TL vs TSM - Game 3 | Semi Finals LCS 2021 Mid-Season Showdown | TSM vs Team Liquid G3 full game

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the regular season record carries through but they're gonna grab uder which we somewhat expected the orianna for team fight power kobe's you called out yep tankish champion for four hundred on the front line on top side tank's champions there for spika control mage for poe his favorite by the way the orianna the classic poe orianna um and lost and sword are on bottom side they they are going let's they'll probably have to yeah i was gonna say they're probably gonna have to pick without uh team liquid needing to reveal the 80 carry just yet um they can lock in both solo lanes here for team liquid um they get the victor first an answer here for jensen into the orianna again similar to like we already saw earlier in this series uh nice little bit of favor there on the victor side for the early uh range there on your laser through the minions but also your q so effective for some of these early trades shrugging off your uh you know insubstantial early level orianna trade damage as we saw from this matchup over in the first game it went towards peoe a bit in the early game but eventually the big cs lead bloom for jensen started getting a lot better in the lane so there is the jinx fan and tsm thinks first party with a thresh is the late game backland keep in mind tsm do not have a dive composition right then can sometimes bring the ball in but you're not seeing the rel flings there's no knocking gp over the top a safe back they need to carry it's just gonna be safe dealing damage and jinx is problem i term these types of team fighting comps when you have stuff like udyr and renekton as your front line because they are decently beefy but they are incredibly flash reliant if you have flash with this team comp it's amazing you know you can flash that orianna ball in there udyr performs okay with run stun but way better with run flight yeah and so that could be a world of a difference because you can see team liquid here just throwing down as we predict yeah they're not going to have to show the 80 carry yet um aphellios is still up and ifelios does well with the slower moving front lines that kind of have to walk into him if you've got a thresh protecting you then uder and hecarim's life should be hell you've got box going down flay going down and then guess what especially if the ofelios has you know flamethrower has uh the shock runs like it it becomes difficult to actually close that gap and you need the flash surprise with your uh orianna shockwave in a lot of cases to make it come true i would like a leona lock in though because that adds a lot more threat to the dive um you know the leona ultimate and set up your shock waves way better can pin down um even the most slippery of 80 carries uh and hopefully try and get that kill rakonda replies a it provides a very similar thing but it requires him to risk his own body to do it so it's definitely more dangerous because you have to go to the other side of the scion in the team fight to do it and it's also kind of hard in some situations with thresh uh if the thresh is well played on his timing uh can interrupt you there so neither team with reliable backline dive i think rakan kaiser is not enough it's a bit risky to try to dive in there so kaiser isn't gonna have that same backline access you would have with you know tp and noctrin helping with those kinds of stuns you know yeah yeah so scion comes through team liquid willing to say you know what normal frontline no one out beefs scion he is the biggest meatball of them all maybe cho'gath comes close ultimately though tl's frontline is huge right here they are tanky or they are more durable varys though is not the same kind of dps machine that kaiser is so it gets a bit close once you're actually considering who kills front lines faster varus right now too does have both options open um of now going the on-hit build or the lethality poke build i would expect on hit because you're looking at your overall team comp and you're like okay that is a team fight that is that is very good scaling so definitely i expect the the on hit um lpl and lck had a huge priority on the varus we even saw it earlier today in the lec uh as well and i believe that one wasn't on hits so um looks to be the case there for team liquid they've got a very standard hey this is game three you have to beat us so many times tsm that first you're gonna have to beat us in a front to back scaling team fight we've got scion beef boy on the front line we have scaling victor and we get the varus protected by thresh on bottom lane beat us straight up or else the series is over and we'll see if they can do it tsm need to win three games straight and that game four and five will have tl side selection if it even happens otherwise a clean 3-0 sweep and you can bring out the clinton tweets because it's gonna be relevant for this one and let's see if they can do it though tsm have to come back have to make the reverse sweep happen and they're gonna need silver scrapes power people's been to five finals and one zero of them will it just continue at zero five will he get a sixth shot we're gonna find out here as we are on the rift tl in the red tsm on the blue who's it gonna be has he hit the rift i want to know the numbers on who of the tsm faithful after throwing us almost 8 000 gold lead still have faith for the reverse sweep here coming in because that is a true feat that is true loyalty yeah you do yeah i mean that is the centipede of comebacks it is a lot it's it's it's the feat uh that okay uh ultimately