desolate Island dangerous man that I am but never in all my for 2 years Paul remained in Rome Jesus and yet for him I have freely left all things for two years he taught the many many people that came to hear him and took advantage of the time he still had [Music] until I gather you aren't here to change [Music] guards [Music] I'm [Music] ready but I want you to know that the thing that happened to me have turned out to the spreading of the Gospel many brothers seeing my confidence even in Chains are much more bold to speak without fear and now I trust that God will be glorified whether through my life or by death for to me me to live is Christ and to die is [Music] gain [Music] it's over he's dead he can do no more damage [Music] what is it in Rome what did he do all that time what did he do with all that [Music] time I Paul a servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of God who will separate us from the love of Christ will tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or danger or weapons no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Paul's faithful testimony brought light to many people he was faithful in life and faithful unto death the others followed one by one Andrew was crucified what you said Matthew was martyred in Ethiopia Thomas in India James he was thrown down from the temple and stoned Jude was put to death in Persia and Peter Peter was also crucified upside [Music] down each one remained faithful even in death giving their life for others as our Lord did for us of the first 12 only I [Music] remain to continue to witness to us yes to [Music] you I'm just going up there to pray don't worry I won't Escape I guess the point is is it worth it you know is it worth giving up everything like he has to follow Jesus Christ I guess that's a decision every person has to make for himself Titus you convert to that old man's religion and you know what will happen to [Music] you is it really worth [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I John a servant of Jesus Christ B to this island of pmos because of my testimony am shown a vision of what is to come I saw those who had been killed because of their testimony they asked how long oh Lord before you judge this world and avenge our blood each of them was given a white robe and told to wait a a little longer before the full number of those their brothers and sisters would also be killed and I saw seven angels with seven trumpets and as the trumpet sounded 1/3 of the Earth was burned up 1/3 of the water turned to blood the sun and the moon were darkened and this was only the beginning a time of Great Tribulation will fall upon the Earth unlike it is ever seen then I saw a white horse and he who wrote it had eyes like blazing fire he was dressed in a robe with dick in blood the armies of Heaven followed him he is the king of King kings and Lord of lords out of his mouth came a sharp sword to judge the Nations and rage war finally I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth and all of those who believed and remained faithful Until the End will reign with him forever and ever he will be our God and we shall be his people come Lord Jesus [Music] come [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] h oh
Channel: Evangelical Free Bible Church (EFBC)
Views: 395,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: he7zy_RK3eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 45sec (4185 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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