i think i know i ruined it i should have stopped where it was but kobe is your point about the faithful it's ending the tsm fans that came over when doublelift came from clg you hold the faith long enough and maybe you still believe in the end those the people that we're going to look for to see if t's i'm going to have a hack but i do believe it like to be clear i do believe them have what it takes if you take parts of the other games they played they had at least one full victory among them they can put those together in one full game and just run it back unfortunately the only part of the game that matters is when you kill the nexus yeah so let's just skip ahead to uh 35 minutes then uh honestly though right into lane here immediate advantage for tsm freak they came out of the gate swinging ward killed there they do get the extra experience uh doesn't mean nearly as much for a duo lane as it does for you know solo lanes that can uh you know pop level two off of the first wave but every little bit does how uh count nice autofocus today hits loss which is him overstepping a little bit over there on the 80 carry and drop cs occasionally back and forth but now tl feel like yeah they can walk up play is fine and a pretty good tactical as well uh q comes up for lost but he's on the slow he's ignited cleanses it flash plays not worth it but look at this it's sword art flashing out as well and just like that bot lane is shattered tactical and core jj let me remind you of a time far in the past now the lock in tournament freak it seemed like every single game team liquid played core jj and tactical were burning summoners or getting 2v2 kills pre-three minutes they're returning to form here they force it onto lost in sword art able to force out three four two in the summoners and get the early level two and force him back to base he's gonna lose out on a couple of those melee minions before the cannon even gets into range and that is painful it is painful big stun here from huni nice job there how far i can't get the shield on in time to block any damage so a good trade here on the top side cs lead and more coming man it pulls a bit low for the mid laners we'll see the recalls before too long and kobe you mentioned on varus was likely he has gone lethal tempo so indeed that is the build you go comet if you're going lethality it's pretty easy to land even the q can be hard to dodge the comet obviously e and r are guaranteed because the crowd control and hey they still want to keep fighting obviously lost without summoners is a pretty easy target walk back for alfari and once again yeah the the shield's not gonna do anything and by the way if renekton has full fury don't pre-shield he breaks it before the damage so it's a waste of a cooldown you have to wait until after you're stunned that's what makes that match up sometimes pretty difficult and that's why alfari is playing very very far to the weak side yep trying to soak up there as sign you basically just want to get to your break point double teleport timing there a little bit funny but not gonna uh you know come into anything you want to get to your break point where uh you can buy yourself your bramble vest and kind of hold on to that teleport's ready here for alfari level 4 back out there with the corrupting potion can he bait huni in for this jungle pressure when he does not knock down the last minion that would have been the bait right his stay for a single caster minion but they said hey we saw armeya was going top side from mid our mayo can go top that is communication at work huni kills as many minutes as possible he saw him for the w the last hit one knows he's not fighting goes back in time the nice thing about cyan um and one of the many reasons it's picked so frequently as the tank soaked for top side is that even in the more difficult matchups here um you with you with teleport being taken you can use your teleport around the level four mark to reset and get your extra sustain get your corrupting potion in addition to your biscuits and shield and then by the time you need the base again to refill and you've taken another beating you can get level six and you can use your ultimate to get back to lane again and not lose out as much pressure this is stunnable early flash comes in he's going to be cc'ed up for ages flash of the same thing but the burn is just too much and now armeo he's not going to have this one or does he he finds one he triumph feels and he's still trying to heal but it's still two kills to tsm the first blood saving their life they do get the first flood here and they definitely need that payout but bad counter kill oh flash play no easy way out flash dodges the knock-up as well but they don't quite have the chase down or do they this fight's gonna land tactical finds one sword art out of cool down slow it again play it again hook's gonna land and just like that another two kills go over to team liquid right on the tactical oh the execution buffs that they added to the tap there for q really pay off that damage is is definitely comes out of left field now still with all these various buffs over the last few patches really racking up again though this is just dominance now from team liquid bottomland they early they blew the summoner spells now two kills both of them last hit by tactical the adjustments were made free here's the mid lane though jensen thought he was going to get away there but you saw the last minute switch the tiger stands for spika so he got off his tiger auto it's red buff burn in addition to the physical damage bleed from tiger buff that burn jensen down even after flashing he was trying to save it uh for after the stun counter killed though and now we're back at the board great flay pull back as well hecarim's gonna knock him right back into the team that's another kill on the board for tl sharkovan two only buys some time tsm bleeding out now 800 gold difference not insurmountable but not how you want to start a series that's zero two the problem is when you have an early game beat down like we saw here from team liquid this just exudes pressure over the dragon over your red quadrant jungle it starts to splash over into your other lanes already now mid lane getting a taste top lane is actually heading down here as huni rotates over to contest the scuttle crab but he's alone everybody else is losing in pressure so bottom lane um kind of seeping over towards mid lane means power of evil you know can't come as well jungler kind of moves over and that's going to be the end of that team liquid now should be able to control the rest of this opener i mean alfari already he's to that level six point where um we talked about even after he burns through the rest of his corrupting potions through his biscuit he can use his ultimate to get back if needed um and not lose out on any minions he's rushing towards his bramble vest there you got your double cloth armors uh very close and if if you have no lead up there for the renekton it's just a big difference in front lines uh you know once you get to these team fighting stages everyone who's played bot lane knows this feel where you're like i am in xp range of a melee at most that's how i can play this lane no one to blame themselves here on the tsm side they misplayed at level one they lost a bunch of health they lost their summoners and this is their comeuppance as a result of those plays uh 3o varus i believe he hasn't recalled in a fair bit uh ever since that third kill uh so does have some money to spend eventually he'll get his noon quiver and keep on going yeah you can see 1100 gold easily noon quiver waiting in base for him i might want to wait till he can get that plus pickaxe either way it's obviously looking very good on the team liquid side 1000 the gold difference again not insurmountable but tsm have to bounce back from the fact that they know they are currently losing this game this votes very well uh for team liquid's future expectations because looking back to last year tactical had just such a good breakout year rookie of the year giant performances in playoffs in these high pressure games performed at worlds even as well to expectation and so this year the one thing most people were really worried about for team liquid is a bit of a slump there for him yeah you know getting picked off a lot in the mid game some mistakes there in the bottom side of the map but um you know this sort of confidence and strong performance from the bottom lane here are what they want to see and what they need to see for tactical to truly be considered one of the next north american greats and there's elements of that we even saw this year they won lochen tournament right they bested tsm in the overall bracket and they beat cloud nine in those finals largely due to how well tactical and portrait day were playing in the duo lane in the regular season it was allzved and vulcan and these two couldn't hold a candle anymore tactical as you were mentioned kind of was slumping but if they're back in a lock-in form or back into last year's form where they were the best dueling in the league that's the kind of performance that gets you an lcs title that sends you to msi here as the lc's representative so far so good against tsm duolingo doing well but of course they can't get ahead of themselves just like we can't armeo getting pushed out of the jungle will survive this fight from spika tl do have to make sure they can cross their t's and dot their eyes make sure this game keeps going their way yeah he does opt to hold on to the ultimate and just take a bunch of extra damage there from speaking he's gonna go for the reset anyways just gives up on the krugs and he can zoom right back out to this top side lane so i don't think uh tsm are gonna have a lot of confidence in threatening uh you know for an actual dive there even though you chase out the jungler hecarim moves so quickly off of a reset uh you know armera could be there he has ghosts he also has his ultimate ready so just a little bit too dangerous for tsm and all they really get out of it is the krug steel there for spika a little bit of gold back for them if they ever get herald slammed down of course it's tsm's who owns it let's see they can turn back some of the plates because right now two plates taking the bot side taps with some poke needs one auto and he'll claim plate number three in the bottom lane as scion comes back in this is the very standard scion thing you managed to get your way back into lane old's going to land it really nicely 42 gold means he got the three casters and not the cannon so sadly missed the primary gold income from that wave but able to get back a little having to burn his tv who needs teleport is back up himself but gonna walk to lane and make sure he's tv up for a different play now this is one of the reasons um you know varus saw so much popularity uh across the world is yeah uh you know a strong opening here to the lane phase but with this uh corrupting chains as well tactical can do a lot to set his team up thresh and varys so much cc okay thought we were about to see it on screen but uh does not hit that sentence gonna have to get out of there he's gonna pop ghost to run fast as long as he's not gonna get shocked if he's okay and it's not gonna catch him lantern's there good job by corgi to get away now in the mid lane though jensen he's been mind controlled again face checks in and has to burn flash now accord today with the flash flay look for the hook nice side step by last snipe but not killed so it's gonna be tl able to walk out i think i'm going to mention before it gets too late in huni is going prowler's claw on the renekton he is going for heavy backline access trying to one shot the victor or help one shot the varus and be the reason that kaiser can ultan and finish that kill i know you're getting flashbacks with game number one there though freak when you see jensen walking into the rest of tsm not paying attention to the spacing here tower does uh take a beating that last plate is gonna get knocked off by the riptale activation here and they might even be able to continue with the steel core jj heading up from bottom side though yeah 480 total gold earned from the fact that they got a lot of plates down nice charge well done three plates but now it's 140 on the dragon and the gold difference it's shrunk kobe it's down to 600. tsm for all the flat they've been getting and and somewhat rightly so from the mistakes of the making have come back from a travesty of an early game and are edging their way back in gold and they will be able to fight soon enough i will say that that gold did not come without a cost um gold here always needs context and that gold as you're referring to was a big cash in from the rift trail which they traded for this dragon yeah um and these rift road plays there's always an opportunity cost to to these rift trailer plays unless it's literally you know just the jungler without even a gank getting off from your opponent's side that time investment um you know teams are definitely working on it they're they're not bringing up entire bottom lanes not sacrificing big waves not sacrificing you know big objectives for it but um the the dragon is the extra leverage in addition to the extra gold that team liquid does have over them so um it's it's kind of filled in there by the rick rift held activation it's up to tsm to make something of it you know landry's is completed by power of evil here by orianna and you know he is on his signature champion so maybe that is the place to do it we mentioned multiple times here you know delivery recon is a perfect delivery for a shockwave not if he gets hooked in though and they're going to be able to retreat pick up that scuttle crap doesn't mean too much mid lane still under a bit of fire and power people now knows he has teammates to help and so he's safe to auto attack mid turret 44 plate taking out that one entire trip may drop in the mid lane so far outstanding spike comes into spika hooked in played on the box stuns runs away once again re-engaged chain's going to land though but with merc tread spika is out tp's come in the fear off on a hoonie he is squishy on renekton shockwave from the catch of court j.j hooney getting out just a safety no stun from alfari but a low health renekton will be killed and now it is a 5v4 which means tl absolutely owned this dragon what patience there just zoning and waiting for the tp to complete they chase out the rest of the members of tsm so that when hoonie arrives 3v1 didn't know they were brush ganking them and that's the kill back in still a dragon claim for tl but one for one and kales means look at this gold lead only 300 buffer by the fact that there's two dragons on team liquid it does bode well therefore tsm that they keep their heads in the game though after a loss like that on an objective still looking for any opportunity to try and get something back so yes you're right another kill it goes to orianna that's where they want it here's what we're talking about though they chunk out spika just in preparation for waiting for huni he gets sucked in there they even try and use shockwave to disengage um and it's it's not able to buy them enough distance so they finish the completion here for team liquid closing in on the front line again this is a straight up champ select you have to beat us front to back so they're able to win out on the front to back war there surprise attack though for tsm gets them uh knock up ignite is on jensen should die and power of evil is able to claim the last hit and for the first time all game tsm have themselves a gold lead and tl now gonna have to work back the fact that they've got a deficit finding a way to stack the dragons might be hard without gold yes sir the reverse sweep definitely a possibility jensen not having a very good day for himself tsm continuing to attack there they actually finish off the turret that was weakened by rift herald nice opportunity here you see power of evil at the top of your screen the hope of tsm on the orianna four stacks in his dark seal as well he can throw down even more money trying to upgrade to the megiz to really making it all in on this orianna play around the orianna get those uh shock waves delivered rakan will have ultimate available they've got flash on udyr both of those could be good targets it's like he's having a hard time winning his fight keep in mind huni is not built in any way for this 1v1 and he knows that he's not doing that and kobe to your point yeah front to back is not how tsm win these fights i think huni is at first glance correct in building this way because you're not winning with the stride breaker renekton hoping you can tank as well as cyan because you're not you're winning by a brother's claw stunning the varus and lost jumping in to finish the kill somebody make me an are you winning son for huni and his screen is just so in alfari's face nope i am not in no matchup do i win versus alfari it is it has definitely been rough for huni there alfari has just been dominating for team liquid and guess what he's bringing so much to this team fight you're mentioning yeah look at the build for huni's going prowlers call he wants to assassinate jensen or tactical with the way that jensen you know has been walking into some teammates maybe that's a possibility but it's going to be hard to pull off meanwhile afari's job is so much easier to do on the side here with the scion beefy front liner he's got his crossfire completed on top of his bramble vest so um it's it's going to be a big problem there for tsm to try and deal with alfari if if they get to these team fights if they're trying to fight over objectives and guess what since team liquid have been stacking dragons at some point you're going to have to um they can try and rely on power of evil three kills now on him does have magic penetration already rushing towards that as well so he actually can try and shred through alfari he's got the the right build for it the liandrys plus the magic penetration uh power of evil is going to try and take off jacob on core jj forced back now power people wants in maybe a shockwave can set this one up nice side step no he turned back into it gorgeous day betrayed himself and now running the shock wave light is going to be caught play's not going to be enough if he does flash off if you want to leave yeah that's the new chant no more t s m t s m it's p o e can he do it for this team rip field activated on the bottom side of it four kills now on the orianna six stacks upgrade that sucker noah mentis make the hero play bjergsen is on stage with them earlier in the suit can he coach him to victory here power of evil he's taken the spot can they make this comeback in the opening of worlds poe basically 1v9 for his team back with flyquest back at worlds he did so much in the high pressure moments and brought the decent record and actually okay showing it worlds for you know the low seated team now pue up on tsm with the biggest shoes that north america's had in mid lane to fill now the head coach behind him who knows any point the man could just replace if he really wanted to and he's stepping up again when they need it most to reverse sweep to make it to the finals he is 401 the the headmaster the one leading the charge here to get that victory all right tsm setting up one of the biggest possible comebacks here they're in the lower bracket already they ran it in 2020 summer we're able to make the full comeback here though they've got a lot of work ahead of them early entrance into the river getting down your control wards chip damage onto alfari is valuable here if poe just tags him gets the landry's burn taking on him gets a little bit of trunk damage try and put a dent in that team liquid front line here we go walking up for this one dragon started tl 201 drakes who's gonna grab the third though well far not find the sun just yet they're grouped up zoning hoonie trying to wait in fog of war trying to find that moment to flash or dash or find something and it's not gonna happen tl stayed posturing but never did anything about it finally knocking down the wave late but if they committed a killing a turret they could have killed a turret and they committed to a dragon fight they could have done that but they do neither and they get nothing exactly freak one of the most criticized macro plays is go stare at the enemy objective yes you can send you know an attempt a varus hail mary arrow over the top you saw uh an attempted steal there from tactical with the q but that's about it uh to your point of trying to push somewhere else on the map and get something instead of just staring down your opponents as they take the dragon that is to tsm's benefit it seems like with their backs against the walls these are the moments where where tsm can stand up and claw back in some of these situations they've done it you know step one so far dragon picked up they put a stop to that team liquid march towards seoul which would be so devastating since what team liquid wants is for you to come you know front to back straight up fight them uh try and work your way through this scion try and get back to my victor back to my on-hit varus but uh p.o.e get those chants going because he is a hope he's the hope void staff done death cap halfway done or thereabouts tl i feel like in the back of their minds just feel hey but we scaled them but we scale we've we've still got more gold in the 80 k we still got the better front line it's okay low risk low risk wait for the baron setup do that but the fact they lost the last five on five essentially by not being able to fight you wonder when do they feel like they're gonna feel comfortable how much they're gonna bleed out for it happens now in the meantime tl good job knock down two more turrets mid's gone bot's gone both teams are going to get the same kill count the same turret count and we're back to a nearly tied game but it's tl down about a thousand gold peoe alone by himself but only threat being jensen means it's not not too dangerous up there for should be able to finish off that push on the wave plenty of control words for tsm you see them circling around baron trying to keep the vision there prediction uh cue from corej thinking speako is going to dodge forward doesn't find anything for them though and this is actually very good for tsm they got to push out top side it gives huni some time to get bottom wave moving for them and then they can get their reset off replenish their control wards in inventory and then reestablish control the scuttle crab is coming up by baron uh you want to be there a bit early to be able to snag that one uh and they're already trying to use their scryers just to make sure yeah pinnacle concern what's also nice about that ward is even if you're not afraid it is a permanent ward yeah it's easily swept sure it's one auto attack but this ward lives in perpetuity until tsm cleans it out and right now sword art's not cleaning out the baron pit so uh fairly low cost ward for now goes for the more aggressive wards to try to own the top jungle because they might set it up just not yet which type of ward would you like to be freak would you like to be a more hardy oh it takes four hits to kill me yeah or you're very fragile but you don't die of old age type award no no no i want to be i want to be the second control ward i want to be the rich support who got the wardstone and it's like i'm so i'm so decked out i get two of you and i'm like yeah yeah yeah i want to be the second control board that's me fair enough uh i'll i'm on the winning team at that point there's no way i'm not you know exactly you got the extra you know visual uh changes over here all right well let's see about this bearing control if it comes to anything for tsm because they have done a good job of sweeping out that vision uh team liquid though they don't have to rush end into anything and they do have you know good opportunities for space checking if they just um you know pull the trigger and bring alfari right back over scryers bloom cooldown timer is being traded out here now they've got jensen's available so they don't really have to risk too much all right stair stage done for huni so he's done with his uh holy squishy build he is going to get some durability in team fights derek's definitely good at that as i just keep going through we've got the last whisper coming in for tactical the armor pen obviously very very powerful so he can cut through some of the armor that we are seeing out of spika who got himself a randuins for the extra slows and attack speed dive like speaker wants in wants to pop the slow wants to lock down that back line it's still you know pushing forward on a theme serifs under power people not yet a deathcap actually i forgot that was the build path but tl clearly feeling that they can win mid trying to fight for but here comes the backline dive look for tactical he flashes the safety though does not get caught the reengage looks pretty good speaker versus flashback away hoonies now in the fight but again fairly squishy on renekton only has one half tank item and tl want to own this bottom river half health spika not the best front line slowed down wearing a shield though poe the part we care about he's very very deadly here three item orianna tl do they feel like they can take over the river they're gonna get mid lane they might play for tier two will they play for the dragon right now the call is screw it dragon's yours we want a turret instead a trait of objectives yeah alfari doesn't have ultimate anymore so they're actually going to make an adjustment from the previous previous objective this is exactly what we wanted from them where they push down mid they trade the dragon for full mid prio and guess what that's just not a secondary turret freak that's opening the door to the base this is why you trade objectives and you fight for the mid wave if tsm had knocked down the wave there's no counter play there for tl but it might have dropped riven control there's a bunch of what ifs it's the right flavor team liquid they had an untouched wave they wrote it into 1200 gold unanswered by tsm as trade for a single mountain break really like the adjustment here on the fly from team liquid now with an open path towards mid they can get off their reset uh and you've got plenty of time before the next dragon so they're scaling quite nicely you saw how tsm had to completely bail out of that team fight as soon as that their attempt at the back line failed they know if they don't instantly get that engage on tactical um that they're not going to be able to compete front line to front line one salvare joined on the scion and he was right in the middle of it so honestly good peel back for them to be able to get second dragon but team liquid really happy with opening up mid so we reset as team liquid tie up the gold tsm tie up the dragon count very tight game down between these two tsm need to win three straight to take this series tl need one break either this game or an hour with the next one and maybe beyond that one but still the fight for wards continue as baron is the next objective on the table and really the only thing that can be attacked i mean it pops the haste can't find a way in but gets around to the bottom side of the map everybody on team liquid should be aware of tactical's positioning because he is the vulnerable blood no spell shield for him like jensen has and no flash available so he's only relying on core jj to keep him safe and his own positioning he always has to be aware here of keeping the scion between him and the engage from tsm gsm do have flash on huni and they do have sword art recon combination available to try and deliver that shock wave both those deliveries are looking for uh tactical back there on the varus so as he goes up to poke like that um you have to be a little bit cautious each time and kind of he's sticking his neck out there a little bit close to some of the tsm engage options you can see lost build is actually single target focused is doing the phantom dancer second which surprising considering huni's build is about backline and the randuins is about reaching on to the backliner and slowing them down lost build is not about assassination it's not the collector build the gale force collector that we see so frequently from that kind of build so some desyncs in the build path thing here although also of those kind of looking at the bottom side you can kind of see where both teams are focusing their resources at this point in the game these skill players you don't drop cs for free poe has been given priority on the lanes he has 40 cs ever lost because he's the one being given the farm the opposite true on tl site tactical is given priority to get farm and jensen is getting the table scraps poe definitely the centerpiece for tsm's comeback run see if we can get uh a little bit of headway here though team liquid happy to scale up until the dragon timer once again this time around it's going to be a little bit more difficult for tsm considering they do have exposed inhibitor towards mid and even if they pin team liquid inside the base if team liquid decided to make a hard push for it all that tl have to do is have alfari rotate to the back of their team fight and all of a sudden um it's it's not really tl that are caught it's it's another front to back team fight that they're actually looking for so approaching level 16 here on the team liquid solo laners power people has gotten it because of all that farm you talked about being funneled into him this barren attempt is not sniffed out quite yet for team liquid they have a bit of time because kaiser is not there so it's going down a little bit lower he doesn't even think it's happening he could just control it right now he doesn't even think it's a possibility he's just chilling and it's just gonna get taken they have no vision at all starts to charge oh he comes in it's smited away speaker grabs it i'm not sure how they knew but the timing was perfect bluetooth medicine that last second still well done to speak up claims it yeah the team looked good they used both scrires there our male attempting steal but that is so big for tsm baron awarded now free dragon as well so they can get their baron empowered recalls off reset before the dragon then try and push out and into the team liquid vision death brush jensen's baiting no they're not gonna get the death brush they're not gonna look for a play but against baron buff and honestly the fact that recalls i think came through enough that items came into inventories it's gonna be so hard to fight for this wave they're gonna do it though moving on up into it lost able to get away from the scion cue trading back and forth obviously the tsm minions are tankier lost just being given the farm here flash shock wave on a two they are shot down tactical knockback means almost nothing the drift goes a little bit far but the re-engage on the back line nearly finds a second kill just the one is enough though tsm get one and they're going to get the dragon kirsten freak tactical's positioning when looking for the cue poke with ferris he walks up into the engage range flash no hesitation from spika they hit him with that combo the unear flash into shockwave tsm they strike they take down tactical they take down the dragon you have to be more cognizant with your positioning he moves up even for a greedy auto it's more than just the cue there the extra auto immediately punished that is such good movement from spika no hesitation he does not let this ego movement from the 80 carry tactical cannot step up into flash range it is just an udyr by the way it's just normal flash range there and you immediately get shockwaved after if you let that happen you you deserve to go down team liquid now not only do they lose the baron to tsm's sneak attempt there also setting up tsm for dragon soul point this come back in the making for tsm freak they are really making the fans sweat but it's working with their backs against the walls now all objectives go in their favor every single one now in a row baron the dragons three straight in that regard and as items come through a stone plate for alfari the man needs a mind control helmet keep your back line in the back you need that one instead he's plenty tanky look for the play shotgun fixes those two and it means there's no real re-engage not gonna go in for that one so we just chill and that turret likely to fall the cannon's gonna get some pot shots in and you can see bot lane now also under fire tsm getting pushed in all three lanes nice oak good damage hooks going to land very nicely played they also catch in lost a flash to safety tactical finds the second kill finally gets the good play takes down the duolina tsm redemption for tactical almost immediately chains of corruption into full city combo with thrash plus flashes away doesn't give away the counter kill takes in the extra kaiser aggression and this sets them up for a power play has to respect the shock wave coming up in a couple of seconds there but still wants to push back spika find the cc but honestly can't do enough damage tp's coming across with dissonance and so much movespeed for tsm they're likely always safe cyan over the top shockwave on a two but it means they have caught out the ud and that man can only run for his life ulti is coming down they are putting a lot of damage out of him open up the gates two and a half minutes until any objective is up it's not like he's gonna play for anything it's okay to burn the cooldowns and team liquid answer three kills in a row with nothing back all right freak everything's on fire at the moment yep let's take another look back at it this was all set up by tactical nice chain of corruption into cc combo there record jj tactical also flashes away draws in kaiser lost giving over the extra kill here allows team liquid the response everything is not out the window for them yes they lost the baron yes they lost the dragon soul point but they still have another attempt at it and they have a great team fight to do with it if they just have some standard positioning uh and they keep them behind the front line alfari should be the guy with his head out alfari should be the one happy to face tank for them zero zero and two very big front line 290 cs flay claims it core j j grabs the vision now it's a gold swing but the vision's not going to matter it's still two minutes so the dragon responds unlikely that river's gonna matter up until that point at least not at that time frame but obviously good to see it team look at those still fighting back a 3 000 gold deficit they are not out of the woods here they definitely are not tsm looking to push this one we got the megiz upgrade freak poe did it he's got five kills eight stacks on his metrics he's full built full build done at 33 and a half minutes for p.o.e well not quite full yet needs a couple more pages at least two more to get your bonus and finish that off but this is going to be peak shockwave performance uh and we already saw so many good delivery you know assistance here for him yeah can flash it but even if that's not up they've got flash on huni they have sword art as well uh who both are going to be looking for tactical looking for jensen in the back line 840 ability power on power of evil that is a lot of damage that's going to be a lot of punishment obviously you can keep growing the magis can add to that one nick of the track if he dies he's probably selling it and going for something else but wait to see maybe cosmic drive regardless we've got 40 seconds now mountain soul on the table for tsm and their smites have been better speaker has been the smite master class player so far in playoffs can tl rest control speakers mana pool is not very relevant takes a bit of damage doesn't matter he is a very tanky man not a scratch on alfari that is a beefy boy i love stone plate too it's on the flank where is he going to find power people not going to get feared up and he can't get any meaningful targets the back line goes hootie trying to kill one and they're gonna look for the second one already two are dead tsm take the team fight the shock wave for four they don't know how far he gets he is no longer untouched it doesn't matter how much health you have if your teammates have none left the bud light ace for tsm in at 35 minutes they may have just won their first game of this series dsl they've done it the team fight a clean ace power of evil 8-0 oriented 24 stacks on that franchise and the tsm reverse sweep attempt starts here they finally put together both points of a complete game a rough start in the bottom lane but excellence elsewhere and they carried it through power of evil had the supporting staff to find the team fights and find the nexus and find tsm's first win of the series all right tsm still have some fight left in them looks like uh speaker took a hit there as well maybe got excited uh during the celebration but they've got to refocus every game must win for tsm yes good execution here solid play through the mid game to be able to take these objectives they force team liquid to do something here you know stepping up on these dragons yes dl do make the push you know through mid taking those uh you know mid towers but then tsm right back at them they force on baron they get the baron then on the dragon as well and really really uh you know good attention to detail there as they just jump right on uh tactical overstepping his bounds in the mid lane there big punish by tsm and they are very happy to still be in this as much of this game was power of evils the man on your screen right there he had the game in his sights so had tactical 3-0 start on the varus four turret plates most gold in the game and he repeatedly threw it away failed to get himself in a team fights appropriately in tia when they had gold leads where they had teamfit advantage blood objectives and bled team fights they have to clean this kind of stuff up they've got two more chances sure but it was not a good look to see your fed carrie former rookie of the year back to those old losing ways ow it's true though it's true though i definitely agree man stepping up getting hit with that slap bear slapping the shockwave uh did come back out with it had some good change of eruptions but again refocus here team liquid they have two more chances uh to do it uh right here and they really want their revenge on cloud nine you can't overlook tsm though gotta clean it up cause we're gonna finish out the series all right well the tsm empire strike back and their fans get a new hope they've got themselves on the board we've got a series on our hands you have to say it every time go into game four we'd return the state from analysts will be breaking down that win we'll see you there
Channel: EpicSkillshot - LoL VOD Library
Views: 29,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mid season showdown, playoffs, round 2, r1, LoL, LCS, USA, 2021, League of Legends, epic, NA LCS, S11, Spring, S11 LCS, LCS Spring, 11.5, lol esports, lolesports, lol esports vods, e-sports, league of legends, na lcs, epicskillshot, game, play, match, pro, lcs vods, lcs vod, full game, HD, 1080p, VOD, VODS, lol vods, na lcs vods, tsm, lcs, c9, lcs 2021, 2021 lcs, TL vs TSM, TSM vs TL, Team Liquid, Liquid, TL, Alphari, Armao, CoreJJ, Tactical, Jensen, TSM, Solomid, Huni, Spica, PowerOfEvil, SwordArt, Lost
Id: U-f-UO94I1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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